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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works

Just saw it for the 5th time. Love it so much. I'm never very critical of movies, I can usually enjoy most movies so have virtually no complaints about tfa. Only like nitpick is leia hugging rey instead of chewie towards the end, like she didn't even know rey. Has anyone talked about the sound of anakin/Lukes saber and how it's different?


Like I said above while Luke is out there saving the galaxy and Han is prepping his heroic return to save the day, Leia watches from a spaceship and does fuck all in the climax of ANH and then proceeds to basically do fuck all in ESB before the infamous slave bullshit of ROTJ

Yeah it would have been nice to see her go out there and fly in the attack on the Death Star, and considering how much she seems to know about battle and tactics wouldn't be a stretch for her character at all but I think ANH did her the best out of the movies. She wasn't really portrayed as a damsel in distress and actually took over when Luke and Han failed to come up with a plan of escape and she seemed quite capable of handling herself.

As for ESB, she really does just seem to nag Han the entire time and bust his chops about his crappy ship. I guess she saves Luke in the end.

Then yeah, the third movie she's in a bikini. At least she kills Jabba.


I'm not saying he can create black-hole or anything like, i'm just saying that he's power level must be extremely massive, beyond any Jedi or Sith we've seen

That wiki is wrong/old.

The official cannon definition of what comes out of a blaster is on the Star Wars Wiki/Wookiepedia, citing all official canon sources (not the EU):

A blaster was any type of ranged weapon that fired bolts of intense plasma energy.

In other words, blaster fire was ignited plasma, which is matter, not light. That's why it's not impossible for a Force user to stop a shot from a blaster.
Yeah it would have been nice to see her go out there and fly in the attack on the Death Star, and considering how much she seems to know about battle and tactics wouldn't be a stretch for her character at all but I think ANH did her the best out of the movies. She wasn't really portrayed as a damsel in distress and actually took over when Luke and Han failed to come up with a plan of escape and she seemed quite capable of handling herself.

As for ESB, she really does just seem to nag Han the entire time and bust his chops about his crappy ship. I guess she saves Luke in the end.

Then yeah, the third movie she's in a bikini. At least she kills Jabba.

It is sad that a Leia that sits around and watches the climax is as good a representation as she gets in the series.

Equally more amazing that they went hella backwards with Padme.

Lol holy shit if Rey is a Skywalker there will have been no important female characters in the Star Wars film series not from that Anakin/Padme bloodline.

All 3 women of Star Wars related. Literally 3 generations.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
It is sad that a Leia that sits around and watches the climax is as good a representation as she gets in the series.

Equally more amazing that they went hella backwards with Padme.

Lol holy shit if Rey is a Skywalker there will have been no important female characters in the Star Wars film series not from that Anakin/Padme bloodline.

All 3 women of Star Wars related. Literally 3 generations.

"B-b-but Felicity Jones and m-muh Ahsoka" lol


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm just irritated that they (JJ/Disney) wasted an opportunity to make a quality SW movie with this new start. I know they have to have some fan service in the movie, but c'mon, put a bit of effort into it, not another shallow entry

still disagree, here's why

ATTENTION. ATTENTION everyone. I have huge, no, massive problem with Kylo Ren power level inconsistencies.

In the beginning, this dude stopped and suspended a blaster bolt in mid-air, and what is a blaster bolt? is it just a mere physical projectile? no, it is not.

according to wiki

blaster bolt consists of lights and or particle based energy


now what force in the universe can stop a light from moving??? I can think of only one, black hole. So this guy should be God-like power with black-hole power level, if he can stop light or energy from moving.


1. he can't influence Rey with his power, eventhough up until the capture Rey had no clue what power is, she thought it was a myth let alone experienced it herself
2. With his massive power Kylo Ren should be able to regenerate his wound, he should be like Wolverine on steroid at this level. (didn't he teleport to cut Fin and Rey escape route?? how did he get there so fast if he's wounded??)

see my problem there's many inconsistencies with this guy power

Just wanted to say that I appreciate the laugh


Was getting caught part of your plan?
still disagree, here's why

ATTENTION. ATTENTION everyone. I have huge, no, massive problem with Kylo Ren power level inconsistencies.

