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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


I mean it works in reverse from your situation as well. My wife thinks ROTS is the best SW film and actually enjoyed TPM and AOTC as well. Opinions are each their own.

And I'll admit I was off base with my ANH comment in this thread. I shouldn't have done an opinion = fact post guys sorry about that it was wrong of me

No problem. It's something I feel really strongly about because I've had multiple experiences (not just with SW) where nostalgia isn't a determining factor in having an enjoyable experience. I've seen/heard a plethora of material that I loved as a child that I now hate. Kinda sucks when you realize something's not quite as good as you thought it was; you want it to be the way you remembered. Star Wars 4-6, however, stand the test of time, even if they aren't perfect.

If my GF liked any of the prequels more than the OT, I'd pull my hair out, but I've seen a variation of the PT ranked above the OT within my circle of family/friends/coworkers. Nothing wrong with having your own opinion, but I will respect it even if I don't agree (and even if I have no hair left because I profusely disagree). I always love to hear WHY people enjoy the PT so I don't end up just being one of those "don't talk to me if you like the PT" hipsters. I want to understand.

Sorry, that was a off on a tangent.

Anyway, I'm satisfied with the way TFA is paced, although I wish there was more ANH world building. If you don't enjoy that sort of thing, however, you'll probably hate ANH's pacing, especially early on.


1. Star Wars
2. Empire

Big quality gap

3. Jedi
4. Tfa

Huge quality gap

5. Tpm
6. Aotc
7. Rots: which is not only a really bad star wars movie, but one of the worst movies I've ever sat through. It is the culmination of everything wrong with the prequels. Just garbage. And it's even shittier looking than aotc which is saying something.


Luke on Tatooine is indeed dope, but almost everything else about it is bad. Han is terrible up until he gets to the Forest Moon but once he's there he has to share screentime with awful little creatures.

I like the blind Han stuff :/

Han Solo: Together again, huh?
Luke: Wouldn't miss it.
Han Solo: How we doin'?
Luke: Same as always.
Han Solo: That bad, huh?

C-3PO: His high exaltedness, the Great Jabba the Hutt, has decreed that you are to be terminated immediately.
Han Solo: Good, I hate long waits.
C-3PO: You will therefore be taken to the Dune Sea, and cast into the pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlaac.
Han Solo: Doesn't sound so bad.
C-3PO: In his belly you will find a new definition of pain and suffering as you are slowly digested over a thousand years.
Han Solo: On second thought, let's pass on that, huh?

Han Solo: I think my eyes are getting better. Instead of a big dark blur, I see a big light blur.
Luke: There's nothing to see. I used to live here, you know.
Han Solo: You're going to die here, you know. Convenient.


I like the blind Han stuff :/

Han Solo: Together again, huh?
Luke: Wouldn't miss it.
Han Solo: How we doin'?
Luke: Same as always.
Han Solo: That bad, huh?

C-3PO: His high exaltedness, the Great Jabba the Hutt, has decreed that you are to be terminated immediately.
Han Solo: Good, I hate long waits.
C-3PO: You will therefore be taken to the Dune Sea, and cast into the pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlaac.
Han Solo: Doesn't sound so bad.
C-3PO: In his belly you will find a new definition of pain and suffering as you are slowly digested over a thousand years.
Han Solo: On second thought, let's pass on that, huh?

Han Solo: I think my eyes are getting better. Instead of a big dark blur, I see a big light blur.
Luke: There's nothing to see. I used to live here, you know.
Han Solo: You're going to die here, you know. Convenient.

Jabba's palace is great, classic SW. I just never understood the hate for Jedi as a whole.. lots of hyperbole with some of the criticism. Ewoks fit within the universe, found their inclusion fine, even if they weren't originally supposed to be there. It's not the most defining, best SW movie, but it's still a fantastic one. The conclusion is one of the most memorable in cinematic history.

TFA does have a slightly less solid story structure than ESB, but I think it's a better film in enough ways for me to prefer it. And it's not the new car smell as I've mulled and argued with myself and revisited all of them lately and have seen TFA four times now -- each viewing growing on me more than the last.

