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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works

Is there anything in the movie itself that actually says how long it's been since Ben destroyed Luke's academy? From what I recall between Han and Leia it certainly seems like it's been longer than a year or two.

I watched the movie last night for the first time and managed to bypass any spoilers or reactions to it until yesterday.

Is there a backlash? Because HOLY SHIT......if there isn't a backlash I don't want to live on the planet anymore.


In short, here's everything that supports my Rey is a Skywalker belief.

-- The Force reacts to Rey the moment she touch's the Skywalker family lightsaber.

-- With the exception of being left on Jakku, all of the visions she sees are Skywalker related. She sees images of Luke/Vader on Bespin, Kylo Ren's betrayal of Luke, and in her dreams she sees visions of what we later find out is the first Jedi Temple (where Luke is). The only vision that isn't Skywalker related is her being left on Jakku, but one could assume that's a vision of Luke leaving her there since everything else she sees is Skywalker related.

-- The voices she hears in the vision are Luke, Vader (breathing), Obi-Wan, and Yoda. Two Skywalkers, and the two people who trained the Skywalkers.

-- She's a gifted pilot, just like Anakin and Luke.

-- She's extremely gifted with The Force, even without any kind of training or instruction. The only humans who have been depicted like this in the films are Skywalkers. (The Force runs strong in my family, etc)

-- Luke is on the verge of tears at the end of the movie when seeing Rey, I wonder why.

-- The age difference between Rey and Kylo Ren lines up in a way that Rey could have been young enough to be left on Jakku after Kylo Ren betrayed the New Jedi Academy. Also, if Rey's visions are shown chronologically then Kylo's betrayal happens before Rey is left on Jakku.
Is there anything in the movie itself that actually says how long it's been since Ben destroyed Luke's academy? From what I recall between Han and Leia it certainly seems like it's been longer than a year or two.

If you view Rey's vision as chronological, it happened before she was left on Jakku as a child.


If Rey were related to Luke, I think they would have planted the seeds or revealed it already.

Except the HAVE planted seeds. They've been listed many times in these topics.

At this point, the only real reason I can think of to suspect Rey is NOT related to Luke is that it's too obvious, both based on hints they have in the movie and based on how Star Wars works in general.

So for all those years of building a new Jedi school, helping to raise Ben Solo. Luke's own daughter was left on Jakku, while Luke was palling around with his best friends and their son instead. That makes no sense.

Well maybe Luke sent her away to protect her when things went wrong. Well Han and Leia seem to have no inclination as to who she might be. Jakku isn't special to them. Leia who is a strong force feeler never even recognizes her.

She is clearly not a Skywalker.

1. There's a potential 10+ year age gap between Rey and Ben. So yes, it's entirely possible she got dropped on Jakku AFTER Ben tore shit down.

2. They're seeing her over a decade since they saw her last (or more) so it's at least plausible they don't recognize her, even if the idea would be a bit silly. And it does seem Leia may recognize SOMETHING. She walked right by Chewie to embrace Rey after the final battle, even though they'd never met.

3. "She's clearly a Skywalker" is a statement nobody has enough information to really substantiate. But so is "She is clearly not a Skywalker." Both "sides" can spin and slant things to fit their view. Both are doing just that. However it seems to me that the more intense gymnastics are being done by the "against" side.

I think there is definitely a connection between Rey and Luke besides "both are super good at the force".

Hell, Rey had visions of Luke's Island hideaway for some time before she even started on this journey.

I think that one is guaranteed. Even if she isn't his biological daughter, she isn't going to be some random random.


I watched the movie last night for the first time and managed to bypass any spoilers or reactions to it until yesterday.

Is there a backlash? Because HOLY SHIT......if there isn't a backlash I don't want to live on the planet anymore.

good.....good.....let the hate flow through you

I don't understand this sentiment


"You have it too" is a sequitur along the lines of the force, not family lineage.

The lightsaber is a non-sequitur.


Desert planets are more of a Star Wars thing than anything. It's Jakku because she isn't a Skywalker.

They are good pilots because they are force sensitive. Obi Wan was a great pilot despite hating it. They are great compared to average people.

Also the TFA contradicts the theory that she is his daughter. Nothing in that movie reinforces it, in fact it staves off that possibility in multiple ways.

Everything I pointed out is enough tip offs that she is his daughter. You may be dismissive of it but hey there is that possibility and considering the nature of films and how what we've seen come before, the odds are damn good.

Personally I think this a reference to Ben but I suppose it could also be for Rey. I don't think she is Luke's daughter though.

Dude, we know for a fact that Kylo is strong with the Force, is the son of Luke's sister, and was trained by Luke. How can you possibly think, after watching the film, that this quote is not about Kylo?

