Geneijin said:
It's an exaggeration I think, but is it the most generic anime this past decade? Yes. I cannot name one anime that's equivalent to it. Having no original ideas doesn't even begin to describe how bad Infinite Stratos was. The bad writing was terribly visible. Even the music was dialed in by Hikaru Nanase. The relationships were meaningless, the battles were pointless, and almost everything was forgettable.
Thinking about it, I just can't entirely agree. I mean, in terms of writing, plot, events, characters, etc, yes, it's a conglomeration of cliches to the degree that you could perhaps call it the most generic thing ever... but at least it had some slightly original art design. Those uniforms weren't exactly like others, and that half-shirt Ichika had as a IS costume was kind of odd...
In every other way though it probably is about the most generic thing ever, mostly thanks to the atrociously bad writing. Which apparently is actually better than the novel writing, somehow.
doomed1 said:
Only exception I'd ever make is for Kino's Journey stuff, but yeah, the fact that I very rarely even desire more than the occasional gunpla (and building models is a hobby from when I was like 8) is proof enough to me that I'm not otaku, just regular enthusiast (though I'm DEFINITELY a NERD).
I don't have or buy anime merchandise, I save that for my 1600+ game video/computer game collection (I like to buy old games)...

Oh, and by that I mean games mostly, I don't have much videogame merchandise either, apart from stuff that came with games I bought that is.
mAcOdIn said:
Well that sucks, although between 3 computers you should easily be able to get 1 running at full capacity. I know about them damn clocks though, I can no longer set mine and my old Blackberry phone I use as an alarm no longer makes it through a day without dying.
One computer's from 2001, one's from 2004-5, and one's from 2007, so they're from different eras... three (four) different operating systems too -- ME, Linux (Ubuntu) and XP, and Vista.
I did try running the middle machine with the main harddrive from my newer one, but unfortunately it wasn't happy and wouldn't start. Completely different hardware causes issues, and I'd have to do stuff to get it working that I'd rather not do, considering that the goal is to get the newer machine working again, obviously.
That's not entirely wrong I guess. Really it just looks silly when I reply in a political thread with an anime avatar, I wish they could be tagged by context and display one appropriate for each thread.
Plus I lost my Spoor avatar, I didn't keep a backup and I hate dealing with Paint to make a new one.
I know it's been mentioned, but you didn't lose your avatar. You didn't read the post about the changes, I see.
And also, no avatar is worse than what you say there I think... if you really don't want one you don't have to have one, though, but it does make it easier to identify posts when people have avatars.
I just think people need to worry about realism in the sense that are the characters portrayed in a way that makes it seem as though they're making a realistic choice in the context of the show, anything else is taking things a bit too far. And as far as Hanasaku Iroha goes, what exactly is unrealistic about it? An abandoned child? Not unrealistic. A kid working in high school? Not unrealistic. A possible pedophile? Not unrealistic. Kido's getting slapped? Not unrealistic. I don't get the argument.
A kid being abandoned by their mother and forced to live with a cruel grandmother who forces her to work in her business or else? I wouldn't call that particularly likely. Sure, in a "could it happen" sense it isn't unrealistic per se, but it's also not too likely outside of fiction.
All of mine were non raid single drives. I have a SATA DVD-Burner, a Sata Blu-Ray player, a Samsung 1TB, a Seagate 500GB, a WD 500GB Caviar, and a 500 GB WD 5400 Green Drive and now 2 2TB Samsung drives. That's a lot of fucking drives. The WD Caviar started failing prompting me to buy the Seagate, there's no data I care about on it any more so I can wipe it, drill holes into it and shoot it into the sun, the 1TB Samsung will replace my 500GB Seagate which is currently the boot drive but I haven't got around to cloning my OS yet, but need to hurry as it's developing a lot of bad sectors too, the 500GB WD green drive has my music which will also be added onto my new 2TB RAID array and I don't know what I'll do with the two left over 500 WD drives. I only have 5 internal SATA ports on my motherboard so I'm just going to run the Samsung 1GB as the boot drive, the two 2TB's in RAID 1 as my media drive and then hook up the two optical drives, pity the Bluray's not also a burner as then I could cut out the DVD drive. I'm already up to 900GB or so of movies alone, even this 2TB array will start filling fast once I start ripping the Blurays I have left. Yikes. But eventually I plan to move to RAID 5 or 6 in a NAS. But yeah, it's a mirroring RAID I use, RAID 1, so it basically ensures if one drive fails it's still good, I like it. I wouldn't do RAID 0.
It's really nice, I have most of my stuff on it now and XBMC supports a ton of scrapers so your content can get tagged. The TVDB tracker was kind of ass for anime so I use the ANIDB scraper for anime but it's hell convenient. Keeps track of which episodes you've seen as well so you don't forget where you are.
My newer machine just has two 300GB drives and a 500GB, all three are mostly full now... I'm at the point where I need some more space. But the computer only has four SATA ports, and three are full now (with the HDDs, the DVD-RW drive is on EIDE and I don't have a Blu-Ray drive). There's only so much space inside a case though, it gets challenging fitting in more stuff at some point. I think if I got another HDD I might need something to fit it into one of the empty 5 1/4" bays... both 3.5" ones are full, one with a floppy drive and one with a media cards drive (for SD cards, etc.).
The (newer Vista) computer's a little older now of course, it's a Core 2 Duo E6600 (2.5Ghz) with a Geforce 8800 GTS 320MB and only 2GB of RAM, but still good enough for newer games, for the moment, probably because of how much the PC tech spec race has slowed down in recent years thanks to console ascendancy. It also has an awesome bright green case (and keyboard and mouse) that I still love.
The old, partially broken unless I reinstall Windows (on that note, I really don't want to have to do that, I've had this computer for 9 1/2 years now and haven't had to reinstall Windows once yet, I don't want to have to give up now and say there's no way to fix this...

) WinME machine I'm posting this from now is a P4 1.5Ghz with a not so great 32MB GeForce2 GTS graphics card and 384MB RDRAM (ME only supports up to 512MB without problems, I upgraded from 128MB to 384 in 2002 but didn't again because of cost and that I'd need to buy 256MB for a 128MB upgrade because of how RDRAM must be paired...), and two HDDs, 40GB and 80GB (the latter added a year or two after I got it). Yeah, it's been like 95% full most of the time for years, and I didn't have a burner in it either until 2006 (just a regular DVD drive until then), so I just had to delete stuff sometimes... sad, but I do think that getting the DVD drive was a better choice than a CD-RW drive, given that it was one or the other and I wanted to be able to watch movies on the computer.
jman2050 said:
People who don't like the show just want to find stuff wrong with it when they should probably just leave it as is and go about their business.
Like, I can say that Iroha is very well-made and well-written and at the same time point out that it just simply isn't my type of show. This, Wandering Son, The Wonder Years, Friday Night Lights, all shows in that flavor are all good stuff that I just plain don't like watching. I imagine it's the same for some others, though many of them try to be antagonistic about it.
I agree, something being well made and whether someone's going to like it are entirely different, and often unrelated, questions. You're not going to like something if it's a kind of thing you don't like, no matter how well made that thing is for its genre. The opposite applies to bad shows in genres that you can enjoy.