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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


The time jump should've been why the film should've ended with Falcon going to hyperspace and a separate shot of Luke on the island. The meeting scene could've been the opening of ep 8.
That won't be good idea. Many Star Wars Fans will be probably pissed off if they didn't see Luke Skywalker in this movie. (I know but I am just saying)
I don't think they are going to skip that meeting, it seems very important in a way they ended tFA, no?

No I mean that the time jump is the travel time. Maybe it took moths or a year to follow the trail and maybe they didn't leave right away.

No what I mean is VIII scrawl opens with giving us info on what's happened in the universe since Rey left for her journey (but before she got there) and then we pan down to elsewhere fo a bit of Finn/Poe/Leia/Kylo whatever and when we see Luke and Rey for the first time in VIII they are right where we left off at the end if TFA.

That way you get the time skip and see that first interaction in full.


Kylo Ren lost his helmet and got his lightsaber broken so I imagine he will have a new helmet and a new lightsaber. But who knows what the designs will be.
This is just silly.

Rey is a competent trained fighter. She grew up alone in a harsh environment, so she learned to defend herself. And even beyond that, her job demanded her to be very physically fit. So calling her untrained or weak is just stupid and ignorant of her character.

Shes also clearly very strong in the force. THAT is her untrained side, but she embraces it without the doubt that crippled Luke before, so her embracing and learning it quicker makes sense. Remember Empire, Luke said its impossible and Yoda said "that is why you fail." Belief, confidence, those are the keys to being a strong force user. Rey shows those qualities. Shes a natural.

Now lets look again at Kylo. HE HAS A BOLT IN HIS STOMACH AND HIS EMOTIONS ARE IN A HAYWIRE BECAUSE HE JUST KILLED HIS DAD AND HES STRUGGLING TO IGNORE THE PULL OF THE LIGHT. Its stupid how much this has to be emphasized too. Insane. He was severely crippled. But oh, Finn gets one random lucky nick in and suddenly Kylo is garbage. Dont forget how as soon as he gets that hit in Kylo basically goes "ok enough dickin around, were done" and knocks Finn the fuck out. Finn didnt almost win, he never stood a chance. He got one lucky fluke in, thats it.

Then, Kylo clearly toys with Rey because he doesnt want to kill her. Hes supposed to bring her to Snoke. He keeps her on the defensive the whole fight. Its only at the end when she embraces the force that she surprises him. He is surprised by her sudden force guided talent and unready to defend himself in his severely weakened state, which finally shows its limits in a single short moment of failure.

God forbid we finally get a villain in progress that isnt insta-OP the minute they decide to use the dark side. Having a real character as a villain instead of just a big metaphorical fist is a wonderful change. Kylo is gonna come back from this with a vengence. Hes gonna learn from his mistake like Luke did in Empire. Hes gonna have actual growth and progression, not just be a static rock. Bravo JJ and Kasdan.

We really just need a running, bullet point summary of reasons why Ren could logically lose the fight with Rey:

1) He was seriously wounded by a laser bolt to the stomach from Chewbacca's bowcaster, which was shown to shatter Stormtrooper armor previously.
2) He was emotionally/mentally distracted by being pulled to the Light and by just killing his father.
3) He was told by Snoke to bring Rey in alive, so he wasn't literally just trying to kill her.
4) Finn hit him with what was basically a lucky hit, at which point Ren said "yo fuck this" and beat Finn's ass basically instantly. This lucky hit further weakened him for his fight with Rey.
5) He wasn't fully trained by Snoke. This isn't to say Ren was untrained, just that he still had quite a bit more to learn from formal training.
6) He was probably tired due to having consecutive fights (Finn before Rey).


Yeah, but it almost doesn't matter because when it's pointed out that Kasdan doesn't even know what a Plagueis is, and Abrams flat out denied Plagueis has anything to do with The Force Awakens, people go "yeah, but he lied about Khan" and try to kick the idea back into play.