In the beginning, this dude stopped and suspended a blaster bolt in mid-air, and what is a blaster bolt? is it just a mere physical projectile? no, it is not.

according to wiki

blaster bolt consists of lights and or particle based energy


now what force in the universe can stop a light from moving??? I can think of only one, black hole. So this guy should be God-like power with black-hole power level, if he can stop light or energy from moving.


1. he can't influence Rey with his power, eventhough up until the capture Rey had no clue what power is, she thought it was a myth let alone experienced it herself
2. With his massive power Kylo Ren should be able to regenerate his wound, he should be like Wolverine on steroid at this level. (didn't he teleport to cut Fin and Rey escape route?? how did he get there so fast if he's wounded??)

see my problem there's many inconsistencies with this guy power



The Librarian was the one attacking for someone enjoying the movie without paying attention to gender representation though. Hey I think most are happy for progress, but those that don't care should be allowed to enjoy it anyhow. Mad Max:FR is progressive too, yet criticizing someone for not caring if Furiosa was male/female is pretty absurd.

The issue is that if you don't care about representation, it's a position of extreme priveledge. It doesn't mean you're, strictly speaking, an asshole or anything like that, but brushing it off as nothing means that you're lacking some perspective.

Like, if you said that you don't really care about wasting food and often throw away good food that is only half finished, you could argue that it's your right to do this since you own the food and you can choose on what to do with it, and that's not wholly unreasonable. But when you realize your telling this to people who were literally in danger of starvation at some point in their lives, they would see you as someone who, to throw away perfectly good food, has never experienced the kind of problem they have.

And representation is fucking important. There is no downplaying this aspect of the argument. It's not just a nice, optional thing for movies to have, it's something that determines whether people of a certain characteristic have a character they can identify with to place themselves into that world. With any individual movie, this isn't a huge, epic deal. But in aggregate, when the mass media outlets ALL never catered to women or black people or other minorities, depicting them constantly in positions of disempowerment, that is simply not a psychologically healthy situation to be in. It affects society at large in an insidious way.

For males, this isn't a problem, the same way many people of many different classes never had the problems that others had. White heterosexual men are the priveledged class who never had to worry about representation and it's hard for us to imagine how that world would be when not just one movie, but the vast majority of movies do not acknowledge us or put is in positions of empowerment.

This is only something you can understand with empathy. One good example is Neil Druckmann, writer of the Last of Us. Did you know that game was originally rooted in highly mysogynistic ideas? The original idea for the virus would be that it only affects women, so you'd have to go through the game shooting women and saving the only one that 'matters' because of the virus cure. He didn't meant it maliciously, but through time and discussions with other women, and the fact that he then got his own daughter, made him realize that there was little good representation for this class of people that he cares about. And that horrified him. And he would not add to it. And so we got Last of Us as it is. And, frankly, it seems like it made it better art for being mindful of that.

That horrifies anyone who cares and understands people and how stories work. The vast web of influences that films, especially ones with cultural significance like Star Wars, hold with us is monumental. Saying "I just don't really care about that" is not really an acceptable statement if you're someone who honestly cares and understands this.

Maybe it didn't particularly resonate with you. That's fine. Honestly, it is and I don't begrudge you for that. However, that has to come with the ability to recognize the massive achievement of something that doesn't cater to you. That SW and Mad Max Fury Road have the gender representations they do isn't just 'nice thing to do for women'. It's a significant progress in our culture that women are now included in this sphere that used to exclude them. It's something that will propel more changes like it. It's something that will give 50% of the population something they've only had scraps of up to this point. And it's something that will change the landscape for male perspective as well, for the better imo. It's also healthy for us to learn that women don't have to fit into our stereotypes of them and see it manifest.

