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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works

I see that a lot with soundtrack reviews in general.

Like damn, we can have both. I guess the frustration comes from a lot of scores sounding Zimmer-esque.

But even then, that comes off like they're having some kinda limited view of scores coming out these days.

The thing is, he even blasts his music that has been nominated for or even won an academy award. It comes off a really snobby.


So will prequel haters be mad if Ewan reprises his role as obi wan in VIII?

Yes, justifiably.

Of all the main actors from the prequels, I take the least issue with Ewan. But overwriting Alec Guinness is not going to win the Sequel Trilogy any friends, and I hope the filmmakers are smart enough not to do that. Or anything like bringing back Hayden Christiansen as a force ghost.

Other options for Ewan would include a vision [to serve as a flashback] of young Obi-Wan, which could theoretically be okay, but is not the sort of thing I'd suggest Star Wars get in a habit of doing (they already did one here in Ep VII). Or, they could bring Ewan back as Obi-Wan's son Obi-Too a.k.a. Rey's father, which, you know, would be a whole new realm of terrible.

The closest thing pertaining to Force Ghosts and bringing back dead characters that I could imagine happening AND being successful, is if they had Yoda appear and back up Luke at some point when he's talking to Rey. But even that carries its own set of risks.


I still go there from time to time. That dude has a serious problem with Hans Zimmer. Like deep rooted issues. I'll always prefer a more classic orchestral style like John Williams, but I do also enjoy Zimmer's music. He always has an intense vitriol when reviewing anything Hans Zimmer or his proteges from Remote Control Productions (formerly Media Ventures) compose.

I do tend to err on the side of agreeing with about Zimmer's music though. It's powerful, sometimes memorable, but it's usually very shallow, all about noise and texture rather than hand-crafted complexity. Like I swear half the Interstellar soundtrack was just the volume knob being turned up and down, even though it did work very well with the film.
I still go there from time to time. That dude has a serious problem with Hans Zimmer. Like deep rooted issues. I'll always prefer a more classic orchestral style like John Williams, but I do also enjoy Zimmer's music. He just always has an intense vitriol when reviewing anything Hans Zimmer or his proteges from Remote Control Productions (formerly Media Ventures) compose.

What about Reznor soundtracks?

Pure vitriol.

Buy it... if you have won the lottery, found your dream mate, got ripped abdominal muscles, hit the maximum allowable number of friends on Facebook, and need some morbidly disillusioning, hideously ambient electronic music to bring you crashing back down to Earth.

Buy it... only if you're a Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross enthusiast or a bandwagon soundtrack fan who cares little about the proven procedures that it takes to actually craft an effective film score.

The Chef

I do tend to err on the side of agreeing with about Zimmer's music though. It's powerful, sometimes memorable, but it's usually very shallow, all about noise and texture rather than hand-crafted complexity. Like I swear half the Interstellar soundtrack was just the volume knob being turned up and down, even though it did work very well with the film.

This thread just keeps giving!
Yes, justifiably.

Of all the main actors from the prequels, I take the least issue with Ewan. But overwriting Alec Guinness is not going to win the Sequel Trilogy any friends, and I hope the filmmakers are smart enough not to do that.
Honestly? In this situation, it's a certain set of fans that need to get over themselves.

Alec Guiness is dead. If Obi-Wan is needed, Ewan should be there.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I do tend to err on the side of agreeing with about Zimmer's music though. It's powerful, sometimes memorable, but it's usually very shallow, all about noise and texture rather than hand-crafted complexity. Like I swear half the Interstellar soundtrack was just the volume knob being turned up and down, even though it did work very well with the film.

I love Zimmer, yet I don't feel like disagreeing with this.

Honestly? In this situation, it's a certain set of fans that need to get over themselves.

Alec Guiness is dead. Obi-Wan is needed, Ewan should be there.
I'm gonna bet on uncanny Guiness CGI make up if he comes back
I think it is important to the overall theme of the movies. It's all about the Skywalker lineage and how important the members are to balancing the force and the fate of the galaxy. If Rey's parents don't matter and she was just another Force birth or just someone with innate force abilities, it kills the mythos. It then becomes, "hey you can be a Jedi. And you can be a jedi. And you and you too!"