I'll say it's very close though. As for ESB and ROTS, they're very different movies that I enjoy virtually the same for different reasons making it impossible to pick one over the other.
No problem. It's something I feel really strongly about because I've had multiple experiences (not just with SW) where nostalgia isn't a determining factor in having an enjoyable experience. I've seen/heard a plethora of material that I loved as a child that I now hate. Kinda sucks when you realize something's not quite as good as you thought it was; you want it to be the way you remembered. Star Wars 4-6, however, stand the test of time, even if they aren't perfect.

If my GF liked any of the prequels more than the OT, I'd pull my hair out, but I've seen a variation of the PT ranked above the OT within my circle of family/friends/coworkers. Nothing wrong with having your own opinion, but I will respect it even if I don't agree (and even if I have no hair left because I profusely disagree). I always love to hear WHY people enjoy the PT so I don't end up just being one of those "don't talk to me if you like the PT" hipsters. I want to understand.

Sorry, that was a off on a tangent.

Anyway, I'm satisfied with the way TFA is paced, although I wish there was more ANH world building. If you don't enjoy that sort of thing, however, you'll probably hate ANH's pacing, especially early on.

Yeah as a whole I rank OT above PT without a doubt. I just hold ROTS REALLY high due to some of its individual scenes which I LOVE.

My beef with TFA actually came AFTER I watched all 6 movies again. Its still my 3rd favorite SW but I mean it feels SOOOO familiar. I will give Lucas this, with the prequels in each of them he really tried to introduce a lot of new things. Granted he swung and missed on a lot of it but each film feels a lot different from the other.

I get playing safe for the first film of the trilogy getting everyone on board but I hope 8 and 9 really throw in some new stuff


Oh it's ranking time again?

1. The Empire Strikes Back
Takes the same characters, fleshes them out and brings them to a new level. Significantly improves the cinematic style and the effects. Pretty much the definitive example of what Star Wars feels like.

2. Star Wars
Empire couldnt be as good as it is without the first one doing all the work, setting all that good stuff up and making it exciting. None of this could exist without it in the first place. And it's the only OT movie that works great standalone. I prefer standalone movies.

3. The Force Awakens
Even if it apes IV a bit too much, it creates new characters and conflicts that are legitimately as fun and interesting as the ones we already know. When you find yourself more interested in what Rey is up to than Han, you know they've done something right. And it's got the right style.

4. Return of the Jedi
Awkward and meandering at times, it still manages to progress the characters and find the right direction by the end, providing a satisfying and emotional conclusion.

5. Revenge of the Sith
Improved plot this time around, more exciting developments, great music. Ditches a lot of the stuff we never cared about and gets to the meat and potatoes. However still frequently feels awkward and artificial. Contrived. The actors still can't pull off their terrible dialogue and character motivations just aren't believable.

6. The Phantom Menace
Had a particular look to the cinematography that the two prequels to follow did not retain. Nice looking at times. CGI style was less cartoony looking than later prequels. Liam Neeson was nice. Cool fight at the end. Pretty worthless plot and dialogue, though.

7. Attack of the Clones
From beginning to end it's hovering between bad and cringembarrassing. I can't think of any scenes I might want to ever rewatch. Would not be concerned if every single copy fell into a black hole.

Honorable mention to The Clone Wars cg series that doesn't qualify for the list but manages to be the best Prequel era media ever produced.

This is the real list.



TFA does have a slightly less solid story structure than ESB, but I think it's a better film in enough ways for me to prefer it. And it's not the new car smell as I've mulled and argued with myself and revisited all of them lately and have seen TFA four times now -- each viewing growing on me more than the last.

I'll say it's very close though. As for ESB and ROTS, they're very different movies that I enjoy virtually the same for different reasons making it impossible to pick one over the other.

Interesting. I've seen it five times now, going on six, and I'd have to do:

Yeah as a whole I rank OT above PT without a doubt. I just hold ROTS REALLY high due to some of its individual scenes which I LOVE.

