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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


In short, here's everything that supports my Rey is a Skywalker belief.

-- The Force reacts to Rey the moment she touch's the Skywalker family lightsaber.

-- With the exception of being left on Jakku, all of the visions she sees are Skywalker related. She sees images of Luke/Vader on Bespin, Kylo Ren's betrayal of Luke, and in her dreams she sees visions of what we later find out is the first Jedi Temple (where Luke is). The only vision that isn't Skywalker related is her being left on Jakku, but one could assume that's a vision of Luke leaving her there since everything else she sees is Skywalker related.

-- The voices she hears in the vision are Luke, Vader (breathing), Obi-Wan, and Yoda. Two Skywalkers, and the two people who trained the Skywalkers.

-- She's a gifted pilot, just like Anakin and Luke.

-- She's extremely gifted with The Force, even without any kind of training or instruction. The only humans who have been depicted like this in the films are Skywalkers. (The Force runs strong in my family, etc)

-- Luke is on the verge of tears at the end of the movie when seeing Rey, I wonder why.

-- The age difference between Rey and Kylo Ren lines up in a way that Rey could have been young enough to be left on Jakku after Kylo Ren betrayed the New Jedi Academy. Also, if Rey's visions are shown chronologically then Kylo's betrayal happens before Rey is left on Jakku.

I tend to think Rey is the start of a new Skywalker-like bloodline. I don't think she's parts of the family. I believe she's just THAT strong in the Force.

Like I said a few pages back after my 2nd viewing; Rey is obviously the new Anakin for this trilogy. Skilled mechanic, gifted pilot, very strong in the Force, etc. She doesn't really struggle with anything in TFA. Rey is essentially perfect, save for not wanting to accept her parents aren't returning.

Rey being Luke's long lost daughter seems like a cheap out for the writers.


TPM suffers from the greatest of sins in regards to action movies... it's boring as fuck. Even ATOC and ROTS had some shit to keep me interested. TPM is dull, characters are fucking wood, humor is juvenile at best and half the time I felt like I was watching a cartoon.

Garbage movie.
I'll have to rewatch TFA before I give it a definitive ranking but right now it's #3 for me ahead of ROTS at #4.
After rewatching them all in the past 3 weeks my personal ranking is

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Revenge of the Sith
3. The Force Awakens
4. Return of the Jedi
5. A New Hope
6. Attack of the Clones
7. The Phantom Menace


Why do some elevate ROTS above the other prequel films?

Cause it's actually a pretty good movie in parts. Hayden's terrible acting is actually a boon to his character in this film because he's just supposed to be an embodiment of irrational anger.


1. Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. The Force Awakens
4. Return of the Jedi
5. Revenge of the Sith
6. The Phantom Menace
7. Attack of the Clones


Cause it's actually a pretty good movie in parts. Hayden's terrible acting is actually a boon to his character in this film because he's just supposed to be an embodiment of irrational anger.

Nah it's still bad. The Anakin vs Obi Wan fight was long, drawn out and boring plus the quotes during that fight are some of the worst in any movie (including Freddy Got Fingered).


1. Empire
2. A New Hope
3. The Force Awakens
4. Revenge of the Sith
5. Jedi (Muppet Movie)
6. Phantom Menace
7. Attack of the Clones
Some of ya'll need to rewatch A New Hope with no nostalgia involved. It is not that great of a film by any means.

Incredible for its time and a game changer but yeah, all these years later its really not that impressive. Its kind of amazing how loyal the OT fanbase is
Why do some elevate ROTS above the other prequel films?

Because the direction the story is moving carries enough weight to keep people intrigued even through some terribly acted and terribly written scenes.

TPM has basically no weight throughout. AOTC tries but flubs most of the scenes that represent significant turning points/moments of introspection for the characters. ROTS has some hammy lines and bad interactions between Padme and Anakin, but puts Palpatine front and center which makes the turning points much stronger.


