Rolling Girl
Wont be hearing any of that. :lol I got my PS3 set to auto Japanese audio and English subtitle when available. :3
You're horrible! *cries* Plus her performance for Kaine was just decent. Some of her lines felt unnatural while others felt right. Overall it was just okay.Aigis said:Laura Bailey is indeed awesome. Her voice was the only thing I enjoyed in Nier before I gave up on it.And maybe Weiss' voice too. But that's off topic!
InfiniteNine said:Wont be hearing any of that. :lol I got my PS3 set to auto Japanese audio and English subtitle when available. :3
Video Settings-> Set BD Audio Language to Japanese-> BD Subtitle Language to English. Same for DVDs.M_Night said:How do you do this?
Alt+F5?Also your avatar is just the top half of the head for me.
Yeah, in Japan voice actors tend to be triple threats: Singing, acting, and dancing. It's the whole idol pop culture phenomenon. I actually find it fascinating how pop and subculture are so intricately intertwined in Japan.Extollere said:I can tell that they're singing.... but it doesn't look like they're playing the instruments >___>
I always thought they used different voices for the songs, didn't realize the actresses could sing as well.
InfiniteNine said:Video Settings-> Set BD Audio Language to Japanese-> BD Subtitle Language to English. Same for DVDs.
Yeah, it doesn't work all the time for some reason so I suppose it depends on the BD. Works on my Mnemosyne BD, but not my FMP! TSR ones.M_Night said:Thanks and old F5 performed a miracle once again.
Aigis said:Laura Bailey is indeed awesome. Her voice was the only thing I enjoyed in Nier before I gave up on it.And maybe Weiss' voice too. But that's off topic!
Yeah, they all did a pretty good job overall. Nier and Weiss where just perfect. It was funny finding out The King has the exact same VA in Japan as well.hosannainexcelsis said:You missed out! And indeed, Laura Bailey, Liam O'Brian, and the entire VA cast for Nier were excellent.
duckroll said:Well, I tend to like to see it from multiple angles. If we look at it just from the point of view of "Yes well Kon's films are fantastic and they are fantastic because of Kon's vision, why don't people like that? Damn they have bad taste!" then yes, they're misguided.
But at the same time, it's also interesting to ponder why his stuff doesn't resonate that well with the domestic audience. I don't have a real answer for that, but I'll venture a theory that perhaps Kon's films are actually too much like live action.
I've actually mentioned this curious phenomenon before, but the anime shows which are directed and designed in the most realistic ways are often also either generally unpopular or very unpopular in Japan. Examples include Cowboy Bebop, Denno Coil, Michiko and Hacchin, and Sword of the Stranger. They emphasize (relatively) realistic character designs, and the animation and direction are meant to convey a sense of realism and believability in both the motion of characters and the camera.
In terms of style, Kon is very similar too. As such, it seems that shows like this don't really jive with what Japanese anime fans enjoy, and are not what Japanese audiences in general "expect" from animation. They prefer stuff which are more stylized, more exaggerated, and more... exciting (?). In contrast, while a lot of anime from Japan are written off as childish, ridiculous, perverted, or plain stupid by western audiences, it is the ones which convey the sense I mentioned above which tend to get the most attention and popularity from critic circles and audiences who don't generally watch anime.
Just my two cents.
InfiniteNine said:Yeah, they all did a pretty good job overall. Nier and Weiss where just perfect. It was funny finding out The King has the exact same VA in Japan as well.
Aigis said:Oh, and I got my Kurau: Phantom Memory DVD set from the Crunchyroll deal today, along with my Muchi Muchi Pork & Pink Sweets (this is a game, not anime) Limited Edition.
Might start watching it today. I hope it's good!
Jennifer Hale!Dresden said:I wonder how the dub for P&S would work out. On one hand I think the setting works just fine for it, but on the other hand the charm of beetchee and fack would be gone...
That said Laura Bailey should be badass for Panty.
In Japan, I have no idea. But sure. :lolicarus-daedelus said:When you say 'old people' you mean in anime years, right? So 30+ year olds?![]()
Old people would rather record doramas, surely? Just like old people here.InfiniteNine said:That's what they got the VCR for!
It's Asia, and it's mostly because a lot of the entertainment is heavily controlled. Everyone is basically a Miley Cyrus - male or female - and they make film and television and concert appearances to support the concept of the idol rather than any particular work they're involved in.doomed1 said:Yeah, in Japan voice actors tend to be triple threats: Singing, acting, and dancing. It's the whole idol pop culture phenomenon. I actually find it fascinating how pop and subculture are so intricately intertwined in Japan.
His directing itself is very naturalistic. Then there's the fact that the themes of his films are very adult or they feature adult characters, which is also anathema to cartoon audiences I suppose.hosannainexcelsis said:That's an interesting observation. I've never seen Kon's films as realistic or close to live action - the crazy dreamscapes in Paprika could only come from the mind of an animator - but it's true that the flights of fancy remain rooted in present-day Japanese reality and that Kon wanted to use them to say something about that reality. Perhaps it's just not escapist enough for the general public, which would be sad but not surprising.
Yeah, I was just checking out videos on Replicant since I'm planning to get it and thought it was a bit funny.hosannainexcelsis said:Considering the Facade language is just mixed-up Japanese syllables, that's what I would expect.
Oh you.Grzi said:Currently on episode 23 of Death Note.
Finally decided to watch it, after avoiding it for years.
It's really... not that good. It started kind of interesting, but it's becoming worse as the series is progressing.
Code Geass is so much better.
firehawk12 said:I suppose the academic/intellectual reason would be that people expect people to exploit the freedom that animation brings. Which doesn't really explain the popularity of Pixar, since they don't really push the bar when it comes to directing, but oh well.
I'll have Oshii make a film about you!icarus-daedelus said:firehawk, buddy, if it ever gets to that point, you know what to do. And after you're done, I'd like to be buried underneath a shady tree in the park across from my house.
Yeah, pretty much. I brought up Waltz With Bashir, but it's interesting because that dude filmed a documentary and then had a group of animators basically redraw the entire film based on live action footage. And he did that so that he could have recreations of war scenes but without the expensive of actually shooting a war scene.NotebookJ2 said:Actually, one complaint I did read about Tokyo Godfathers from somewhere is that the film itself could have easily been done in live action. I guess technically it could've been done, but it wouldn't have been without it's "charm" to me I guess. I don't think something like Paranoia Agent could be done in live action though.
This actually kinda reminds me of the debate I see often whether or not all video games should be non-linear because the nature of them allows them to be, something I disagree with.
Yeah, well, my main point is that the US Miley Cyrus industry doesn't directly market to the nerd subculture sector demographics. Who do you think those K-On contests were marketed to? Little girls? No parent in their right minds would take their young daughters to a show that's likely to get swarmed by otaku as K-ON. I mean, I wouldn't want to be in that crowd even if they were running something decent.firehawk12 said:It's Asia, and it's mostly because a lot of the entertainment is heavily controlled. Everyone is basically a Miley Cyrus - male or female - and they make film and television and concert appearances to support the concept of the idol rather than any particular work they're involved in.
Look at all the TV cop shows that feature little girls being sexually assaulted or killed or whatever. There is always a parent willing to whore out their child for a shot at fame/money. Hell, the father of the girl from Slumdog Millionaire tried to sell her.doomed1 said:Yeah, well, my main point is that the US Miley Cyrus industry doesn't directly market to the nerd subculture sector demographics. Who do you think those K-On contests were marketed to? Little girls? No parent in their right minds would take their young daughters to a show that's likely to get swarmed by otaku as K-ON. I mean, I wouldn't want to be in that crowd even if they were running something decent.
It's not really a complaint, I just think it's interesting.
Hanasaku Iroha is really the only choice in this list.InfiniteNine said:Hrmmm... Vote! Which first episode should I start with?
Hanasaku Iroha
Seikon no Qwaser II
Kanon 2006
The World God Only Knows 2
Lotte no Omocha!
Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai
Although Seikon has a boy in drag, so that puts it at the top of his list I imagine. :lolAigis said:Hanasaku Iroha is really the only choice in this list.
InfiniteNine said:Hrmmm... Vote! Which first episode should I start with?
Hanasaku Iroha
Seikon no Qwaser II
Kanon 2006
The World God Only Knows 2
Lotte no Omocha!
Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai
It just needs tone whiplash like Fractale.duckroll said:C is amazing.
Take Death Note, Eden of the East, Persona 3, Code Geass, Yugioh, Beyblade, and some other random shit, put it all in a blender, add in really low production values, terrible character art, cheap animation, and awful background art.... and you'll get something like C ep1! Somehow, even with all that in mind, it is STILL entertaining! This is going to be a glorious trainwreck.![]()
He could pretend Ohana is a boy in drag. Problem solved.firehawk12 said:Although Seikon has a boy in drag, so that puts it at the top of his list I imagine. :lol
I'd been having trouble getting hyped for C but I think I'm ready now. Bring it on!duckroll said:C is amazing.
Take Death Note, Eden of the East, Persona 3, Code Geass, Yugioh, Beyblade, and some other random shit, put it all in a blender, add in really low production values, terrible character art, cheap animation, and awful background art.... and you'll get something like C ep1! Somehow, even with all that in mind, it is STILL entertaining! This is going to be a glorious trainwreck.![]()
Halycon said:So C isn't the second coming of Mononoke?
duckroll said:C is amazing.
Take Death Note, Eden of the East, Persona 3, Code Geass, Yugioh, Beyblade, and some other random shit, put it all in a blender, add in really low production values, terrible character art, cheap animation, and awful background art.... and you'll get something like C ep1! Somehow, even with all that in mind, it is STILL entertaining! This is going to be a glorious trainwreck.![]()
Well this got me more interested than the staff jerking earlier. I'll give it a shot later then!duckroll said:C is amazing.
Take Death Note, Eden of the East, Persona 3, Code Geass, Yugioh, Beyblade, and some other random shit, put it all in a blender, add in really low production values, terrible character art, cheap animation, and awful background art.... and you'll get something like C ep1! Somehow, even with all that in mind, it is STILL entertaining! This is going to be a glorious trainwreck.![]()
firehawk12 said:It just needs tone whiplash like Fractale.
But he said it was entertaining!Now I'm scared to watch it.
Hellsing321 said:Looks like Funimation got the rights to Panty and Stocking
Lafiel said:But he said it was entertaining!
Uh... aside from the questions to whether or not representation in the media is representative of real life, not what I meant. Parents bring their kids to overpriced Miley Cyrus concerts because the kids WANT to go. And those shows are basically overrun by those little girls and their parents because no one else in their right mind is going to these shows for the "music". Would a parent even want to be in the same cramped, sweaty place as all these otaku irregardless of their children? My guess is no.firehawk12 said:Look at all the TV cop shows that feature little girls being sexually assaulted or killed or whatever. There is always a parent willing to whore out their child for a shot at fame/money. Hell, the father of the girl from Slumdog Millionaire tried to sell her.
Asshole parents are universal.
hosannainexcelsis said:Sure, but I was hoping for Trapeze entertaining, not Code Geass entertaining.
duckroll said:C is amazing.
Take Death Note, Eden of the East, Persona 3, Code Geass, Yugioh, Beyblade, and some other random shit, put it all in a blender, add in really low production values, terrible character art, cheap animation, and awful background art.... and you'll get something like C ep1! Somehow, even with all that in mind, it is STILL entertaining! This is going to be a glorious trainwreck.![]()
Really now.duckroll said:In reality the difference between the two is a very fine line.![]()
Infinite Justice said:LOL
HypeGAF has failed once again it looks like
Infinite Justice said:LOL
HypeGAF has failed once again it looks like
Geneijin said:Ano Hana - 1
My interest in this rose 10x times.I can see Menma's personality could easily break this show for some, but she doesn't bother me as much as Hideyoshi from Sengoku Otome. I think the OP beautifully sums up what to expect from this show, and I'm enjoying it very much.Menma is a ghost.