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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


Why is the Traitor Stick, better known as the Z6 Riot Baton, not a toy that people can buy yet?


I really don't think they need to show that first meeting. I think it's more interesting to do the traditional time skip, starting at a point where Luke and Rey have a certain rapport, and then convey that relationship through their interactions and dialogue.

I'm not even sure doing their first meeting is even feasible really. It's not like that's a five minute conversation. People want it now, but honestly? I think you'd hate it.
I really don't think they need to show that first meeting. I think it's more interesting to do the traditional time skip, starting at a point where Luke and Rey have a certain rapport, and then convey that relationship through their interactions and dialogue.

I'm not even sure doing their first meeting is even feasible really. It's not like that's a five minute conversation. People want it now, but honestly? I think you'd hate it.
I agree. I also feel like Rian Johnson is going to want to present their relationship in a more interesting way than just starting right where we left off.


I found it strange that a trooper would have something that could deflect a lightsaber considering how uncommon the weapon is.

If Luke is the highest valued target in the galaxy, it makes sense troopers would be taught how to engage someone with a lightsaber. I'm sure Ren would be the one to apprehend him, preferably. But if he's not there and Luke is, infantry may as well try their luck.


I found it strange that a trooper would have something that could deflect a lightsaber considering how uncommon the weapon is.

Magna-guards used similar weapons in the prequels, and even with the Jedi gone I'm sure there are still a decent amount of light sabers in the hands of collectors or smugglers. There seemed to be lightsabers a-plenty in the prequels and I doubt they were all destroyed after the rise of the Empire. I mean the technology is there, just not used in most cases.

Because he died 10 seconds after?
If it is cannon that Darth Maul can survive being chopped in half, falling ten billion miles and loosing all his blood then I'm sure a heavily armored shock trooper can survive a blaster hit center mass. #Believe


I agree. I also feel like Rian Johnson is going to want to present their relationship in a more interesting way than just starting right where we left off.

Yeah, absolutely.

I think that's the crux of the whole thing, really. It's just not that interesting a scene. People say JJ rushes and they're not wrong, but I think if that first meeting was a scene worth seeing, it'd be at the end of TFA.

It was a battke scene. One if them had to die basically. How would you have Phasma not kill Finn but not die either, that isn't totally contrived.

Yeah, the more I think about it, there are actually pretty acceptable reasons for it not being Phasma. Someone made a good point earlier about that scene demonstrating a few things. 1) the troops know Finn turned and 2) they're not total pushovers anymore. Finn exemplifies the latter himself, but I don't think it clicks until you see the riot control guy in action.

And that brings me to my last thing: It's a riot control trooper. You'd never have a captain working crowd control. So there's that.
It was a battke scene. One if them had to die basically. How would you have Phasma not kill Finn but not die either, that isn't totally contrived.
There's a few ways you could do it. Easiest would be tying it in to Kylo calling the troops out. Or have Han hit her and those two exchange in a short blaster duel, which also add to the pleasure in seeing Finn and Han taking her down together later on.

The scene doesn't have to be exactly the same, but point is you have a badass trooper being showcased and never do the same with Phasma. Seems like an easy fix to have her take his place here.
It was a battke scene. One if them had to die basically. How would you have Phasma not kill Finn but not die either, that isn't totally contrived.

She's got super-shiny armor. Just show her groaning and getting up with a big fat scorch mark on it. Audiences will put together that the super-shiny armor is super-strong armor.

Chewie yells, looks at Han like "you SEE this shit?"
Han "Yeah, me too. Hey big deal, we should probably get the he--"

Troopers surround them.

Once the X-Wings attack, she scatters along with everyone else.
I drove past the theater on my way to dinner this evening and there was a line for Star Wars still. This movie is a monster. That was a crappy theater at that.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
These are my thoughts after seeing it last night. Even though most of what is written here is negative, I still enjoyed the movie in a "Transformers" sort of way.

1. This movie was entirely made as a cash grab and had no artistic purpose. Whoever designed the movie did it in the same way big game developers/publishers are making video games nowadays. Their sole focus is "how do we maximize sales" and not "how do we make a great piece of art?" One example of something absolutely pointless that they did was bring the stars of the old films back to this one. It was meant purely as a hype and marketing technique. Out of a nearly infinite number of storylines they could dream up, they chose to rehash old characters? Give me a break. Another example is the simplicity of the story and the relationships between all the different players, which also connects to the old characters being brought back.
Agree completely with this, the whole movie just seemed like it was banking hard on nostalgia like the new Jurassic Park movie did. And obviously it worked, but this movie went out of its way to prove "this new trilogy is more like the OT, and not like the PT" with all the similarities to ANH that it left the movie with absolutely no personality whatsoever IMO.

I can see why they used so many of the story beats similar to ANH, this movie like a reboot of sorts, but most it just fell flat to me, it feels like the movie was to afraid to do its thing so they relied on the concepts that made ANH such a phenomenon. And that's kind of disappointing.

Also I dislike JJ Abrams super fast pacing style of direction, it gives no breathing room. I hope episode 8 has more quiet and intimate moments, like the asteroid parts in ESB for instance.


It was a battke scene. One if them had to die basically. How would you have Phasma not kill Finn but not die either, that isn't totally contrived.

Phasma's armor is made out of chromium which could deflect a blaster hit. None that it matters because they all got captured right after Han shot the trooper, so again just remove the him getting killed part and change him to Phasma. Or if you want have Phasma use the shield the trooper threw away to absorb the blaster shot. It's an easy fix.
Because he died 10 seconds after?

