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Spring 2004 GA Mix Exchange Review Thread

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FnordChan said:
Fanboy trivia note: this song was used as the opening theme to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio show.

Gil-Scott Heron? MC Solaar? Sigue-Sigue Sputnik? Auslander is my new hero.


mc solaar is awful though. i mean ken burns likes him.


swoon said:
mc solaar is awful though. i mean ken burns likes him.

My apreciation of MC Solaar increased dramatically after seeing Ken Burns' 20 part documentary Solaar: A Life.

By the way, kudos to Swoon for getting my mix reviewed, even if it vanished when the temporary forum departed. Still haven't seen your CD show up yet, but as soon as it does I'm on the case.



oh no! all my witty comments on how much i dislike mid 90's punk. GONE!
i actually listened to your disc yesterday while i was cleaning my room. it was quite nice.

i repackaged the cd with some nice photographs and a free waffle. and you know how the postal service loves waffles.

now i'm listening to brian eno and writing about diane arbus!


swoon said:
oh no! all my witty comments on how much i dislike mid 90's punk. GONE!

A review is a review, and at this point I'll take what I can get...

i actually listened to your disc yesterday while i was cleaning my room. it was quite nice.

Excellent. It's official - my mix increases cleanliness! We're still waiting to hear back on the whole goodliness bit, though.

i repackaged the cd with some nice photographs and a free waffle. and you know how the postal service loves waffles.

More importantly, you know how I love waffles. Mmmm. Waffles.

Music for FnordChan


Unconfirmed Member
Still working on my mix, Buddy & Alucard.
I'm a superspaz, and it's not perfect yet :(
The cover and shit is hot as fuck, though. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. It'll be worth the wait, I promise.

Reviews coming soon. Fuck, I'm the biggest suck of all time.


Unconfirmed Member
A preface for review: Yoshi, I would like to offer my apologies for the tardiness of this review (and my broken promise). I got a call late monday evening and had an opportunity to work on some location shooting for a movie. I did some prop work and other various gophering, and overall the experience was fun. Watching Estella Warren run up and down a flight of stairs all day in a cute skirt definitively pre-empted your mix, sorry :). Then I cam home and watched the pistons game when I should have been finishing this review, this however, was wholly avoidable, and thus I am an asshole.

I am going to do a scoreless review, I would rather just talk about the music and the mix.

Now, without further adou:

Yoshifumi- Rock mix
1. Where Have you gone? -Mike Doughty
One of my least favorite on the album. the droning singing and lame lyrics cannot be saved by the cool little synth drone and the fairly sound guitar. Not much else to say about this one. I probably won't ever listen to it again after tonight.

2. Method Acting -Bright Eyes †
I got introduced to Bright Eyes in my first College Architecture studio by a classmate. I haven't listened to them to much in the time since, but I really should have. Double snare drums in a drum core cadence push this song along while slick melodic passages float over the semi-drone of the singer (Mike doughty take note, when you drone make sure and rock KthnxBye) Trumpets a hint of choral and some semi-surf inspired guitar help bring this tune towards the climax of the lyrics "On and On" wailed in repetition. *thumbs up*

3. White Plains -John Vanderslice †
One of my favorite songs on the mix. This song takes the mix exactly where it was cosmically destined after Method Acting (kudos). this is the type of song my mix should have contained more, it fools you with some bright melodies, but I feel there is really an undercurrent of sorrow. but this isn't about me. I love the beat, I love the staggered melody between John and the piano. The little bridge with piano, guitar, and organ is great (occurs after he "head out west" and "I went east"). The song really peaks at 3:05 with the lyrics "Vietnam, I'm long gone"

"I believe God assails Job as a pharmaceutical rep" I don't know what the fuck it means, but I like it (Doughty are you still taking notes?)

4. 3rd Planet -Modest Mouse †
My first heavy listen to this mix occurred on a road trip to San Diego. Modest Mouse came on as we crested the mountains and descended onto greater Los Angeles county. The expansive urban sprawl and all its implicit context is, as I imagine it, the very soup from which the post-rock sounds of those like Modest Mouse primordially festered into life. I had one of those cosmic experiences where I swear God was crafting a movie scene in which the protagonist (me) drifted along with a carefully selected soundtrack. The circumstances under which I experienced this song likely made me appreciate more than I would have otherwise, and now it's special to me.

