Watched Tsubasa. While I'm not a huge fan of the manga, I am a huge fan of CLAMP and from the moment Bee Train was named as the production studio for Tsubasa many fears were founded. After watching what Bee Train has accomplished with Tsubasa, I just have to say to the studio:
While my reaction to the show is probably quite different from the reaction of normal anime fans, it is the correct reaction of CLAMP fans which are the people supporting CLAMP who is giving Bee Train permission to make this disgrace of history.
First issue: They didn't bother to get ANY OF THE VOICE ACTORS. CLAMP fans while reading Tsubasa imagine the voices of the characters to be just like they were from their various shows. Bee Train didn't even bother to get similar sounding people. Sakura, instead of being a cute kawaii female is now just an older ditzy broad. Her brother, who was a wise-cracking likeable guy through the voice of Tomokazu Seki has become a serious knightly person. There should be reasons why they didn't get the various people, but considering all the seiyuu are still active in the business it's not like they couldn't have gotten at least one or two. Not getting anyone is just a terrible choice.
Second issue: The art is Bee Train. Forget CLAMP-style now you are watching BEE TRAIN-style. Massive use of browns, whites, mixes of colors between brown and white. Basically the exact same color scheme as Madlax. This goes strongly against the strong clashing colors that CLAMP uses in the manga. CLAMP uses strong blue and black, strong red and black, they color so that the images stand out. Bee Train makes everything look faded and dull. Fuck them, they suck. Then you have the actual designs which have taken a nose dive and some of the characters barely resemble who they're supposed to be. So you have a different looking character with a different voice and the only thing that connects them to being a cameo from another series is that they share the same name. Unlike the manga I found it hard to even connect and feel that this was Sakura and Li. They could be Sally and Frank for all that matters since their art and voices are shit. Other things that come along with Bee Train is weak animation that's mainly panning and horrible voice direction as everyone sounds stiff and just bad.
Third issue: Direction sucks. Ok, so you have Li introduced for 15 secs and he looks at a picture and then cut to a still frame of Li and his father and then cuts back...what? Tsubasa is filled with countless amatuerish cuts and just an overall weak sense of direction. It's like they gave this to the new guy and he just looked at the manga panels and repeated what they did without think about how anime has things like pacing.
So basically they came through on screwing up almost everything. The colors are shit, the art is off, the voices suck, the pacing is bad. You know, one thing that makes CLAMP art good is that you can take a panel from most of their manga and it's probably a nice piece of art. Take a look at the X TV anime by madhouse to see a good example of bringing this over to animation while maintaining gorgeous coloring and nice visuals. Heck, even though I thought the Chobits anime was bad for basically creating a ton of filler eps, the actual transfer of the art from manga -> anime was nicely done. Bee Train is by far the worst animation studio currently making shows, so giving a CLAMP piece to them was just an idiotic decision. At least XXXholic is being done by Production IG who, besides Blood, usually is good at mixing artistic visuals with good animation.
On the plus side, I'll admit the Kajiura soundtrack was a lot nicer than her Erementar one and it was pretty solid. It would've been interesting to see what a good director could've done with mixing her music into the scenes.
So yea, I hate Bee Train and I hope they go bankrupt and stop making shitty anime all because they've destroyed something CLAMP and as a CLAMP fanatic I hate them for it with all my soul.
PS. If you don't give a shit either way about CLAMP you'll probably like the show.