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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Him "losing" isn't the end of the world. Its if it happens again in the next film.

He needs his Vader in Empire moment.

My idea of Rey vs. Kylo progression for the next two films.

Episode VIII - Both of them go at it again with Kylo way more prepared. However, the match remains at a light stalemate, with Kylo having the clear advantage over Rey somehow.

(Though, if we do some darkside temptation schtick for Rey, it'd be cool if she takes advantage for a few seconds and warns Kylo:
"Don't make me destroy you" like Vader did to Luke

Suddenly, against Kylo's will, the rest of Knights of Ren join in on Snoke's orders and proceed to wreck a now exhausted Rey in a handicap fight. Kylo still joins in but clearly upset because "goddamnit, she's mine." Team Resistance also hops in on the fight to help out Rey and proceeds to turn into a complete clusterfuck. Basically, nobody wins like a good ol' WWE match with too many interruptions.

Episode IX - I'd like the final showdown between Kylo and Rey to happen after the main conflict has been resolved. Make it a more "we still have a score to settle" affair (yes, I do play Metal Gear Solid). Also, by this time, both of them will likely be at their full potential. It's pretty much gonna be the ROTS final duel sequence of this trilogy, minus the unnecessarily frivolous padding and spectacle.


Gunna have to directly disagree on the music. Lots of memorable tracks; the score is more subtle but that doesn't mean it's unmemorable by any stretch of the imagination. When March of the Resistance plays during the X-Wing attack.. that's one of the most memorable moments in SW, for me. Pure adventure.

That's not music that sticks in my mind, not music I can hum, not music that I took away with me when I exited the theater (I've even seen it twice now). The music isn't bad, as it always fits the scenes that it's used in, but that doesn't make it memorable or iconic like so much about the music from both of the previous trilogies.
I always just imagine the doctors are super incompetent and she had a crushed windpipe or something :lol

Yeah, I conveniently ignore the implication that she dies of a broken heart. That doesn't gel at all with Padme as we experience her in any other Star Wars media outside of ROTS.


For me it wasn't done well enough for me to accept Anakin becoming an ice cold murderer. The way it was written and acted was not convincing. Is there anyone that really thinks the child murder scene works? Anakin is supposed to be a tragic hero, according to Lucas, but that didn't come across on screen. He goes full psychopath before Padme dies and he gets the suit, when it should have been the other way around. His resentment should have turned into permanent rage after he wakes up in the suit and is told his family is dead, that's when Darth Vader from the OT should have been born. Instead he's slicing up children while Padme is still alive, yet Lucas wants us to feel sorry for this guy? There is nothing tragic about what happened to Anakin, he was never a good friend nor a good Jedi. He deserved to burn to death and his actions make Obi-Wan's fond recollection in ANH seem like the ramblings of a senile old man.

The younglings scene is pretty out there. Even at his worst (up to that moment) he killed the Sand People because he believed they were animals who killed his mom. When he kills the kids there is zero motivation for it beyond Palpatine saying "go fuck shit up".

In order for that scene to make sense you have to somehow imagine the Dark Side of the Force somehow makes you MORE evil once you embrace it.


Well, if you don't think the turn is well developed enough I can understand complaining, I just mean to say that I believe the turn was well developed so it's the least of the PTs problems.

It was the entire point of the PT and it was completely underdeveloped IMO.

There was no gradient between Anakin Jedi -> Anakin Child Murderer -> Darth Vader. When he finally got in the suit it felt like a completely different character and nothing like the one who just fought Obi Wan.

Never once did I ever imagine Darth Vader's last days as a jedi was him being a petulant child tricked into straight up murder so he could save his wife and unborn. It doesn't even fit his character and it completely diminishes Obi Wan's reminiscing about Anakin in ANH.
The younglings scene is pretty out there. Even at his worst (up to that moment) he killed the Sand People because he believed they were animals who killed his mom. When he kills the kids there is zero motivation for it beyond Palpatine saying "go fuck shit up".

In order for that scene to make sense you have to somehow imagine the Dark Side of the Force somehow makes you MORE evil once you embrace it.

Palpatine says outright "only after you [exterminate all the Jedi, showing no mercy] will you be strong enough [in the dark side] to save Padme."

It doesn't even fit his character and it completely diminishes Obi Wan's reminiscing about Anakin in ANH.

Eh, having known someone who went on to be arrested for some pretty terrible shit, I see Obi-Wan's reminiscing as pretty realistic.


That's not music that sticks in my mind, not music I can hum, not music that I took away with me when I exited the theater (I've even seen it twice now). The music isn't bad, as it always fits the scenes that it's used in, but that doesn't make it memorable or iconic like so much about the music from both of the previous trilogies.

