7Th said:
well i don't think am gonna around anime thread in summer then, can't find anything interesting in there.
7Th said:
Summer is pretty good. IdolM@ster, Natsume Yuujin Chou San, Ikoku no Meiro Croisee and everything else.7Th said:Spring is old and busted, let's get ready for summer!
Pretty much but 7 shows to check out is better than checking out 2-3 shows every other summer and dropping them after wards lulz.duckroll said:I'm probably going to check out 7 shows in Summer. But I have serious doubts as to whether I will end up following any of them. Lol.
I'm pretty sure it could be.pieatorium said:Blade anime could be interesting. It's not like it could be worse than Blade Trinity.
pieatorium said:Blade anime could be interesting. It's not like it could be worse than Blade Trinity.
See sounds 100 times better than Blade gets pretty sidekicks that product placement iPodsduckroll said:Here's the plot: Eric Brooks--known as Blade--seeks revenge on Deacon Frost, the vampire lord who killed his mother while she was still pregnant with Eric. With all the powers of a vampire with none of their weaknesses, Blade's quest for vengeance leads him throughout Southeast Asia in search of Frost, where, in Vietnam, he discovers a vampire plot that threatens to take down the whole world.
Well at least it looks better than last summer. More Natsume is always a good thing.7Th said:Spring is old and busted, let's get ready for summer!
Is it possible to be worse than last summer? Worst season ever.Hellsing321 said:Well at least it looks better than last summer. More Natsume is always a good thing.
Branduil said:
I hope we never find out.Aigis said:Is it possible to be worse than last summer? Worst season ever.
pieatorium said:See sounds 100 times better than Blade gets pretty sidekicks that product placement iPods
Middle ground Frost maybe?duckroll said:I wonder if the anime designs will use old Frost like in the original comic, or young Frost like the hippy poser movies.
7Th said:
icarus-daedelus said:I decided to go back and watch episode 1 of Twilight Q. The plot, such as it is, is basically shoujo meets time travel, and it's incredibly straightforward and a bit dull although the production values are high enough that the animation is always nice to look at. This time it's not written/directed by Mamoru Oshii, so it's pretty unremarkable for the most part, but I still think the idea of a longrunning Japanimu equivalent of The Twilight Zone would be amazing and would produce more gems eventually.
It was an OVA series from the late 80s, when there was more money available for more esoteric projects, and the second episode is bizarre as hell, so I'm sure it tanked and never went anywhere. Still, the idea behind the project was sound and I'm kind of bummed that there's nothing like it around.
7Th said:
firehawk12 said:Then again, if BL is written for straight women more than gay men, maybe it makes sense that it's just the shoujo formula with a gender swap.
Do the subs really say that?Joe Molotov said:Astarotte​ no Omocha! - Episode 1
"You're 10 years old, time to start sucking cock." Pretty awesome show so far, guys.
The show's a little more classy about it.Aigis said:Do the subs really say that?
Aigis said:Do the subs really say that?
Yeah, it's just funny to me because, as I debated our great colonizer doomed1 in the last thread, "good" Yuri seems like it is written by women for other women.zeroshiki said:It is. There has got to be gay anime fans out there but they are probably an insanely small negligible amount. BL is written for the fujoshi crowd.
firehawk12 said:Yeah, it's just funny to me because, as I debated our great colonizer doomed1 in the last thread, "good" Yuri seems like it is written by women for other women.
That's not to say gay male wishfulfillment is all that different from what a straight woman might experience, but it seems so very shallow when the tropes are nearly identical. Heck, the dude even talks to himself and narrates his emotions for like 80% of the show.
I can give you a hint... It is. It's basically porn for girls.firehawk12 said:Then again, if BL is written for straight women more than gay men, maybe it makes sense that it's just the shoujo formula with a gender swap.
That's The Girl Who Leapt Through Time! And I think I meant the episode itself had less monocle power because it didn't have Oshii. :lolicarus-daedelus said:I figured that watching obscure 80s scifi anthology animu that no one else has heard of or cares about would increase my monocle power, tho.Is it because I called it shoujo with time travel?
That makes me wonder what nerds there think about American science fiction. I'm assuming anime nerds are different from SF nerds anyway.Probably the latter. I thought Outer Limits aired around that time, but nope. Twilight Zone The Movie? :lol
You should watch the OVA. It's basically shoujo... except they have sex right after meeting each other.I intended to watch at least an episode of this, but Aria is beckoning. From my limited experience yaoi/BL is not usually that blatantly shoujo-esque in structure, though it is most definitely predominately written for (and consumed by) straight women.
Check another one off the list!zeroshiki said:Marimite is written by a woman but the crowd that buys it is definitely your standard otaku fare. Then again, I'm not sure if Marimite counts as yuri. (Endless Eight loop incoming!!!)
I know. It was almost rhetorical, now that I think about it. Emotion porn + seme/uke relationships FTW.shintoki said:I can give you a hint... It is. It's basically porn for girls.
No, it's an old one. I got it from AAF from their Christmas request back in 2009(tiff said:shintoki, is that a new avatar?
Hilarious timing if so!
Most will follow a fairly standard Shoujo formula. Except it's very sped up, and more on the sexual side. I guess you can say, it's their version of the Ecchi,Fanservice(Whatever) show.firehawk12 said:I know. It was almost rhetorical, now that I think about it. Emotion porn + seme/uke relationships FTW.
firehawk12 said:Check another one off the list!
And yeah, including myself, Marimite has a strangely large male fanbase. Enough to sustain 4 seasons and a Pizza Hut sponsorship anyway. But, unlike Strawberry Panic, Marimite isn't really about girls sexing each other up.
Evilord! Avatar changes I betzeroshiki said:Why not?
The Strike Witches of the season.Joule said:Kampfer 14?: What a terrific return to form. Absolutely flawless.
The fourth season was an actual season though - which is why Pizza Hut appeared all over the place.zeroshiki said:The last two seasons are OVA though. I'd have killed for more anime seasons. I think it taps into the same vein that KyoAni found with K-On. Cute (classy) girls doing cute (classy) things. And not a dude in sight!
Which reminds me, I need to continue reading Marimite!
Reminds me he has the only animated avatar in this thread that i will miss.:lolBranduil said:I Am Now won't be posting here again any time soon.
firehawk12 said:The Strike Witches of the season.
The fourth season was an actual season though - which is why Pizza Hut appeared all over the place.
And there are dudes! Which is why the author is writing the series about Yumi's brother and his school after all.
Lafiel said:Reminds me he has the only animated avatar in this thread that i will miss.:lol
Pfft i barely notice the difference between his static and animated avatar.LOL firehawk am cry.
I'm trying to remember what happens in S4... it's mostly Yumi and her antics when it came to picking out her own Rose en Bouten de la blahblahblah though.zeroshiki said:I never got around to finishing the 3rd season so I don't know much about S4. Great if true. I need to do a full rewatch if I'm gonna catch up though. I've forgotten so much that I'm genuinely surprised at certain things that happen in the novels.
Yeah, it sucks. I've always had an inkling to switch between my current Kino avi and my old Ayu one:shintoki said:Evilord! Avatar changes I bet