5. Pictures of Success -Rilo Kiley †
Another of my mix Favs. I really dig Rilo (and neglected to put science vs romance on my mix because I say Yoshi already had her on his mix :p) and I need to grab one of the complete albums because I appreciate the three or four songs of her's I have heard now. At almost 7 minutes long, this is one of the meatiest songs on the mix, but surprisingly it doesn't feel like it is dragging on, even though the song is composed largely of the same riffs and chords. Rilo has one of those voices that you want to make love too; I hope I never see a picture of here, because it can't be as sexy as she sounds. The emotional climax of this song comes early at the 2:40 mark with the lyrics "and Mexico can fucking wait" then has its melodic climax a minute later with the repeated "ready to go". Finally the song vamps on a subdued second climax at 5:25. Nice and tasty.

I like the little surf inspired slides the guitar hits in the first third of the tune. I also really appreciate the line "They say, Cali-fornia is a recipe for a black whole" great stuff.

6. Say Yes to Michagan -Sufjan Stevans †
Help me I am floating! The piano/guitar loop really lays it down for this one. The whole thing is fairly fanciful and sounds like some kind of middle-eastern bazaar got dropped into a Swedish dairy farm while a high school marching band floats by on a raft. Don't ask, you really have to hear this song to get what I just said. I liked it a lot.
[The end transitions excellently into Too Young btw *thumbs up*]

7. Too Young -Phoenix †
Another Mix Hit, it has earned a permanent spot on my harddrvie. Poppy, catchy fun. I love the riff of the palm mute guitar. I really don't have much to say about it. I just like it a lot. =)

8. Recommendation -Mirah
Not a high point of the mix for me. I like the synth stuff at the beginning. But the whole drum break down at the end doesn't really do anything for me. It serves as a short transition into the next song.

9. Contact Kiss -Girls are Short
I really enjoy the guitar and bass in the intro, and the synth bass through out. I enjoy some of the sung melodies, even if the lyrics are a little flat. I don't like the lead into the bridge section. It sort of grates and doesn't blend with what comes before or after it. I like when the song hits the 2:16 mark, it gets real nice there.

10. Flowers are Pretty -The Vandals
I laughed and enjoyed this song on the first listen through. entertaining. It does not hold up well on repeat listens, every time I felt it less and less. It unfortunately becomes a gimmick, which is too bad. I saw the vandals live once. I don't really remember them much because I was there to see No Doubt =P

11. Lord Only Knows -Beck ††
I love Beck, I love most of his work. There isn't much to say about it. This entire song is brilliant. The country/rock mix is a divine vessel for the lyrics crafted purely out of an aural masturbation session. rawk. Recommended A++ Mix-taper, 100% Would deal with again!

12. Calloused Fingers -Casiotone for the Painfully Alone
Meh, next. Its not a bad song, it just came off as some movie soundtrack quickie someone like Primitive Radio God's cranked out. Unfortunately this is where the mix dies for me. Beck really capped this mix for me.

13. Any Way You Want it -Rise Against
Its funny because we were just listening to Journey right before this. Yeah the guy is screaming, but he simply has no emotion. This cover rage that is going around is fun and all (boys of summer, Darling Nikki, any way you want it etc etc.) but generally they just don't cap the originals because they don't bring anything new to the table. I love a cover that re-imagines a song, that really takes an ownership over the material and transforms it into the artists own. This is like a rocking frat party cover tune, it would be fun to jam on at a party.

14. Have you Passed Through This Night? -Explosions in the Dark
The voice always sounds like Sam Gamgee to me =P. The whip/stun gun (?not sure) sounds are harsh and not needed. There are a few nice parts but it is a little long for what it is, a regress song, kind of like the end credits theme (which is what I was shooting for with the Brad Mehldau track in my mix.).

Thanks Yoshi,
I enjoyed your mix the most out of all of them that I received. I would like to exchange with you again next time if you are up for it, I know my mix will be drastically different and I am sure you have a lot more material for me since you made at least 6 different mixes :p Great mix, with a lot of good stuff that has (wait for it...)a new home in my music collection. Thanks again!

