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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


The guy writing and directing Episode 8 isn't Rian Disney.

Lucasfilm is making the movies. Kathleen Kennedy runs Lucasfilm. The level at which you're ascribing creative oversight to Disney isn't how Lucasfilm actually makes their movies.

It's not like Disney was in charge when Lucas put a nascent love triangle in Star Wars and elaborated on it in Empire (remember, Luke & Leia weren't related until after that film was already finished).

It was a joke about Disney's influencing in films they disturb Bobby. Also yandere. I'm kinda surprised you didn't catch it.


The only problem with ending the movie with Rey finding Luke -- and then not seeing anything past that -- means that it puts Episode VIII in a tricky position. Because of the opening crawl, which always covers time that's passed between films, the movie has to start some time after the end of VII. Which means we'll miss Rey and Luke's first conversation there, and however their dynamic begins.

The only way around that would be if the crawl is just a recap of VII (boring and unlikely to happen) or if VIII starts in media res, as usual, and then we flashback to Rey and Luke's first conversation at the top of the steps -- also probably not likely, and kind of an awkward way to go about it.


Third thread already? Oh my

After the movie I went back to watching Clone Wars (dropped 3 times already, but this time I'm sticking till the bitter end, on the 3rd season now) and I probably will watch Rebels after (watched the pilot and got kinda interested). How relevant Rebels are to franchise and world btw? I suppose Clone Wars are irrelevant?


The only problem with ending the movie with Rey finding Luke -- and then not seeing anything past that -- means that it puts Episode VIII in a tricky position. Because of the opening crawl, which always covers time that's passed between films, the movie has to start some time after the end of VII. Which means we'll miss Rey and Luke's first conversation there, and however their dynamic begins.

The only way around that would be if the crawl is just a recap of VII (boring and unlikely to happen) or if VIII starts in media res, as usual, and then we flashback to Rey and Luke's first conversation at the top of the steps -- also probably not likely, and kind of an awkward way to go about it.

Agreed. I wanted to story to pick up right where VII left off but that isn't going to happen in SW. Actually what are they going to do with the TFO now? Their base is destroyed and it didn't appear as if they had much of a fleet
Maybe Luke refuses to take the saber and tells her to fuck off. It isn't until Episode VIII that they meet again and he comes around to her.
Kylo Ren revealed as Rey's crazy stalker psycho killer boyfriend.

Hey, the last two threads featured PAGES (like, double-digits) of people entertaining the possibility that not only is Plagueis really Snoke, but that Rey is a time-traveler.


His law is STRONG round these parts, man!


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Third thread already? Oh my

After the movie I went back to watching Clone Wars (dropped 3 times already, but this time I'm sticking till the bitter end, on the 3rd season now) and I probably will watch Rebels after (watched the pilot and got kinda interested). How relevant Rebels are to franchise and world btw? I suppose Clone Wars are irrelevant?

Clone Wars is canon iirc, Ahsoka shows up in Rebels I think and Rebels is definitely canon.

Also you should watch Clone Wars, it pretty much saves Anakin Skywalker as a character after the shitshow that was Hayden Christensen and the entire Anakin arc in the PT.
Agreed. I wanted to story to pick up right where VII left off but that isn't going to happen in SW.

Movie needs to begin on the cliff where it left off with Luke and Rey staring at each other for 10 minutes. Finally, Rey asks Luke "Are you going to take this fucking lightsaber or not?".


The only problem with ending the movie with Rey finding Luke -- and then not seeing anything past that -- means that it puts Episode VIII in a tricky position. Because of the opening crawl, which always covers time that's passed between films, the movie has to start some time after the end of VII. Which means we'll miss Rey and Luke's first conversation there, and however their dynamic begins.

The only way around that would be if the crawl is just a recap of VII (boring and unlikely to happen) or if VIII starts in media res, as usual, and then we flashback to Rey and Luke's first conversation at the top of the steps -- also probably not likely, and kind of an awkward way to go about it.
Opening crawl discussing the political landscape and state of First Order after Starkiller base destruction (since people want more politics), set up new looming threat/mcGuffin...

Then we go into battle. Rey is wielding a double-bladed lightsaber, looking highly skilled. She deflects lasers, she force pushes troopers. She is a Jedi. BAM. Flashback to first Luke/Rey meeting.


Clone Wars and Rebels are 100% canon.

wait, that can't be right, and all that chosen crap is too?
Keeping balance I can understand, but that part about being a chosen and certain force family... that was kinda well, how do I put it, on the other level entirely, so out of place.

edited: not sure, is it a spoiler? should I spoiler tag it, or everybody already have seen it, but me


Maybe Luke refuses to take the saber and tells her to fuck off. It isn't until Episode VIII that they meet again and he comes around to her.

Was actually thinking this could be a possibility. I was also thinking of the opening crawl today and how it really doesn't make sense. It says TFO has risen in Luke's absence. Now long has he been gone? How long did it take for TFO to form? If he vanished how does TFO know? Why would Luke vanish so long when he knows his sister needs him?


wait, that can't be right, and all that chosen crap is too?
Keeping balance I can understand, but that part about being a chosen and certain force family... that was kinda well, how do I put it, on the other level entirely, so out of place.
Well clearly most of it will be ignored so it doesn't really matter.


wait, that can't be right, and all that chosen crap is too?
Keeping balance I can understand, but that part about being a chosen and certain force family... that was kinda well, how do I put it, on the other level entirely, so out of place.

The Chosen One prophecy has always been canon, too.

It is a series of movies aimed primarily at kids and teenagers, don't think too much about it. ;)


Hey, the last two threads featured PAGES (like, double-digits) of people entertaining the possibility that not only is Plagueis really Snoke, but that Rey is a time-traveler.