You don't get to bring friends.
Ranking for me is:

1. ESB
2. ANH
3. TFA
5. TPM

Though personally for me when I rewatch the series I skip the prequels.

They're great sleeping aides though.


Some of ya'll need to rewatch A New Hope with no nostalgia involved. It is not that great of a film by any means.

Incredible for its time and a game changer but yeah, all these years later its really not that impressive. Its kind of amazing how loyal the OT fanbase is

Saw the prequels before the OT, no nostalgia here.

Cause it's actually a pretty good movie in parts. Hayden's terrible acting is actually a boon to his character in this film because he's just supposed to be an embodiment of irrational anger.

Guess I'll have to re-watch because all I remember is being incredibly bored and cringing at the terrible dialogue.

Because the direction the story is moving carries enough weight to keep people intrigued even through some terribly acted and terribly written scenes.

TPM has basically no weight throughout. AOTC tries but flubs most of the scenes that represent significant turning points/moments of introspection for the characters. ROTS has some hammy lines and bad interactions between Padme and Anakin, but puts Palpatine front and center which makes the turning points much stronger.

This is fair.


Some of ya'll need to rewatch A New Hope with no nostalgia involved. It is not that great of a film by any means.

Incredible for its time and a game changer but yeah, all these years later its really not that impressive

I've rewatched it over the past 2 weeks and it was waaay better than I remembered. The cinematography is top notch and the acting is pretty good as well. The action is all well paced, the dialog is better than any of the prequels, and it ends in a satisfactory manner.

Really good movie IMO.


my personal list:

Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
The Force Awakens
A New Hope

and then nothing because seeing the prequels in theaters was enough for me. The shows are great though.

A lot of folks don't like Jedi, but for years it was actually my favorite.
I still like Sith. Shit actually happens for a start and I usually enjoy it. I liked the Cruiser landing, Order 66, the Plagueis story, Boga and Anakin vs Obi-Wan. I did love it as a kid though so it may sway my judgement more than others.

Clones is my least favourite. The Anakin Padme scenes are pretty cringe worthy and it drags more than the other two.

1) The Empire Strikes Back
2) A New Hope
3) The Force Awakens
4) Return of the Jedi
5) Revenge of the Sith
6) The Phantom Menace
7) Attack of the Clones


Some of ya'll need to rewatch A New Hope with no nostalgia involved. It is not that great of a film by any means.

Incredible for its time and a game changer but yeah, all these years later its really not that impressive

It still had characters worth investing in. The effects and overall setup might be dated as fuck, but the characters are still great.

The biggest problem with the prequel movies are the characters are all very underdeveloped and wooden. They aren't fun to watch or be around. That fact may be why Episode 3 is liked above the rest because at least Obi Wan and Palpatine came out of their shell in that movie. It felt like Ewan was finally getting into the Obi Wan role.


Why do some elevate ROTS above the other prequel films?
It's really a question of which bad movie to put above the other bad movies.

As for for the TFA v. ANH comparisons: it shares some broad plot strokes and even a few ideas (similar MacGuffin). But once you step down to the character level and their respective arcs, the comparison falls apart completely.


It's really a question of which bad movie to put above the other bad movies.

As for for the TFA v. ANH comparisons: it shares some broad plot strokes and even a few ideas (similar MacGuffin). But once you step down to the character level and their respective arcs, the comparison falls apart completely.

Yup. People are only looking at the big set pieces (empire/rebel, deathstar) and completely ignoring the character arcs. In fact, people say it's too much like AHN then are pissed when Kylo doesn't follow the same arc as Vader... lol


first time I've seen this sentiment...lol

Force Awakens was so derivative it was basically a reboot of ANH!

What? How?

Surely this is not the first time you've heard this? Just googled "Phantom Menace A New Hope similarities," first result:

That doesn't even touch all of them.

Here's an article on StarWars.com all about it!