Well, that's all I need. I'll take it at face value.
We really just need a running, bullet point summary of reasons why Ren could logically lose the fight with Rey:

1) He was seriously wounded by a laser bolt to the stomach.
2) He was emotionally/mentally distracted by being pulled to the Light and by just killing his father.
3) He was told by Snoke to bring Rey in alive, so he wasn't literally just trying to kill her.
4) Finn hit him with what was basically a lucky hit, at which point Ren said "yo fuck this" and beat Finn's ass basically instantly. This lucky hit further weakened him for his fight with Rey.
5) He wasn't fully trained by Snoke. This isn't to say Ren was untrained, just that he still had quite a bit more to learn from formal training.
Well put.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
We really just need a running, bullet point summary of reasons why Ren could logically lose the fight with Rey:

1) He was seriously wounded by a laser bolt to the stomach.
2) He was emotionally/mentally distracted by being pulled to the Light and by just killing his father.
3) He was told by Snoke to bring Rey in alive, so he wasn't literally just trying to kill her.
4) Finn hit him with what was basically a lucky hit, at which point Ren said "yo fuck this" and beat Finn's ass basically instantly. This lucky hit further weakened him for his fight with Rey.
5) He wasn't fully trained by Snoke. This isn't to say Ren was untrained, just that he still had quite a bit more to learn from formal training.
My list that I made two days ago (?)

- Killed his father, resulting in even more of an emotional mess
- Clean shot on the waist by a bowcaster (metallic bolts)
- Tired because of the consecutive fights (against Finn, for example)
- Right (main) fighting arm nailed with a lightsaber blow from Finn
- Underestimating Rey and not going in with the purpose of killing her (he mentions teaching her - also, Snoke wants him to bring her to him)
An ending sans Luke would throw off any suspense over his appearance in Episode 8. Mark Hamill would be all over the trailers, posters, etc. We as the audience would see him before any of the characters would. Having him revealed at the end of 7 is no more of a sequel tease than ending on the search, since the former at least resolves the problem presented in the very first sentence of the crawl.

Still, it is somewhat unfortunate that there is no large gap after the main plot, since most people seem to like these new characters, and now their hands are tied regarding using them in side material.
Kylo freezing a laser blast in mid air, him completely immovilizing people (not only Force choking) and him being able to fight after being shot to the gut and hurt with a saber?

That's way more overpowered than any twirl, jump or maneuver the Jedi could pull off in any of the other 2 trilogies.

And yet all those moments were smaller and more subtle and the end duel was down to earth OT style.

Only the PT has overt displays of power for the sake of cool . Which is what the guy I was replying to implied he wanted


Is it implied that Kylo knows about Rey or of someone who he and Giant Gollum sense as the awakening?

When Kylo is informed that the droid escaped with a girl, he seems to immediately realize who it is or that it is someone with a strong Force presence.

My list that I made two days ago (?)

- Killed his father, resulting in even more of an emotional mess
- Clean shot on the waist by a bowcaster (metallic bolts)
- Tired because of the consecutive fights (against Finn, for example)
- Right (main) fighting arm nailed with a lightsaber blow from Finn
- Underestimating Rey and not going in with the purpose of killing her (he mentions teaching her - also, Snoke wants him to bring her to him)

Why you always up in my threads Yoshi?!

But yeah, my list was just a complication of stuff I've read here, not my original ideas. The consecutive fights thing is definitely a legitimate thing to add. Was the bow that Chewbacca used really metal bolts though? I don't recall seeing him reload it ever. It just seemed like a regular blaster that was in the shape of a crossbow but seemed to deal explosive damage instead of just a clean laser blast.
Is it implied that Kylo knows about Rey or of someone who he and Giant Gollum sense as the awakening?

When Kylo is informed that the droid escaped with a girl, he seems to immediately realize who it is or that it is someone with a strong Force presence.


In the novelization at least it is very clear that Kylo knows who Rey is by the end.


And yet all those moments were smaller and more subtle and the end duel was down to earth OT style.

Only the PT has overt displays of power for the sake of cool . Which is what the guy I was replying to implied he wanted

We are not talking about "flashy", we are talking strictly "overpowered" and so far Kylo takes the cake.

No Jedi or Sith in the past has shown so much resilience or powers such as that. Freezing a blaster shot in mid air? And it looks Kylo wasn't even making much effort on that one.

I'm not complaining though, I loved that shit.
We are not talking about "flashy", we are talking strictly "overpowered" and so far Kylo takes the cake.

No Jedi or Sith in the past has shown so much resilience or powers such as that. Freezing a blaster shot in mid air? And it looks Kylo wasn't even making much effort on that one.

I'm not complaining though, I loved that shit.

Ok. But I was. Because the guy I was talking to was complaining that everyone was weak and there were no powerful characters in this movie. I said if he wanted displays of OP for the sake if displays of OP watch the PT.

That's all.


Neo Member
These are my thoughts after seeing it last night. Even though most of what is written here is negative, I still enjoyed the movie in a "Transformers" sort of way.