I was humming it in the shower the other day, so I disagree, lol. Kylo Ren's reveal music was incredible and really complimented his menacing appearance. I also hum the music that's playing around the time Rey's food rises/she stares into the sky and sees the ship. Rey's theme is utilized incredibly well throughout the film (and also gets stuck in my head). It's not as memorable as previous films, I can agree with that, but not that it's forgettable or insignificant.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Padme was fridged the entire film, even when she was alive. It was a fucking disgrace, she went from badass in the first two to a prop in the third.

Nah, the change b/w 1 and 2 was already ridiculously jarring. Yes, she was still shooting people up in II, but her personality drastically changed from "no bullshit Naboo politician" to "Oh Ani! *swoon*".


Palpatine says outright "only after you [exterminate all the Jedi, showing no mercy] will you be strong enough [in the dark side] to save Padme."

I dunno, he doesn't give him explicit instructions to kill the kids, who are all still padawans at best.

It doesn't follow. Killing EVERYONE else, sure, the kids though? Nah.
I dunno, he doesn't give him explicit instructions to kill the kids, who are all still padawans at best.

It doesn't follow. Killing EVERYONE else, sure, the kids though? Nah.


PALPATINE: Every single Jedi, including your friend Obi-Wan Kenobi, is now an enemy of the Republic.

ANAKIN: I understand, Master.

PALPATINE: We must move quickly. The Jedi are relentless; if they are not all destroyed, it will be civil war without end. First, I want you to go to the Jedi Temple. We will catch them off balance. Do what must be done, Lord Vader. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy. Only then will you be strong enough with the dark side to save Padme.

If you consider that there was a rumour that the ewoks were used to replace Wookies then they're just tragic.

That's not a particularly plausible scenario. The home planet and species of a major player in the Rebellion are involved in the final conflict against the Death Star, and the Rebellion isn't able to act until it's too late to stop its completion? Much better that the only sentient species is relatively primitive, childish, and technologically backwards.
Han Solo was almost character assassinated in Jedi tbh. He has a cocky swagger to him and also rarely ever shows his heart on his sleeve.

and then in jedi he's a damn buffoon. and whenever he's not babysitting a bunch of little teddy bears he's sounding jealous of luke and leia lol. i get that lucas veered towards a more goofy family vibe for the film but he dragged han down big time. dude was comic relief in the movie. i had fun with it but it was clear how neutered he became.

the force awakens solo is a much more natural growth from ESB han.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Han Solo was almost character assassinated in Jedi tbh. He has a cocky swagger to him and also rarely ever shows his heart on his sleeve.

and then in jedi he's a damn buffoon. and whenever he's not babysitting a bunch of little teddy bears he's sounding jealous of luke and leia lol. i get that lucas veered towards a more goofy family vibe for the film but he dragged han down big time. dude was comic relief in the movie.

well, when you get frozen in carbonite, your life-perspective tends to change i guess lol


I just watched ROTJ on Friday after not seeing it in years expecting the Ewoks to be terrible and... they were not. At all.

This is the kind of hyperbole I was talking about. Just silly.

"You don't like what I like, therefore wrong and/or massive hyperbole."

I fall into that trap sometimes too I guess. I accuse people of hyperbolic irrational prequel bashing at times too. So I hear where you're coming from.

But the ewoks just don't work for me at all. They look ridiculous. They sound ridiculous. Their actions are ridiculous. And they bring nothing worthwhile to the table. They are awful.

So agree to disagree.
I don't know how people put TFA in top-3 let alone no.1

Bottomline is that a great movie needs a great protagonist or a great villain, this movie has NONE

That's obviously up for debate but you act like it's an accepted fact, making a top TFA spot completely perplexing.

Believe it or not, one of the top praises this movie is receiving is about the characters. Protagonists and antagonists alike. So with that in mind, it might make sense that other people place it highly even if you disagree.
I don't know how people put TFA in top-3 let alone no.1

Bottomline is that a great movie needs a great protagonist or a great villain, this movie has NONE

OT, PT -- treats its female characters like shit

TFA -- doesn't treat its female characters like shit

Therefore, TFA is the best movie, or at least one of the three best.
OT, PT -- treats its female characters like shit

TFA -- doesn't treat its female characters like shit

Therefore, TFA is the best movie, or at least one of the three best.

I really like how strongly you're enforcing that rule as a hardline. Good job.

(not sarcasm, in case anyone was suspicious)


Having watched all of the films multiple times recently, and heading to see TFA for the fourth time on Thursday, I have to say that TFA is my favorite Star Wars film.