I can't really do this as I like one of the prequels more than two of the originals. The other two prequels are worse though. I do find myself at times wondering about AOTC vs ROTJ, mainly because I find ROTJ so creatively bankrupt and bland for the most part while AOTC despite it's shit dialogue and performances just has more "pop" to me.

All I'm saying is that it's too complicated to put one trilogy over the other, though at this rate the new trilogy could very well skunk them both.


Even though I gave my list before, here's a slightly more detailed list for me.

1a - Empire Strikes Back
Takes the characters of the first movie and takes them to a whole new level. The movie turns Darth Vader into an actual character instead of a glorified muscle. The whole movie drips with tension.

1b - Return of the Jedi
Brings back a bit more of the "fun" from the original movie while mixing in the darkness of Empire. The conclusion of the Luke/Vader battle and storyline is the definitive moment of the franchise.

3 - The Force Awakens
Does "A New Hope" better than A New Hope did. New characters are instantly likable. Kylo Ren is a better first movie villain than Darth Vader or Darth Maul, by a mile. This movie also features the best lightsaber duel in the saga that isn't Luke vs Vader.

4- Star Wars (aka A New Hope)
A fun movie with good characters and a satisfying heroes journey. Has a few pacing issues here and there though and Darth Vader is kind of a bland villain in this movie (Tarkin is the real villain).

5- Revenge of the Sith
Lucas finally shakes off some of the directorial rust in this movie. It has some good moments but ultimately Anakin's transformation into Vader feels unearned and empty.

6- The Phantom Menace
In some ways TPM feels the closest to an OT movie of any of the prequels in terms of pacing and design. Story is mostly disconnected from the other prequels, it retreads the original movie too much, and Maul is one-dimensional despite having a good look.

7- Attack of the Clones
Everything about this movie is awful. It ruins the mystique of the Jedi. Ruins Boba Fett. Shamelessly tries to invoke Empire Strikes Back memories through imagery. The only good moment of this movie is Anakin slaughtering the sand people.


1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Return of the Jedi
3. Phantom Menace
4. New Hope
5. Revenge of the Sith
6. Force Awaken
7. Attack of the Clone


I can't really do this as I like one of the prequels more than two of the originals. The other two prequels are worse though. I do find myself at times wondering about AOTC vs ROTJ, mainly because I find ROTJ so creatively bankrupt and bland for the most part while AOTC despite it's shit dialogue and performances just has more "pop" to me.

All I'm saying is that it's too complicated to put one trilogy over the other, though at this rate the new trilogy could very well skunk them both.

Jabba's Palace has some of the best/most creative world building in the franchise. Loved Endor and especially the speeder chase. Yeah yeah, DS 2.0, but it provided us with some of the best space battle sequences in the entire saga. Conclusion has some of the best cinematography as well. Plus we see the Emperor and his control over Vader, and his abilities/power with the force. I think it's got a ton of creativity.
1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Return of the Jedi
3. Phantom Menace
4. New Hope
5. Revenge of the Sith
6. Force Awaken
7. Attack of the Clone

Phantom Menace over TFA and especially ANH? Woah there mister.

As bad as all three prequels are, I feel like The Phantom Menace is honestly the best one because it's the only that actually feels like a real movie due to the fact that they actually filmed on location and with real sets and practical effects. AOTC and ROTS are just two overly long video games.


I get playing safe for the first film of the trilogy getting everyone on board but I hope 8 and 9 really throw in some new stuff

This is the only real criticism I've seen, in grand terms anyway. I do hope 8 and 9 are much, much more creative and inventive, especially in terms of lighting/colors. TFA has WAYYY too much light blue and plain green scenes. I hope its visually darkened for the next films, especially when indoors. More colors, please!

A huge focus for the next two movies should be world building. We desperately need more of that.


Jabba's Palace has some of the best/most creative world building in the franchise. Loved Endor and especially the speeder chase. Yeah yeah, DS 2.0, but it provided us with some of the best space battle sequences in the entire saga. Conclusion has some of the best cinematography as well. Plus we see the Emperor and his control over Vader, and his abilities/power with the force. I think it's got a ton of creativity.