1. This movie was entirely made as a cash grab and had no artistic purpose. Whoever designed the movie did it in the same way big game developers/publishers are making video games nowadays. Their sole focus is "how do we maximize sales" and not "how do we make a great piece of art?" One example of something absolutely pointless that they did was bring the stars of the old films back to this one. It was meant purely as a hype and marketing technique. Out of a nearly infinite number of storylines they could dream up, they chose to rehash old characters? Give me a break. Another example is the simplicity of the story and the relationships between all the different players, which also connects to the old characters being brought back.

Now, I totally understand why they designed it the way they did. They are a company, and companies are meant to make money. Im dissing them for doing what they are supposed to do. The problem that I have with it is the principle that what could be art is solely made to make money. I don't like it and I feel like it makes an inferior product. But it is what it is, I guess.

2. The quality of the characters was all over the place.

I liked Finn, he was funny, relatable (as a guy) and courageous. Not much is known about him, but I feel like he had depth. The problem I have, though, is that his character is useless. He's just some guy who gets caught up in the fight between the First Order and the Rebels. There is nothing special or unique about him besides his courage, which is nice, but courage isn't something special or rare in the Star Wars Universe. His character, with some changes, would have made a better Han Solo replacement than what he is now. Still a main character, but positioned and written differently to be a stronger personality.

Han Solo shouldn't have been in this movie. With some minor changes he could have been completely written out of the story, and that means he shouldn't have played as big of a role as he did, or shouldn't have been in the movie at all. Harrison Ford looked tired and bored, just like he did in the latest Indiana Jones. Watching interviews of him about the movie made me realize how much he just doesn't care about it.

Rey, who is the main character, ruined the movie for me. She has no personality, is not likable in any way and is probably the most 2-dimensional character I have seen in a movie this year. You see her on this inevitable path towards the force, but she doesn't seem to care or know why she is doing what she does. The flashbacks to her parents leaving did nothing to make her any more interesting. And there was the scene when she was walking down the hall towards the lightsaber enclosed in a chest, which you could say was her quite literally finding herself as a character, where she just had this sort of dopey "what the heck am I doing here?" look on her face. After she experienced those out-of-body moments from finding the lightsaber, she chose to run but I honestly cannot fathom why running into a forest alone, on a planet she has been on a whole 10 minutes, would do anything at all to help her think about what she had just experienced. It makes no sense and just adds to my frustration with the character. She doesn't know who she is, what she is doing and why she is doing it, which means I don't care. Her actor is pretty, but is so plain looking that I already can't remember what she looks like. So adding a forgettable character to a forgettable actor really made me dislike Rey.

The one character who I thoroughly enjoyed, even though he got about 10 minutes of screen time, was Poe. His character isn't unique overall (he's just a skilled pilot), but the combination of his persona and the actor who played him really made me feel like he was the embodiment of the spirit of the original trilogy. Every time he was onscreen I got excited. I want to see alot more him.

3. The staring. Was I the only one who noticed multiple times throughout the movie when people just stared at each other for a period of time long enough to make it noticeable? The worst was the last scene.

And that about sums up the main negatives I had with the movie.

Some positives are that it looks amazing and was usually fun to watch. So, yeah. I am putting it on the same level as Transformers and Jurassic World. Watch it because its fun, not because its good.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Why you always up in my threads Yoshi?!

But yeah, my list was just a complication of stuff I've read here, not my original ideas. The consecutive fights thing is definitely a legitimate thing to add. Was the bow that Chewbacca used really metal bolts though? I don't recall seeing him reload it ever. It just seemed like a regular blaster that was in the shape of a crossbow but seemed to deal explosive damage instead of just a clean laser blast.

What's different about the novelization?

here is a small excerpt:

Switching off his own weapon, Ren extended an arm toward the device lying in the snow. It twitched and then began to vibrate as the Force called to it. Stretching out his hand farther, straining, Ren beckoned powerfully - and the lightsber rose, to come bulleting toward his outstretched fingers.

And past them.

Taken aback, he whirled - to see the weapon land in the hand of a girl standing by a tree. Rey appeared equally shocked that her reach for the device had exceed his. She gazed down at the weapon now resting in her grip.

"It IS you," Ren murmured.

His words unsettled her: Not for the first time, he seemed to know more about her than she did about herself.


Why you always up in my threads Yoshi?!

But yeah, my list was just a complication of stuff I've read here, not my original ideas. The consecutive fights thing is definitely a legitimate thing to add. Was the bow that Chewbacca used really metal bolts though? I don't recall seeing him reload it ever. It just seemed like a regular blaster that was in the shape of a crossbow but seemed to deal explosive damage instead of just a clean laser blast.