And if you've liked Star Wars so far, her being a Skywalker shouldn't annoy you. All the movies have had blood relations or other connections and everyone's ability to find each other so despite it being a huge galaxy, it feels small.

Her being Ob-Wan's grand-daughter just overly complicates things.

Collider Video's Jedi Council had Kyle Newman as a guest and he puts things a little more eloquently than I did regarding Rey's parentage.

The Skywalker story has been told. Anakin Skywalker fell to the Dark Side and was redeemed by his son. Thats been Star Wars up until now. Maz tells Rey that she needed to stop looking behind and look to the future. As far as I'm concerned, Rey's parents are unimportant to her story. Not everything needs to flow from the Skywalkers. There have been influential Jedi that weren't part of tired "chosen one" prophecies.

Let Rey be something new and different. Her character is the embodiment of a Star Wars for a new generation. Don't get her mired in family drama.
The Skywalker story has been told. Anakin Skywalker fell to the Dark Side and was redeemed by his son. Thats been Star Wars up until now. Maz tells Rey that she needed to stop looking behind and look to the future. As far as I'm concerned, Rey's parents are unimportant to her story. Not everything needs to flow from the Skywalkers. There have been influential Jedi that weren't part of tired "chosen one" prophecies.

Let Rey be something new and different. Her character is the embodiment of a Star Wars for a new generation. Don't get her mired in family drama.

The skywalker story does not end there. Anakin could very well have been created by Plageuis, and it's more than likely that is snoke is, considering he shares the musical theme of "darth plageius the wise" from ep 3, i dont care what anyone says.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I still like more of the idea that Rey "inherits" the Skywalker name by the end of the trilogy.
Let Rey be something new and different. Her character is the embodiment of a Star Wars for a new generation. Don't get her mired in family drama.

It would annoy me if Rey turned out to be related to anyone we already know or into established family bloodlines. It's a big ass universe; we don't have to keep following the Skywalkers.


Honestly? In this situation, it's a certain set of fans that need to get over themselves.

Alec Guiness is dead. If Obi-Wan is needed, Ewan should be there.

The idea here is that Obi-Wan is most certainly not needed. If he is wanted, then that is a different matter, but if there isn't a compelling enough reason to bring Obi-Wan Kenobi back to the new movies, then let the character rest.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
It would annoy me if Rey turned out to be related to anyone we already know or into established family bloodlines. It's a big ass universe; we don't have to keep following the Skywalkers.

We need an avatar bet thread when 8 comes around.

I already got a tag bet going with some people here
The idea here is that Obi-Wan is most certainly not needed. If he is wanted, then that is a different matter, but if there isn't a compelling enough reason to bring Obi-Wan Kenobi back to the new movies, then let the character rest.

"Hey we have a really good reason to have more of Obi-Wan."
"Cool. Contact Ewan!"

Needed. Nobody (or, rather, so small amount of people) will care, if Obi-Wan needs to come back for story reasons, Ewan will play the character.

Pick your fights!

The Chef

It would annoy me if Rey turned out to be related to anyone we already know or into established family bloodlines. It's a big ass universe; we don't have to keep following the Skywalkers.

Dude, Id be amazed if there was ANYTHING they could do in VIII that you would actually approve of.


The Birthday Skeleton
I think it is important to the overall theme of the movies. It's all about the Skywalker lineage and how important the members are to balancing the force and the fate of the galaxy. If Rey's parents don't matter and she was just another Force birth or just someone with innate force abilities, it kills the mythos. It then becomes, "hey you can be a Jedi. And you can be a jedi. And you and you too!"

The whole point of a Jedi academy is that "hey you can be a Jedi. And you can be a jedi. And you and you too!". Because otherwise there is no Jedi academy, it's a family kindergarten.

Yes Skywalkers are the center piece in Star Wars, but we had other Jedi out there playing very important roles in the universe, like Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda. There are already 3 Skywalkers in this new OT, if Rey is a Skywalkers it's getting way too crowded.
The whole point of a Jedi academy is that "hey you can be a Jedi. And you can be a jedi. And you and you too!". Because otherwise there is no Jedi academy, it's a family kindergarten.