The Jabba's Palace stuff was good, but definitely dragged too much. The damn Ewoks ruined the third act. The Luke/Vader/Emperor stuff was good, but the forest moon stuff. Ugh.
Oh yeah, outside of the obvious Vader/Luke/Emperor confrontation the best part about Jedi is seeing Jabba the Hutt in the flesh.


One really has to admire the amount of creativity and effort that went into making this thing function like a real creature.


The Jabba's Palace stuff was good, but definitely dragged too much. The damn Ewoks ruined the third act. The Luke/Vader/Emperor stuff was good, but the forest moon stuff. Ugh.

I just don't see the Ewok criticism. Is it just because they look fluffy and cute? They're indigenous to Endor and (I felt) fit in well with the story/action. They're actually quite funny and entertaining in many scenes. Not saying it's all done perfectly but they've never bothered me.


There is not a single moment in the entire Star Wars Saga when Luke gives away that Leia is his sister and goes from the defensiv in attack mode.
Its pure energy and just a perfect moment, alone for this Return of the Jedi is it worth.


Phantom Menace over TFA and especially ANH? Woah there mister.

As bad as all three prequels are, I feel like The Phantom Menace is honestly the best one because it's the only that actually feels like a real movie due to the fact that they actually filmed on location and with real sets and practical effects. AOTC and ROTS are just two overly long video games.

i hate TFA. its as forgettable as the Clone to me
Jabba's Palace has some of the best/most creative world building in the franchise. Loved Endor and especially the speeder chase. Yeah yeah, DS 2.0, but it provided us with some of the best space battle sequences in the entire saga. Conclusion has some of the best cinematography as well. Plus we see the Emperor and his control over Vader, and his abilities/power with the force. I think it's got a ton of creativity.

There's enough creativity, I just think it's kinda bland stuff compared to other episodes. I like RotJ, it's just more dull to me apart from the climax than the others and I always thought it was a lackluster final episode for the saga -- which the existence of the new trilogy fixes. So I actually like it a bit MORE now that VII came out and its no longer carrying that kind of weight.


How do they ruin it?

I think they bring the plot to a standsill for a while, taking focus off the major plot threads that need working (Luke and Han's missions). They get a lot of screen time and are something I never feel interested or invested in at all.

They also make a mockery of the Empire's military machine, which was so forcefully on display in Empire. TFA did a great job making the First Order scary, with the troopers slaughtering an entire village. Now imagine if small furry rodents demolish them in the next movie.
This is the only real criticism I've seen, in grand terms anyway. I do hope 8 and 9 are much, much more creative and inventive, especially in terms of lighting/colors. TFA has WAYYY too much light blue and plain green scenes. I hope its visually darkened for the next films, especially when indoors. More colors, please!

A huge focus for the next two movies should be world building. We desperately need more of that.

Yeah as rough as most of the prequels are Lucas was always trying to throw new things at you. They all visually look so different.

Also for the love of god nothing of the caliber of Ewoks needs to be in this franchise again. They are the worst part of all of SW, worse even than Jar Jar imo


There's enough creativity, I just think it's kinda bland stuff compared to other episodes. I like RotJ, it's just more dull to me apart from the climax than the others and I always thought it was a lackluster final episode for the saga -- which the existence of the new trilogy fixes. So I actually like it a bit MORE now that VII came out and its no longer carrying that kind of weight.

Agree to disagree there. I can see how it's not as consistently memorable, but I'd hardly describe ROTJ as dull. I'd say it's honestly got some of the most fun you can get out of the franchise, as others have said.
Yeah as rough as most of the prequels are Lucas was always trying to throw new things at you. They all visually look so different.

We'll be in a GOOD fucking place if 8 and 9 has the qualities of TFA that made it better than the prequels but maybe while bringing over some of the creative qualities of those. Not that TFA was creatively lacking as it established new characters and places and story frankly, but I know what people mean when they champion those aspects of the prequels -- though I don't think it makes them superior... at all.

Agree to disagree there. I can see how it's not as consistently memorable, but I'd hardly describe ROTJ as dull. I'd say it's honestly got some of the most fun you can get out of the franchise, as others have said.

No worries. I'm not out for RotJ's blood. I like it. It's just the best way I can explain why its a lesser movie to me. Has some wonderful moments though.
I think they bring the plot to a standsill for a while, taking focus off the major plot threads that need working (and Han's missions). They get a lot of screen time and are something I never feel interested or invested in at all.

They also make a mockery of the Empire's military machine, which was so forcefully on display in Empire. TFA did a great job making the First Order scary again, with the trooper slaughtering an entire village. Now imagine if small furry rodents demolish them in the next movie.

I feel like we've gone full circle crazy with people actually questioning why the introduction of small teddy bears taking down the Empire with rocks and bows made people upset. FFS just about everyone involved hated them as well: http://io9.gizmodo.com/10-things-you-probably-didnt-know-about-star-wars-ret-1383276948

This shit is up there with "gee guys what's with the prequel trilogy hate?"


I think they bring the plot to a standsill for a while, taking focus off the major plot threads that need working (and Han's missions). They get a lot of screen time and are something I never feel interested or invested in at all.

They also make a mockery of the Empire's military machine, which was so forcefully on display in Empire. TFA did a great job making the First Order scary again, with the trooper slaughtering an entire village. Now imagine if small furry rodents demolish them in the next movie.

I think that's part of the point, though. They're underestimated (think about what Yoda said in ESB to Luke) because of their appearance. It's not like they accidentally did all of these things (let's try spinning, that's a nice trick!); they're indigenous and have defended themselves for years. The Empire doesn't normally battle in camped/close conditions and are unfamiliar with the planet. It's not like the Ewoks invaded the Death Star and blew it up with sticks and stones. God knows what kind of creatures they have to defend themselves against throughout their daily life/come nightfall. Just a thought.


I think they bring the plot to a standsill for a while, taking focus off the major plot threads that need working (Luke and Han's missions). They get a lot of screen time and are something I never feel interested or invested in at all.

They also make a mockery of the Empire's military machine, which was so forcefully on display in Empire. TFA did a great job making the First Order scary, with the troopers slaughtering an entire village. Now imagine if small furry rodents demolish them in the next movie.

You mean like a small band of rebels did in A New Hope? In both the first movie and ESB, the Empire keeps underestimating opponents that seem below them. Why does it suddenly become an issue in ROTJ?
You mean like a small band of rebels did in A New Hope? In both the first movie and ESB, the Empire keeps underestimating opponents that seem below them. Why does it suddenly become an issue in ROTJ?

Because they beat the most powerful army in the Universe with Sticks and Stones. Not X Wings, not laser pistols.

Wood and stones. How useless can the Empire possibly be?


You mean like a small band of rebels did in A New Hope? In both the first movie and ESB, the Empire keeps underestimating opponents that seem below them. Why does it suddenly become an issue in ROTJ?

Yeah but it gets ridiculous when two logs can destroy a walker and when teddy bears physically overpower trained soldiers...
I feel like we've gone full circle crazy with people actually questioning why the introduction of small teddy bears taking down the Empire with rocks and bows made people upset. FFS just about everyone involved hated them as well: http://io9.gizmodo.com/10-things-you-probably-didnt-know-about-star-wars-ret-1383276948

This shit is up there with "gee guys what's with the prequel trilogy hate?"

during one story session, Lucas pitched a really, really dark ending. In a nutshell, the scene with Vader and the Emperor unspools the way it does in the final film. Vader sacrifices himself to take out the Emperor, and then Luke helps Vader to take off his famous helmet. And then — Luke puts on Vader's helmet himself. In the transcript of the story session with Lucas and Kasdan, Lucas says: "Luke takes his mask off. The mask is the very last thing — and then Luke puts it on and says, 'Now I am Vader.' Surprise! The ultimate twist. 'Now I will go and kill the [Rebel] fleet and I will rule the universe.'"


