why is attack of the clones hated the most?
Because half the movie is Hayden staring into Amidala's eyes and spouting off terrible dialog in a way that reminds me of the original Resident Evil's voice acting.
why is attack of the clones hated the most?
The plot basically being a cooy of A New Hope?
I wasn't expecting much, but compared to this The Phantom Menace was a masterpiece. At least it tried to tell its own story...
why is attack of the clones hated the most?
Im not so much bashing the Deathstar scenes as much as I'm just saying not a whole lot happens in that film. Han is on fire in ANH though, EASILY the best part of the movieIn regards to the early Tattoine scenes:
The Deathstar scenes are all fantastic though, I dunno what you're on about. Han's character elevates what should be a boring rescue mission into a full blown caper with laser guns. Plus Obi-Wan sneaking around knowing that Vader is tracking him down. You can see the pieces of the clock all moving independently in a very fluid way.
It's all good though, at least we can all agree that TPM and AOTC are dumpster fires.
Yup. I think another key bit is Maz's line to Rey:
Maz (paraphrased): "I see it in your eyes: you already know the truth. The people you are waiting for on Jakku...they've never coming back. But there is someone who still may."
Rey: "....Luke."
This scene makes no sense if Luke was the one to send her away. Unless it's a feint along the lines of 'Vader killed your father', but I really don't think that's the case in the context of the other evidence.
why is attack of the clones hated the most?
Yup. I think another key bit is Maz's line to Rey:
Maz (paraphrased): "I see it in your eyes: you already know the truth. The people you are waiting for on Jakku...they've never coming back. But there is someone who still may."
Rey: "....Luke."
This scene makes no sense if Luke was the one to send her away. Unless it's a feint along the lines of 'Vader killed your father', but I really don't think that's the case in the context of the other evidence.
Just watched RotS again. Spotty dialogue and acting in places but it's loads of fun, great action, opera scene is amazing, cinematography is mostly excellent, wonderful music and lastly still disagree hardcore with those who don't like the final duel. Story wise it moves at a great pace and is just far more entertaining than the first two.
Of course it's all fine when it comes to opinions, but hey, opinions are being questioned and here's the answers, at least for myself. I put it over RotJ. Easily.
In Sith I really think Hayden had the look down of a young Anakin slowly turning into Vader. It just sucks that most of the performances felt so stilted.
I really disliked that final duel. I thought it was too long, the saber battle was another choreographed mess with very little impact or emotion and the dialogue was atrocious (and is still quoted to the day because of it's awfulness).
The only problem I have with Hayden is some of the lines given to him, and there's only really a few I dislike, mostly toward the end. So it's not Hayden specifically, for me anyway. I recognize the bad deliveries in places but he's also fine in many other scenes so I chalk it up to the writing and direction given in those instances though I'm sure some Plinkett disciples could put me in my place.
For figuring out who Rey is, specifically, this is the most relevant.
This, to me, increases the chances of her not being related to Luke.
Some of ya'll need to rewatch A New Hope with no nostalgia involved. It is not that great of a film by any means.
Incredible for its time and a game changer but yeah, all these years later its really not that impressive. Its kind of amazing how loyal the OT fanbase is
Im not so much bashing the Deathstar scenes as much as I'm just saying not a whole lot happens in that film. Han is on fire in ANH though, EASILY the best part of the movie
It also helps its beautiful to look at, and is filmed legitimate well, unlike the 2 films before it
I still love this scene. Padme's Ruminations is a really haunting track. Definitely one of the better scenes in ROTS.
It's weird. I think SOME of AotC looks pretty fantastic especially the Tatooine stuff, like truly amazing shots and atmosphere there, as well as the Coruscant stuff (some) while a lot of it is just... plain. RotS is definitely better visually.
TFA would easily be above ANH for me if it wasn't for the uneccesary strakiller base
Some of ya'll need to rewatch A New Hope with no nostalgia involved. It is not that great of a film by any means.
Incredible for its time and a game changer but yeah, all these years later its really not that impressive. Its kind of amazing how loyal the OT fanbase is
Honestly the trilogy should have started with Episode 2 so Episode 3 could be split into two movies. It was far, far too rushed at the end with the Anakin character doing almost a 180 in seconds.
That's the reason I put Empire above it, TFA has some story elements that just don't work, while Empire is watertight in that department.
Personally, I put TFA above ANH for the characters and because I think it's just a more entertaining film overall. But it's close.
We hardcore fans pick apart everything. This is anecdotal, but every armchair casual fan I've talked to thought it was obvious Rey is going to turn out to be Luke's daughter. As I said earlier THAT to me is the biggest reason to think she is NOT his daughter... too obvious to the casual observer.
If not for that, I'd have to mostly agree that there's a strong case for her being Luke's daughter (or at least intimately connected to him somehow).
That's the reason I put Empire above it, TFA has some story elements that just don't work, while Empire is watertight in that department.
Edit: Episode 1 is still really bad. But 7...?! Wow is this what a few years if Marvel stupidity has done to peoples expactations when entering a cinema? But since I'm getting the feeling people are eating what they are getting served I'll retreat. Star Wars fans......
Killing kids was too much but his turn DOES make sense. I never had a problem with him declaring himself to Palpatine but there should have been a buffer when it came to that. Like maybe he goes into the council chamber, finds the kids, and walks away as if he didn't see them. But then allows clones or something to go do the dirty work. He may be allowing them to die but it wouldn't be at his hand and there could be more conflict there.
Lots of ways to go about the kid murder that could have still been disturbing without ringing false, but yeah otherwise I was fine with the turn. At the moment it was either Mace who had pissed him off like seven times before, or his wife and child. He even pleaded Mace to detain and put him on trial.
