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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works

So what if Episode 8 is something of a recruitment film? We know the Knights of Ren will have to show up and Luke and Rey won't be able to take them on by themselves. What if Rey showing up is Luke's call to try again at the Jedi Order? We could get a lot of new characters and eventually (in Ep. 9 maybe) a relatively large Lightsabers Vs Lightsabers battle that I think a lot fans thought might have happened in the PT.
So what if Episode 8 is something of a recruitment film? We know the Knights of Ren will have to show up and Luke and Rey won't be able to take them on by themselves. What if Rey showing up is Luke's call to try again at the Jedi Order? We could get a lot of new characters and eventually (in Ep. 9 maybe) a relatively large Lightsabers Vs Lightsabers battle that I think a lot fans thought might have happened in the PT.
Pfffffffffft. My girl Rey can kick all their butts.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I'll give you the 'SW fan" one and maybe the "huh" one but I don't think the others fit into that category.
I started out discussing about aspects of the film but I became pretty clear I was alone in my critiques as well as the general topics/attitude of the thread didn't interest me. So stopped posting except for those.
Well, I think I'd actually like to see more of that still. Because it's way odder to just come in, very shortly diss someone, then vanish which I often see you do here if memory serves right.

I mean, I realized that I just wanted to see less of this against another poster
What a boring comment.

And more of something like this
But this is why it's boring. You've just said its a "common pattern" which means you're fitting posters into schema you've already developed instead of engaging discussion. That's called prejudice: you're primed to see some underlying motive without actually doing the work to discover if it's here.

Also Fencedude's comment isn't "questioning", it's condescending, sarcastic, arrogant, presumptive.
And again, I'd say this should be what both sides of the argument should do more (unless it really is on an unquestionably, unfathomably terrible shit post)

Also, I apologize if I seem way saltier than usual. It's 8am and I posted that Oswalt video as more of a funny thing rather than something to spun around for another jab.
Come to think of it, I kinda did the same thing that I hate doing.

ILM knocked it out of the park. The final action scenes let me a down a bit. Hoping for better with VIII.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Rey sort of has to lose next film in some capacity id imagine, to build up for the Finale, she cant get the best of Kylo in 7, the best of the next villain in 8 moving into 9. Unless of course her arc is her turning to the dark side, which I hope it is :3.
Well, I think I'd actually like to see more of that still. Because it's way odder to just come in, very shortly diss someone, then vanish which I often see you do here if memory serves right.

I mean, I realized that I just wanted to see less of this against another poster

And more of something like this

And again, I'd say this should be what both sides of the argument should do more (unless it really is on an unquestionably, unfathomably terrible shit post)

Also, I apologize if I seem way saltier than usual. It's 8am and I posted that Oswalt video as more of a funny thing rather than something to spun around for another jab.
Come to think of it, I kinda did the same thing that I hate doing.
Sure. I guess I never thought of how it looked. It's just usually how I post in any other thread. I'll be more constructive in the future.
Also, I felt that "boring comment" was rather appropriate but whatever.
What if Snoke chose him as master, and the rest are actually stronger than kylo. Would be interesting if they were forced to listen to a brat.

It's not of the question but that doesn't sound like good team management lol.

Then again, we still don't know what role the Knights of Ren play, whether they're controlled by Snoke or Kylo's own individual project. Where are they in the film if they're that important? The First Order aren't a galaxy spanning threat yet, especially not with Starkiller Base destroyed. You'd assume they'd all be sticking together until they get stronger.
Rey sort of has to lose next film in some capacity id imagine, to build up for the Finale, she cant get the best of Kylo in 7, the best of the next villain in 8 moving into 9. Unless of course her arc is her turning to the dark side, which I hope it is :3.
Don't think her losing is as important as her making a really huge mistake — which can result in her losing.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Don't think her losing is as important as her making a really huge mistake — which can result in her losing.

Shes following a heroes journey so at some point, and it stands to reason its episode 8, shes going to hit a very rough point.

Episode 8 being much darker makes me happy, no more of this safe stuff (Loved ep7), lets go into uncharted territory.
Don't think her losing is as important as her making a really huge mistake — which can result in her losing.

Probably gonna follow the same beats as ESB in a way - maybe she gets cocky and tries to take on Snoke and Kylo herself like Luke did w/ Vader (and obviously loses/gets dismembered lol)


No. He was the true emperor. There's a command structure to an Empire though, so simply killing the leader wouldn't destroy that entire command structure.

