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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works

Is there any character from previous movies that we thought died, but has returned in this movie? please only answer Yes/No!


These are only the first steps...


Unconfirmed Member
If that counts then Vader counts :p
You hear Vader breathing AND see below mask. You only hear Kenobis


Watching RLM's The top ten things YOU didn't know about Darth Vader's suit!

Anakin is literally Jesus? The force created Anakin in reprisal of Palpatine and Plagueis' attempts to create a being using the force itself?

So Luke is the child of Jesus.

Another good reason for Rey to hopefully not be Luke's daughter, but I'm getting the impression it just makes it more likely. Like, right now, Luke is the first king of England or something. How stupid.

That video is hilarious. I am glad Mike liked the new movie as his Plinkett reviews clearly had some influence.


Rodent Whores
I probably should have asked this question in this thread instead:

Wait, so is it verified in the books or whatever that Kylo Ren's lightsaber looks that way because it's been amateurishly constructed?

Or does it look that way because it's an aesthetic choice by Kylo Ren?


Subete no aware
I think the film lost me when the stormtroopers did the Nazi salute. I know that this film has to be for children, but the whole Hitler speech thing was just too much for me.


Anybody with thoughts on taking small children to see this?

(I'm looking mostly for opinions from people with children or with otherwise relevant viewpoints; I'm not looking for armchair parenting judgments.)

My son is almost 4 and LOVES Star Wars. He has seen 4, 5, 1, and 2. He got upset when Anakin left his mother in TPM. I skipped over Shmi's death and the ensuing Tusken slaughter.

I'll show him Jedi (though it's likely he'll find the emperor creepy), but I think RoTS would be too much. Starting with the Dooku beheading and ending with Anakin's dismemberment... though during Clones, he said, "look, they broke Boba Fett's head off. That's a bad boo boo." And wasn't distressed. He doesn't have much understanding of death yet.

I'm inclined to say TFA isn't drastically more intense than ESB, but it IS more intense. It's definitely less intense than Sith. I think he can probably handle it since some of the "mature" themes will go over his head unnoticed, and because he does have a very good handle on real vs. make believe.

A small part of the concern is I don't want to sit there having people judging my parenting. Though at my screening last week there were a handful of kids definitely younger than 6.

i took music year old and he was fine. He covered his face when Han died but enjoyed it a lot. The only problem I ran into was he likes to ask a ton of questions and my wife had to read him the opening crawl. I took him to a kid friendly morning showing so as to be fair to the adults who had to wait until they got off from work to see it.

Just woke up, realized something over New Year

What if Poe Dameron is a clone?

I dunno if it's been mentioned before, but think about it

No scene showing how 1st Poe got off Jakku after the crash, then of course he somehow shows up again later

What if the Resistance has a clone program of their own, but for their "best pilot", and that explains his comeback, the 2nd Poe




Just woke up, realized something over New Year

What if Poe Dameron is a clone?

I dunno if it's been mentioned before, but think about it

No scene showing how 1st Poe got off Jakku after the crash, then of course he somehow shows up again later

What if the Resistance has a clone program of their own, but for their "best pilot", and that explains his comeback


He showed bruises on his face iirc.
I think the film lost me when the stormtroopers did the Nazi salute. I know that this film has to be for children, but the whole Hitler speech thing was just too much for me.

can't disagree. but since it's an Abrams movie i expected ridiculously heavy-handed shit like that. totally unnecessary and silly.



Just woke up, realized something over New Year

What if Poe Dameron is a clone?

I dunno if it's been mentioned before, but think about it

No scene showing how 1st Poe got off Jakku after the crash, then of course he somehow shows up again later

What if the Resistance has a clone program of their own, but for their "best pilot", and that explains his comeback, the 2nd Poe

i do t believe he's a clone, but something is fishy with how he got back. Was it explained how The First Order found the planet that the Resistance was located on?


Subete no aware
can't disagree. but since it's an Abrams movie i expected ridiculously heavy-handed shit like that. totally unnecessary and silly.
That and the part where the earth opens up between Rey and Kylo. Well, I hope parents are at least explaining these things to kids so that they understand how JJ is trying to tell a story. That would be the only way those scenes would be worth it.

Star Wars movie morality is super simplistic though.
Oh I don't deny it, and there was a cartoonish aspect to the Empire in the first place, but to make them literally space Nazis was so brutish. It's one step before putting Wookies into train cars to ship them off to a special camp for aliens.
I probably should have asked this question in this thread instead:

Wait, so is it verified in the books or whatever that Kylo Ren's lightsaber looks that way because it's been amateurishly constructed?

Or does it look that way because it's an aesthetic choice by Kylo Ren?

