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*SPOILERS* The Walking Dead TV show, leaks, and comic book SPOILER discussion thread


I haven't listened to the audio either. If this shit is ending in a cliffhanger I wanted one good thing to still look forward to. I know at least JDM is going to be awesome as Negan.

And letting it hang is way worse because it's going to leak no matter what. They can't hide who dies for 7 months and as soon as it leaks it's going to spread like wildfire. They aren't going to lose a mass amount of viewers just because a character dies. People will want to see how Rick and the group are going to beat Negan and avenge whoever dies. It worked perfectly in the comics idk why they have to mess it up.

I think that's the idea of the reveal. Will it be who it is from the comic, or is it going to be someone else? It still tosses a mystery to the situation. Had they not gone with so many fake outs, I think we'd be okay with this cliffhanger.


I've listened to the audio. Not sure why people think this is going to be a cliffhanger.. I haven't seen the other leaks, mind you.

Unless the whole audio leak is a red herring, it seems fairly obvious who gets the bat, too.


I've listened to the audio. Not sure why people think this is going to be a cliffhanger.. I haven't seen the other leaks, mind you.

Unless the whole audio leak is a red herring, it seems fairly obvious who gets the bat, too.

Other leakers confirmed we won't see who will die.
I've listened to the audio. Not sure why people think this is going to be a cliffhanger.. I haven't seen the other leaks, mind you.

Unless the whole audio leak is a red herring, it seems fairly obvious who gets the bat, too.
I think we are hearing what we want to hear at this moment.

Other leakers confirmed we won't see who will die.
Well can only hope they held back the final scene. Idk...or care anymore because from the audio leak I'm happy. It's a shit way to end the season but it sounds fucked up and gnarly.


You know what it will be? Negan walks around and stands in front of both Glenn and Daryll and then it's a POV camera angle until the end.
To botch one of the most iconic scenes in the entire franchise... It literally would be like splitting the Red Wedding between seasons.


To botch one of the most iconic scenes in the entire franchise... It literally would be like splitting the Red Wedding between seasons.

The show's like that, and has been for sometime. The pacing is always off, the dialogues are cringeworthy mostly,and character motivations for the last several episodes have been wholly 'WTF' worthy. You'll have to accept it.
House of Cards ended with a cliffhanger this season too. Why do people do that? It doesn't entice me to see the next season, it just makes the ending really unsatisfying.


How could they not have the foresight to realize the character who died will be spoiled when filming starts when the actor is either not there or there for only one scene?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
How could they not have the foresight to realize the character who died will be spoiled when filming starts when the actor is either not there or there for only one scene?

I don't see how they can possibly promote the next season without it leaking. Once they start filming Episode 2, at the very least we should know from set pics. They'd have to be really selective about creating promotional trailers too. Just seems like a big hassle for no reason.
How could they not have the foresight to realize the character who died will be spoiled when filming starts when the actor is either not there or there for only one scene?

When filming starts, I'll give it a few weeks, a month at most until its spoiled.
I can't

I just can't

Someone has to speak out against this, anyone. I know it's basically their job to shill for the show, but there has to be a point where you step back and go "hey guys maybe this is a bad idea for multiple reasons"
House of Cards ended with a cliffhanger this season too. Why do people do that? It doesn't entice me to see the next season, it just makes the ending really unsatisfying.

HoC's finale really wasn't that much of a cliffhanger (nowhere close to how much a cliffhanger this one would be), and I thought it was perfectly fine. It reached a conclusion that will drive the other unfinished story lines into next season. What rumors about TWD are suggesting is like getting 5 seconds right before that conclusion and stopping. Which at times can work, but for this I'm not buying it.

It is shame if it does end up a cliffhanger. The dialogue, the setup, and even the POV idea all lead to what could be the best episode ever of TWD. That said not to reveal at the end...urg!


