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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


lol nothing wrong with her but she could be the girl next door, nothing mind blowing.


Davey Cakes

Just came back from an IMAX 3D show. My second viewing, but I took my mom who was seeing it for the first time.

She liked it! And she was there for the original Star Wars in 1977 and actually said she was floored by it back then. I was happy when she downright said "that was good!" with enthusiasm in her voice after we left the theater, as she's hard to please when it comes to modern film.

This movie being a retro homage probably benefited it in that sense, and I'm even more grateful that they stuck to the classic feel even with the derivative elements.

As for me? I thought the movie was as good or better on second viewing. The things that bothered me the first time didn't bother me as much this time. And yeah I caught more details and dialogue which helped me understand the scenes even better.

So after seeing TFA again, I still can't find a reason to be so down on it. I can't believe I almost let the Internet ruin this perfectly good (if flawed) movie. Sheesh.

Supposed to be a joke but no, I can't agree at all, she's gorgeous.
Daisy Ridley? Easily my new crush after this movie. More than just because of looks, too.
Have you seen porn stars without makeup? I also think that Daisy looks very good but lets not fool ourselves. Make-up and lighting move mountains in movies.

Supposed to be a joke but no, I can't agree at all, she's gorgeous. I also don't believe that makeup = insta-hot. It can just accent the beauty already there. I can easily see a less pretty face if a girl has one despite makeup. Not to be rude of course.

She's an attractive woman, but I guess we're arguing on the basis of subjectivity and what bar you're personally holding her up to.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Agreed. I rolled my eyes when I saw they'd copped out by one-upping the Death Star. What's next? A weapon that's built out of an entire system? It throws planets at other planets.

Consider that the best film of the OT (ESB, of course) didn't have any kind of superweapon. Sure, our heroes need a goal, but it can't just be the same shit over and over again. Han even said as much in TFA.

I already mentioned it, but once you introduce the ability to move planets around by hyperdrive you don't even need a superweapon.


Saw the movie for a second time today. I have to upgrade it from "good" to "great". Many of my little niggles weren't really problems when I was prepared for them and could just enjoy the pacing and characters. This really is a worthy followupto the original trilogy. And Daisy Riley will be a star.

Davey Cakes

Saw the movie for a second time today. I have to upgrade it from "good" to "great". Many of my little niggles weren't really problems when I was prepared for them and could just enjoy the pacing and characters. This really is a worthy followupto the original trilogy. And Daisy Riley will be a star.
You're pretty much spot on, man.

Still not a fan of Snoke but he didn't bother me as much this time. In fact, none of the CG did.

A second viewing definitely helps TFA, at least during the current hype period when criticism is at its peak.

It's not like The Prestige or some similar movie with hidden elements and twists and turns, where a second viewing is great mostly because of putting the pieces together as the movie gives them to you. TFA benefits mostly from an increase in appreciation and the improved ability to put nitpicky things aside. Though it's fun to watch for little details that are easy to miss, too. It's a film that pays extreme attention to detail.


I got a theory about the disappointing soundtrack nonsense. One, it's now an established narrative so people are just regurgitating it because;

Two, people pointing to the prequel scores in reference to the new one remember those so vividly because the movies are subpar and the score is one of the legitimately, inarguable strong points of those films, necessarily responsible for doing the heavy lifting as far communicating to the audience what they should be feeling in a given moment/scene, where the material itself fails to do so. TFA doesn't have that handicap: the material/characters actually keep people engaged on their own, and the score only needs to enhance what a scene is about rather than informing what it's supposed to be about. So people coming off a single viewing of TFA simply don't recall the score because they were absorbed by other elements of the film rather than the score itself. It's therefore no accident that the few songs people are able to recall after that first viewing are Rey's/Scavenger theme and Jedi Steps, two themes introduced during essentially silent sections of the film (Rey's introduction and the last few minutes of the film) where only visuals and score are working in tandem.

Three, when comparing it to the OT score, you are comparing it to some of the most recognizable and important pieces of music ever created, period, regurgitated and parodied by pop culture ad infinitum, and are therefore starting at an unfair position from the get go.