Could it be about Ben? Sure. It's distinctly possible as he is family. However his manner of talking about it doesn't really seem towards Ben personally, it feels more like what one might say to someone even closer than a nephew. As in one's own child. And if Rey is his child then it perfectly fits with it. Again it makes sense.

The only I could see it not being Rey at this point is if they reveal she's actually the daughter of Palpatine or something. Wouldn't that be a hell of a twist. But again based on everything we've seen, read and has happened in past movies Rey being Lukes daughter fits way too much.
But we don't know for certain if it's chronological or not.

It seems really likely that it is, since it's triggered by Rey telling Finn "don't go" (immediately afterwards she hears her own voice calling out to her through the Force, which leads her to the saber) and then appears to be a setup for Rey's background, when/why/how she was ultimately abandoned on Jakku (screaming "come back!") as well as the fact that she's connected to the Force/Skywalkers.

Seems kind of odd for the vision to not be chronological since it even starts with events that happened before Rey was born.


There's lots of little dribbles and hints in TFA, but overall we still don't know shit about Rey's past. It's stuff that with the next two films, we'll probably look back and be like "OF COURSE, it was so obvious!" but we just don't know anything at this point. The only concrete thing we know is that Rey has some kind of connection to Luke, but that connection could be as small as simply the Force being the connective tissue, or that she was a trainee of his, or perhaps the daughter of a trainee, or connected in some tangential way to Kylo's destruction of Luke's academy, or as concrete as a direct familial tie. The door is wide open at this point.
Just to quote sphagnum from Spoiler Thread #2, Pablo Hidalgo's confirmed a few details regarding Kylo and Rey on Twitter since the film released.

-Luke's Jedi shouldn't be thought of as a "Jedi Academy"
-Kylo Ren's attack on the Jedi "wasn't that long ago" and was "more recent than 14/15 years"
-Therefore unless the child Rey we saw in the vision is supposed to be older than 5 or 6, she was left on Jakku before the attack
-Kylo tells Rey in the novel "It is you!" not because he recognizes her from his past but because he recognizes her as the one who experienced an awakening.


There's lots of little dribbles and hints in TFA, but overall we still don't know shit about Rey's past. It's stuff that with the next two films, we'll probably look back and be like "OF COURSE, it was so obvious!" but we just don't know anything at this point. The only concrete thing we know is that Rey has some kind of connection to Luke, but that connection could be as small as simply the Force being the connective tissue, or that she was a trainee of his, or perhaps the daughter of a trainee, or connected in some tangential way to Kylo's destruction of Luke's academy, or as concrete as a direct familial tie. The door is wide open at this point.

Yeah it could be a surviving trainee. Perhaps her memory of what happened was purposely removed for her own safety maybe but then Kylo should surely recognize her? So then maybe not.
Keep in mind Kathleen Kennedy believes that the main Star Wars films should be about the Skywalker family. That means either they are really going to focus on Kylo a ton in the coming films considering he is a Skywalker decedent or maybe Rey really is a Skywalker, here's what she said about the franchise before TFA came out

The Saga films focus on the Skywalker family saga. The stories follow a linear narrative that connects to the previous six films. The Force Awakens follows Return of the Jedi and continues that generational story.”


Keep in mind Kathleen Kennedy believes that the main Star Wars films should be about the Skywalker family. That means either they are really going to focus on Kylo a ton in the coming films considering he is a Skywalker decedent or maybe Rey really is a Skywalker, here's what she said about the franchise before TFA came out

That seems pretty in line with what Lucas use to say.

Hell at one he began to say Star Wars was Vaders story which was true in a sense but BS in another because it definitely wasn't originally.
Keep in mind Kathleen Kennedy believes that the main Star Wars films should be about the Skywalker family. That means either they are really going to focus on Kylo a ton in the coming films considering he is a Skywalker decedent or maybe Rey really is a Skywalker, here's what she said about the franchise before TFA came out

They are already focusing on Kylo. (And Luke.)
The new canon map of the Star Wars galaxy shows the Starkiller's origin point to be in the same location that older Legends maps showed the planet Ilum. Ilum was a snowy ice planet rich in kyber crystals. Jedi used them in their lightsabers, the Empire used them for the Death Star superlasers. The planet is still canon (appeared in TCW) though its location can no longer be verified as it no longer appears on the map.

I think it's pretty obvious what happened!

I feel like a character like Han deserved an Independence Day style of death where he crashes the Falcon into something to kill it and save everyone. I dunno just blurting things out here randomly.

That's the kind of death I actually expected and I thought I'd be disappointed with anything less, but when the time came I was actually pretty satisfied with the way they did it. Han may be dead, but his death was still a victory. With his final action being a selfless display of love for his son, he has planted that seed in Ben forever. Kylo thinks that it finally killed the temptation of the light in him, but it will have the opposite effect a couple movies down the line. I think his redemption is inevitable and Han will end up bringing Ben home.