EW spoiler room:

Okay, I’ve read The Walking Dead comics. I know what happens when Negan arrives. Will the show go the same route? — Chris

I’ll let EP Gale Anne Hurd take this one: “We always change things up, one way or another, and I don’t think this is going to be any different,” she says. “But we are always inspired by the comic books, and I think fans of the comics will not be disappointed — but I don’t know that they’ll be able to figure it out entirely beforehand.”
What do they mean by 'beforehand'? I'm confused by that statement. Are they saying that will not be able to figure out who dies until it happens? Like it's not Glen?
Welp. Someone on my Facebook posted this via Pintrest. Looks photoshopped. Probably not legit?

Welp. Someone on my Facebook posted this via Pintrest. Looks photoshopped. Probably not legit?

Fan art:

Quote from the site:

Fan fiction of The Walking Dead for comic and TV show lovers. After meeting Jesus, Rick decides to take a small group with him to meet the Hilltop Colony; Daryl, Carl, Michonne, Carol and Heath. However, they are stopped by The Saviors in the middle of the road. Their pissed leader proceeds to choose Lucille's first victim in retaliation of Rick's actions. As the rest of the group watches in horror, Negan smashes Daryl's head repeatedly with the bat.

Sorry about the watermarks, i put these there to avoid potential hoaxes about the series and fake ownership claims


The advertising for the new season:


Haha, true.

But really, they release several trailers leading up to October. Plus as others have said when filming begins people will figure out who got the bat fairly quickly.

Maybe I'm being overly optimistic but I don't think it'll be a cliffhanger, even in light of all the evidence.
Fan art:

Quote from the site:

Fan fiction of The Walking Dead for comic and TV show lovers. After meeting Jesus, Rick decides to take a small group with him to meet the Hilltop Colony; Daryl, Carl, Michonne, Carol and Heath. However, they are stopped by The Saviors in the middle of the road. Their pissed leader proceeds to choose Lucille's first victim in retaliation of Rick's actions. As the rest of the group watches in horror, Negan smashes Daryl's head repeatedly with the bat.

Sorry about the watermarks, i put these there to avoid potential hoaxes about the series and fake ownership claims

Yeah, it's very poorly done. Not sure why I even bothered.


It switches to a POV perspective, because Negan isn't killing a character in the show but is actually punishing the audience themselves for wasting so much time on this show.


That was for season 7 too.

Good god.
You could even do an exact parody for The Walking Dead that mirrors that poster.
There are 11 people in the Lucille lineup. Just like 11 Simpsons characters in this poster.
Just show Negan and Lucille in the foreground instead of Burns' lifeless corpse.

Bart can be replaced with Carl (not black Carl but Rick's son).
Lisa can be replaced with Maggie (not her sister but the pregnant one that's suffering a medical emergency).
Apu can be replaced with Sasha.
Abe can be replaced with Abe.
Smithers can be replaced with Aaron (they're both gay so why not).
Skinner can be replaced with Daryl.
Homer can be replaced with Rick.
Willie can be replaced with Glenn.
Barney can be replaced with Eugene.
Moe can be replaced with Michonne.
Otto can be replaced with Rosita.


You could even do an exact parody for The Walking Dead that mirrors that poster.
There are 11 people in the Lucille lineup. Just like 11 Simpsons characters in this poster.
Just show Negan and Lucille in the foreground instead of Burns' lifeless corpse.

Bart can be replaced with Carl (not black Carl but Rick's son).
Lisa can be replaced with Maggie (not her sister but the pregnant one that's suffering a medical emergency).
Apu can be replaced with Sasha.
Abe can be replaced with Abe.
Smithers can be replaced with Aaron (they're both gay so why not).
Skinner can be replaced with Daryl.
Homer can be replaced with Rick.
Willie can be replaced with Glenn.
Barney can be replaced with Eugene.
Moe can be replaced with Michonne.
Otto can be replaced with Rosita.

Someone plssssssss do this.
I stopped after season 3, only came back after everyone was saying how much better it got.

I've been on and off the boat, we all know how the show has a constant up and down dip.