It's no coincidence that people in here seem to be digging the score more on repeat viewings or after continually listening to the album itself. Because they are actually paying attention to it at that point, able to identify the new themes and how they are used and weaved and adaptable to different tone/feeling throughout the film.
Well one problem I had is I literally couldn't hear the score during most of the scenes because of the sound effects. Other than the scene where Rey is carrying junk from a Star Destroyer I really couldn't hear it most of the time because the sound effects drowned it out.
I got a theory about the disappointing soundtrack nonsense. One, it's now an established narrative so people are just regurgitating it because;

Two, people pointing to the prequel scores in reference to the new one remember those so vividly because the movies are subpar and the score is one of the legitimately, inarguable strong points of those films, necessarily responsible for doing the heavy lifting as far communicating to the audience what they should be feeling in a given moment/scene, where the material itself fails to do so. TFA doesn't have that handicap: the material/characters actually keep people engaged on their own, and the score only needs to enhance what a scene is about rather than informing what it's supposed to be about. So people coming off a single viewing of TFA simply don't recall the score because they were absorbed by other elements of the film rather than the score itself. It's therefore no accident that the few songs people are able to recall after that first viewing are Rey's/Scavenger theme and Jedi Steps, two themes introduced during essentially silent sections of the film (Rey's introduction and the last few minutes of the film) where only visuals and score are working in tandem.

Three, when comparing it to the OT score, you are comparing it to some of the most recognizable and important pieces of music ever created, period, regurgitated and parodied by pop culture ad infinitum, and are therefore starting at an unfair position from the get go.

It's no coincidence that people in here seem to be digging the score more on repeat viewings or after continually listening to the album itself. Because they are actually paying attention to it at that point, able to identify the new themes and how they are used and weaved and adaptable to different tone/feeling throughout the film.

"when you are confused about a scene, listen to the music".


He is so hilarious but he is also remarkably spot on with his review points.
The Episode 1 review in its entirely is just gold.

The segment in part 6 about the PT vs. OT lightsaber fights is really amazing. He just drops the jokes for five minutes and lays out the total lack of character conflict in the PT and how they replaced it with flashy fights. It's the perfect encapsulation of what went wrong with the PT.


Ridley captures so much of Portman, Fisher and even Hamill that if she's not Luke's kid, what a waste.

I can see Hamill, the others is way off the mark. She captured Guinness more than those two. She even captures Shmi. She isn't capturing the carbon qualities of other female characters of the series.

The Chef

The segment in part 6 about the PT vs. OT lightsaber fights is really amazing. He just drops the jokes for five minutes and lays out the total lack of character conflict in the PT and how they replaced it with flashy fights. It's the perfect encapsulation of what went wrong with the PT.

One of my favorite parts. Really detailed analysis right out of nowhere that was super profound lol.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Am I making it up in my head or wasn't there a rule that light sabers were only for use by jedis? How was Finn able to use one? Were they ever used by nonjedi at any point in the past? Maybe I'm forgetting something big.

Edit: stop talking about whether or not daisy Ridley is ugly.
Am I making it up in my head or wasn't there a rule that light sabers were only for use by jedis? How was Finn able to use one? Were they ever used by nonjedi at any point in the past? Maybe I'm forgetting something big.

Edit: stop talking about whether or not daisy Ridley is ugly.

That big cyborgy fella with the octopus arms in the prequisite ones
Am I making it up in my head or wasn't there a rule that light sabers were only for use by jedis? How was Finn able to use one? Were they ever used by nonjedi at any point in the past? Maybe I'm forgetting something big.

Edit: stop talking about whether or not daisy Ridley is ugly.
Han in ESB.

Grievous in TCW/ROTS
Am I making it up in my head or wasn't there a rule that light sabers were only for use by jedis? How was Finn able to use one? Were they ever used by nonjedi at any point in the past? Maybe I'm forgetting something big.

Edit: stop talking about whether or not daisy Ridley is ugly.
Han uses Luke's to slice open a tauntaun in Empire Strikes Back. There's no rule that only Jedi can use them.
Am I making it up in my head or wasn't there a rule that light sabers were only for use by jedis? How was Finn able to use one? Were they ever used by nonjedi at any point in the past? Maybe I'm forgetting something big.

Edit: stop talking about whether or not daisy Ridley is ugly.