For Star Wars fans watching The Phantom Menace for the first time back in 1999, one thing was immediately clear: there were a lot of similarities to A New Hope. In fact, some critics called out what they saw as a simple rehash of the original storyline. And on the surface, the criticism certainly appears justified. After all, both films center around a young boy on the desert planet of Tatooine who leaves home to embark on an epic journey involving a beautiful, royal young woman in distress and a Jedi Knight who becomes his mentor.

Now, according to George Lucas, the similarities were deliberate. And during the making of the prequels, he actually spoke fairly often about this use of repetition in Star Wars. “I create themes,” he told Entertainment Weekly back in 2002, “and I repeat those themes, in different chords and different arrangements.”

Saying The Force Awakens is a straight copy of ANH is a lazy, surface level observation, and one that the thread has discussed many times already. The argument can only be made by ignoring anything new in the film, and ignoring how it tweaks many of the beats it borrows so they aren't simple repeats. And ignoring how the actual story that our new characters go through is new to the series.

The story of a storm trooper abandoning his position because he sees it is morally wrong, and how he learns to stop running from his past and realize he actually wants to help and do the right thing, partnering up with a lowly scavenger who is suffering from abandonment issues, and how she learns to let go of her past and take control of her life after realizing her own potential, and how together they help each other overcome these issues, and face a conflicted villain who is being tempted by the light side, and makes a drastic choice to solidify the dark side in his life, a villain who is still learning, who is threatened for different reasons by both of our new heroes and ends the film with very personal reasons to oppose them.
I mean a lot of A New Hope is just flat out boring. People bash Lucas for all kinds of dragging out scenes in the prequels and yet we get like 15 straight minutes of 3P0 and R2 walking around Tattoine and fucking around with Jawas. Then we get 30 minutes of Obi, Luke, and Han wandering around the Deathstar. I dont feel like that film holds up well at all.


Tier 1: I can rewatch these films over and over without getting bored.


Tier 2: Really solid films that do have some issues here and there but enough highs as well.


Tier 3: Not really good but still there are things that I can appreciate


Tier 4: Just a mess, really not to try my hardest not to fall asleep or turn it off.



People be seeing that article?

"Star Wars Fan Debunks Huff Post's "40 Unforgivable Plot Holes in The Force Awakens""

I think I agree with the fan on 9/10 of them.

Not bad, not bad. He was stretching a bit on a few of them (mainly in his strong repeated assumption that Solo obviously knew who Rey was all along, and in his assumptions about Unkar Plutt) but overall he absolutely demolishes that garbage article.

EDIT: Ah, we're doing lists again?

5, 4, 7, 3, 6, 2, 1

On second viewing I can say 7 is reaaaaly close to 4, but I can't quite bring myself to elevate it quite yet.
Just to quote sphagnum from Spoiler Thread #2, Pablo Hidalgo's confirmed a few details regarding Kylo and Rey on Twitter since the film released.

For figuring out who Rey is, specifically, this is the most relevant.

-Luke's Jedi shouldn't be thought of as a "Jedi Academy"
-Kylo Ren's attack on the Jedi "wasn't that long ago" and was "more recent than 14/15 years"
-Therefore unless the child Rey we saw in the vision is supposed to be older than 5 or 6, she was left on Jakku before the attack
-Kylo tells Rey in the novel "It is you!" not because he recognizes her from his past but because he recognizes her as the one who experienced an awakening.
This, to me, increases the chances of her not being related to Luke.


I mean a lot of A New Hope is just flat out boring. People bash Lucas for all kinds of dragging out scenes in the prequels and yet we get like 15 straight minutes of 3P0 and R2 walking around Tattoine and fucking around with Jawas. Then we get 30 minutes of Obi, Luke, and Han wandering around the Deathstar. I dont feel like that film holds up well at all.

