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Spring '05 Anime Season

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Emma: Wow! Great dialogue, wonderfully accurate setting, great art, great characters, and lots of heart. Probably my favorite this season

Yeah, I liked the first ep a lot. Except for Ichigo and Tsubasa, everything else I've seen this season (Speed Grapher, FA, EG and Aquarion) is meh so far....


Liked Emma a lot aswell; great music and animation, good direction, nice atmosphere, seems like wonderful story will be up ahead, old lady gets on my nerves though.
Don't understand Futakoi Alt negative criticism from certain individuals here :D, saw first episode nearly 4 times, it was THAT good. They calmed down a bit in second ep but it's still completely awesome show...oh well.

Honey&Clover seems to be really nice shoujo too. I think this is turning out to be good season afterall, already have too much shows on my must watch list (Futago Hime, Futakoi Alt., Gokujo Seitokai, Speed Grapher, Honey&Clover, Emma, He's My Master + Karas and Dokuro-chan OVAs). And I think I'll keep on watching Tsubasa aswell even though I'm not too crazy about what Bee Train did to it.

As for Eureka 7, after Kurau and Kenran Butoh Sai, don't have much hope left in Bones, but we'll see.


A friend (female mind you) got me to watch Loveless recently. Yeah I know it's got a heavy boys' love theme, but even disregarding that, I didn't find the premise to be very interesting. I guess these days it takes more than good animation to get me interested in a show. Honestly, I think the show is just eye candy for girls.

So far this season has been pretty bland, I'll continue to watch Emma even though I only paid half attention to the first episode (mostly because I was chatting with someone though).

Haven't had a chance to watch Gokujou, and Dokuro-chan seems to be the best show right now (out of the few that i've seen).


To the people who like Emma,

Do you not find it strangely unrealistic and beyond ridiculous that from the moment this guy sees the maid he stares at her EVERY SINGLE SHOT while in the house? You know, normally the guy would take a look at her now and then, especially after he's been called out out for it by the master of the house, but this guy comes off as a desperate pervert. Then you have the maid girl who takes it as flattery that this rich guy has been drooling over her and almost stalking her daily.

There's a difference between a 'nice' setup of romance and a 'completely forced robotic' setup.

Futakoi's directing >>>> Emma and Futakoi's directing isn't even that great but at least the director attempts to keep things interesting and not fall into total cliche, Emma is one giant 'seen this before, done better, and not as forced' show.


Quite frankly I didn't even notice or care about the strange looks that the guy was giving Emma throughout the show. The romance between the two is not the reason I watch it, I simply like seeing what situations people encounter in that setting, and the way they handle it. But that's what appreciation of "slice of life" is all about, eh? I also loved Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou and a lot of people can't seem to stand it because of how slow it is.

Futakoi may have seemed cool because of the way it unfolds, but let's face it, the plot sucked HARD. There is absolutely nothing redeemable in the show's story, and it leaves one yearning for more intelligent anime such as Ghost in the Shell Standalone Complex, or even anime that simply does action better, like Samurai Champloo or Gantz. It's as if Guy Ritchie was doing Snatch but instead of Snatch's awesomely ironic plot, he's using the plot from an atypical big guns & robots & explosions anime.
Is Emma that good?

I did not download it because I was turned off by the Victorian era setting, I like Anime because its Japanese... I like anime romance with some Japanese themes or a little bit of culture. I know that is a stupid reason but I don't see a reason to watch a historical setting outside of Japan.

I'm a huge fan of Drama, Romance but I want to see some Sakura Blossoms XD

Maybe I should check Emma out
Pellham said:
A friend (female mind you) got me to watch Loveless recently. Yeah I know it's got a heavy boys' love theme, but even disregarding that, I didn't find the premise to be very interesting. I guess these days it takes more than good animation to get me interested in a show. Honestly, I think the show is just eye candy for girls.
Ah, hell, I forgot that I watched part of this, and then skipped through the rest. I'd seen the official website before watching the ep and made a joke about it being about homoerotic furries...but I wasn't expecting it to be true! I could positively hear the fangirls squealing when catboy asked the bishie if he was going to take his ears away. Yeah, it's pretty, but I have no more reason to watch it than to watch He Is My Master.

Oh, and YKK rocks! Something about the character design in Emma reminds me of YKK, though their respective manga weren't by the same author. I'm a big fan of relaxed slice-of-life shows (see also: Haibane Renmei, NieA_7).