In Lucas' world, "really, really dark" must mean "really, really stupid".

I guess that explains Revenge of the Sith.


Because they beat the most powerful army in the Universe with Sticks and Stones. Not X Wings, not laser pistols.

Wood and stones. How useless cab the Empire possibly be?

And Luke defeated them by having an old man tell him to turn off a computer.
slight sarcasm there
. I thought it was acceptable that the Empire was beaten by enemies that were resourceful and familiar with the environment around them, whereas the Empire just assumed their stuff would win because it was superior.

Plus the Ewoks are not so quietly portrayed as kind of brutal throughout the movie. These were the same Ewoks that captured and were about to eat the main characters of the movie alive until Luke pulled some space magic and saved the day.

But the Empire wrecks everyone in ESB.

"A cruiser and two X-Wings versus a Star Destroyer?!"

"Great, our first catch of the day"

*Catch of the day proceeds to catch Star Destroyer off guard and fly past them with no conflict at all*


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Because they beat the most powerful army in the Universe with Sticks and Stones. Not X Wings, not laser pistols.

Wood and stones. How useless cab the Empire possibly be?
Well it's based directly on the Vietnam war and how the Viet cong essentially sent America home defeated. So these things do happen.
(think about what Yoda said in ESB to Luke)

Yoda's point was believe in the Force. Last I checked the Ewoks in the film aren't Force-sensitive.

Well it's based directly on the Vietnam war and how the Viet cong essentially sent America home defeated. So these things do happen.

Last I checked the Viet cong didn't beat the Americans with sticks and stones, and they certainly weren't teddy bears.


Bring on the flamethrowers:

4) ESB
5) ANH
6) TPM
7) TFA

Which isn't to say that any individual movie doesn't have parts that I like more or less than others (e.g. everything about the Anakin/Padme romance in AOTC is fucking dreadful), but in terms of liking the movies and what goes on in them, this is where they land for me.
Why do people not like the prequels?

Episode 1 and 2 I can understand even though I dont hate those myself.

3 I legit dont understand how you could "hate" it if you like Star Wars in general. I get it not being anywhere near your favorite but to truly hate that film doesn't make much sense to me


And Luke defeated them by having an old man tell him to turn off a computer.
slight sarcasm there
. I thought it was acceptable that the Empire was beaten by enemies that were resourceful and familiar with the environment around them, whereas the Empire just assumed their stuff would win because it was superior.

Plus the Ewoks are not so quietly portrayed as kind of brutal throughout the movie. These were the same Ewoks that captured and were about to eat the main characters of the movie alive until Luke pulled some space magic and saved the day.

"A cruiser and two X-Wings versus a Star Destroyer?!"

"Great, our first catch of the day"

*Catch of the day proceeds to catch Star Destroyer off guard and fly past them with no conflict at all*

They get blasted by an ion cannon from the planet do they not? The end result is they made them retreat and abandon the base. The rebels certainly aren't helpless but they didn't win that fight.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Oh I want to rank too. Begun these list wars have.

1. ESB
2. ANH
5. TFA
6. TPM

The only one on there that should really be controversial is ROTS>TFA. Very clearly, the dialogue and characterization in TFA is superior to ROTS. But I found the drama of the overall plot very satisfying in ROTS, and to this day it features the greatest emotional tragedy in the SW series. It is probably the most emotional film, outside of Yoda in ESB or Luke/Vader in ROTJ.


Yoda's point was believe in the Force. Last I checked the Ewoks in the film aren't Force-sensitive.

I almost added this into my post. I get that it was about using the force in his teachings, but one of the underlying themes (using The Force as a metaphor outside of the film) was to not underestimate based on appearance and that everyone is capable of greatness if they believe it. The Death Star was destroyed due to underestimations. No one believed a handful of X-Wings could affect such a powerful force. In a similar sense, the Empire underestimated indigenous creatures and failed as a result. But you also have to keep in mind that they weren't defeated by Ewoks, they were defeated by Ewoks and rebels. As an adventure film, I think their addition worked. As a sci-fi military film, they should probably be laughed away.
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