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*SPOILERS* The Walking Dead TV show, leaks, and comic book SPOILER discussion thread


I'm so done

That's all I'm really here for now. I'm expecting the worst hoping for a Sepinpocalypse.

He tore The Killing to pieces after their infamous first season finale. The series improved beyond that season, but it was almost worth suffering through that mess just to read Sepinwall's tear down.
At comic con they will all be like " I bet you're dying to find out who die last season! well make sure you tune in for the season premier this October!
Can't even decide if I want to bother with the finale or just wait and netflix it down the road. I don't have cable, so it's three bucks to watch it now. I dunno.


I haven't heard the audio, but the Reddit user's idea of the cold open is pretty good, IMO. I think a lot of you are so in love with being miserable over the cliff hanger that you're not able to see how that could really work. The theme music coming in at the end should seal it for you, I'd think, but I guess a lot of you are a hard sell on anything other than a cliffhanger.

You sweet, summer child


AMC deserves all of the grief they're getting now and on Sunday night.

As of right now, I won't be watching the finale (haven't watched last week's episode either) and the only thing that could bring me back is how well they salvage things at the start of Season 7.
It seems clear that Dumpstergate was this show's jump the shark moment... whereas this is simply a giant middle finger to the show's most passionate fans.
Can't wait for Chris Hardwick and that lame ass Talking Dead to eat this shit up.
Talking Dead does such a great job at undercutting the show it is supposed to prop up. Something dramatic happens to a character on TWD and minutes later we have Hardwick yelling at me not to worry because the actor is right here on the couch next to him! Now let's read some tweets and go behind the scenes to immediately remind everyone it is just a TV show. Let the fucking story breathe, let it exist for more than a commercial break before pulling back the curtain.

I know the solution is just don't watch it but it exists from the same thinking that is giving us this shit-tastic cliffhanger.
Goddammit, what's the point of not showing who gets it? Why drag it out and have their fans find out through leaks and shit? You think this shit is funny AMC?

Not like this...


I keep thinking about the comparison of the Red Wedding scene in GoT. The reason that scene was so effective was because they SHOWED WHAT HAPPENED. That scene sort of traumatized me and I haven't watched that episode of GoT again since it aired. That's what this scene in The Walking Dead is supposed to be. It should fucking traumatize people to show how serious Negan is as a threat. But instead, they're neutering it. And it pisses me off.


Seriously, what are they thinking? This isn't good tv. This isn't even entertainment. It's shit is what it is. It's not going to encourage fans to tune in, it's going to annoy fans and make them rethink watching the show in October. I'm not even sure I'm going to watch the finale if I'm being honest.
AMC deserves all of the grief they're getting now and on Sunday night.

As of right now, I won't be watching the finale (haven't watched last week's episode either) and the only thing that could bring me back is how well they salvage things at the start of Season 7. As of right now, it seems clear that Dumpstergate was this show's jump the shark moment... whereas this is simply a giant middle finger to the show's most passionate fans.
'Slid under the dumpster' deserves to replace 'jump the shark' at this point.

Can't believe people are really surprised TWD is doing this for the finale since they have a track record of shitty decisions earlier in this very same season! The Glenn/dumpster bullshit was also designed to create this meta-conversation about whether he was dead or not. They even removed his name from the credits to fuck with fans!

They have been contemptuous with fans in the past and now they are going to do it again with the biggest moment from the source material. They don't care because they know people will still tune in so unless ratings drop significantly (spoiler alert: they won't) AMC and the showrunners will continue to do this. They want people to tune in, they care not for the story.


My only hope now is that when Negan says his lines and the ringing dies out for a sec, that the camera will switch angles. I feel like that would be a rather easy work around to stop subtitle and screening leaks.

I'm very desperate at this point


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Posted in the spoiler free OT


Barely looks like JDM, but I think I'm also used to seeing him with a 5 o'clock shadow


Robert Kirkman (creator)

"It's possibly my favorite episode of the series thus far. It's riveting and fans of the show are going to be on the edge of their seats the entire episode. It's probably the best final moment of a season we've ever had. It's entirely possible there's going to be a painful summer for Walking Dead fans but we'll be back in October."

If the cliffhanger is true, it sounds like they are trying for a "Who Shot JR?" buzz (google it kids) moment going into S7. Instead they are going to get a lot of pissed off fans. In the end, they will still win, no matter how many threaten to quit the show, S7E1 will probably be their most watched show.

Make a fuckload more since to show who it was, cause to me the aftermath will be more riveting than the beatdown... but whatever, no one asked me....


If the cliffhanger is true, it sounds like they are trying for a "Who Shot JR?" buzz (google it kids) moment going into S7. Instead they are going to get a lot of pissed off fans. In the end, they will still win, no matter how many threaten to quit the show, S7E1 will probably be their most watched show.

Make a fuckload more since to show who it was, cause to me the aftermath will be more riveting than the beatdown... but whatever, no one asked me....

Is that anything like "who shot Mr. Burns?" Wait was that even a season ending cliffhanger? Maybe it wasn't.


So to sum things up, the outlook for Negan's introduction isn't great considering the nigh 100% chance of a cliffhanger, but what about the Aaron dummy/mannequin we saw pictures of a few pages back? Is it within the realms of possibility that we wait until October - although likely much sooner considering leaks - only to discover that the victim is Aaron?