Han used one in ESB when he stuck Luke in the taun taun. But yeah I think there was something that you had to be force sensitive. Not necessarily a jedi but force sensitive.


Am I making it up in my head or wasn't there a rule that light sabers were only for use by jedis? How was Finn able to use one? Were they ever used by nonjedi at any point in the past? Maybe I'm forgetting something big.

Edit: stop talking about whether or not daisy Ridley is ugly.
I think that was an EU thing (that they were almost impossible to keep under control without the force).

Actually building them I think may require the force. Though it's possible that was an EU thing too.
Am I making it up in my head or wasn't there a rule that light sabers were only for use by jedis? How was Finn able to use one? Were they ever used by nonjedi at any point in the past? Maybe I'm forgetting something big.

Edit: stop talking about whether or not daisy Ridley is ugly.

Han used one briefly in Empire, non-force users can use them...but the lack of the force-guided-spider-sense-thing handicaps them severely in a fight.
That whole "you have to be force sensitive to use a Lightsaber" thing was never stated in the films at any point. I think it got put in a book at one point, and basically got codified by the fandom in general.


Am I making it up in my head or wasn't there a rule that light sabers were only for use by jedis? How was Finn able to use one? Were they ever used by nonjedi at any point in the past? Maybe I'm forgetting something big.

Yeah, that was an old Expanded Universe concept. So it was never particularly relevant to the actual films, and is now completely void.
You don't need the Force to use one, but it's the equivalent of carrying a katana onto a modern battlefield. You'd better be some kind of psychic samurai, or else you're just going to get shot very quickly and very often.
Am I making it up in my head or wasn't there a rule that light sabers were only for use by jedis? How was Finn able to use one? Were they ever used by nonjedi at any point in the past? Maybe I'm forgetting something big.
No rule, it's just another melee weapon but it was never mass assembled for public use. Typically the Jedi made their own as part of their training. Finn had weapons training as a stormtrooper and Rey probably trained herself with that staff since she grew up in kind of a rough society.

Something interesting to note - there have been some lightsabers that do not have an on/off switch and can only be powered on by manipulating internal controls with the Force. It's like a safety mechanism that prevents non-Jedi from using it. I always thought that was pretty cool.

How brave


SO about Ben turning could it be,that he was just a spoiled brat who knew he could take what he wanted, not unlike that of Count Dooku.
No CGI dead people. Just have Ewan do it.

Did he sign some percentage of profits deal or something ? Was Alec annoyed at being remembered for it rather than anything else or did he think it was nonsense or something?
He had a 2.25% royalty on Star Wars.

I could not be so great but the closer they have him look to Alec Guinness the better though.

Are you trying to say that Yoda's "there is another" comment was talking about Rey? Because that is stupid and makes no sense.

Why wouldn't it? Jedi can see glimpses of the future, especially Yoda. It being Leia with what Obi-Wan says about Luke being their last chance doesn't make sense either when the PT shows that he knew about Luke's twin sister.

Fun fact: That line, when written, was meant to tease the main protagonist of the sequel trilogy (VII, VIII, IX). And that wasn't necessarily Luke's sister (Luke having a sister was mentioned in the first draft of Empire Strikes Back, but dropped from every subsequent draft. "There is another" wasn't added until later drafts.) But this was back when the sequel trilogy was going to be filmed right after Return of the Jedi. After the stressful shoot of Empire Strikes Back, George ditched plans for it and tossed everything into Return of the Jedi. So Leia was turned into Luke's sister so she could be the "another" without having to jarringly introduce a new character.

Thanks, it's been a bit, didn't remember it all and I learned a few new things.


Pre Vizsla used a lightsaber (the darksaber) to fight fairly well but he may have spent time training with it. So we do have canon material of characters using them as weapons that were not force users.

Obi-Wan in ANH says the lightsaber is "the weapon of a Jedi Knight" and we have few instances (especially in canon, but even in the old EU) of people not trained in the jedi arts to use them proficiently.

You CAN turn one on as Han famously proved at the beginning of Empire, but you're not going to see him swinging one around and blocking blaster bolts with one. They are too dangerous to be used untrained. You'll cut your arm off, kid.

But yeah you can come up with all kinds of explanations for why Finn was able to use one decently, as well as Rey. It's already been talked about tons in these threads.
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