He based it on an old design but it was crudely assembled and the crystal isn't really suited:



i took music year old and he was fine. He covered his face when Han died but enjoyed it a lot. The only problem I ran into was he likes to ask a ton of questions and my wife had to read him the opening crawl. I took him to a kid friendly morning showing so as to be fair to the adults who had to wait until they got off from work to see it.
Yeah, I'll have to read my son the crawl, and he too will ask some questions. If it's not blatantly obvious who is good/bad, he'll ask if characters are good guys or bad guys (and he only deals in absolutes lol.. he doesn't usually accept shades of gray in response to such questions). He's good at "indoor" voices though, so with the noise of the movie drowning him out I doubt it's a huge concern.


Yeah, I'll have to read my son the crawl, and he too will ask some questions. If it's not blatantly obvious who is good/bad, he'll ask if characters are good guys or bad guys (and he only deals in absolutes lol.. he doesn't usually accept shades of gray in response to such questions). He's good at "indoor" voices though, so with the noise of the movie drowning him out I doubt it's a huge concern.

Yikes! Autocorrect! "My six year old", not "music."


He based it on an old design but it was crudely assembled and the crystal isn't really suited:
I am increasingly enjoying the concept of Ren as this hardcore Sith lore fanboy but he's kinda bad at it. Like his helmet isn't properly weighted and his lightsaber sucks, he tries to be threatening but his subordinates aren't impressed.



I don't really have a problem with Rey being able to put up a fight with her lightsaber. I think people are way too hung up on the idea that there's some discrete "tier" that each character is in, going so far as to say, "Well, if Rey beat Kylo, then obviously Kylo's no threat anymore."

I mean, that's just not how combat works. Life or death melee isn't an "any given Sunday" sport, there is literally never a situation where a person is so "OP" that someone waving a knife at them ceases to be a credible threat. I'm kind of surprised that people even have an intuition for the opposite case, but I guess a generation of DBZ and cornball action movies will do that.

I'm not saying you're entirely wrong, by the way. Obviously, if you had these thoughts, you are not going to be alone in that. There may be a significant portion of the audience who had the same thoughts you did, which means that Abrams could have done a better job conveying the message he intended. No question.

I do think the further you dig trying to justify it, the more nonsensical it gets, though. You should just
let the Force guide you
stick with the surface-level reaction: "To me, that felt like it didn't make sense." The director's more concerned with your gut reaction and intuition than an actually deep, logical cohesion, anyway. The fact that it bothered you on an intuitive level is enough.

(I'm not sure what to do about the portion of the audience that needs complete justification for any character "beating" any other character, though. Tell them to stop playing so many MMORGPs, I guess?)

That was a very thoughtful response, and I feel that I learned a bit from it, especially from the cut part. I guess it is very apparent that I have no clue about how the military functions.

I guess we will blame JJ for making Finn seem like too much of a noob to me.

For the part on Rey, ya, she'll have some trouble the next time they meet for sure. She managed to take him buy surprise in a weekend state. No way Kylo will let that happen again.
I am increasingly enjoying the concept of Ren as this hardcore Sith lore fanboy but he's kinda bad at it. Like his helmet isn't properly weighted and his lightsaber sucks, he tries to be threatening but his subordinates aren't impressed.

Yeah if I recall correctly he didn't Force-chock any FO people during the movie. It seems he doesn't have the permission to. I bet Hux had a shit-eating grin when he had to pick him up after he got wrecked by Rey.


Yeah if I recall correctly he didn't Force-chock any FO people during the movie. It seems he doesn't have the permission to. I bet Hux had a shit-eating grin when he had to pick him up after he got wrecked by Rey.
He force dragged that one guy, but that dude took it pretty well.


Problem with Rey knowingly being related to Luke or a grand daughter of Kenobi is why would you leave her on Jakku?

If she was a former student of Luke who survived after Kylo lost the plot, why would you leave her on Jakku instead of taking her with you?

If she was an evil one, who perhaps killed other students and Luke wouldn't kill her so blocked her memories to save her from herself and others. You could say she was too young to be that person.

Being the grand daughter of Kenobi. Is it possible Obi Wan had a family and Rey's developing powers put fear into her parents who dumped her but the fact she doesn't know who they are is odd, did someone else take her. Did the Kenobi family maybe get wiped out by someone, even Snook who Obi Wan maybe went after the Revenge of the Sith unknowingly in search of help to take on the Empire.


Problem with Rey knowingly being related to Luke or a grand daughter of Kenobi is why would you leave her on Jakku?

If she was a former student of Luke who survived after Kylo lost the plot, why would you leave her on Jakku instead of taking her with you?

If she was an evil one, who perhaps killed other students and Luke wouldn't kill her so blocked her memories to save her from herself and others. You could say she was too young to be that person.

Being the grand daughter of Kenobi. Is it possible Obi Wan had a family and Rey's developing powers put fear into her parents who dumped her but the fact she doesn't know who they are is odd, did someone else take her. Did the Kenobi family maybe get wiped out by someone, even Snook who Obi Wan maybe went after the Revenge of the Sith unknowingly in search of help to take on the Empire.
Raising kids is hard and Luke ain't about that life. Han fucked off to part unknown, Chewie already has a kid, and Leia had shit to do. So they left her on a barren planet with only Simon Pegg for company.
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