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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


Don't let these thugs scare you!


Pre-Prequels wasn't Luke's green saber only green because he had to use a synthetic crystal or something? Like green was never meant to be a common lightsaber color.
The actual real filmmaking reason is that they wanted Luke's new lightsaber to stand out better against the bright blue desert sky in its first appearance.


semen stains the mountaintops
So the next one will involve luke training Rey? Then the third another Death Star, lol.

I wonder what Episode 10 will be.

Completely new trio? A continuation of Rey, Finn and Poe's story?

Brb, making a time machine so I can watch all the future Star Wars movies.


I'd bet my GAF Gold membership that Rey keeps Luke's/Anakin's blue lightsaber, while Luke, if he even still has his green saber, mostly goes through the next films saberless.


Junior Member
I'd like to have seen her make the decision not to kill him, rather than have the gulf that forms make the decision for her. It's an important beat for her arc, and while I think her hesitation could be interpreted as such, I felt that valley forming was too convenient.

I saw the film for the second time today(this time in 2D). Outside Maz'z place she has no hesitation shooting the stormtrooper dead when he is just standing there unaware of her presence. At the end when she got to Kylo, she was walking up to him as the chasm opened. This time I read the hesitation as just her being cautious on how to approach him as he might be a danger and that she was going to kill him(there was an emotional element, but I read that as feeling the hurt, over Han and the other killings and that she's resolving herself to enact justice rather than thinking of vengeance). The chasm opening just being to save Kylo rather than protecting her from the decision.
no love for the water faucet Dooku's Lightsaber?



Way cooler villain than Darth Maul IMO. Too bad he never became more than a pawn.

I don't want to rewatch the whole PT to find out, but did they sort of not explain (at least in the movies) when/why Dooku went to the darkside? I feel like when I watched it back in the day if felt like he just came out of nowhere if you go from Ep. 1 to Ep. 2 without much backstory or fanfare.


I don't want to rewatch the whole PT to find out, but did they sort of not explain (at least in the movies) when/why Dooku went to the darkside? I feel like when I watched it back in the day if felt like he just came out of nowhere if you go from Ep. 1 to Ep. 2 without much backstory or fanfare.

I think it went something like this:

"Oh fuck, we killed Maul, didn't we? Better come up with a new villain since we gotta end with a sword fight."


I think it went something like this:

"Oh fuck, we killed Maul, didn't we? Better come up with a new villain since we gotta end with a sword fight."

How do you get Saruman to play your villain and make him the most boring villain in the franchise.

Vader is iconic and shit, Maul looks damn fine and has a unique fighting style, Sidious is the head honcho, Grievous atleast looked cool with his creepy bio-robotic design and four lightsaber fights.

Dooku is just a white bearded guy that stares at you with some disdain. The best thing about him is his sith name, Darth Tyranus, which might be the best Sith name of all, but they constantly call him Dooku. Dooku.

I don't want to rewatch the whole PT to find out, but did they sort of not explain (at least in the movies) when/why Dooku went to the darkside? I feel like when I watched it back in the day if felt like he just came out of nowhere if you go from Ep. 1 to Ep. 2 without much backstory or fanfare.

There's dialogue that's a hint at it.

Attack of the Clones said:
Count Dooku: It's a great pity that our paths have never crossed before, Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon always spoke very highly of you. I wish he were still alive. I could use his help right now.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Qui-Gon Jinn would never join you.
Dooku: Don't be so sure, my young Jedi. You forget that he was once my apprentice, just as you were once his. He knew all about the corruptions of the Senate, but he would never have gone along with it if he had learned the truth as I have.
Kenobi: The truth?
Dooku: The truth. What if I told you that the Republic is now under the control of the Dark Lords of the Sith?
Kenobi: No, that's not possible! The Jedi would be aware it!
Dooku: The Dark Side of the Force has clouded their vision, my friend. Hundreds of senators are now under the influence of a Sith Lord called Darth Sidious.
Kenobi: I don't believe you.
Dooku: The Viceroy of the Trade Federation was once in league with this Darth Sidious, but he was betrayed ten years ago by the Dark Lord. He came to me for help; he told me everything. The Jedi Council wouldn't believe him. I've tried many times to warn them, but they wouldn't listen. By the time they sense the Dark Lord's presence, it would already be too late. You must join me, Obi-Wan, and together we will destroy the Sith!
Kenobi: I will never join you, Dooku.
Dooku: [coldly] It may be difficult to secure your release.