To the people who like Emma,

Do you not find it strangely unrealistic and beyond ridiculous that from the moment this guy sees the maid he stares at her EVERY SINGLE SHOT while in the house?
Not at all. That just showed me just how taken with her he was. I found it more puzzling that his teacher had raised Emma for at least several years and he didn't seem to know Emma at all...but maybe it really had been a long time since the guy last met his teacher.


Pellham said:
Futakoi may have seemed cool because of the way it unfolds, but let's face it, the plot sucked HARD. There is absolutely nothing redeemable in the show's story, and it leaves one yearning for more intelligent anime such as Ghost in the Shell Standalone Complex, or even anime that simply does action better, like Samurai Champloo or Gantz. It's as if Guy Ritchie was doing Snatch but instead of Snatch's awesomely ironic plot, he's using the plot from an atypical big guns & robots & explosions anime.

Errr, you might want to check out ep2. There's almost no action and no guns. What makes ep2 good is the humor, creative direction and story-telling. While the show may not have a deep plot, the way it is told and the writing is pretty good. Note I don't think the show is great and I'd probably give it about a B so far but the show reminds me heavily of Akitarou Daisuke's comedy style seen in Jubei-chan and that's a good thing.

Also with Emma it's hard to watch a 'slice of life' show if you find the characters unrealistic and unbelievable. I love Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou and have the manga + R2 of the 1st OAV (2nd was quite a bit weaker IMO) but what makes the manga/anime adaptation(s) great is that it's a slice of life show featuring interesting likeable characters set in a beautiful setting. YKK spends much of it's time staring off into the horizon because it's quite a nice horizon to see. On the other hand I don't think Emma cares very much about it's location (despite it being an interesting one not seen often in anime) as the entire show is focused on just what the two characters are doing at any given time. Maybe it'll pick up, but from ep1 the show introduced two dull characters who behave unnaturally which doesn't allow the show to feel believable as would a good period piece movie set in that time.


Well if you love YKK, then I have no reason to bother arguing about Emma. :) If you enjoy YKK then you understand the appeal of the "slice of life" genre, and probably are just being overlycritical when it comes to Emma (in other words, you're more of a critic than I am). I tend to be far more forgiving to the slice of life genre than any other other genre out there. So far, only Tokimeki Memorial has really bored me to the point of disgust.

Futakoi Alternative just didn't jive with me because it's not the type of anime I like.


Just watched the first ep of Loveless. Pretty fruity but unlike the other "gay" anime I stumbled across earlier, this one seems to have an intriguing plot. I will be brave and watch ep 2 :lol

PS: GREAT music btw :p


Unconfirmed Member
I REALLY hope BONES doesn't let me down.

Eureka 7 is the only show I've really been looking forward to, so I hope to hear good things from you guys who watch the raw.


I got together with some friends last night and we watched a selection of the new shows. Quick impresisons:

Emma - This easily gets my vote for the best new show of the series. I've wallowed in enough mystery novels set in Victorian England that I've got a great fondness for the period, which has been captured beautifully here. I mean, just take a moment to admire those backgrounds; they're detailed and lovely. I'm also a sucker for a good romance, and that's what this is shaping up to be. Okay, so our hero could be more subtle in his attentions, it's still well done, particularly the class difference angle. In the interests of full disclosure, I should mention that I find the main character to be terribly attractive, so even if the show wasn't particularly good, I'd probably tune in and check it out anyway. I'm quite looking forward to the second episode.

Speed Grapher - So far, my reaction seems to be a common one in reviews I've seen: I'm not sure that I liked the show, but I'll watch another episode of it anyway. Visually, it looks pretty great, the occasional god-awful character design aside. (I'm starting to reach the point where my desire to see scantily clad women is losing out to my desire to see the characters wear vaguely sensible clothing. I know, I know, I'm obviously not well.) The main character is unsympathetic and not terribly interesting, but the Eyes Wide Shut bits were intriguing, so I'll give it at least one more episode. I'm not writing this off entirely, but I'm not exactly chomping at the bit for more either.

Dokuro-chan Is Going To Tear Your Fucking Head Off - This was amusing in small doses, with some pretty good gags sneaking in amidst the gratuitous gore and scat jokes. I don't plan on going out of my way to see more of this - a little goes a really, really long way - but I could be talked into watching another episode or two without too much arm twisting.