This isn't the case in Star Wars though. In the new canon, the Empire imploded pretty quickly - more or less within a year - following Palpatine's death. Palpatine never established a proper line of succession after dissolving the Senate, because he intended on learning Plagueis' secrets so that he could use the dark side to live forever. If anyone was #2, it would have been Vader, but he also died on the DSII. Officially Mas Amedda was probably the next in line since he was the Grand Vizier, but apparently everyone ignored him as Coruscant fell into a state of guerrilla warfare from Rebellion/NR-supplied citizens attacking the Imperial authorities, who themselves had collapsed into infighting. Amedda initially tried to convince the public that Palpatine was alive and that the claims of his death were Rebel propaganda by using body doubles but people saw through it and there were a slew of people who declared themselves emperor. Warlords broke off and controlled their own fiefdoms like Adelhard or promoted themselves like "Grand Moff" Pandion, a bunch of law-and-order types who weren't New Order zealots gave up and switched sides to the New Republic, you had Sloane and the fleet admiral doing whatever they were doing, other elements carrying out Operation Cinder, etc. Grand Moff Randd managed to bring back some level of central power by the time of Jakku so that after the Imperials' defeat they signed the Galactic Concordance and were held to it, and the reparations wrecked the Imperial economy so much that it eventually died out and the last die hards fled to the Unknown Regions to become the First Order.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Probably gonna follow the same beats as ESB in a way - maybe she gets cocky and tries to take on Snoke and Kylo herself like Luke did w/ Vader (and obviously loses/gets dismembered lol)
Man I'm so tired of people getting dismembered heh

Can we get somebody blinded or something else? Doesn't even have to be Rey.
EDIT come to think of a Daredevil like warrior character would be kinda cool


What if hes force sensitive

Edwards said there aren't supposed to be any Force sensitive people in this movie. I mean we're all speculating that Vader will be in it (how can he not? there's no way they can pass up the opportunity) but the heroes will probably be regulars.
Edwards said there aren't supposed to be any Force sensitive people in this movie. I mean we're all speculating that Vader will be in it (how can he not? there's no way they can pass up the opportunity) but the heroes will probably be regulars.

yeah but if he's force sensitive he can do cool moves

edit: wait it takes place during the OT?
Edwards said there aren't supposed to be any Force sensitive people in this movie. I mean we're all speculating that Vader will be in it (how can he not? there's no way they can pass up the opportunity) but the heroes will probably be regulars.

The heroes, probably. But what if there's a Sith-affiliated TRAITOR among them...

http://variety.com/2015/film/news/star-wars-rogue-one-plot-details-death-star-1201475420/ said:
Since “Rogue One” takes place in the aftermath of the destruction of the Jedi order, Edwards said, “The absence of the Jedi is omnipresent.” Instead of characters relying on the power of an unpredictable Force to save them, the film will center around “real,” grounded human issues. “It’s about the fact that God’s not coming to save us… we have to do this ourselves,” Edwards said. “It comes down to a group of individuals that don’t have magic powers… that have to bring hope to the galaxy.”

Edwards noted that what he loved about the original “Star Wars” trilogy was that it was a very “black and white” universe — with the lines between good guys and bad guys very clearly delineated. “Rogue One,” however, will focus on the shades of grey in the galaxy far, far away — the bad guys can be good and the good guys can be bad.


Aftershock LA
I'm really excited for Rogue One.

Generally, Prequels don't interest me that much, but because this anthology film set before A New Hope doesn't star characters we know about, the tension in how the events will play out is kept intact. We don't know the fates of the characters. Some of them may live, some of them may die, some of them may become traitors, etc. We just don't know, and they also have the benefit of not having to adhere to a particular character's status as an icon.

For example, the Han Solo film can't really take creative risks with the Solo character himself. He is firmly established as a particular type of character. If they veered too drastically from that, you'd have to have a new series of movies just to explain how he ends up the Solo he is in A New Hope. I imagine the Han in his...solo (groan)...movie will be very close to, if not exactly like how he was in A New Hope.

With Rogue One, they can screw around with more character types and experiment a bit more. The only thing we do know is that Leia eventually ends up with the Death Star plans, so their mission was a success, but I doubt everyone is walking out in one piece. In my mind, I see a kind of Dirty Dozen movie, set in the Star Wars universe.


semen stains the mountaintops
The VFX video reel reminded me how good this theme is.


It works so well with what's on in the scene, too. I know some people weren't too impressed with the soundtrack in this but I really hope they never replace John Williams. Even if the soundtrack isn't as amazing as Empire Strikes back it still feels like Star Wars which I think is more important.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
The VFX video reel reminded me how good this theme is.


It works so well with what's on in the scene, too. I know some people weren't too impressed with the soundtrack in this but I really hope they never replace John Williams. Even if the soundtrack isn't as amazing as Empire Strikes back it still feels like Star Wars which I think is more important.