Part of this was truth and part deception in an attempt to recruit his own apprentice. The truth being The Viceroy informing him about Sidious and who Sidious was. The deception being that Sidious successfully recruited Dooku to his cause.

There's also the insinuation in the dialogue that Qui Gon's rebelliousness was influenced by Dooku's... so it seems the same aspects of The Council that would frustrate Qui Gon also frustrated Dooku and provided an in for him to be seduced to the darkside.

That's my take on it. Maybe The Clone Wars cartoon goes into specific detail.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Dooku was a pretty awesome guy.

He was Yoda's last Padawan in the era of the Galactic Republic. During a mission to Kashyyyk, Dooku watched as his master faced a dreadful giant Terentatek.He eventually attained the rank of Jedi Master, and took Qui-Gon Jinn as his apprentice.He also rendered help to Mother Talzin of the Nightsisters, giving her a piece of his hair. Jinn became a Jedi Knight and later became a Jedi Master himself. Jinn had at least some contact with his old Master and after taking on Obi-Wan Kenobi as his apprentice, spoke highly of his Padawan to Dooku, although Dooku never met the young Kenobi as a Jedi.

Even before the death of his former apprentice on Naboo, Dooku became disillusioned with Jedi Order, the Republic, and the Galactic Senate's corruption. He left the Order, becoming one of the Lost Twenty. He then regained his family's wealth and the title of Count of Serenno. Dooku was then approached by the Sith Lord, Darth Sidious, who asked for his help. Craving power, Dooku joined him and was given the Sith name, Darth Tyranus.

As Tyranus, Dooku arranged the death of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas by contacting Lom Pyke of the Pyke Syndicate to shoot him down. Dooku was then given Sifo-Dyas's body. However, Dooku was unaware that the Pykes had captured Valorum's aide, Silman, alive.On one of the moons of Bogden, Dooku then recruited the bounty hunter Jango Fett as the template for the Clone Army Sifo-Dyas ordered from the Kaminoans. Dooku agreed to pay Fett with an unaltered clone for himself. Dooku and Sidious then had bio-chips implanted in the clones to enact a protocol that would ensure the clones' loyalty to Sidious. During this time, Dooku then recruited Dathomirian former Jedi Asajj Ventress to act as his assassin and his Sith apprentice.

Dooku then started rallying systems and corporations to his cause to become the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Dooku also promised Trade Federation Viceroy Gunray that he would assassinate Senator Amidala if he signed Dooku's treaty. Dooku thus dispatched Jango Fett to carry out Amidala's assassination. Despite the failure of Fett's mission, Dooku was able to have the Trade Federation, the Banking Clan, the Techno Union, the Commerce Guild and the Corporate Alliance sign his treaty on Geonosis.
Too bad none of the movies even hint at any of this


I wonder what Episode 10 will be.

Completely new trio? A continuation of Rey, Finn and Poe's story?

Brb, making a time machine so I can watch all the future Star Wars movies.

Its so far off, and who knows how i'll feel after episode 9, but i'm not ready to let go of Rey's story yet, I need movies about her adventures forever please.


I'd bet my GAF Gold membership that Rey keeps Luke's/Anakin's blue lightsaber, while Luke, if he even still has his green saber, mostly goes through the next films saberless.

You'd lose because she will construct her own when she becomes a full Jedi whatever that means in this new age. Maybe in 8 she does but I'm positive 9 at least will have her go full Jedi at some point.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I'd print the shit out of that if it was in a higher res.

Nice work man.
Thanks. Along with the other Rey poster I did a few pages back. I rarely ever do these kinds of posters anymore apart from when I do those funny photoshop games here on GAF.

This movie seems to have given me a positive itch lately.
He's lacking the scar over the right (his right) eye, though.
(curious that they didn't digitally give mask-less vader an eye scar in the bluray release, really)

Maybe his skin tightened up with age lol. They both share a scar on the top of their head, and on their left side of face.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
You'd lose because she will construct her own when she becomes a full Jedi whatever that means in this new age. Maybe in 8 she does but I'm positive 9 at least will have her go full Jedi at some point.
My preference is that after going through a lot of shit in 8 and especially if dark side tempting becomes a thing, she turns down being a Jedi at the end of the next film. Be way more interesting too if she does so in a way that she has beliefs that don't align with being one and thus, thinks that she's better off on her own path.
Then at the latter half of 9, maybe she finally accepts it in a Return of the King fashion.


