Trolling only works when it doesn't just make you look like you have no taste.duckroll said:This part is true.
Trolling only works when it doesn't just make you look like you have no taste.duckroll said:This part is true.
Well I am more of a YF-21 man myself. It's not like I've even seen the original Mazinger Z series and so I don't really have much of an attachment to it.zeroshiki said:I can't believe you'd choose a Macross Valkyrie over Mazinger freaking Z.
Jexhius said:Well I am more of a YF-21 man myself.
Branduil said:Trolling only works when it doesn't just make you look like you have no taste.
That doesn't even make any sense, when in many of those choices I chose super over real!zeroshiki said:You have a thing against Super Robots >_< Begone, Real Robot elitist!
duckroll said:But he is indeed a hack. He panders to his audience. He recycles the same boring themes. Some of his stories feature terrible characterization. Some are overly long and poorly paced. And most importantly, none of his works feature any robots. What good is he?
Pfft i love my super robots as much as anything, but YF-19 > mazinger. It's just a cooler overall design!You have a thing against Super Robots >_< Begone, Real Robot elitist!
The number of phrases, commonly used today, that you can accredit to him is ridiculous, if memory serves.umop_3pisdn said:His turns of phrase, IIRC he was significant in shaping how people used english from then on.
He did have one of the first tsunderes, though.duckroll said:But he is indeed a hack. He panders to his audience. He recycles the same boring themes. Some of his stories feature terrible characterization. Some are overly long and poorly paced. And most importantly, none of his works feature any robots. What good is he?
Branduil said:He did have one of the first tsunderes, though.
duckroll said:But he is indeed a hack. He panders to his audience. He recycles the same boring themes. Some of his stories feature terrible characterization. Some are overly long and poorly paced. And most importantly, none of his works feature any robots. What good is he?
Instro said:I always thought that Macbeth would be a lot better if Banquo rode around in a giant mecha.
Not after Romeo X Juliet you're not.duckroll said:Call Gonzo. I think we have a hit on our hands.
Jexhius said:The number of phrases, commonly used today, that you can accredit to him is ridiculous, if memory serves.
I heard about it one some RadioLab episode. Turns of your professor was correct! Shakespeare = boss.umop_3pisdn said:That sounds really familiar, I think you're right. I don't know much on the subject but I can vaguely recall a professor basically crediting him with the whole of Modern English.
I'll give you the robots, but the man was a literary genius. He pioneered English-language theater and wrote brilliantly for the uneducated and unwashed masses. Was there pandering? Sure. Is it all JUST pandering? Never. The Merchant of Venice pandered so hard to anti-Semitic culture that pervaded Christian England, but it was so over the top, that a careful viewer will see how ridiculous the whole thing is, and how much it happens, being able to take away a criticism of such anti-Semites.duckroll said:But he is indeed a hack. He panders to his audience. He recycles the same boring themes. Some of his stories feature terrible characterization. Some are overly long and poorly paced. And most importantly, none of his works feature any robots. What good is he?
No, instead you send threats to the manga's writer. It's happened, there are multiple examples. You even imply that your "pure" character actually has had a boyfriend before, or has one? Expect threatening messages from the otaku fans!doomed1 said:Yeah, but you can't really send death threats to cartoon characters.![]()
Huh, so that's maybe why it did well? As good as any other reason I guess...Geneijin said:Quote:
Infinite Stratos was, extremely lucky, in more than one ways. First, Madoka's popularity actually affected Infinite Stratos in positive ways. People originally wanted Madoka to be good/moemoe cute girl magical girl series, but ended up getting serious eye-rape with endless despair and hopelessness. (kill urobuchi!) People needed something to 'cure' their eyes from shock, and they found, eye-pleasing + well-animated + moe-moe-kyun animation. It was perfect for purifying their eyes from 24 minutes of panic and complete absorption to amazing series called Madoka Magica. Not only that, all the other animations were even more unbearable than IS, there was no-other substitution for fans anyway.
Even more lucky thing for IS is, delay of Madoka Magica BD/DVD release. A lot of people who were eagerly waiting to see their favourite mahou shoujo in HD died in despair again. Thus, (...) it seems that IS became substitution to feel in their empty space of Madoka Magica, and increased sales of IS to even more ridiculous level. If both released CD during the same month, sales of 30,000 never happened.