†- scola recomends: These are the rockingest tunes on this mix, and found a home in my collection (jesus i said that far too muc in this post). as you can see I think the mix was its strongest in the middle.
††- scola recommends, but already thought this song was hot shit before Yoshi sent it :p


swoon, I got yer mix in the mail yesterday. Mmmmm. Waffle. I'll give it a few listens this weekend and have a review for you at the beginning of next week.



swoon said:
everyone should thank me because the google ads are about waffles on the this page

I hadn't really thought about how our posting methods affect the Google ads, but you're absolutely right. From now on, I'm going to wax rhapsodic about breakfast food in every single post I make.

Waffle, waffle, waffle, waffle, waffle. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.



don't thank me, thank those greensboro bats for striking out number 5 during the seventh inning. they are the TRUE champions of the waffle.

waffle waffle.
Okay, I am going to attempt to get some feedback on my mix by posting a review of Dead Star's "Spontaneous Aerial Combustion" and guilting him into reviewing mine. ALSO, I want him to suggest albums/tracks based on what I liked about his mix! I'm super selfish!

Short version: it's a very good mix! A fairly low-key-yet-powerful group of alternative/indie songs that were right up my alley. I was familiar with a little over half the artists, but even the artists I knew usually had unfamiliar songs. I've listened to it about 6-7 times so far. I rather prefer the first half to the second, but don't hate the second half or anything. Here're my track-by-track comments as I listen. (I'm not gonna bother editing them/rereading afterwards, just post what I think/feel as it goes)

1. Ride - Leave them All Behind: Excellent CD opener. Good, thick, layered guitars for over two minutes before the vocals come in. I'm a big fan of supersonic density, and this song delivers. The vocals seem to just be a part of the overall mix, not really setting themselves apart, but that's okay. I guess they're British. There's not much dynamicism in how this song progresses, but it's a fairly constant driving layered melody. Also, it's apparently over 8 minutes long. Gosh.

2. Suede - So Young: Good second song. A bit darker in tone than the first song, and the vocals are far more distinct. The guitar is very similar in tone, though. A nice transition away from an almost purely instrumental opening to a more traditional second song. Has that nice pseudo-sexual desperation Suede does so well. And a piano, a key part of any low-key epic indie style production. Just enough for that desperate melodic tinge.

3. The Wrens - Everyone Take Sides: HOLY CRAP. THIS IS THE BEST SONG ON THE CD! And everyone who knew the Wrens were cool and didn't tell me CAN GO TO HELL. This is the song I listened to for an hour straight on repeat after my first time through the disc; this is the artist whom, after hearing this song, I thought "Jesus Christ, I have to hear more of this band NOW." The short, short version: in 1996 the Wrens budding popularity got them backstabbed and fucked over by their label, who, after dropping them, then picked up, produced, and popularized Creed to get revenge. Seven years of silent brooding later, The Wrens return to write this song to express JUST how they feel. And fucking hell do they get the point across. (13 grand / a year in the meadowlands / bored and rural-poor, lord, at 35, right? / I'm the best 17 year old ever ... I've walked away from more than you imagine and I sleep just fine) This is an emotional apocalypse, it is righteous fury distilled into killer melodic songwriting, and it is awesomely impressive.

4. Millionaire - Body Experience Revue: The last song would be impossible to top, so wisely DS doesn't even try. This song goes from the explosive emotion of the last to a funky groove - the guitar is just for wailing accents, not melody. It's the bass and slightly criminal rapsy vocals that carry this one. Reminds me of some tracks off of Bowie's Outside. But I really like Outside, so that's a compliment. A sort of evil urbanity. The verses sound almost like a blues call-and-response.

5. TV on the Radio - Satellite: My love of TV on the Radio is well documented. V. good choice, and excellent flow from the "urban terror" feel of the previous track. The vocals are even grittier, the bass two octaves lower, the repetition even more distinct. Plus, TV on the Radio is awesome. Nay, super awesome.

6. The Cooper Temple Clause - The Same Mistakes: My third favorite "new" band on the disc, after The Wrens and Metric. I really like the vocalist, who despite being male isn't afraid to carry a crooning melody. And the way this song grows from a very slow, subdued, almost subterannean love song into a driving, soaring ballad is very, very well handled. (the way everything falls out during the "bridge" about three minutes in then returns in double-time drums and later, very strong guitars with increasing desperation and energy in the vocals is superb. Also the way that, instead of fading out, it repeats the last part with even more energy, drive, and emotion. Ends with a bang, not a whimper.