Obviously it's been majorly telegraphed throughout this season that Glenn will meet his end at the hands of Negan, but I'm not sure I'd be willing to discount the possibility of executive meddling. Not to be a Debby Downer - especially for my first post of the thread - but so far, the creative direction this season has gone at times has been nothing but bewildering.


If the cliffhanger is true, it sounds like they are trying for a "Who Shot JR?" buzz (google it kids) moment going into S7. Instead they are going to get a lot of pissed off fans. In the end, they will still win, no matter how many threaten to quit the show, S7E1 will probably be their most watched show.
If they're successful in popping a monster rating for that October premiere when the Lucille victim will inevitably be spoiled and common knowledge before the end of spring then there can be no argument... AMC will have made the CORRECT decision to cliffhanger this weekend's finale.

They'll have lost a number of diehards as fans only to bring in countless more due to the "mystery". And if that's the case, I can't begrudge them for doing it.


Why would abraham qualify? Dude's barely done anything in a while.

By major character I think people mean people that have been around since season 1 or 2 (and maybe fan favorites like Michonne) since for the last couple seasons most of the deaths have been late additions.

abraham is one of my favorite characters, so it was a slight selection bias ;)


I would like to think they're trying to pull a fast one, but everything they've done with the show leads me to come to the conclusion it will indeed probably be a cliff hanger. Sooo yeah, I'm kind of sick of those. Probably donezo with the series if it is, I can't justify shelling out 30 bucks for the series every year when it is 3/4ths cliff hangers and I get disappointed every Monday that nothing was resolved with respect to a previous cliff hanger.


Best case scenario right now is we get the Lucille victim at the end of the October premiere and we can move ahead with the aftermath from there.

However, it's certainly possible that AMC will milk it beyond that and dwell on Dwight/Negan backstory for longer than an episode.


i refuse to believe the cliffhanger is real and that they're pulling a fast one on us

I still have a tiny bit of hope but honestly idk why when everything is pointing towards a cliffhanger. I just can't believe Kirkman is okay with this shit. Ya money talks and this is probably AMC trying to get gigantic ratings for season 7, but still I would've thought Kirkman of all people would tell AMC to fuck off at the idea of a cliffhanger. It's just the biggest possible fuck you to comic fans who have been waiting for this for years. I really really hope that if there is a cliffhanger it backfires on AMC, Gimple, and Kirkman.

If they really wanted a cliffhanger why couldn't they end it with Negan saying Ta-Ta, or seeing Alexandria's gates destroyed, hell show the kindgdom with a tiger in front. Anything would've been better then ending the Lucille scene right before we see who dies. Stupidest fucking idea they could possibly go with. I'm never going to get over them possibly ruining this scene.


It does make you wonder the reason why they decided to go with a cliffhanger is to not lose viewers because of said character who gets killed. But is really the worse decision. Reveal who it is or let it hang till next season? I guess that never really stopped viewers from watching Game of Thrones. Eh. We'll see how Sunday plays out. I'm avoiding that audio though. I want that fresh.


The show will come back with 2 episodes of Negan flashbacks like they did with the Governor, just to draw things out a bit more.
If they really wanted a cliffhanger why couldn't they end it with Negan saying Ta-Ta, or seeing Alexandria's gates destroyed, hell show the kindgdom with a tiger in front. Anything would've been better then ending the Lucille scene right before we see who dies. Stupidest fucking idea they could possibly go with. I'm never going to get over them possibly ruining this scene.
This is such a great point. There are so many things that they could do to leave this season at a point where you would HAVE to tune in for the start of next season without ruining the Negan entrance. But they choose the worst fucking option.

The biggest problem with this show, or at least the major conversations around the show, is it is always about speculating who dies next. So AMC/Gimple/Kirkman decide to end the season creating a "whoa, who died?!" off-season narrative instead of a "whoa, can't believe X died, how is the group going to cope with that?". It is a total cop-out.


It does make you wonder the reason why they decided to go with a cliffhanger is to not lose viewers because of said character who gets killed. But is really the worse decision. Reveal who it is or let it hang till next season? I guess that never really stopped viewers from watching Game of Thrones. Eh. We'll see how Sunday plays out. I'm avoiding that audio though. I want that fresh.
I haven't listened to the audio either. If this shit is ending in a cliffhanger I wanted one good thing to still look forward to. I know at least JDM is going to be awesome as Negan.

And letting it hang is way worse because it's going to leak no matter what. They can't hide who dies for 7 months and as soon as it leaks it's going to spread like wildfire. They aren't going to lose a mass amount of viewers just because a character dies. People will want to see how Rick and the group are going to beat Negan and avenge whoever dies. It worked perfectly in the comics idk why they have to mess it up.


Why did they need the head-split dummy if they were cliffhanging? Why was the cast so upset? #iwanttobelieve

well logically they would film out the entire scene

the cast would've acted out the entire scene

then, later AMC decides to chop up the scene into a cliffhanger and save the rest for season 7

so another infurirating thing about a possible cliffhanger is that that means the rest would've already been filmed and they're just saving it for later


BUT I STILL WANT TO BELIEVE that they or the leakers are just fucking with us!
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