Woah, really? Quite an accomplishment there!Infinite Stratos was not the most popular light novel. It is well known for being...shit. It has even less sense than its adapted animation.
I don't know about that, I think it's possible for something to be more generic than IS... but yes, it would be difficult.Epitome of cliche - no other animation can be more generic than this.
Steroyd said:Or I post a gif of head turd and run away.
A Black Falcon said:Cardcaptor Sakura 01-06 - Found the first 12 episodes (uncut subbed versions) on VHS, so I couldn't resist though I've seen 1-4 and 9-12 before. That I watched so many says that yeah, it's good, but as with every time before that I've mentioned it I do have to say about how disturbing some of the relationships are in this show, and that none are criticized for it... I mean, Sakura, a 4th grader, has a crush on her 11th grade brother's classmate. He takes her out for lunch sometimes, and she considers them dates. Nobody has a problems with this. Also, Sakura's mother was quite a bit younger than her father if I remember right, before she died young, but I think the 9-12 part has some of that backstory. I think there's more.
A Black Falcon said:Also, completely cleaning the entire house for chores, at the age of 9 or 10? That's... a bit excessive. Also, these children act a lot like adults sometimes. I doubt that they were exactly always keeping the characters' ages in mind here, but of course that is normal for this kind of thing. (Oh yeah, and the Kero check things at the ends of the episodes are so stupid...)
No, instead you send threats to the manga's writer. It's happened, there are multiple examples. You even imply that your "pure" character actually has had a boyfriend before, or has one? Expect threatening messages from the otaku fans!
What the fuck ya doing to your machines? Just re-install Windows, the older versions need that every once in a while, back up your data, wipe everything and start over.A Black Falcon said:Other than that, I'm having more computer problems and it's a real pain. I'm down to zero entirely working computers now, from three 4 months ago.(This one, my oldest one, broke a few days ago and now won't display sound or directdraw graphics because key windows files directx/sound/nvidia drivers/etc. rely on were deleted, apparently, and I don't have system restore points to bring them back with (at least I managed to get normal Windows graphics and the mouse working again though); a second has a virus I haven't managed to get rid of (though its main OS is Linux, which is fine, I don't know Linux too well); and the third has some hardware problem...
doomed1 said:I'll give you the robots, but the man was a literary genius. He pioneered English-language theater and wrote brilliantly for the uneducated and unwashed masses. Was there pandering? Sure. Is it all JUST pandering? Never. The Merchant of Venice pandered so hard to anti-Semitic culture that pervaded Christian England, but it was so over the top, that a careful viewer will see how ridiculous the whole thing is, and how much it happens, being able to take away a criticism of such anti-Semites.
Is there pandering? Sure, but Evangelion has pandering, but its writing and narrative is deeper than that pandering. Sure, he copied stories, but I don't think he ever really actually copied them in the same spirit as the original. That's the key difference.
mAcOdIn said:Hanasaku Iroha episode 2 I liked better than the first, I'll probably follow it. People bitching about strict realism however are pretty fucking funny. It's fucking TV who wants 100% realism? And on a more twisted note have people seen the shit that does go on in reality? Stupid mothers circumcising their children with pliers and knives, serial killers, cannibals, whacky cults that gas subways, a President shot to impress an actress, an orangutang kept as a prostitute, people who marry their pets, reality is fucking whacked. Demented. I don't know if there is a reality just a "norm."
mAcOdIn said:Anyways, I think I'm going to go avatar-less again, gives me more credibility across the board.
pieatorium said:Please don't go avatarless it looks weird and I will call you "old no-av" until you fold and change your mind
You are no longer dead to me!Hanasaku Iroha episode 2 I liked better than the first, I'll probably follow it.
I think maintaining believability is a more important thing than strict realism, and again this is anime we are talking about, and iroha in question already has certain quirks (that i love) that wouldn't work half as well in a live-action setting.People bitching about strict realism however are pretty fucking funny. It's fucking TV who wants 100% realism?
Steroyd said:WTF the time stamp on my post just got messed up, I know I set the clock forward an hour weeks ago.