7. Mansun - Cancer: It's a rule of mix CD making that every disc has to have one song that leaves your audience scratching their heads, wondering, "the rest of it was so excellent - WHY did you pick this song?!" So don't take it personally when I say, this is that song. It's a bit too over the map and proggy for me, the faux-peppy chorus with "edgy" lyrics ("I'm emotionally raped by Jesus!") leave me just sort of feeling embarassed for the band. There's no "center" to this song. And the four minutes of instrumental vamping at 3:15 or so doesn't grab me at all. The very end (7:18 on) is good, when the band calms down, sticks to one trope, and focuses on making music. But it's not better enough to redeem the song; especially at such an over-indulgent NINE MINUTES AND THIRTY FOUR SECONDS in length. Oh, well.

8. Kinesis - The More You Have, the Less You Feel: This sounds like a Swedish band covering Radiohead's No Surprises. That said, it's pretty good, even if it doesn't really grab me. I'd rather listen to Radiohead.

9. Lush - Lovelife: Pretty typical based on what I know of Lush. Super chimey guitars, overlayered Euro vocalist. "Lush" is pretty much it. Lush is one of those bands that I like whatever I hear of them, but have never been grabbed enough to become a fan.

10. Blur - The Universal: Reminds me of "I Was Born" off the latest Magnetic Fields disc, though the Blur song is more detailed and probably a better song. This seems a very "affected" style for Blur, but they pull it off quite well. Has a nice sort of laidback and timeless feel to it, like some undiscovered classic from a 60/70's vinyl that suddenly showed up in 2004. The theme to the Mary Tyler Moore movie or something. Very inspiring and cheerful without being cloying. This song grows on me each time I hear it, but it's in such a non-standard style from what I usually hear (and the rest of the disc) that its charms are somewhat obscured.

11. Metric - Hustle Rose: Never heard of this band before; definitely want to check out more by them. Repetitive glitchpop with a haunting-but-powerful female vocalist. My only problem with the song is it's slightly TOO repetitive in the vocals; it goes 16 times where 8 or at max 12 would do. Still, great stuff, and even better once the extra synths and piano parts come in at the end. Like the Rapture only with a good, clear female vocalist instead of a whiny, muttery guy.

12. The Smashing Pumpkins - Set the Ray to Jerry: Not sure where this song is from. But, it's Pumpkins! A good fit with the tone of the album, though I might've moved it into the first half. A VERY quiet/brooding Pumpkins song with Corgan's standard emotional crooning (though under control, for him). The bass really carries this one. Also really growing on me. I was really into Pumpkins in high school, but don't know much about their early/late work. Where's this from?

13. Wilco - At Least That's What You Said / 14. Muse - Piano Thing: Neither of these last two piano tracks really work for me; they're both very "extro" feeling and almost no energy. Not that every track has to be energetic, but I don't think they really work with the rest of the disc. The Wilco track in particular seems like listening to a possibly good song slowed down to 50% speed and with the guitar pitch-shifted into highly dissonant concordantly. The Muse track, which is instrumental. fails to do anything for me really. It's way too bombastic after the last two track whinedown, and the constant arpeggioing of the piano player is really showboaty and bothers me a bit. I'd cut it.

Well, there you go. Over all a very strong disc, introduced me to several new artists I feel passionate about wanting to check out, and quite listenable from start to finish. The overall tone to me is definitely one of a sort of subdued power ... of stored-up energy threatening, but not quite, being released. Not sure how that fits in with your purposes, but that's what I got out of it.



12. Calloused Fingers -Casiotone for the Painfully Alone
Meh, next. Its not a bad song, it just came off as some movie soundtrack quickie someone like Primitive Radio God's cranked out. Unfortunately this is where the mix dies for me. Beck really capped this mix for me.

hey, be easy, that guy is only fat cause he ate too many waffles.


the guitar freakout at the end of the wilco track is the best thing ever though. it's up there with poor places for the best sound ever.

i'm only posting in this thread from now on.


sweet thanks for the review scola, glad you enjoyed it. i'd be down for trading again next time there's an exchange, these things are always a good time.


FnordChan said:
What, you can't commit to posting to a full range of topics, and can only ramble on in this thread? Stop waffling, man!


oh hey, i have a mp3 blog that you might be intersted in.


today i'm about to post these awesome soul tunes.


JackFrost2012 said:
You know what is some good soul food? Fried chicken and waffles is what.