Having that aspect not resonate with you is fine. Trying to downplay it's significance is not.
List time? List time. I've only seen TFA once, and my opinion might change with further viewings (or after the 'honeymoon period') but at the moment:

1. TFA
2. ESB
4. ANH
6. TPM

I watched all the movies again before seeing TFA, and A New Hope hasn't aged very well imo.


The Librarian was the one attacking for someone enjoying the movie without paying attention to gender representation though. Hey I think most are happy for progress, but those that don't care should be allowed to enjoy it anyhow. Mad Max:FR is progressive too, yet criticizing someone for not caring if Furiosa was male/female is pretty absurd.

Just accept that you an old man. Abrams looks quiet fresh for someone nearing his 50th birthday.

Read his words and was like "yeah, but this is about you buddy."

He's 49.


JJ is still younger than me, he looks young though.
My point still stands.
The issue is that if you don't care about representation, it's a position of extreme priveledge. It doesn't mean you're, strictly speaking, an asshole or anything like that, but brushing it off as nothing means that you're lacking some perspective.

Like, if you said that you don't really care about wasting food and often throw away good food that is only half finished, you could argue that it's your right to do this since you own the food and you can choose on what to do with it, and that's not wholly unreasonable. But when you realize your telling this to people who were literally in danger of starvation at some point in their lives, they would see you as someone who, to throw away perfectly good food, has never experienced the kind of problem they have.

And representation is fucking important. There is no downplaying this aspect of the argument. It's not just a nice, optional thing for movies to have, it's something that determines whether people of a certain characteristic have a character they can identify with to place themselves into that world. With any individual movie, this isn't a huge, epic deal. But in aggregate, when the mass media outlets ALL never catered to women or black people or other minorities, depicting them constantly in positions of disempowerment, that is simply not a psychologically healthy situation to be in. It affects society at large in an insidious way.

For males, this isn't a problem, the same way many people of many different classes never had the problems that others had. White heterosexual men are the priveledged class who never had to worry about representation and it's hard for us to imagine how that world would be when not just one movie, but the vast majority of movies do not acknowledge us or put is in positions of empowerment.

This is only something you can understand with empathy. One good example is Neil Druckmann, writer of the Last of Us. Did you know that game was originally rooted in highly mysogynistic ideas? The original idea for the virus would be that it only affects women, so you'd have to go through the game shooting women and saving the only one that 'matters' because of the virus cure. He didn't meant it maliciously, but through time and discussions with other women, and the fact that he then got his own daughter, made him realize that there was little good representation for this class of people that he cares about. And that horrified him. And he would not add to it. And so we got Last of Us as it is. And, frankly, it seems like it made it better art for being mindful of that.

That horrifies anyone who cares and understands people and how stories work. The vast web of influences that films, especially ones with cultural significance like Star Wars, hold with us is monumental. Saying "I just don't really care about that" is not really an acceptable statement if you're someone who honestly cares and understands this.

Maybe it didn't particularly resonate with you. That's fine. Honestly, it is and I don't begrudge you for that. However, that has to come with the ability to recognize the massive achievement of something that doesn't cater to you. That SW and Mad Max Fury Road have the gender representations they do isn't just 'nice thing to do for women'. It's a significant progress in our culture that women are now included in this sphere that used to exclude them. It's something that will propel more changes like it. It's something that will give 50% of the population something they've only had scraps of up to this point. And it's something that will change the landscape for male perspective as well, for the better imo. It's also healthy for us to learn that women don't have to fit into our stereotypes of them and see it manifest.

Having that aspect not resonate with you is fine. Trying to downplay it's significance is not.


damn fine post

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone think down line we might get a filler film between Jedi n force awaken with details on rise of rylo n co n Luke being a wuss


I'm not sure what my exact order of the films is but TFA is probably number 1, and that's entirely down to Rey, Ren and Finn. Character is more important to me than plot, and they're already my 3 favourite characters in the film series.

As I mentioned a couple days ago, Rey grabbing the lightsaber is by far my favourite moment in the series. Nothing else comes close for me

About the representation stuff, I went back and watched a bunch of interviews and panels since I had pretty much ignored all of it before the films release. It was really cool to hear Kathleen Kennedy, Abrams and a bunch of the actors talk about how important diversity and seeing yourself represented in films is.
The issue is that if you don't care about representation, it's a position of extreme priveledge. It doesn't mean you're, strictly speaking, an asshole or anything like that, but brushing it off as nothing means that you're lacking some perspective.

Like, if you said that you don't really care about wasting food and often throw away good food that is only half finished, you could argue that it's your right to do this since you own the food and you can choose on what to do with it, and that's not wholly unreasonable. But when you realize your telling this to people who were literally in danger of starvation at some point in their lives, they would see you as someone who, to throw away perfectly good food, has never experienced the kind of problem they have.

And representation is fucking important. There is no downplaying this aspect of the argument. It's not just a nice, optional thing for movies to have, it's something that determines whether people of a certain characteristic have a character they can identify with to place themselves into that world. With any individual movie, this isn't a huge, epic deal. But in aggregate, when the mass media outlets ALL never catered to women or black people or other minorities, depicting them constantly in positions of disempowerment, that is simply not a psychologically healthy situation to be in. It affects society at large in an insidious way.

For males, this isn't a problem, the same way many people of many different classes never had the problems that others had. White heterosexual men are the priveledged class who never had to worry about representation and it's hard for us to imagine how that world would be when not just one movie, but the vast majority of movies do not acknowledge us or put is in positions of empowerment.

This is only something you can understand with empathy. One good example is Neil Druckmann, writer of the Last of Us. Did you know that game was originally rooted in highly mysogynistic ideas? The original idea for the virus would be that it only affects women, so you'd have to go through the game shooting women and saving the only one that 'matters' because of the virus cure. He didn't meant it maliciously, but through time and discussions with other women, and the fact that he then got his own daughter, made him realize that there was little good representation for this class of people that he cares about. And that horrified him. And he would not add to it. And so we got Last of Us as it is. And, frankly, it seems like it made it better art for being mindful of that.

That horrifies anyone who cares and understands people and how stories work. The vast web of influences that films, especially ones with cultural significance like Star Wars, hold with us is monumental. Saying "I just don't really care about that" is not really an acceptable statement if you're someone who honestly cares and understands this.

Maybe it didn't particularly resonate with you. That's fine. Honestly, it is and I don't begrudge you for that. However, that has to come with the ability to recognize the massive achievement of something that doesn't cater to you. That SW and Mad Max Fury Road have the gender representations they do isn't just 'nice thing to do for women'. It's a significant progress in our culture that women are now included in this sphere that used to exclude them. It's something that will propel more changes like it. It's something that will give 50% of the population something they've only had scraps of up to this point. And it's something that will change the landscape for male perspective as well, for the better imo. It's also healthy for us to learn that women don't have to fit into our stereotypes of them and see it manifest.

Having that aspect not resonate with you is fine. Trying to downplay it's significance is not.

Anyone think down line we might get a filler film between Jedi n force awaken with details on rise of rylo n co n Luke being a wuss

We'll probably one or more anthology films set during that time (there have been rumors that the Boba Fett film in development actually takes place after Jedi), but I don't think they'll focus on The Force Awakens characters.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I can't wait for the unintentionally hilarious EU shenanigans the new characters will be put through once the trilogy is done.
I'm not sure what my exact order of the films is but TFA is probably number 1, and that's entirely down to Rey, Ren and Finn. Character is more important to me than plot, and they're already my 3 favourite characters in the film series.