Im torn on it, its a nice piece but theres something about it that doesnt feel hugely "Star Wars", but thats not to say its out of place, it IS Star Wars now, so its just another extension.

Honeslty it reminds me of Home Alone meets Harry Potter.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
The VFX video reel reminded me how good this theme is.


It works so well with what's on in the scene, too. I know some people weren't too impressed with the soundtrack in this but I really hope they never replace John Williams. Even if the soundtrack isn't as amazing as Empire Strikes back it still feels like Star Wars which I think is more important.

The first minute of Farewell and The Trip is really what makes the Starkiller explosion for me.


Im torn on it, its a nice piece but theres something about it that doesnt feel hugely "Star Wars", but thats not to say its out of place, it IS Star Wars now, so its just another extension.

Honeslty it reminds me of Home Alone meets Harry Potter.

Speaking of which, Torn Apart is one of the best songs on the soundtrack. Perfect mix of emotions leading up to the climax.
This isn't the case in Star Wars though. In the new canon, the Empire imploded pretty quickly - more or less within a year - following Palpatine's death. Palpatine never established a proper line of succession after dissolving the Senate, because he intended on learning Plagueis' secrets so that he could use the dark side to live forever. If anyone was #2, it would have been Vader, but he also died on the DSII. Officially Mas Amedda was probably the next in line since he was the Grand Vizier, but apparently everyone ignored him as Coruscant fell into a state of guerrilla warfare from Rebellion/NR-supplied citizens attacking the Imperial authorities, who themselves had collapsed into infighting. Amedda initially tried to convince the public that Palpatine was alive and that the claims of his death were Rebel propaganda by using body doubles but people saw through it and there were a slew of people who declared themselves emperor. Warlords broke off and controlled their own fiefdoms like Adelhard or promoted themselves like "Grand Moff" Pandion, a bunch of law-and-order types who weren't New Order zealots gave up and switched sides to the New Republic, you had Sloane and the fleet admiral doing whatever they were doing, other elements carrying out Operation Cinder, etc. Grand Moff Randd managed to bring back some level of central power by the time of Jakku so that after the Imperials' defeat they signed the Galactic Concordance and were held to it, and the reparations wrecked the Imperial economy so much that it eventually died out and the last die hards fled to the Unknown Regions to become the First Order.

You're kind of missing the Forest for the Trees. What I was saying is that just because an Emperor dies, doesn't mean the Empire itself just dissipates into nothingness or openly accepts a rebellions rule.

Even in the cases where infighting happens, the factions align behind figures who were highly ranked in the previous Empire and eventually one faction becomes dominant. So the command structure itself rarely changes even if the new leader isn't the person who would logically have been next in line in succession.


Aftershock LA
Speaking of which, Torn Apart is one of the best songs on the soundtrack. Perfect mix of emotions leading up to the climax.

Torn Apart is amazing, and whenever I hear it, I can see the entire scene playing out in my head, and it gets me every time.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
So, Star Wars got it's first nominations to oscars in history.
Not for any "Big" one, though. I wonder if they'll cave and roll out best picture for episode IX, much like they did for RotK.
Quality wishstanding, of course.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
So, Star Wars got it's first nominations to oscars in history.
Not for any "Big" one, though. I wonder if they'll cave and roll out best picture for episode IX, much like they did for RotK.
Quality wishstanding, of course.

Shame Finn didnt get best supporting honestly, thought he was the best of the new crop
So, Star Wars got it's first nominations to oscars in history.
Not for any "Big" one, though. I wonder if they'll cave and roll out best picture for episode IX, much like they did for RotK.
Quality wishstanding, of course.

First nominations? Star Wars alone was nominated for eleven Oscars.


So, Star Wars got it's first nominations to oscars in history.
Not for any "Big" one, though. I wonder if they'll cave and roll out best picture for episode IX, much like they did for RotK.
Quality wishstanding, of course.

What? The very first film in the series got 10 noms including Best Picture, and prior to today the series as a whole had tallied up 7 wins, 22 nominations and 3 Special Achievement awards.
What? The very first film in the series got 10 noms including Best Picture, and prior to today the series as a whole had tallied up 7 wins, 22 nominations and 3 Special Achievement awards.

I think every Star Wars movie so far (not counting the Clone Wars one) has at least 1 Oscar nomination.

Edit- Yup!

Episode IV- 10 nominations (6 wins) and 1 special achievement award
Episode V- 3 nominations (2 wins)
Episode VI- 5 nominations (1 win)
Episode I- 3 nominations (0 wins)
Episode II- 1 nomination (0 wins)
Episode III- 1 nomination (0 wins)
Episode VII- 5 nominations (? wins)
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