Yes Skywalkers are the center piece in Star Wars, but we had other Jedi out there playing very important roles in the universe, like Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda. There are already 3 Skywalkers in this new OT, if Rey is a Skywalkers it's getting way too crowded.

Eh no, granted the jedi academy is not exclusive to skywalkers, kenobi's or yodas. But not everyone can be a jedi, there is a certain level of exclusivity of it.

Xavier's school the mutants, sorry genetically gifted, or whatever.
A lot of the back a forth about the force, midiclorians, Rey's ability, Kylo's ability etc just makes me relieved that Rogue One doesn't appear to have any Jedi in it. It might be the first major theatrical release that doesn't.
A lot of the back a forth about the force, midiclorians, Rey's ability, Kylo's ability etc just makes me relieved that Rogue One doesn't appear to have any Jedi in it. It might be the first major theatrical release that doesn't.

I think it's very likely Vader will have a cameo, but other than that there shouldn't be any force sensitive characters.


saw someone mention this article earlier but no one really talking more about it. what are the general thoughts here?

According to the script, the planet on which Rey (Daisy Ridley) meets Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) during the film's final moments is called "Ahch-to" and is said to feature a "pristine and mighty" ocean that is "dotted with random, beautiful, mountainous black rock islands," as well as "countless green trees." Not much is known about the planet, but /Film notes that Ahch-to is Hebrew for brother, which may be a clue as to Rey's relation to Luke.
The screenplay also makes it clear that Luke is well aware of who Rey is, saying Skywalker "doesn’t need to ask her who she is, or what she is doing here." It also describes Hamill's character has having "kindness in his eyes" despite the "tortured" feelings within.

The vision Rey has when first touching Luke's lightsaber is also detailed, confirming that Cloud City is shown in the opening flashes. Additionally, the script notes that the scene in which Luke is touching R2-D2 is indeed during the attack on his new Jedi Academy.
Additionally, the script confirms that Rey was left in the care of Unbar Plutt (Simon Pegg) when she was abandoned as a child on Jaku, saying: "Unkar Plutt’s meaty hand holds her thin arm" while the starship that brought her there flies off "towards the desert sun."


obviously doesn't reveal anything conclusive but just adds a little bit info on the final scenes.. as well as kylo ren and his mentality near the end.

I'm going to go see TFA again in a couple of hours. Gonna pay attention to the lightsaber fight and Kylo. I want to pick up on the details.

Try to figure out when it goes off the rails for you, I watched it for the 3rd time, and most of the fight works for me except for a few small bits, I'm curious to see the specific moment/things that bug you.


Agreed. I rolled my eyes when I saw they'd copped out by one-upping the Death Star. What's next? A weapon that's built out of an entire system? It throws planets at other planets.

Consider that the best film of the OT (ESB, of course) didn't have any kind of superweapon. Sure, our heroes need a goal, but it can't just be the same shit over and over again. Han even said as much in TFA.

I like the idea of a Death Star. It is essentielly like giving only the worst of the worst access to nukes. However I agree, and since they have used it in the same way 3 times now they have really jumped the shark with it going forward. Unfortunate because a lot of interesting ways they could of used it.

I just wish they would take a different route with it at one point(if they ever revisit it) instead of always conveniently gimping the thing so it can be destroyed in a 20 minute assault.

In retrospect I'm not gonna lie, it would of been interesting to just make the Death Star in TFA unable to be destroyed right now. Leaving the Resistence in a situation where the first order effectively can begin to control the galaxy through sheer terror. Creating a greater sense of urgency and threat as the First Order begins to control the key planets and eventually expand their reach to all critical areas of the Galaxy.
You can say that again.




Unconfirmed Member
I like the idea of a Death Star. It is essentielly like giving only the worst of the worst access to nukes.

I just wish they would take a different route with it at one point(if they ever revisit it) instead of always conveniently gimping the thing so it can be destroyed in a 20 minute assault.