Eyeshield 21 - Wherein our hero starts high school and is almost immediately dragged onto the American football team. Well, it ain't Ippo, that's for sure, but for a non-stop shounen sports anime cliche this was fairly entertaining. In particular, the moments where the protagonist uses his amazing inate running and dodging ability to tear through a crowd are unintentionally hysterical. Hell, even the intentional gags are pretty amusing. Much better than I thought, but nto what you would call really, really good.

Futakoi Alternative - The appeal of this show completely eludes me. I acknowledge that it's competant but I just found it to be so dull I couldn't really be bothered to care. Even as far as girls with guns go the gags were pretty weak. the action didn't grab me, and the whole thing stinks of cliche. Eh.

Izumo - Holy shit is this show terrible. We got 2/3 of the way through the hateful thing and couldn't be bothered to finish the rest. Avoid like the plague.

And that's it to date. At least Emma was good. Next up: Aquarion, Honey and Clover, and Eureka 7.



Despite the idea of surfing mecha sounding ridiculously stupid, new Bones show was nice. Seems more promising than their previous two efforts (Kurau, Mars Daybreak), and the Overman King Gainer character designer rocks :)


I downloaded the raw and only planned to watch the first 5 minutes, since I don't know any japanese.

I watched the whole thing. @_@

While I'm not sure how duckroll is that excited about it, it's obvious Eurika 7 has potential. I especially loved the character/world designs. Very nice animation too. The whole surfing thing is growing on me and doesn't look as bad as it did in the trailers.


needs to show more effort.
I watched the raw of basilisk and it looked awesome. I loved the characters designs... except for Mr Chinballitis. Action was good. Animation looked extremely awesome. Give me a fucking fansub already >_<

I swear, the one series I'm the most interested in will be the one ignored and dropped by fansubbers again. This better not be another shura no toki for me. I hat you all.

2nd episode of tsubasa didn't do as much for me as the first. I guess I was expecting more thrilling action. I'll keep watching though.

likewise I thought the 2nd episode of erementar gerad was worse than the first. This series only has a couple more episodes before I give up on it.

Law of Ueki episode 2 just confirmed my beliefs that everyone is going to have a weird/retarded ability and that this show will thus suck.
Okay so Loveless is YAOI right?

I never knew they made mainstream yaoi animes, I just can picture myself watching a male on male romance even if the plot is good

I found a manga today and I read 2 volumes so far its called Hari Yo Koi
Now this is the kind of same sex romance I can support. What a manga it has me smiling from ear to ear :D

I want an Anime of this STAT!


This just in: Basilisk ~Kouga Ninpo Chou~ rocks! Good story, Excellent animation and lots of gore, violence and plot twists, all in the first ep. This is what Ninja Scroll TV should've been. :)


Smiles and Cries said:
Okay so Loveless is YAOI right?

I never knew they made mainstream yaoi animes, I just can picture myself watching a male on male romance even if the plot is good

I found a manga today and I read 2 volumes so far its called Hari Yo Koi
Now this is the kind of same sex romance I can support. What a manga it has me smiling from ear to ear :D

I want an Anime of this STAT!

No it's shounen-ai, as in boy-love. It would only be yaoi if there was graphic taking-away-of-cat-ears in the show itself. :lol


Yeah, Fullmetal Alchemist Reflections was nice. Felt like I was watching EVA.

Hughes funeral was even better, gave me the chills.


force push the doodoo rock
i agree with what fnord said about eyeshield.

episode 2 was a little bit more bearable though.


Unconfirmed Member
nubbe said:
Yeah, Fullmetal Alchemist Reflections was nice. Felt like I was watching EVA.

Hughes funeral was even better, gave me the chills.
I actually learned a few things from that FMA special.
Paricularly the whole conversation between Greed and Envy. Some very illuminating info about Greed's origins and motivations that weren't really fully fleshed out in the series. I'm still really curious about the "previous Lust," though. She was mentioned in the series in passing, too, and I want to know who she was and what happened to her.


Is the FMA special the rumoured movie for FMA
which I heard ends the series completely? I haven't finished the whole thing yet but I heard it wasn't really 'done'.


Unconfirmed Member
No, the FMA special is basically an hour long special that more or less summarizes the whole series.