Well, Phasma has her special shiny armor that could have absorbed such a hit.

Then you have her shake it off and run on to the ship with Ren as he's carrying Rey away...and we never see her again in this movie.

Then do the trash compactor scene with some rando Stormtrooper.


I drove past the theater on my way to dinner this evening and there was a line for Star Wars still. This movie is a monster. That was a crappy theater at that.
I was lucky and saw it the night after it was released. Got off work and drove by the theater, no line at all. I mean I arrived 5mins before it was suppose to show, but still. Asked the guy if they had any more tickets left for Alvin and the Chipmunks, before asking about if there were tickets left for Star Wars. After mine there was only six seats left, people getting out of their cars heard that and scrambled to get behind me.
I was lucky and saw it the night after it was released. Got off work and drove by the theater, no line at all. I mean I arrived 5mins before it was suppose to show, but still. Asked the guy if they had any more tickets left for Alvin and the Chipmunks, before asking about if there were tickets left for Star Wars. After mine there was only six seats left, people getting out of their cars heard that and scrambled to get behind me.

I saw it 3 times. Packed all three.

Also I dislike JJ Abrams super fast pacing style of direction, it gives no breathing room. I hope episode 8 has more quiet and intimate moments, like the asteroid parts in ESB for instance.

That was my major complaint after my first viewing. The pace was fast with little time for detailed story moments to flesh it out. After seeing the movie multiple times, I can say that I really enjoy it and it's in my top 3 Star Wars movies with the prequels obviously at the bottom.
Well, Phasma has her special shiny armor that could have absorbed such a hit.

Then you have her shake it off and run on to the ship with Ren as he's carrying Rey away...and we never see her again in this movie.

Then do the trash compactor scene with some rando Stormtrooper.

Hmm touche
Just came from a second viewing, didn't want to see it in 3D at first but IMAX 3D was kind of a no brainer at this point.

Anyway, some things I noticed:

- I was disappointed in first viewing because I really wanted to hear the wilhelm scream, which was such a staple in the Star Wars movies. I actually heard it in the TIE Fighter escape scene and that made me happy.

- One of the Resistance fighters had the same helmet design as Biggs from ANH.

- Considering there is definitely some animosity between Hux and Ben, I wonder what that conversation was like when they were escaping the imploding Starkiller base.

- That lightsaber duel between Ben and Rey/Finn has to be one of my favorite duels. I mean even coming close to ESB and RotJ. In terms of how meaningful it was, it definitely wasn't at the tier of the latter, but overall feeling I thought it was better. The mix of the scenery, the inexperience of all three characters and the fact that there wasn't limb losing wounded, but actual scar inducing wounding was a big plus for me.

- The dog fight shots were awesome. In 3D it was even better with the shots when the X-Wings were appearing as if they were coming in from behind you.


So the Force is a convenient solution to all the "Uhhhhhhh how can we explain this bullshit?" problems, huh? Hahaha. Alright.

Yeah, with the Force they can basically keep adding whatever shit they need. Freezing a blaster shot in mid air has never been seen in any of the other movies. But here, Kylo can do it because Force.


Yeah, with the Force they can basically keep adding whatever shit they need. Freezing a blaster shot in mid air has never been seen in any of the other movies. But here, Kylo can do it because Force.

I think it's great. There's no reason for the Force to be limited to what George Lucas came up with, especially given his complete lack of imagination in the PT.
I found it strange that a trooper would have something that could deflect a lightsaber considering how uncommon the weapon is.

Considering the guy is just a riot trooper, it's just hugely fortunate for him. Also why'd they even bother sending riot troops into that encounter anyway? It's not like they put forth any effort to take anyone alive aside from Han, Chewie, and Finn.

Unless he was there for potential wookiee suppression...


I think it's great. There's no reason for the Force to be limited to what George Lucas came up with, especially given his complete lack of imagination in the PT.

I think it's great, too.

The prequels did a great job in keeping it consistent, but I want to see a little bit more.
As long as they don't pull bullshit like "crashing down a Star Destroyer from orbit using the Force".


It did seem like all the men in this movie were kind of wimps while the ladies were generally badass.


Vader blocked a blaster bolt with his hand, so there is seems to be some sort of progression

Of course. Don't get me wrong, I liked what Kylo did. I was just pointing out that it was something completely new regarding the Force. I like it so far.
As someone that watched the original 1977 movie in the theater, this movie did not do justice to star wars. If jj can explain some things in the next film then perhaps this movie will be looked back on as decent. Until then, the first 3/4th was good but the last parts were really really bad.


How did he stand up to Finn, and then Finn beat up Ray. Does not make sense unless this stormtrooper is actually a Jedi too, or Jedi over rated.
Kylo Ren was injured, he was going easy on Finn until Finn got a hit on him, and TR8-T0R is just that damn good.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
As someone that watched the original 1977 movie in the theater, this movie did not do justice to star wars. If jj can explain some things in the next film then perhaps this movie will be looked back on as decent. Until then, the first 3/4th was good but the last parts were really really bad.

I don't think JJ Abrams has anything to do with Episode 8.


I like the implications we potentially got for stormtroopers as they are in this trilogy. I'm not convinced a scene that signals "whoa, Phasma can take a hit" would've been more valuable.

I have a hunch she won't even be a villain at the end of the day though, so maybe that's why.
As someone that watched the original 1977 movie in the theater, this movie did not do justice to star wars. If jj can explain some things in the next film then perhaps this movie will be looked back on as decent. Until then, the first 3/4th was good but the last parts were really really bad.

Yeah because everything was explained in Star Wars.
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