As I mentioned a couple days ago, Rey grabbing the lightsaber is by far my favourite moment in the series. Nothing else comes close for me

About the representation stuff, I went back and watched a bunch of interviews and panels since I had pretty much ignored all of it before the films release. It was really cool to hear Kathleen Kennedy, Abrams and a bunch of the actors talk about how important diversity and seeing yourself represented in films is.

The Rey beating down those Jakku guys and then the hand holding gag was the moment I knew Rey was going to be my favorite and TFA as well.

It's the moment I knew that these guys making the film got it. Got what had been pathetically lacking in both OT and PT


I can't wait for the unintentionally hilarious EU shenanigans the new characters will be put through once the trilogy is done.

I hope there is a line with Han Solo where he talks about how he fought a giant blinged out otter, with characters who know him insist that he dreamed that part and him insisting he didn't. It'd be a neat little way of offering some connection to the old EU.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
ESB > TFA > RotJ > RotS > ANH > TPM > TCW

crucify me also;


I feel her pain... I got demolished as well. I can't even call myself a fan anymore :(

1. TFA
2. ESB
3. ANH
7. TPM

I can't believe how many people prefer TPM to AOTC. It was the one prequal movie that literally served no function. It introduced Anakin, but they didn't need Pod Racing, Trade Federation crap, or most of the scenes on Naboo. They could have introduced Padme in Episode 2 and the story would have worked just as well. The only thing we miss from ignoring Episode 1 is Darth Maul, who is probably the most wasted character in Star Wars as it is. Plus Jar Jar Fucking Binks...


Rodent Whores
Kylo Ren stopping a blaster bolt in midair that was shot from behind him.


Kylo Ren getting blasted by a bowcaster bolt that was shot in front of him (albeit he was a bid distracted from the whole killing daddy thing).

Makes sense? Inconsistent? What say you?
Kylo Ren stopping a blaster bolt in midair that was shot from behind him.


Kylo Ren getting blasted by a bowcaster bolt that was shot in front of him (albeit he was a bid distracted from the whole killing daddy thing).

Makes sense? Inconsistent? What say you?

He just killed his Dad. That happening is exactly the point.


Kylo Ren stopping a blaster bolt in midair that was shot from behind him.


Kylo Ren getting blasted by a bowcaster bolt that was shot in front of him (albeit he was a bid distracted from the whole killing daddy thing).

Makes sense? Inconsistent? What say you?

Total sense.

Again, novelization.

“Thank you,” Ren murmured, and truly, the darkness above was mimicked by the darkness in his voice.

From their perch high above, Finn and Rey gasped simultaneously.

“Solo. Solo.” Finn put an arm around the girl beside him. “Rey.”

“No,” she whispered. “No, no, no…”

Accepting without quite believing, Han stared back into the face of the creature that had been his son. There was nothing to see there. Only darkness in the shape of a face: alien, unthinking, unfeeling.

His knees buckled, the beam tilting down with him as he crumpled. Ren extinguished it.

For another moment Han held on to the edge of the walkway. A rush of memories flashed through his mind: worlds and time, friends and enemies, triumphs and failures. Words he wished he had spoken and others he regretted. All gone now, lost in an instant, like the one he would never again be able to hold in his arms. Then he fell, to vanish into the depths.

On another world far, far away, a woman felt a shudder in the Force that lanced through her like a knife. She slumped into a seat, her head lowering, and started to cry.

Stunned by his own action, Kylo Ren fell to his knees. Following through on the act ought to have made him stronger, a part of him believed. Instead, he found himself weakened. He did not hear the roar of the enraged Wookiee above, but he did feel the sting of the shot from the bowcaster as it slammed into his side, knocking him back on the walkway.

Hostile fire being something the group of stormtroopers could react to without having to wait for an order, they immediately blasted back at Chewie. Returning fire, the Wookiee retreated down a corridor, hitting the switch on the remote detonator as he ran.


Kylo Ren stopping a blaster bolt in midair that was shot from behind him.


