Hellsing321 said:I thought you guys would have thinker skin than that after what goes on here.
It's because any pairing other than Grandma X Old Janitor is blasphemy.
Hellsing321 said:I thought you guys would have thinker skin than that after what goes on here.
AnoHana spoilerszeroshiki said:You think maybe Anaru (lol) was?responsible for Menma's death
I still haven't seen Episode 3, but the first two episodes feel like they want to connote their differences through Ohana. Besides, her grandmother agreed to take Ohana in from her daughter, and HanaIro isn't letting me forget about the mother with what they've done so far.Dresden said:Tbh a meeting between her and the dictator grandma seems inevitable. No doubt Ohanaruto will use her shoujo haato powers to bring them to a reconciliation.
Grandma's ancient shibari techniques...flawfuls said:It's because any pairing other than Grandma X Old Janitor is blasphemy.
I do, too. Getting a little deeper into that relationship between the brothers and their father before everything blows up is a nice touch.pieatorium said:I think I actually like the anime beginning more than the manga
I giggled.firehawk12 said:Shit, I just got why Anaru is a bad name.
Finish the rest of HanaIro before AnoHanu. insert best for last joke hereInfiniteNine said:Well time to watch the first episode of AnoHana or watch the rest of Hanasaku Iroha. Maybe I should flip a coin or something.
Could? It seems exceedingly likely, if not confirmed, to me.Geneijin said:AnoHana spoilers
AnoHana could even throw in a convoluted love triangle and have Anaru with unrequited feelings of love toward Jinta.
No, it definitely existed.Uchip said:the resolution was the lack of one
Geneijin said:AnoHana spoilers
Nope, but it's a possibility she strongly blames herself for what happened to Menma more than anyone else in the group, not to mention she could be accepting responsibility for Jinta's current self as well. Really, it's the potential conflict they're hinting at between Menma, Anaru, and Jintan. Anaru being the one who asked Jinta in the confession scene if he liked Menma, Menma hating how badly Jinta was speaking of Anaru, Jinta and Anaru's conversation between each other and she saying he should be disappointed at himself or something like that, Anaru saying she should be the one ashamed and a picture of the six childhood friends are seen with the glare obscuring Menma - I'm curious what AnoHana plans to do with Naruko's character the most based on those events in Episode 1. AnoHana might even be implying Menma considers Anaru her closest friend with the way Episode 1 progressed. AnoHana could even throw in a convoluted love triangle and have Anaru with unrequited feelings of love toward Jinta. Don't get me started how Menma's presence could make this emotionally manipulative. I'm sensitive and gullible I guess...
firehawk12 said:Shit, I just got why Anaru is a bad name.
Jexhius said:Could? It seems exceedingly likely to me.
Like I said in the above reply to Jex.zeroshiki said:Oh without a doubt, I am sure Anaru wants Jinta's junk. There's no way she'd go all the way to his place just to give him handouts. Standard tsundere right there.
I think you're spot on with your speculation though. Plus that other dude can't get over Menma as well.
Come on, we all know everyone is a slut.Dresden said:He already lost his virginity to Menma, though. He's used goods.
Anaru doesn't look like a girl who gives a damn!Dresden said:He already lost his virginity to Menma, though. He's used goods.
pieatorium said:is it a bad name beacuse it sounds like the way you would say anal in japanese or am I immature and there is some translation to it?
pieatorium said:is it a bad name beacuse it sounds like the way you would say anal in japanese or am I immature and there is some translation to it?
Uchip said:that would be eneru
which is a one piece villain![]()
Oh god, that's why she has that awful hair. They're handlebars.firehawk12 said:I wonder if that's why she hates the name and this is an elaborate in-joke.![]()
InfiniteNine said:Come on, we all know everyone is a slut.
God, why is Jintan such a slut?Halycon said:Anaru doesn't look like a girl who gives a damn!
So I guess it's Tsundere vs Tsundebro vs Ghost for Jinta's affections.
And yet somehow still my favorite part of the show.Dresden said:Her hair is still really awful.
Geneijin said:Is Naruko's twintails really that ugly to you guys? :lol
Well you know, lots of honest girls have made a mess of their life due to a lack of self respect.Dresden said:God, why is Jintan such a slut?
Apparently?Geneijin said:Is Naruko's twintails really that ugly to you guys? :lol
It's why Jinta told Menma to call her Anjo or Naruko. They've hinted at the joke in the episode.firehawk12 said:I wonder if that's why she hates the name and this is an elaborate in-joke.![]()
Go back to your MASH reruns old man!Jexhius said:You guys need to grow up, anime is serious business and all that.
あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。, you mean.Jexhius said:Also, we should really use the full name each time, e.g. Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Boku-tachi wa Mada Shiranai.
My keyboard doesn't type those characters. It's loyal.Dresden said:あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。, you mean.
Jexhius said:My keyboard doesn't type those characters. It's loyal.
cj_iwakura said:
Jexhius said:I don't know, if she could be a bitch forever that would be fine by me. If you've ever read any stories about how evacuees from the major metropolitan cities of England, and by evacuees I mean children sent on their own by train to live in the countryside, were treated by the people who decided to pick them up from the station it would hardly be "poor writing" to find a child treated cruelly by those who were supposed to look after them.
Jexhius said:Maybe I should actually get around to playing my copy of Persona 4.
Looks pretty okay. Might be the only way I experience a Persona story since the games don't really hold my interest past the first hour or so.cj_iwakura said: