That OT wasn't made until the 2nd episode aired.duckroll said:The war is already over before it started. The one with an official thread wins! Flawless victory! Suck it!
Just say Menma already :lolDresden said:As for the AnoHana vs. Iroha war, Iroha edges it out because its characters don't have awful hair, like that orange twintail.
duckroll said:The war is already over before it started. The one with an official thread wins! Flawless victory! Suck it!
Never!Geneijin said:Just say Menma already :lol
Hellsing321 said:You can't be part of two factions! Pick a side we're at war here!
M_Night said:At this early stage of the season my loyalty can easily waver on a weekly basis. The superior hairstyles present in Iroha is currently the deciding factor but a haircut in either show or a change in hairstyle can change things!
Dresden said:Iroha's OP would be decent if the song wasn't so awful.
By the way, NISA is bringing over Arakawa and some random White Fox show.
duckroll said:Ohana will cut you down if you defect.
duckroll said:Ohana will cut you down if you defect.
Ohana cutting her hair is all but confirmed now!M_Night said:Hey, as long as she maintains dat hair then no cutting/stabbing/slashing will be required!
I can't imagine that the directors/producers would change the selling point of the show so, there shouldn't be anything to worry about.
Cwarrior said:has anyone body watched amagami ss then?
Ohana gets cancer confirmed!Geneijin said:Ohana cuts her hair near the end of the series is all but confirmed now!
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they did something like that...
And Ko will still be friendzoned to the bitter end.Hellsing321 said:Ohana gets cancer confirmed!
Dresden said:Was Ohana's father ever shown? I wonder if he had -dat hair-, because the worthless mom sure doesn't.
And thus, 3 generations are united.Hellsing321 said:Ohana gets cancer confirmed!
Dresden said:Also, Toriko put up some big ratings--almost as big as One Piece. Probably the time-slot, but whatever.![]()
M_Night said:I guess you can count me in...although Hanasaku Iroha is still number 1 for me!
Dresden said:Also, Toriko put up some big ratings--almost as big as One Piece. Probably the time-slot, but whatever.![]()
duckroll said:We need to make this official. Who is on the right side and who is on the wrong side. Someone form a list of allies on both sides please.
Or she cut him down.duckroll said:It's implied that her mother is such a tramp that she either doesn't know who the father is, or he wasn't remotely important to her and she didn't stick around.
Branduil said:Or she cut him down.
Geneijin said:AnoHana (1-cour) versus Hanasaku Iroha (2-rcour) are both scripted by Mari Okada, who also scripted Fractale, Canaan, and Gosick interestingly. Also, Menma weighs down the show for many I'm sure of it! The choice is obvious for everyone else but me.
doomed1 said:Well, I think I should give some context myself. I'm friends with the guys in this band called The Yellow Dogs, and I really loved their sound, it was this raw punky, discordant rock, and their live show was really energetic and really solid. On their live shows though, they put more reverb on the mics and the vocalist sounds alot less beautifully mastered. It's rough, a little off key, and Obash compresses the fuck out of his vocals, and it's glorious. The song reminded me a bit of The Yellow Dogs. It had this raw garage performance feel to it and that's something I tend to like to appreciate.
ARTHellsing321 said:Dororon Enma-Kun 2
This show is just awesome. Moe Norio Wakamoto and Princess Yuki getting attacked by Snakes and tentacles twice in one episode? It must be my birthday.
Still, I shoulda' been paying attention. But at least I wasn't whining about it without having paid any attention to it.Geneijin said:Eh, you shouldn't. The new avatar rules were implemented rather quickly, yet the profile pointing to an external avatar location weren't removed yet. I only know of it because there have been threads asking "where is my avatar" or etc.
Nothing is worse than what I say? Ouch, lol. I think I'll get one just going to choose something new.A Black Falcon said:And also, no avatar is worse than what you say there I think... if you really don't want one you don't have to have one, though, but it does make it easier to identify posts when people have avatars.
Ugh, tell you you didn't just transplant the HDD and think it'd run?A Black Falcon said:One computer's from 2001, one's from 2004-5, and one's from 2007, so they're from different eras... three (four) different operating systems too -- ME, Linux (Ubuntu) and XP, and Vista.