Roscoe's the name and they call me the King
Grandmaster of the chicken-and-the-waffle thing
I said now read my lips and, friends, now don't miss a word
'Cause this grandmaster's gonna give you the bird!

Roscoe lives forever in our hearts.

FnordChans just pancakes with little squares on 'em


JackFrost2012 said:
wtf is your new avatar you avatar-changing goof

Why, they're Petty Booka, of course.


Here's the title track from their first US release, Let's Talk Dirty In Hawaiian.


Their Japanese and American websites both await you.

FnordChan Hula
FnordChan said:
Why, they're Petty Booka, of course.

Cute. But not as cute as HALCALI!


They are the funniest, dopest rapping middle schoolers produced by Dragon Ash in Japan, and their lack of universal super fame and fortune is a total mystery to me. They're cute! They're skilled at rapping! Their songs are awesome synthy cool! Also, in their music video for Tandem they dress up in overalls and run through SMB 1-1!! HELLO, THEY ARE AWESOME!





JackFrost2012 said:
Cute. But not as cute as HALCALI!


They are the funniest, dopest rapping middle schoolers produced by Dragon Ash in Japan, and their lack of universal super fame and fortune is a total mystery to me. They're cute! They're skilled at rapping! Their songs are awesome synthy cool! Also, in their music video for Tandem they dress up in overalls and run through SMB 1-1!! HELLO, THEY ARE AWESOME!

Produced by Dragon Ash? Synth rap? Mario videos? I REQUIRE LINKS TO MP3S AND VIDEOS!


FnordChan said:
Produced by Dragon Ash? Synth rap? Mario videos? I REQUIRE LINKS TO MP3S AND VIDEOS!

Here are links to their first three singles: Tandem, Electric Sensei, Giri Giri Surf Rider. The video for Tandem opens with it slowly zooming in on a TV; then the two of them fall into SMB 1-1 when the lyrics start, and they begin this start-stop sideways arm/leg-swinging funky dorky dance while singing toward the camera and looking adorably dorky in their overalls. It's so awesome.

I don't have any of their videos on-hand, but I'll work on tracking them down via Japanese file-sharing services. Really, though. I should break down, buy the video collection, and rip it myself. Their other two are awesome; the Giri Giri Surf Rider one parodies Michael Jackson's Beat It with two groups of 80's-style Japanese Yankee schoolgirl thugs that is pee-your-pants funny. The one for Electric Sensei parodies a Dragon Ash video (the one with them kicking ass at Ping Pong); the Halcali version has them playing ping pong very, very poorly. Seriously, the more I think about it, the more their failure to be super famous is totally inexplicable.

And if I ever find/rip the Tandem video I swear to Jesus I HAVE AVATAR DIBS.


JackFrost2012 said:
Here are links to their first three singles: Tandem, Electric Sensei, Giri Giri Surf Rider.

Awesome, awesome, awesome. I poked around the website for their DVD release and saw the Tandem clip with them doing the SMB thing. I was also terribly amused by seeing them face off against the Japanese high school girl thugs in the Giri Giri Surf Ride clip. Freakin' awesome. It's your sacred duty to rip those videos, man.



JackFrost2012 said:
Where'd you find the clips? I can't find them ... said the person who can read Japanese. :( Go professional Flash site design!!

They're an incredible pain in the ass to track down. First, Go to their DVD website, get past the opening, then click on the kanji in the lower right-hand corner. This takes you to static items to click on, rather than falling leaves or whatnot. The grean leaf leads to a concentration type game; match up a pair of images and it gives you a video clip. Sometimes; I couldn't get the damn thing to work half the time.



Lambtron said:
Still working on my mix, Buddy & Alucard.
I'm a superspaz, and it's not perfect yet :(
The cover and shit is hot as fuck, though. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. It'll be worth the wait, I promise.

Reviews coming soon. Fuck, I'm the biggest suck of all time.


no you're not man. waffles.

the worst suck is the other dude in our group who hasn't even given us the 'what's up.'



as logn as i get it sometime, it's cool.


this post brought to you by waffles.
FnordChan said:
They're an incredible pain in the ass to track down. First, Go to their DVD website, get past the opening, then click on the kanji in the lower right-hand corner. This takes you to static items to click on, rather than falling leaves or whatnot. The grean leaf leads to a concentration type game; match up a pair of images and it gives you a video clip. Sometimes; I couldn't get the damn thing to work half the time.