Maybe his skin tightened up with age lol. They both share a scar on the top of their head, and on their left side of face.

the scar is in an entirely different position, though. It's not Anakin.

Anakin's from the top to the back of the head
Snoke's is a forehead scar.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
So is Snoke human or not? I vaguely remember Serkis describing him as 'humanoid'.


How do you get Saruman to play your villain and make him the most boring villain in the franchise.

Vader is iconic and shit, Maul looks damn fine and has a unique fighting style, Sidious is the head honcho, Grievous atleast looked cool with his creepy bio-robotic design and four lightsaber fights.

Dooku is just a white bearded guy that stares at you with some disdain. The best thing about him is his sith name, Darth Tyranus, which might be the best Sith name of all, but they constantly call him Dooku. Dooku.


The awesome thing about the name Dooku is that in portuguese it sounds "from the ass" (do cu) or "I do anal".

There was probably a brazilian working at LA trolling with the names, though, considering some they came up with.

Syfo-Dias (used to fuck himself)
Panaka (idiot/stupid/moron)
Ajunta Pall (gathers dicks)
I don't want to rewatch the whole PT to find out, but did they sort of not explain (at least in the movies) when/why Dooku went to the darkside? I feel like when I watched it back in the day if felt like he just came out of nowhere if you go from Ep. 1 to Ep. 2 without much backstory or fanfare.

The purpose of Dooku was job to Anakin. That's literally all he did.


That X-wing arriving scene was so incredibly hype. It was already great in the first trailer, but the moment in the film was just really incredibly well done.

Also, what if Rey slowly turns to the dark side and Ren to the light side. And in the end we're cheering Ren as he takes down the Empress. Ditch Trevorrow, get Shyamalan for the last episode!

The awesome thing about the name Dooku is that in portuguese it sounds "from the ass" (do cu) or "I do anal".

There was probably a brazilian working at LA trolling with the names, though, considering some they came up with.

Syfo-Dias (used to fuck himself)
Panaka (idiot)
Ajunta Pall (gathers dicks)

Lol that's really bad.


The awesome thing about the name Dooku is that in portuguese it sounds "from the ass" (do cu) or "I do anal".

There was probably a brazilian working at LA trolling with the names, though, considering some they came up with.

Syfo-Dias (used to fuck himself)
Panaka (idiot/stupid/moron)
Ajunta Pall (gathers dicks)

Please let "Kit Fisto" mean what i hope it means in portuguese!


I don't want to rewatch the whole PT to find out, but did they sort of not explain (at least in the movies) when/why Dooku went to the darkside? I feel like when I watched it back in the day if felt like he just came out of nowhere if you go from Ep. 1 to Ep. 2 without much backstory or fanfare.

Although not cannon, Dookus's story is explained in the Darth Plaguies book.


paid requisite penance
Or maybe he's just a heavily-diminished Emperor Palpatine who miraculously survived his fall and became Andy Serkis, who knows. Would certainly explain why he's so hell-bent on killing Luke and training Kylo as the new Vader.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
The more I think about it the more I feel the next films are going to deal with what the force is, perhaps its origins and on a conceptual level im not sure how I feel about that. Execution is everything of course, a horrible sounding idea in the right hands can be a work of art, but I always felt the more you try to explain the force the less mystical it becomes, stick more to Yodas philosophical take than actual "This is the force, these are rules" etc.

What we know is that Luke is seeking out the first Jedi temple, Lor sen Tekka is a Jedi worshipper, Snoke is using Kylo because of his affinity to light and dark and Rey has awakened with the force in a rather large way and we know from interviews that the ruminations of Luke have taken its toll.

I dont know how you can incorporate the idea of a Jedi Temple and bring all this up without further explaining the role of the force, what it is, what it is meant for and perhaps what this whole "Balance" means, because balance is always temporal in this universe, it swings from one way to another and its never actually achieved, remember Yoda said "A prophecy misread", so its entirely possible Luke is seeking out what the hell the prophecy is, which would entail a further delve into what the force is.

