I got together with some friends last night and we watched a selection of the new shows. Quick impresisons:
Emma - This easily gets my vote for the best new show of the series. I've wallowed in enough mystery novels set in Victorian England that I've got a great fondness for the period, which has been captured beautifully here. I mean, just take a moment to admire those backgrounds; they're detailed and lovely. I'm also a sucker for a good romance, and that's what this is shaping up to be. Okay, so our hero could be more subtle in his attentions, it's still well done, particularly the class difference angle. In the interests of full disclosure, I should mention that I find the main character to be terribly attractive, so even if the show wasn't particularly good, I'd probably tune in and check it out anyway. I'm quite looking forward to the second episode.
Speed Grapher - So far, my reaction seems to be a common one in reviews I've seen: I'm not sure that I liked the show, but I'll watch another episode of it anyway. Visually, it looks pretty great, the occasional god-awful character design aside. (I'm starting to reach the point where my desire to see scantily clad women is losing out to my desire to see the characters wear vaguely sensible clothing. I know, I know, I'm obviously not well.) The main character is unsympathetic and not terribly interesting, but the Eyes Wide Shut bits were intriguing, so I'll give it at least one more episode. I'm not writing this off entirely, but I'm not exactly chomping at the bit for more either.
Dokuro-chan Is Going To Tear Your Fucking Head Off - This was amusing in small doses, with some pretty good gags sneaking in amidst the gratuitous gore and scat jokes. I don't plan on going out of my way to see more of this - a little goes a really, really long way - but I could be talked into watching another episode or two without too much arm twisting.
Eyeshield 21 - Wherein our hero starts high school and is almost immediately dragged onto the American football team. Well, it ain't Ippo, that's for sure, but for a non-stop shounen sports anime cliche this was fairly entertaining. In particular, the moments where the protagonist uses his amazing inate running and dodging ability to tear through a crowd are unintentionally hysterical. Hell, even the intentional gags are pretty amusing. Much better than I thought, but nto what you would call really, really good.
Futakoi Alternative - The appeal of this show completely eludes me. I acknowledge that it's competant but I just found it to be so dull I couldn't really be bothered to care. Even as far as girls with guns go the gags were pretty weak. the action didn't grab me, and the whole thing stinks of cliche. Eh.
Izumo - Holy shit is this show terrible. We got 2/3 of the way through the hateful thing and couldn't be bothered to finish the rest. Avoid like the plague.
And that's it to date. At least Emma was good. Next up: Aquarion, Honey and Clover, and Eureka 7.