His law is STRONG round these parts, man!

I'm telling you bobby, once Rey get's revealed as Kylo Ren's real mother. It'll all make sense.
Movie needs to begin on the cliff where it left off with Luke and Rey staring at each other for 10 minutes. Finally, Rey asks Luke "Are you going to take this fucking lightsaber or not?".

10 months later. Pan on Luke eating breakfast at his little camp with Chewie. He walks up the steps again and Rey is still there with arm outstretched holding a lightsaber.


Movie needs to begin on the cliff where it left off with Luke and Rey staring at each other for 10 minutes. Finally, Rey asks Luke "Are you going to take this fucking lightsaber or not?".

Luke: "By the way, did you also happen to find a hand attached to that lightsaber? Because that'd be bitchin' to have it back."


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I liked Anakin in Clone Wars, his relationship with Ahsoka put him in a whole other light compared to his demeanor in the PT where he is constantly brooding and having a hard-on 24/7 for Padme, just being straight up unlikeable.

In the Clone Wars he is this maverick guy that bends rules to save people and is actually likeable before his downfall, which is exactly how I pictured pre-Darth Vader Anakin.


The Snoke CG was just awful. How did that get a pass? Why not use more practical effects for this guy?
After my second viewing, I can agree with others in that the problem with the music isn't so much Williams' score (though I still think it's the weakest of the seven) as it is that JJ just didn't crank it loud enough in the mix.

I thought the Score was great. A nice accompaniment. Unlike MOS which was so over blown and loud. Less is more.


I liked Anakin in Clone Wars, his relationship with Ahsoka put him in a whole other light compared to his demeanor in the PT where he is constantly brooding and having a hard-on 24/7 for Padme, just being straight up unlikeable.

In the Clone Wars he is this maverick guy that bends rules to save people and is actually likeable before his downfall, which is exactly how I pictured pre-Darth Vader Anakin.
Yeah the cartoon made him a decent enough character. Obi Wan and him actually seem like close friends in the show.


Luke: I know what I have to do, but I'm not sure I have the strength to do it. Will you help me?

Rey: Anything.

Cut to Luke, Rey, and Chewie pulling up to the Tosche Station hardware store in the Millenium Falcon.

Star Wars Episode VIII: Power Converters of Destiny


I am now calling it!

Kylo Ren will have new mask/helmet in Episode VIII. He left his helmet on the bridge as he chased Finn and Rey


The only problem with ending the movie with Rey finding Luke -- and then not seeing anything past that -- means that it puts Episode VIII in a tricky position. Because of the opening crawl, which always covers time that's passed between films, the movie has to start some time after the end of VII. Which means we'll miss Rey and Luke's first conversation there, and however their dynamic begins.

The only way around that would be if the crawl is just a recap of VII (boring and unlikely to happen) or if VIII starts in media res, as usual, and then we flashback to Rey and Luke's first conversation at the top of the steps -- also probably not likely, and kind of an awkward way to go about it.

Text crawl explaining the state of the galaxy in the 6 months after TFA ends -> pan down, pull the camera back -> the starfield is actually the outside of a large observatory dome window -> close up on Snoke viewing a holographic recording of Rey meeting Luke


I liked Anakin in Clone Wars, his relationship with Ahsoka put him in a whole other light compared to his demeanor in the PT where he is constantly brooding and having a hard-on 24/7 for Padme, just being straight up unlikeable.

In the Clone Wars he is this maverick guy that bends rules to save people and is actually likeable before his downfall, which is exactly how I pictured pre-Darth Vader Anakin.

IDK, isn't it a tad unbelievable? He seems so selfrighteous and protective there, I mean he looks like a different person. Except for impulsiveness and not being prone to thinking but rather acting, I mean. Also he preaches! what he doesn't believe himself and act upon.

The Snoke CG was just awful. How did that get a pass? Why not use more practical effects for this guy?

but that was a hologram, these traditionally are awful in SW, like their technology is flawed this way or something.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Yeah the cartoon made him a decent enough character. Obi Wan and him actually seem like close friends in the show.

Yep, in the PT Him and Obi Wan came up as two guys that couldn't stand each other lol, it didn't help that Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen just had zero chemistry.
There's always a chance there's a time jump that has already happened between before Rey left and the time she getsto Luke. Doubt it but maybe. It'd allow them to have a intro scrawl with new info and still stsrt Rey's story where they left it off


There's always a chance there's a time jump that has already happened between before Rey left and the time she getsto Luke. Doubt it but maybe. It'd allow them to have a intro scrawl with new info and still stsrt Rey's story where they left it off

I don't think they are going to skip that meeting, it seems very important in a way they ended tFA, no?


Compare the duels for example in the OT and TFA and the PT.

The PT is Saturday morning cartoon displays of power.

Kylo freezing a laser blast in mid air, him completely immovilizing people (not only Force choking) and him being able to fight after being shot to the gut and hurt with a saber?

That's way more overpowered than any twirl, jump or maneuver the Jedi could pull off in any of the other 2 trilogies.
The time jump is why the film should've ended with Falcon going to hyperspace and a separate shot of Luke on the island. The meeting scene could've been the opening of ep 8.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
The Snoke CG was just awful. How did that get a pass? Why not use more practical effects for this guy?

I was reminded of the guardians from the green lantern movie when he first showed up


just seemed like generic, alien disfigured guy face design that hollywood uses.


Seen the movie 5 times now. Seeing it again with my brothers some time this week.

Finn is my favorite of the new characters. Laughed out loud in every single viewing during his thumbs up exchange with BB-8. Gonna need a gif of that once the blu ray is out later on next year. That TRAITOR storm trooper put up more of a fight than Phasma did. Hope they do something with her in the sequel. Well, if she survived.
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