In retrospect I'm not gonna lie, it would of been interesting to just make the Death Star in TFA unable to be destroyed right now. Leaving the Resistence in a situation where the first order effectively can begin to control the galaxy through sheer terror. Creating a greater sense of urgency and threat as the First Order begins to control the key planets and eventually expand their reach to all critical areas of the Galaxy.

Yeah I would have been happy if they were just able to disable star killer long enough to evacuate the resistance base. First order doesn't really have a secondary target at that point, but the weapon could have been repaired and still lethal.

A real change to the *yet another deathstar* could have been an all out ground / air assault from the resistance out of necessity, not because of an engineering weakness. They can't kill your army with the super weapon if everyone is deployed on the super weapon.

A lot of the back a forth about the force, midiclorians, Rey's ability, Kylo's ability etc just makes me relieved that Rogue One doesn't appear to have any Jedi in it. It might be the first major theatrical release that doesn't.
They would need a major retcon to put Jedi in Rogue One. Obi Wan wasn't engaged until after the plans are in R2, Luke isn't a Jedi yet, and Yoda is in hiding on Dagobah.


The skywalker story does not end there. Anakin could very well have been created by Plageuis, and it's more than likely that is snoke is, considering he shares the musical theme of "darth plageius the wise" from ep 3, i dont care what anyone says.

There has to be a justification as to why Snoke would be leading the FO.

Anakin is supposedly (not sure how canon this is anymore) a creation of the force itself. Palpie and Plagueis tried to create a being using the force, but the force foiled their plans and created Anakin instead. It's dumb but that's what it was until it got un-canoned, if it isn't still canon.

The idea was the Plagueis/Palpie's creation never materialized, but maybe it did, and it's Snoke, and Snoke would likely not be very powerful considering the force supposedly messed up Plagueis/Palpie's plans.

Maybe it would explain why Snoke wanted Ben. To try and fix what the force prevented originally, and make Anakin (Ben this time) a servant of the dark side. Basically using the force's own creation.


Snoke = creation of Palpatine/Plagueis, but semi-aborted by the force.
Anakin = creation of the force in response to Palpatine/Plagueis' attempts.
Ben = Snoke converting Anakin's grandchild to be what he himself was originally meant to be.

edit: forgot Snoke is supposed to be very old, thankfully, hoping the above isn't canon. Anakin being a creation of the force is so dumb.


The Makeup is really doing his job here, she´s an average looking woman.
Plain, even. Dowdy. Homely. Old. Sharp knees too.

Nothing a paper bag on the head can't fix. Maybe with a smear of lipstick on the mouth area to remind us that she's a woman.


Ridley captures so much of Portman, Fisher and even Hamill that if she's not Luke's kid, what a waste.

Ultimately, it doesn't really matter if she's literally Luke's daughter or not. Either way she's 100% his spiritual successor and chief inheritor of the Skywalker legacy.


The Skywalker story has been told. Anakin Skywalker fell to the Dark Side and was redeemed by his son. Thats been Star Wars up until now. Maz tells Rey that she needed to stop looking behind and look to the future. As far as I'm concerned, Rey's parents are unimportant to her story. Not everything needs to flow from the Skywalkers. There have been influential Jedi that weren't part of tired "chosen one" prophecies.

Let Rey be something new and different. Her character is the embodiment of a Star Wars for a new generation. Don't get her mired in family drama.

I agree completely. She should never learn about her parents as far as I'm concerned.


I agree completely. She should never learn about her parents as far as I'm concerned.

There's no indication she doesn't know who they are, she just doesn't know what happened to them. That's what her vision is about, we see the ship take off and the sky goes red, indicating something happened to them. It's followed by Maz telling her that whoever she is waiting for aren't coming back. It's basically the big lesson of the vision for Rey.

So as far as what we know, Rey remembers her family, but they left her (didn't have the money to bring her with them, or left to Unkar temporarily in the hope they could pay their debt to him later and get her back, who knows) and something bad presumably happened to them and hence are not coming back.
we see the ship take off and the sky goes red, indicating something happened to them.

The sky goes red as part of the starkiller base transition in the vision, I think. I don't see it as being a hint to their fates as it is a look at what's happening to the sky later in the movie.
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