Kylo Ren getting blasted by a bowcaster bolt that was shot in front of him (albeit he was a bid distracted from the whole killing daddy thing).

Makes sense? Inconsistent? What say you?

I think it's a bit of dumbing down his powers on the movies part, but one could argue the point he wasn't entirely focused on what was happening around him. I already asked why he seemed to needlessly engage Finn in a lightsaber battle when he just forced pushed Rey unconscious but was met with the "well he was toying with him" defense.


I think it's a bit of dumbing down his powers on the movies part, but one could argue the point he wasn't entirely focused on what was happening around him. I already asked why he seemed to needlessly engage Finn in a lightsaber battle when he just forced pushed Rey unconscious but was met with the "well he was toying with him" defense.

More novelization if anyone was interested:

More dark side stuff for Rey too :D

“Come on.” Seeking a path through the snow, shadows, and increasingly dark forest, Finn finally slowed. Where were they running to? In any event, both he and Rey were out of breath.

When he looked over at her, he knew the same realization had struck her. It was good, anyway, to stop. Even in the artificial darkness, in the shadow of the curtain of descending dark energy, the forest felt…clean.

At least, it did until a singular figure came upon them and uttered a single word.


The three stood staring at one another: Finn and Rey, Kylo Ren some ten meters away.

As Ren reached for his lightsaber, Rey pulled her blaster, stepped forward, and took aim.

Before she could fire, Ren raised a hand, halting her. She strained against him, her anger giving her strength. But she couldn’t fire. He was struggling also, against her newly discovered ability, as well as the wound inflicted by Chewbacca’s bowcaster. Gritting his teeth, he flung his arm sideways in a single, powerful gesture—and the blaster went flying out of her hand. Inhaling deeply, he gestured again, and this time it was Rey who went flying, to smash into a tree nearby and slide to the ground, dazed and hurt.


Finn started toward her, but the sound of Ren’s lightsaber igniting made him turn. In the darkness, the hum and glow of the gleaming red weapon was mesmerizing. With nothing else to fall back on and unable to reach Rey’s blaster, Finn resorted to the only defense at his command: He pulled and activated the Skywalker lightsaber.

For some reason, the sight of it was enough to give Ren pause. He stared at it for a moment before reacting.

“That weapon—is mine.”

Finn all but snarled his reply. “Come and get it.”

Drawing himself up, a towering figure in the snow, Ren did not even bother to gesture. “I’m going to kill you for it.”

He rushed forward.

Despite his fear, Finn raised the beam to defend himself. Ren lunged, struck—and Finn parried.

Shards of light flew, illuminating the snow and the surrounding vegetation. Drawing back slightly, Ren considered his unexpectedly determined opponent, then resumed his assault with a vengeance.

Finn blocked him again and again, once letting the other man’s beam slide against his own and harmlessly off to one side. He counterattacked, to no avail. The longer the contest continued, the stronger Ren seemed to become. It was as if he was enjoying the challenge. Feeding upon it.

At least, it appeared so until Finn parried, swung, and unexpectedly stabbed, the tip of his lightsaber beam grazing Ren’s arm. That made it more than a challenge. Taking a step back, Ren reconsidered his opponent. When he closed the distance between them anew, it was with a purpose that had been previously lacking. Expecting an execution, he had found a contest. Now he had been touched. It was time for play to end.

Advancing relentlessly, he was driven by something that Finn could not even sense, far less counter. Still the ex-trooper fought back, until Ren landed a blow that cut across Finn’s chest and sent the lightsaber flying from his hand. It landed in the snow six meters distant.

It was over.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I love how quick the Finn vs. Ren fight was. Finn was outclassed and he knew it, and he got destroyed, but he gave it his all all the same. It defined Finn's character for me. I hope it turns out that he is force sensitive.
You know who was more ridiculous when it came to abilities than Rey? Anakin Skywalker. He created a robot with full artificial intelligence that was fluent in 6 million languages, became the best pod racer in the history of the galaxy, and destroyed the trade federation fleet by himself without having ever touched the control panel of a spaceship before. He did all of this when he was 9.