Again though, we put up with the 30+ minutes of Obi, Luke and Han wandering around because they are great characters. It doesn't matter what they are doing, they are fun to be around. The problem with the prequels, especially Episode I, is those characters are boring to be around. They are completely wooden and even some of their decisions and actions make no sense. The only one with any personality is Jar Jar and you want to shoot him in the face.
Just watched RotS again. Spotty dialogue and acting in places but it's loads of fun, great action, opera scene is amazing, cinematography is mostly excellent, wonderful music and lastly still disagree hardcore with those who don't like the final duel. Story wise it moves at a great pace and is just far more entertaining than the first two.

Of course it's all fine when it comes to opinions, but hey, opinions are being questioned and here's the answers, at least for myself. I put it over RotJ. Easily.


I mean a lot of A New Hope is just flat out boring. People bash Lucas for all kinds of dragging out scenes in the prequels and yet we get like 15 straight minutes of 3P0 and R2 walking around Tattoine and fucking around with Jawas. Then we get 30 minutes of Obi, Luke, and Han wandering around the Deathstar. I dont feel like that film holds up well at all.

Luke and Han wondering around the deathstar was the opposite of boring and for me the strongest part of the film. A lot of great character moments.
Again though, we put up with the 30+ minutes of Obi, Luke and Han wandering around because they are great characters. It doesn't matter what they are doing, they are fun to be around. The problem with the prequels, especially Episode I, is those characters are awful to be around. The only one with any personality is Jar Jar and you want to shoot him in the face.

I 100% agree and thats why I rank A New Hope higher than AOTC and TPM

I just think ROTS is better than ANH and the best prequel by far. Everything starting with the Opera scene on is pretty great imo and several of those scenes are the best of all the films
Here's my list:

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. Return of the Jedi
4. The Force Awakens
5. Revenge of the Sith
6. Attack of the Clones
7. The Phantom Menance


I mean a lot of A New Hope is just flat out boring. People bash Lucas for all kinds of dragging out scenes in the prequels and yet we get like 15 straight minutes of 3P0 and R2 walking around Tattoine and fucking around with Jawas. Then we get 30 minutes of Obi, Luke, and Han wandering around the Deathstar. I dont feel like that film holds up well at all.

In regards to the early Tattoine scenes:

They can be fairly boring, sure, but it does set up the planet as being fairly backwater and uninhabited. And it allows you to believe that it takes quite some time for the Stormtroopers to track down the missing droids (cause it's so big and there ain't shit).

The Deathstar scenes are all fantastic though, I dunno what you're on about. Han's character elevates what should be a boring rescue mission into a full blown caper with laser guns. Plus Obi-Wan sneaking around knowing that Vader is tracking him down. You can see the pieces of the clock all moving independently in a very fluid way.

It's all good though, at least we can all agree that TPM and AOTC are dumpster fires.


This, to me, increases the chances of her not being related to Luke.

Yup. I think another key bit is Maz's line to Rey:

Maz (paraphrased): "I see it in your eyes: you already know the truth. The people you are waiting for on Jakku...they've never coming back. But there is someone who still may."

Rey: "....Luke."

This scene makes no sense if Luke was the one to send her away. Unless it's a feint along the lines of 'Vader killed your father', but I really don't think that's the case in the context of the other evidence.


Because the direction the story is moving carries enough weight to keep people intrigued even through some terribly acted and terribly written scenes.
The film actual being about Anakin becoming vader makes it even worse because it is so bad written and badly executed.


Just watched RotS again. Spotty dialogue and acting in places but it's loads of fun, great action, opera scene is amazing, cinematography is mostly excellent, wonderful music and lastly still disagree hardcore with those who don't like the final duel. Story wise it moves at a great pace and is just far more entertaining than the first two.

Of course it's all fine when it comes to opinions, but hey, opinions are being questioned and here's the answers, at least for myself. I put it over RotJ. Easily.

In Sith I really think Hayden had the look down of a young Anakin slowly turning into Vader. It just sucks that most of the performances felt so stilted.
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