It shoots metal projectiles that are charged with energy. Gambit's mutant power is a good point of comparison.

Really nice to see the bowcaster depicted as powerfully as it's always been described in RPG stats and expanded fiction.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Not really a big Star Wars fan--but I do enjoy this movie--so I have a question: is there a rule for how the Force works or is it basically just something that the writers can use to explain whatever shenanigans they like since it is so vague?


here is a small excerpt:

Switching off his own weapon, Ren extended an arm toward the device lying in the snow. It twitched and then began to vibrate as the Force called to it. Stretching out his hand farther, straining, Ren beckoned powerfully - and the lightsber rose, to come bulleting toward his outstretched fingers.

And past them.

Taken aback, he whirled - to see the weapon land in the hand of a girl standing by a tree. Rey appeared equally shocked that her reach for the device had exceed his. She gazed down at the weapon now resting in her grip.

"It IS you," Ren murmured.

His words unsettled her: Not for the first time, he seemed to know more about her than she did about herself.

Kylo Ren was told that there had been an awakening in the Force. In this scene he's realizing Rey is the person Snoke was referring to. It's more "It is YOU."


Don't think he'll need it. He'll be sporting a new scar.
Would he want to sporting alike Snoke scar and I think he will need helmet to hide that he have been wounded from his First Order Army to make them believe that Kylo Ren is invincible?

Han Solo shouldn't have been in this movie. With some minor changes he could have been completely written out of the story, and that means he shouldn't have played as big of a role as he did, or shouldn't have been in the movie at all. Harrison Ford looked tired and bored, just like he did in the latest Indiana Jones. Watching interviews of him about the movie made me realize how much he just doesn't care about it.
Stopped reading right there.


Ok. But I was. Because the guy I was talking to was complaining that everyone was weak and there were no powerful characters in this movie. I said if he wanted displays of OP for the sake if displays of OP watch the PT.

That's all.

Or he can watch this movie. Also plenty Of displays of OP for the sake of displays of OP. This is freaking Star Wars.
Or he can watch this movie. Also plenty Of displays of OP for the sake of displays of OP. This is freaking Star Wars.

You seem to be arguing something I'm not arguing.

Only the PT is over indulgent in it's displays of power. Only the PT seems like power for power sake and that's what the poster was seemingly pining for.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Fuck me, I still can't fathom how fucking amazing Kylo is. I'm listening to this shit 10 hours a day, pretty much. I've already decorated a part of my house after this guy and I don't even know if Disney will fuck him up in the next episode... WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE/MONEY.

Also, movie would be complete shit without Kylo. I love Rey, Poe, Finn and BB8, but my god, Kylo is carrying the entire performance of this movie.


You seem to be arguing something I'm not arguing.

Only the PT is over indulgent in it's displays of power. Only the PT seems like power for power sake and that's what the poster was seemingly pining for.

Well I disagree and I provided examples. Sorry you cannot see that.


Another small thing I just recognized was in a sense how each removal of the helmet of kylo also mirrored a moment when he was emotionally exposed. The Rey encounter obvious but the big one was Kylo and Finn seeing each other eye to eye without the mask hiding both of them. It creates a weird yet personal touch to their match up.

Hopefully they explore that down the line


1. This movie was entirely made as a cash grab and had no artistic purpose. Whoever designed the movie did it in the same way big game developers/publishers are making video games nowadays. Their sole focus is "how do we maximize sales" and not "how do we make a great piece of art?" One example of something absolutely pointless that they did was bring the stars of the old films back to this one. It was meant purely as a hype and marketing technique. Out of a nearly infinite number of storylines they could dream up, they chose to rehash old characters? Give me a break. Another example is the simplicity of the story and the relationships between all the different players, which also connects to the old characters being brought back.
This is ridiculous. Simplicity in a Star Wars film = Literally nothing but a cash grab?


Chewbacca was fuckin great in this movie

And in-universe Chewie isn't even middle aged yet. I think he will stick it all the way thru the new trilogy just because it's so easy to stick a tall stuntman in the suit and the emotional hit of killing Chewie would seem kind of small after Han getting run through.


And in-universe Chewie isn't even middle aged yet. I think he will stick it all the way thru the new trilogy just because it's so easy to stick a tall stuntman in the suit and the emotional hit of killing Chewie would seem kind of small after Han getting run through.

It's no coincidence that Chewie is the one that went with Rey to find her dad. I agree, he's going to be at her side the whole trilogy.
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