You know who was more ridiculous when it came to abilities than Rey? Anakin Skywalker. He created a robot with full artificial intelligence that was fluent in 6 million languages, became the best pod racer in the history of the galaxy, and destroyed the trade federation fleet by himself without having ever touched the control panel of a spaceship before. He did all of this when he was 9.



I love how quick the Finn vs. Ren fight was. Finn was outclassed and he knew it, and he got destroyed, but he gave it his all all the same. It defined Finn's character for me. I hope it turns out that he is force sensitive.

I hope he isn't. It would make Rey less special and him a weaker character for it. That he finds the willpower or strength to even fight Kylo is, as you said, defines his character. No powers needed.


still disagree, here's why

ATTENTION. ATTENTION everyone. I have huge, no, massive problem with Kylo Ren power level inconsistencies.

In the beginning, this dude stopped and suspended a blaster bolt in mid-air, and what is a blaster bolt? is it just a mere physical projectile? no, it is not.

according to wiki

blaster bolt consists of lights and or particle based energy


Keep reading that page..

"Since blaster bolts consist of light or particle based energy, the bolts would burn through the flesh of a target, with some even exploding against their target, exerting great force. he latter effect was usually from a blaster with greater size. Blasters have even been shown to have plasma energy as ammunition, which is portrayed as blue bolts. As of The Force Awakens, these bolts can rupture and damage flesh with little to no burning, which causes bleeding injuries, as Poe shot a Stormtrooper with a blaster that caused him to bleed heavily while he died from the shot. Another instance of a blaster bolt causing bleeding was when Chewbacca shot Kylo Ren with his Bowcaster, as the small explosion against his body causing a bleeding injury coupled with burns, as the shot caused ambers and sparks to fly the area on Kylo's body where he was shot. In many modern showings of blaster fights, someone hit by a blaster has cinders and soot outlining the area where they where shot. Also blasters hit with great amounts of friction and kinetic energy, enough to cause sparks to fly off the target, make the target, or more accurately, the area were the target is hit, burst into flames, or kill a target on impact, even if the target is not penetrated by the bolt, as it is when some targets are armored against blasters. Also, some blaster bolt hits would cause a flash of bright light on the target."

So, by your own resources you've got your answer.

It's not a red laser like all the previous blasters have been.

These blue ones are plasma based, ergo, he has something to halt that's physical, not light.

Also, fun reading:



1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Return of the Jedi
3. The Force Awakens
4. A New Hope
5. Revenge of the Sith
6. The Phantom Menace
7. Attack of the Clones

You know who was more ridiculous when it came to abilities than Rey? Anakin Skywalker. He created a robot with full artificial intelligence that was fluent in 6 million languages, became the best pod racer in the history of the galaxy, and destroyed the trade federation fleet by himself without having ever touched the control panel of a spaceship before. He did all of this when he was 9.
IIRC, wasn't R2 doing a lot of the flying?


Super Member
You know who was more ridiculous when it came to abilities than Rey? Anakin Skywalker. He created a robot with full artificial intelligence that was fluent in 6 million languages, became the best pod racer in the history of the galaxy, and destroyed the trade federation fleet by himself without having ever touched the control panel of a spaceship before. He did all of this when he was 9.
Knowing 6 million languages in Star Wars is probably like knowing 2 languages in real life

Anakin was the worst podracer. He only won because Sebulba/sandpeople sabotaged everyone else and screwed up.

And he recognized the weak spot in the trade federation ship because it was shiny. Just like any kid playing Starfox 64 at the time.


Oh man, I love the ranking phase. I've seen TFA twice and I plan on seeing it at least one more time, but as it stands right now this is how things look for me:

1) ESB
2) ANH
3) TFA
7) TPM
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