Really close with The Empire Strikes Back, but there's something special about TFA that has me constantly thinking about how much I freaking love it.


"You don't like what I like, therefore wrong and/or massive hyperbole."

I fall into that trap sometimes too I guess. I accuse people of hyperbolic irrational prequel bashing at times too. So I hear where you're coming from.

But the ewoks just don't work for me at all. They look ridiculous. They sound ridiculous. Their actions are ridiculous. And they bring nothing worthwhile to the table. They are awful.

So agree to disagree.
This is a much better explanation than before. Nah, not that you don't agree, just that the way it was phrased before was definite hyperbole. I can agree to disagree with what I'm quoting here but understand your reasoning. Thank you.
Having watched all of the films multiple times recently, and heading to see TFA for the fourth time on Thursday, I have to say that TFA is my favorite Star Wars film.

Really close with The Empire Strikes Back, but there's something special about TFA that has me constantly thinking about how much I freaking love it.

It must be that respect for its female characters.

It's really great to see, isn't it?
Han Solo was almost character assassinated in Jedi tbh. He has a cocky swagger to him and also rarely ever shows his heart on his sleeve.

and then in jedi he's a damn buffoon. and whenever he's not babysitting a bunch of little teddy bears he's sounding jealous of luke and leia lol. i get that lucas veered towards a more goofy family vibe for the film but he dragged han down big time. dude was comic relief in the movie. i had fun with it but it was clear how neutered he became.

the force awakens solo is a much more natural growth from ESB han.

I think in ROTJ he was sort of in an awkward period of his life though I think it's integral to him as a character and still a logical progression even if he does feel neutered. Though I do agree that ROTJ did mishandle him at times.

-In 4 he was a smuggler asshole and was perfectly comfortable being one until the very end when he decided he couldn't sit it out.
-In 5 he became more sympathetic and was sort of torn between the smuggler life and the rebel life. He was trying to leave before getting wrapped up in the mess again.
-In 6 it seems he had accepted the rebel life leaving his smuggling days behind him, and suddenly he seemed a little more awkward. Like he knew it wasn't his style but it was simply the right thing to do, even if he was uncomfortable.
-In 7 after it all went to hell, he went back to where he felt comfortable and became a smuggler again. But of course by the end of his arc in the movie he has again chosen what is right over what is comfortable.

That struggle is the essence of his character. He repeats the same arc in different ways throughout his appearances. It's made clear that the "war hero" Han Solo is not easy for him.


Phasma says otherwise but ok.

Eh, the character is underutilized and over-marketed, but that's got nothing to do with her being a marginalized female character. She's still a hardass captain in cool looking armor. That there was no need for the character to be female makes the fact that she is a win I'd think. There's no attention drawn to it, she doesn't have boob armor or anything, the character didn't need to turn "sexy" or any other bullshit. She just is a stormtrooper captain who happens to be a woman.
Wait what did he say that has spurred such a comment?
Spurred what kind of comment? If you're a man, with your gender being fantastically represented in our culture, it's not entirely surprising for you to not give a single thought, as he put it, to a movie's treatment of gender.

I mean, if you look at it a certain way, that's an awesome position to be in. He doesn't have to worry about his gender being on screen and well represented, so he doesn't give much thought to it all. That *has* to be a relief.

Because men don't have to deal with the reality of your gender being underrepresented, the reality of that particular situation is vague and requires more effort to think about. Some men are better at acknowledging this and going out of their way to look at our culture's treatment of gender, some don't, and some straddle this middle.


I can't believe people actually argue this.

He got hit by a bowcaster that exploded everyone else it hit, was nursing his wound, had just killed his father and was emotionally rekt, and wasn't trying to kill Rey.

still disagree, here's why

ATTENTION. ATTENTION everyone. I have huge, no, massive problem with Kylo Ren power level inconsistencies.

In the beginning, this dude stopped and suspended a blaster bolt in mid-air, and what is a blaster bolt? is it just a mere physical projectile? no, it is not.

according to wiki

blaster bolt consists of lights and or particle based energy


now what force in the universe can stop a light from moving??? I can think of only one, black hole. So this guy should be God-like power with black-hole power level, if he can stop light or energy from moving.


1. he can't influence Rey with his power, eventhough up until the capture Rey had no clue what power is, she thought it was a myth let alone experienced it herself
2. With his massive power Kylo Ren should be able to regenerate his wound, he should be like Wolverine on steroid at this level. (didn't he teleport to cut Fin and Rey escape route?? how did he get there so fast if he's wounded??)

see my problem there's many inconsistencies with this guy power
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