Or maybe, just maybe, people are liking Episode 7 a lot more because its ANH parallels are a bit more surface level and the movie is actually executed and structured well despite the similarities, where as the prequels were not?
Not true at all. My GF who has never seen any SW loved the movie from start to finish the very first time (this was only months ago). People often incorrectly critique opinion with the presumption that its twisted by nostalgia; in some cases, it's true, but it's important to consider that people might just find genuine enjoyment out of their experience. Still my absolute favorite movie of all time.
I think there needed to be more between the distraught "What have I done?" ... and pledging himself to Palpatine. Some kind of tense almost-confrontation between Palpatine and Anakin maybe. Maybe Anakin pulls his lightsaber on him, I don't know. I'm not a filmmaker or a story teller. But it was too fast. The transition didn't have enough time to breathe. Even without the youngling slaughter. (Still really liked RotS though, and I put it agove RotJ in my rankings just now.) Good points about Mace and Yoda (in your edit) though. They basically told him to fuck off.
Thinking about it I may have to revise my list
Another point, I feel Kylo Ren is a far more engaging villain than Vader was in ANH.
There's some similarly silly stuff going on in Empire, too, like the audience never getting an explanation for how Han and Leia got anywhere near Bespin without a hyperdrive, and literally every decisive choice Luke makes during the film getting spoonfed to him through Force visions.
I think there needed to be more between the distraught "What have I done?" ... and pledging himself to Palpatine.
ANAKIN: What have I done?
PALPATINE: You are fulfilling your destiny, Anakin. Become my apprentice. Learn to use the dark side of the Force.
ANAKIN: I will do whatever you ask.
ANAKIN: Just help me save Padme's life. I can't live without her.
From a plotting standpoint, these are nitpicks (and I'd actually disagree they are issues, but setting that aside), as compared to one of the major elements of TFA's 3rd act not really working.
Oh, it's list time.
The Empire Strike Back
The Force Awakens
A New Hope
Return of the Jedi
~huge chasm~
Revenge of the Sith
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
In prior lists, I had ANH above TFA. But as I've seen it more and had time to really process what it's doing, I have to put TFA above ANH. For many reasons, but the main one is simple: I have a lot more fun watching TFA. It also has what is for me the most thrilling moment in the entire series, in Rey taking up the lightsaber. From a direct character standpoint, I feel more invested in Rey, Finn, Kylo, BB-8 and Poe than I did with the original cast, if we're just looking at what was accomplished in the first film of each trilogy. Which is amazing considering I grew up with those movies.
We hardcore fans pick apart everything. This is anecdotal, but every armchair casual fan I've talked to thought it was obvious Rey is going to turn out to be Luke's daughter. As I said earlier THAT to me is the biggest reason to think she is NOT his daughter... too obvious to the casual observer.
How old are Ren and Rey in TFA?
I still don't entirely get why people throw so much shade at Return of the Jedi
Oh, it's list time.
The Empire Strike Back
The Force Awakens
A New Hope
Return of the Jedi
~huge chasm~
Revenge of the Sith
The Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
In prior lists, I had ANH above TFA. But as I've seen it more and had time to really process what it's doing, I have to put TFA above ANH. For many reasons, but the main one is simple: I have a lot more fun watching TFA. It also has what is for me the most thrilling moment in the entire series, in Rey taking up the lightsaber. From a direct character standpoint, I feel more invested in Rey, Finn, Kylo, BB-8 and Poe than I did with the original cast, if we're just looking at what was accomplished in the first film of each trilogy. Which is amazing considering I grew up with those movies.
Honestly, looking at it on paper, it actually feels to me like the dialogue should have moved even faster than it did toward the line that really sells the whole thing.
Leaving the line "I will do whatever you ask" to linger in isolation, particularly right after he expresses remorse at what he's done, broke the logic for me the first time I gave it a repeat viewing. But we can see exactly why he submits to Palpatine despite everything in his following line.
Are you thinking of the R2 thing, or something else? Because in hindsight that's really the only thing in TFA that I just don't buy as it's presented in the film.
How old are Ren and Rey in TFA?
How about if Palpatine had added right then, "And you must murder all jedi younglings in cold blood, and then kill your mentor and lifelong friend Obi Wan. That is the only way to save Padme."
Of course he would never have said that, but that's was the implication It made sense to you that Anakin would just be totally cool with that? Especially when Palpatine straight up says right after that basically, "Hah, just kidding, I don't know how to save Padme, but we'll work on figuring that out... later... but first, go kill all the younglings and Obi Wan, then we'll talk."
It's only saved by the Palpatine/Luke/Vader parts, everything else is pretty forgettable IMO.
God the Ewoks.
It's a muppet movie.
The entire Tatooine segment has Boss-mode Luke Skywalker. Best space battle in the franchise. Everything that involves Palpatine is pretty much the best stuff in the entire trilogy. Also Ewoks make more sense from a story perspective than Wookies.
How about if Palpatine had added right then, "And you must murder all jedi younglings in cold blood, and then kill your mentor and lifelong friend Obi Wan. That is the only way to save Padme."
(right after knighting Anakin as Darth Vader)
PALPATINE: Because the Council did not trust you, my young apprentice, I believe you are the only Jedi with no knowledge of this plot. When the Jedi learn what has transpired here, they will kill us, along with all the Senators.
ANAKIN: I agree. The Jedi's next move will be against the Senate.
PALPATINE: Every single Jedi, including your friend Obi-Wan Kenobi, is now an enemy of the Republic.
ANAKIN: I understand, Master.
PALPATINE: We must move quickly. The Jedi are relentless; if they are not all destroyed, it will be civil war without end. First, I want you to go to the Jedi Temple. We will catch them off balance. Do what must be done, Lord Vader. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy. Only then will you be strong enough with the dark side to save Padme.