The movie isn't "rumored." It comes out in theaters in 3 months in Japan.


well not really...yet
Didnt feel like throwing up a new thread, but this is pretty nice news straight out of a tradeshow in France, courtesy of AOD.

Remember the godawful Hellsing adaptation by Gonzo? Well Holy shit a new OVA with animation by SATELIGHT based straight off the manga @_@ :D http://www.animeondvd.com/images/hellsingova.jpg

And a new show from the director of Witch Hunter Robin, written by Dai Sato http://www.animeondvd.com/images/ergo.jpg

And btw, Eureka 7 rocked. First episode reminded me A LOT of King Gainer, and not just because of the character designs :)


Dead said:
Didnt feel like throwing up a new thread, but this is pretty nice news straight out of a tradeshow in France, courtesy of AOD.

Remember the godawful Hellsing adaptation by Gonzo? Well Holy shit a new OVA with animation by SATELIGHT based straight from the manga @_@ :D http://www.animeondvd.com/images/hellsingova.jpg

And a new show from the director of Witch Hunter Robin, written by Dai Sato http://www.animeondvd.com/images/ergo.jpg

And btw, Eureka 7 rocked. First episode reminded me A LOT of King Gainer, and not just because of the character designs :)



needs to show more effort.
Basilisk was fucking awesome. After all my whining about wanting it I was not dissapointed in the least. :)

This is the kind of series I've been waiting for for years now. I'll definitely be watching this through to the end.


I saw a bit of Basilik (like 2-3 minutes), and it's just too much like Ninja Scroll (the Tv series) which takes the cake for the worst #%$&@ anime I've ever had to experience.


needs to show more effort.
ninja scroll tv blows... my roomate made me sit through that garbage.

Basilisk is more akin to the ninja scroll movie if anything but I really wouldn't cmopare it to any incarnation of ninja scroll to myself except that it involves ninjas and is violent.
Chrono said:
I saw a bit of Basilik (like 2-3 minutes), and it's just too much like Ninja Scroll (the Tv series) which takes the cake for the worst #%$&@ anime I've ever had to experience.

From what I've read it's supposed to be something akin to Romeo and Juliet with Ninja's!!! Plus, the manga is adapted from is complete, so no real need for creative licensing that ends up not make any sense.

Seems like a new group is subbing it, so I'm waiting to hear about their quality.


I think the main difference between Ninja Scroll TV and Basilisk is that Ninja Scroll TV doesn't take itself seriously while Basilisk does.

I dunno, I guess it'll end up coming down to personal taste. But when I see a show filled with really really stupid looking characters I prefer the show that can make fun of how stupid it is =p

And yay on the Hellsing OAV but ughhh OAV length. Gonna either be a rush job or only cover a certain amount.


OVAs can rock but most are total crap since they're so short. The last two OVAs that I really enjoyed were GaoGaiGar Final and Future GPX Cyber Formula SIN.


Well I think original OAVs can be fine most of the time since they know the length from the very start and can write accordingly. It's just the ones based off manga/games that tend to be problematic. I mean when you take a 10+ volume manga and try to compress it into 2 hours you're gonna hit some bumps.


I came in here to boost Basilisk some more but I see it already has some momentum. Definately a watcher. Just so much high, high quality animation and fighting that it can't be ignored.

PS. The Yakitate 21 torrent went in 300k. :)


LIKE FLCL?! Watch Aim for the top 2, NOW! I actually skipped this at first but then out of pure boredome dled it just to make sure it wasn't one of those old re-releases that have been popping up, and it was FLCL. Just pure FLCL. :)


Drexon said:
LIKE FLCL?! Watch Aim for the top 2, NOW! I actually skipped this at first but then out of pure boredome dled it just to make sure it wasn't one of those old re-releases that have been popping up, and it was FLCL. Just pure FLCL. :)

Alternately, it's heavily diluted FLCL and just isn't very good. It probably doesn't help that I'm quite fond of the original Gunbuster, but I really was rather less than impressed with the sequel.



Fine, I'll cover it with this true story that just happend:

Me and my friend just walked out of a shop when my friend said "mmm, beautiful women", refering to the porn section of the magazines, in return I called him Ero Sennin JUST as a japanese couple of ~25 yrs old walk by 4 feet from us. The woman looked at me strangely. :lol

"Nice, now the only japanese people in town know I'm a perv", my friend said.
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