I've seen last episode of
Yumekui Merry. It wrapped everything very nicely. Theres awful lot of questions that weren't answered, but that's the nature of adapting on-going manga. I especially liked how in the end winning took combined effort of pretty much everyone included as well as huge sacrifices instead of some random power-up typical for the genre. This way I didn't feel cheated

The animation was a little off. Not the actual frames, but I felt like in some places there was a second or two of footage missing. But I don't care much about that, the design quality remained very high (changes of drawings to ugly bother me always much more than drops in animation quality).
Anyway, I really enjoyed this series. When I saw the promos I thought I wouldn't like it, but I was wrong. It kept it's focus tight and made my sympathize with characters. I'm also big on world building and that element was excellent in Yumekui Merry - full of details, without holes, complex and with ability to rapidly expand without seeming forces. And all that was coupled with pretty visuals and wonderful soundtrack,
JC Staff made plenty of shows of this type, but this one is by the best one. Hopefully there will be S2.