I did try running the middle machine with the main harddrive from my newer one, but unfortunately it wasn't happy and wouldn't start. Completely different hardware causes issues, and I'd have to do stuff to get it working that I'd rather not do, considering that the goal is to get the newer machine working again, obviously.![]()
I'd say that's so likely it shouldn't be relegated to fiction. But part of my life was in farm country where everyone worked, except my family since we didn't farm or do anything like that, my dad just wanted to live out there and commute 30 minutes to work.A Black Falcon said:A kid being abandoned by their mother and forced to live with a cruel grandmother who forces her to work in her business or else? I wouldn't call that particularly likely. Sure, in a "could it happen" sense it isn't unrealistic per se, but it's also not too likely outside of fiction.
Woah, he ended up with Houki? You inferred all that from that one short scene?A Black Falcon said:Why does he end up with Houki?
I don't think I'd like it if my devices were self evolving. I just took out and put back in the battery and it's gone back to lasting forever, phew, Skynet averted. This time.icarus-daedelus said:This actually means your phone is even more modern, the less battery life it gets the fancier it is! My smartphone has an estimated battery life of four hours and I have to bring the freaking battery cable to work with me. Progress!
That episode and those two retarded bosses, ugh.Extollere said:Planetes 6
I thought this was supposed to be a realistic show about space or something... why then, am I watching a show about lonely space ninjas, grown men surviving violent encounters with wrecking balls, and vigilante parachute rescue squads
Honestly, do I have to be reminded that I'm watching an anime? I'm gonna pretend this episode never happened....
Dawg Dayz is clearly the winner.icarus-daedelus said:Time for me to watch Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Boku-tachi wa Mada Shiranai. and finally pick a side.
hosannainexcelsis said:Ano Hana etc. 1
Menma was really getting on my nerves at first with her obnoxious energy, but I came around to herSo far this is a nice melodramatic heartwarming drama (reminds me of Key) and I look forward to seeing how these former friends reconnect and work through their issues. I hope they don't botch the ending.during that scene with her family. Anyone who didn't tear up there has no heart.
Hanasaku Iroha is still better though. Sorry to all one of you who disagree.I reserve the right to change my opinion down the road.
Hellsing321 said:Dororon Enma-Kun 2
This show is just awesome. Moe Norio Wakamoto and Princess Yuki getting attacked by Snakes and tentacles twice in one episode? It must be my birthday.
Uchip said:thats the reason you thought it was awesome?
loli characters and tentacles? lol
Dresden said:I have no idea why, but I watched a bit of Hidan no Aria. I don't know, the sight of those extravagantly long twintails flicking up into the air... it's like the show itself was flipping me off.
Terrible, otherwise. Completely unsympathetic characters, cliches abound, and the setting is so implausible, even for an anime. Only good part was this:
Mainly because of how hilarious it looked.
Nonoriri said:What about those two things isn't awesome?
Dresden said:I have no idea why, but I watched a bit of Hidan no Aria. I don't know, the sight of those extravagantly long twintails flicking up into the air... it's like the show itself was flipping me off.
Terrible, otherwise. Completely unsympathetic characters, cliches abound, and the setting is so implausible, even for an anime. Only good part was this:
So you admit that you were into lolis and tentacles when you were a horny tween?Uchip said:im not a horny tween anymore?
Halycon said:So you admit that you were into lolis and tentacles when you were a horny tween?
Sir you disgust me!
firehawk12 said:It's easy though. I feel like Ano Hana is going to be the "sad" show while Hanasaku is going to be the "happy" show. Just pick one based on whichever emotion gets you off.
jman2050 said:I was watching the first episode wrap up, sort of in a daze trying to figure out if there was one single original idea presented to me in those 22 minutes outside of unmanned machine-gun mounted segways and couldn't think of any. And then Aria finishes off with "Become my slave!" and I just started bursting out laughing. And I don't mean the good type of laughter.
I'm still watching episode 2 ;_;
Infinite Justice said:Rie ensnared you huh?