Plus his death was still pretty intense in its own way. He's the deadest character that ever deaded. He got stabbed through the chest, then fell down a pit, then the building/planet collapsed on him, then the imploded planet turned into a star. Can we just call it the Solo System now?

I wasn't expecting much, but compared to this The Phantom Menace was a masterpiece.

Whoa now...
Everything I pointed out is enough tip offs that she is his daughter.

To be fair, all any of the evidence actually suggests is that she's related to him. She could be Han/Leia's kid, and she'd still be connected to Luke through Anakin's bloodline, and all the other hints and parallels people are identifying would still make sense.


To be fair, all any of the evidence actually suggests is that she's related to him. She could be Han/Leia's kid, and she'd still be connected to Luke through Anakin's bloodline, and all the other hints and parallels people are identifying would still make sense.

Except for how Han and Leia would have completely forgotten about Rey
Oh boy...

I hated the prequels. Last night, George Lucas was instantly redeemed.

But Phantom Menace rehashes more of A New Hope than Force Awakens does...

What? How?

Edit: Episode 1 is still really bad. But 7...?! Wow is this what a few years if Marvel stupidity has done to peoples expactations when entering a cinema? But since I'm getting the feeling people are eating what they are getting served I'll retreat. Star Wars fans......


Plus his death was still pretty intense in its own way. He's the deadest character that ever deaded. He got stabbed through the chest, then fell down a pit, then the building/planet collapsed on him, then the imploded planet turned into a star. Can we just call it the Solo System now?

Never thought about it that way but ya, huh...

What a way to go out, in the midst of a newly formed star.

What? How?

Young boy on desert planet from broken family meets Jedi and embarks on quest to help princess (queen, whateves) and then helps blow up a big space ship with his piloting skills, some force powers, and his trusty droid.

Also a mentor dies to a sith.

I mean...
Except for how Han and Leia would have completely forgotten about Rey

Han, who conveniently didn't check the area of Jakku where Rey was when he "lost" his ship and it wound up in the hands of the exact person who we know took charge of her when she was left on Jakku, who says finding the Falcon so quickly "wasn't a coincidence" despite apparently having given up on looking for it on Jakku, whose only discussions about Rey with anyone who could possibly know anything about her past (Maz and Leia) happen off screen, who has difficulty getting attached to anyone but takes to Rey almost immediately?

This, together with the fact that he and Rey are incredibly alike such that they share the same opinions about the Falcon and he's able to finish her sentences? (Seriously, Rey's story arc more closely matches Luke, but her personality is set up within the film to actually be more like a younger, cockier version of Han, with him even musing that she has a lot to learn when he gives her a blaster, which is in its own way framed as a kind of inheritance, just as much as the lightsaber, and which is even underlined by her ending up with both the Falcon and Chewie at the end.)

Leia, whose only interactions with Rey at any point in the film are distinctly motherly?

The film never quite reaches a point where it's clear Han and Leia don't have any affection for/knowledge of Rey. In fact, if Rey is indeed Luke's kid, it seems kind of silly that neither of them would know who she is or share a similar kind of affection for her that they would for their own child.


What? How?

-- Characters find a young Skywalker who's powerful with the Force on Tattooine
-- Skywalker wants to leave Tattooine but cant, initially
-- Skywalker is denied training initially by Yoda (this is an Empire parallel, not ANH)
-- Bad guy clad in black is basically a muscle character for a different main villain
-- Princess is actually a decent combatant and can use a blaster
-- Master Jedi who wants to train Skywalker is killed by bad guy
-- Skywalker blows up giant space station to save the day
-- Both movies end with a celebration and victory ceremony
Saying Force Awakens is worse than Phantom Menace is crazy talk. TPM is the worst of the SW films. I actually like ROTS more than TFA though even with its issues


Saying Force Awakens is worse than Phantom Menace is crazy talk. TPM is the worst of the SW films. I actually like ROTS more than TFA though even with its issues

I'll have to rewatch TFA before I give it a definitive ranking but right now it's #3 for me ahead of ROTS at #4.

Nah the worst is AOTC.

Yep, AOTCs is irredeemable for it's awful Amidala/Anakin scenes and C3PO/Jedi R2D2 scenes.
Saying Force Awakens is worse than Phantom Menace is crazy talk. TPM is the worst of the SW films. I actually like ROTS more than TFA though even with its issues

That's crazier talk

Tpm is by far the best of the prequels, and honestly I might prefer it over return of the jedi (don't think either are particularly good)

Empire > New Hope >>> the force awakens >= Tpm > the rest
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