But I'll most definitely stop watching if they pull that shit.
Like I've said earlier in the thread, there's just something unique about how AMC and the production company treats TWD vs. other shows. Yes, HBO makes a shit ton of money from GOT, but it doesn't feel as...commoditized as TWD does?

They let stories finish, breathe, and have moments/conclusions whereas I feel like TWD is ALWAYS going to have some sort of gimmick to keep the gravy train running. Sure, it made sense for the Simpsons to do something like this, but it feels so cheap for a "prestige" drama to be pulling this shit.

Also, I'd love to give Kirkman and Gimple a shot of sodium pentathol and ask them how they feel about this. I can't imagine either of them are thrilled.


count me in as one of the people who will be incredibly disappointed if they end this in a cliffhanger. do cliffhangers in mid-season finales but don't cliffhanger a freaking season ending episode and also the introduction of the most well known villain from the comics.
It switches to a POV perspective, because Negan isn't killing a character in the show but is actually punishing the audience themselves for wasting so much time on this show.
best reasoning i have seen for the POV camera change yet!
If I've learned anything from wrasslegaf after all the f*ck this show and I'm never watching this crap again is they'll be back they'll always be back

i quit once before
you think i wont quit again?
anyways i stated if its a minor character im done
so ill just follow spoilers till i know then go from there


I think that's the idea of the reveal. Will it be who it is from the comic, or is it going to be someone else? It still tosses a mystery to the situation. Had they not gone with so many fake outs, I think we'd be okay with this cliffhanger.

I wouldn't. I think it just adds fuel to the fire because they clearly haven't learned from people freaking out over the Glenn fake out (with good reason). This is even worse and they've proven that they don't give a damn about what makes a good story, just that people come back and watch their BS filler until they finally show us what we really want. It's the worst case of dangling a carrot you could possibly imagine.

This is arguably the most iconic moment in the comic and it's going to be destroyed if we do in fact get another shitty cliffhanger.

It switches to a POV perspective, because Negan isn't killing a character in the show but is actually punishing the audience themselves for wasting so much time on this show.

Lol, this is how I'm going to feel on Sunday.


If I've learned anything from wrasslegaf after all the f*ck this show and I'm never watching this crap again is they'll be back they'll always be back
It's just like The Walking Dead thread from season 2-4 and even now. People threaten to stop watching but are still watching.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I guess I quit already since I haven't watched any episode from this season. It wasn't a "fuck this show" moment though, I just haven't felt like watching it when it started airing again. The people I know that used to watch it all have stopped too, so there isn't a "join the conversation" push for me either.

At this point I'm fine with only watching certain scenes to see how they were translated from the comics. Anyway, the cliffhanger rollercoaster has been entertaining and I'm still curious about the politics behind the show. The decision making in TWD TV show is everything I don't want in a show I keep up with, but it's fun to read about it from a distance.


Was Aaron a complete guess/lie or is there any evidence for this? If it's not Glen, I'm thinking Abraham makes the most sense because it sets up a parallel situation to the comics where Sasha pummels Rick instead of Maggie.Plus Abraham should be dead. And it saves AMC from the backlash from killing off two gay characters.

Really I don't think the showrunners even know who's meant to die yet. The dumb cliffhanger is probably a wait and see situation... testing online reactions to see who should ultimately go.


I would say Daryl makes the most sense, only if Negan knows he shot off that RPG which killed an entire crew (could he even?). Either that or Rick for making the ultimate decision to attack their army, but that would never happen.

If it's Abraham or anyone who wasn't around during day 1, it's a colossal waste of time and disappointment.


That's why I say it's Abraham. These fuckers don't have appear to have the balls to kill off a real main character.

I would love for it to be Daryl. I need the fanboy/girl tears to feed me through this cliffhanger shitshow.


I say maggie has kid.....nigan kills maggie and takes baby...........damn that would be cold blooded....or kill her before the baby is born and glen never gets to see his kid.


I can guarantee it's not going to a woman. I think that's pretty firmly stepping into the "extremely distasteful violence" territory that no one wants to see. Fans would rightfully be outraged.
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