Im running my head in knots thinking about this frankly


I mean, yes there aren't a large number of well represented female characters in the original SW films, but if you're going to have only one, you could do far worse than Leia. That isn't to say there aren't huge improvements to be made or that the films are excused or that I wouldn't have preferred the films to be far better balanced gender-wise, but Leia is a pretty strong-willed, independent character.

My primary problem with your post is that the first thing that Lando says to Leia being "Hello, what have we here?" is not a reflection on the film itself being sexist. I actually can't believe this needs to be said. Lando is a sleezy womanizer - an exaggeration of even Han Solo. He's supposed to be a creep (at least initially) and that line is supposed to trigger feelings of cringe in the audience. Once again - a character's actions and words are never a direct reflection of the film's own opinions (at least, no well written character).

Likewise, once again
Oscar Isaac's character in Ex Machina is not a mouth-piece for the film's own opinions. He's another sleezy womanizer who is riding some extremely shaky moral ground. This is a crucial element of the film and raises some extremely interesting and frightening artificial intelligence dilemmas. Ex Machina isn't interesting in spite of its 'sexist undertones.' It's interesting directly because it addresses these issues.

Seriously, I find it troubling we're unable to recognise when a film itself is being sexist, and when well written, flawed characters are being skillfully dramatised.
Oh, I agree entirely. It's why I asked her the question about Ex Machina in particular. Because I suppose it could be argued that the nudity in that film isn't "necessary" and is there for tittilation, along the lines of Jabba's metal bikini.

I obviously don't have an issue with people paying attention to and commenting on this aspect of films, but my issue with The Librarian's stance was that she seemed to be focusing on ONLY that at the expense of everything else, even going so far as to imply that this one consideration could single handedly make a movie great, or bad. And she was admonishing other posters for not caring about it as much as she does over the span of days.


Oh, I agree entirely. It's why I asked her the question about Ex Machina in particular. Because I suppose it could be argued that the nudity in that film isn't "necessary" and is there for tittilation, along the lines of Jabba's metal bikini.

I obviously don't have an issue with people paying attention to and commenting on this aspect of films, but my issue with The Librarian's stance was that she seemed to be focusing on ONLY that at the expense of everything else, even going so far as to imply that this one consideration could single handedly make a movie great, or bad. And she was admonishing other posters for not caring about it as much as she does over the span of days.

The Ex Machina question was incredibly disingenuous and demonstrated a complete lack of understanding as to what The Librarian's point is.
I really hope Snoke is some new force that is formerly introduced to us through some piece of mythology. A good part of ROTS is Palpatine giving us the story of Plaguis, even if it probably was bullshit. It felt like Obi-wan talking to Luke about his father and Vader in ANH. Characters spoken about as if they're myths and long-forgotten really enraptures me I don't know.


The Ex Machina question was incredibly disingenuous and demonstrated a complete lack of understanding as to what The Librarian's point is.
Then enlighten me. Because from where I'm sitting, she repeatedly tried to shut down and derail discussions asserting that we deplorable males weren't focused enough on what she was focused on.

In particular I recall a drawn out exchange with BreezyLimbo, who wasn't even really disagreeing with her.
One thing that has been well established is that Sidious' foresight into the future is far better than anyone - Yoda included.

I think he sees what the future should be and works backwards (ie present time) to make that a reality.

In the Clone Wars Umbara Arc, Dooku's fall is paralleled with Jedi Master Krell - who tells Captain Rex that he has foreseen the fall of the Republic and he wants to be on the winning side. Keep in mind, the Jedi had wiped the Sith ages ago. He knew given the position Sidious was in, that he would wipe out the Jedi.

Sidious wasn't wrong when he told Anakin that Jedi are selfish and want to maintain their power. And the clone wars does a great job of establishing that the Jedi order is a shamble of its former self. By the time the clone wars is coming to an end, the Jedi have lost their way and power has gotten to their heads.
The awesome thing about the name Dooku is that in portuguese it sounds "from the ass" (do cu) or "I do anal".

There was probably a brazilian working at LA trolling with the names, though, considering some they came up with.

Syfo-Dias (used to fuck himself)
Panaka (idiot/stupid/moron)
Ajunta Pall (gathers dicks)

In French, Tyranus sounds like "anus puller".
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