Nah man, it is. I mean, even in your example of you as a kid having to reject the bullshit images the entertainment industry was feeding you, you're
still having to come up with justifications and mental sleight of hand in order to allow yourself an in to the material that a bunch of other kids never had to do, never even
thought to do, because all those other kids just have these experiences custom tailored to them.
The experience you're describing is the experience many creators had, that fueled them to enter the industry and create their own imaginary worlds that are aimed at another generation of children that DO look like them, and make it easier for them to have their ins to those worlds. Not that it's the
only in. But at least there's the option of an easier one.
Now imagine you're one of those kids, and you grow up, and you're in a position to either write, or pay someone to write FOR YOU, a character that provides that in to millions and millions of other people.
And then a younger version of you, sees that and goes "Eh..." at it.
It's gonna come off as not all that generous. Because what's being "Ehh'd" at isn't so much the quality of writing, although that's what you're intending. You're "Ehh-ing" at the idea that there's any worth in that representation in and of itself.
of course there is. You recognize it yourself. It's what caused you to take the initiative to not take what they were giving you on their terms.