Oh, God, but the rewards are so worth it. I discovered that the game is to match the icons of the album/single, which are found on their main site. So click the red HALCALI logos for INCREDIBLE Mario dancing action!! Girigiri Surfrider is the embossed blue logo with the "waves."

I would apologize for hijacking the thread, but HALCALI is awesome so there. Any future gushing I'll take separately, though. In fact I'll start a separate thread about them!


JackFrost2012 said:
I would apologize for hijacking the thread, but Halcali is awesome so there. Any future gushing I'll take separately, though. In fact I'll start a separate thread about them!

you can make it up to us by telling me if you shipped my "trance" vibrator ;)


BC and Lambtron, any idea who the other person in our group was? I deleted the email a while ago and am kind of curious who my third mix went to.


Alucard said:
BC and Lambtron, any idea who the other person in our group was? I deleted the email a while ago and am kind of curious who my third mix went to.

That would be Cubicle47b. Dunno if they're active on the new board, have a new nick, or whatnot. If you'd like their contact info, drop me a PM.



Unconfirmed Member
yoshifumi said:
on a related note, i hope there's another mix exchange soon, somebody (other than me) get crackin! :D
Hey do you want a review of your second disc (electronic)?

I will do it if you want, but it won't be untill next week after I do Rk's and Auslander's (did auslander make the board change over?). I did like it however.


scola said:
Hey do you want a review of your second disc (electronic)?

I will do it if you want, but it won't be untill next week after I do Rk's and Auslander's (did auslander make the board change over?). I did like it however.

yeah that'd be cool go ahead and take your time.


well not really...yet
JackFrost2012 said:
Okay, I am going to attempt to get some feedback on my mix by posting a review of Dead Star's "Spontaneous Aerial Combustion" and guilting him into reviewing mine. ALSO, I want him to suggest albums/tracks based on what I liked about his mix! I'm super selfish!

Short version: it's a very good mix! A fairly low-key-yet-powerful group of alternative/indie songs that were right up my alley. I was familiar with a little over half the artists, but even the artists I knew usually had unfamiliar songs. I've listened to it about 6-7 times so far. I rather prefer the first half to the second, but don't hate the second half or anything. Here're my track-by-track comments as I listen. (I'm not gonna bother editing them/rereading afterwards, just post what I think/feel as it goes)

Im getting to your review soon, dont worry :(

If you like that Wrens song, just get the whole album "the meadowlands" its very very very good, youre guaranteed to love every second of it. For Cooper temple clause id suggest maybe the song "music Box" of theire last album "kick up the fire and let the flames break loose" great album. Haha I had a feeling id get flack for that mansun song, the lyrics are tough to explain apart from the album so ill abstain from it, personally its one of my favorite songs of all time from one of my favorite albums and favorite bands and i know its not a band for everybody, but I tried ;) The Smashing Pumpkins song is a B side actually and you can find it in the box set "the aeroplane flies high" which is full of good stuff. Im surprised youre not too fond of the wilco song, everybody I know whos heard fall in love with it. As for the muse song, yes its bombastic and basically showy but its also a B side, usually a time when a band can screw around and do things they usually wouldnt do..except muse do it a lot, oh well. I chose it becuase i thought it closed the CD perfectly, i tried to make it as coherent as possible.

Anyways glad you liked the CD, which was my main mix, the other CD were many songs i really wouldve liked to include on a mix but decided what the hell ill just put em on another CD.
in any case the review will be up before sunday, just know i really like the mix :)


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, that Wrens album is absolutely incredible, my favorite record of last year, and quite possibly one of my top 3 all time. It's so perfect. And the guitar lines in "Everyone Chooses Sides" send chills up my spine. I was freaking out when they played it live.

The greener grasses faaaade from where you wind up!


well not really...yet
Lambtron said:
Yeah, that Wrens album is absolutely incredible, my favorite record of last year, and quite possibly one of my top 3 all time. It's so perfect. And the guitar lines in "Everyone Chooses Sides" send chills up my spine. I was freaking out when they played it live.

The greener grasses faaaade from where you wind up!
I put the alternate version of the song on my mix, but theyre both fantastic, easily my favorite song on the album. I dont think I can find fault with anything about that album...just fantastic...


BuddyChrist83 said:

Which is a pretty good reminder for everyone who still needs to get out mixes and or reviews to get off their asses before the next exchange starts.

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