Lolz, I R Homura, I R Break time.
Well I wasn't actually being serious when I posted that because clearly (well, to me anyway) that isn't a serious reply to your criticisms. I certainly didn't aim for it to come across in such a manner and I apologise if that's how it appeared.icarus-daedelus said:Ugh. You're so unpleasant to talk to. You needn't bother responding to anything I post if it's just going to be more condescending empty bullshit.
Hitokage said:Infinite Ryvius is definitely not a show to be drawing lines in the sand about.
icarus-daedelus said:Yeah, sorry about that Jex, it was an overreaction on my part. I was in a bad mood I guess. I should've figured you were joking but it's hard to tell with the 'hurr hurr bad taste' responses sometimes.
The power of Gorō Taniguchi!Hitokage said:Infinite Ryvius is definitely not a show to be drawing lines in the sand about.
Jexhius said:The power of Gorō Taniguchi!
Aoi Hana 3
I was going to make a comment in passing about how those making this show were deeply concerned with drawing extremely detailed hair but considering how there's so much attention to detail in all aspects of a characters animation that it's not really worth singling one aspect out. Then again, there's a tendency to have fairly 'simple' hair even when other aspects of a character are well animated.
Now that I've returned to this series it occurs to me that I must have got quite far into it because I remember all this happening. I suppose I just failed to appreciate the subtle nuances of this piece the first time I went through it. In other words, it's good.
firehawk12 said:Antler ears moe?
Yeah, that seems the case sometimes. Akiyuki Shinbo (although nowadays he is more like an overseer of the work from other SHAFT 'Team Shinbo' members like Tatsuya Oishi or Shin Oonuma) has worked many times to compensate much of the shortcomings they had for a determined project, but in 'Bakemonogatari' (化物語Jexhius said:It probably has something to do with having no budget, animators or time in many cases.
Thanks, JKTrix! I keep trying to be useful to other fellow users here, this is why I prefer to post interesting information rather than my opinion as in posts like this one. Also, I really respect your opinion about animation.JKTrix said:Just wanted to say, I love your posts.
I'm not particularly bothered by a director drawing attention to himself through elaborate camera work and editing, but I'm far less enamoured by cuts to, say, a collage or a real photo or a repeated static image. On a rare occasion it works, but at many other times it doesn't./XX/ said:This is my opinion, of course, and I like his works for what they are, but I recognize that there are other directors more lenient to work for the story, accompanying it by the hand without being noticed, and that translate the production material with their own vision to deliver it in a picture without barriers to the viewer. A constant distraction (for the sake of distracting) among what he is trying to show us is not the type of direction I appreciate the most.
I suppose you have to love what you draw!7Th said:
. . . :|duckroll said:Merchant of Venice is great. I prefer most of his plays which have nothing to do with royalty. Those are generally the worst. Especially Hamlet. Fuck Hamlet. Overrated piece of garbage with terrible characters.
speedpop said:streams for free for me a few hours after it airs
Jexhius said:New OP get, it's pretty loud -
Jexhius said:
Rektash said:Ohh,.why does Kaiji have all his fingers in the Op? If I remember correctly he shouldn't have them all :O. Haven't watched the eps of the new season though
Apart from that I don't like the op at all.
Yeah I've mentioned in the MAIN THREAD that the visuals are great but I'm not a fan of the track.Dresden said:He got them reattached.
Not really digging the OP, it reminds me of that Justin Bieber/Slipknot mashup.
It's probably a sign bad sign that I'm already familiar with most of those MAD's. What has become of me.duckroll said:WARNING HUGE ANIMATION FANWANK INCOMING
...These guys are so awesome that they didn't even have to labor for years as in-betweeners before moving on to being allowed to do key animation. They just... rock. I don't think I should even bother talking much about them. Rather...
Hironori Tanaka
Entered the industry in 2004.
Samples: 1, 2
Yoshimichi Kameda
Entered the industry in 2007.
Samples: 1
Scouted into the industry by the Beck director in 2003.
Samples: 1, 2
Tomoyuki Niho
Entered the industry in 2005.
Samples: 1
Sir, you are crazy.Rektash said:On another note Kaiji will never be as good as Akagi. RICHI!