Articalys said:oh shiiiiii-
New Rurouni Kenshin anime is coming
also BD for Trust & Betrayal, no one cares about Reflections
OMG OMG. It would be so awesome if they're redoing the whole series again. A proper Jinchu adaptation plz!
Articalys said:oh shiiiiii-
New Rurouni Kenshin anime is coming
also BD for Trust & Betrayal, no one cares about Reflections
Branduil said:Rie was pretty great as Alphonse.
Articalys said:oh shiiiiii-
New Rurouni Kenshin anime is coming
also BD for Trust & Betrayal, no one cares about Reflections
Regulus Tera said:More than anything, I want a proper soundtrack for the new Kenshin animu. The original BGM was grating as fuck, ops and eds excluded natch.
Regulus Tera said:More than anything, I want a proper soundtrack for the new Kenshin animu. The original BGM was grating as fuck, ops and eds excluded natch.
Rektash said:This needs to come back ~ all the memories ;_;.
Not to attack or defend that scene but, it wasn't asking "what would this girl really do in these circumstances?" it was trying to be light-hearted and comedic by choosing things that wouldn't happen in that situation. Which was the point of that tone.RurouniZel said:Iroha 3
I kept thinking "No teenage girl, in those circumstances, would EVER react that way!" She'd have to be both into bondage and totally in love with the guy for it to be even remotely believable. And even THAT is doubtful.
Rektash said:This needs to come back ~ all the memories ;_;.
Sobakasu is not even the best RuroKen opening.Rektash said:This needs to come back ~ all the memories ;_;.
Regulus Tera said:Sobakasu is not even the best RuroKen opening.
Regulus Tera said:Sobakasu is not even the best RuroKen opening.
7Th said:It is. Sobakasu had amazing action sequences animated by Mitsuo Iso himself, both 1/2 and the Siam Shade song that came after it were nothing but a bunch of stills.
Huh? You can't change the aspect ratio it was made in.zeroshiki said:Re: BD release of Trust/Betrayal, any chance they make it widescreen? The black bars on my DVD hurts my eyes.
Jerk said:Y'all are breaking my heart.
I really do not want their relationship to be magically mended.
Same goes for Ohana's loser childhood friend. Minko is much more suited for her anyway.
Didn't stop Funimation with DBZ.Jexhius said:Huh? You can't change the aspect ratio it was made in.
Steroyd said:I'm never browsing animeGaf on a public computer ever again, there's a wierd type of tension everytime I click on the pages.
Cropping is bad.Rahxephon91 said:Didn't stop Funimation with DBZ.
Anal/Anaru is not the name her parents gave her.pieatorium said:So it's like one of those bad tatoo's people get with poor japanese except your parents gave you the tatoo without consent.
The Grandma is a professional, this episode made it clear. When it comes to business, she keeps her personal feelings out of it. It doesn't mean that she's a different person when not being the manager. It's obvious that she is fond of both her daughter and grand daughter.Cwarrior said:Thats what i fear, the grandma already going soft
Jexhius said:Not to attack or defend that scene but, it wasn't asking "what would this girl really do in these circumstances?" it was trying to be light-hearted and comedic by choosing things that wouldn't happen in that situation. Which was the point of that tone.
It's quite right to say you don't like that tone, of course.
Regulus Tera said:Sobakasu is not even the best RuroKen opening.
Maybe I'll change that to "shouldn't".Rahxephon91 said:Didn't stop Funimation with DBZ.
Jexhius said:Huh? You can't change the aspect ratio it was made in.
Man, it's going to suck.Articalys said:oh shiiiiii-
New Rurouni Kenshin anime is coming
also BD for Trust & Betrayal, no one cares about Reflections
Dresden said:Man, it's going to suck.
Defuser said:First working season 2 and now a new Kenshin anime?Goddamn fuck yeah! Now I need a announcement for Spice and Wolf S3.
Defuser said:First working season 2 and now a new Kenshin anime?Goddamn fuck yeah! Now I need a announcement for railgun S2.
Railgun is fun. Index is garbage.Cwarrior said:People like railgun? Never seen it, but seen index which made me wanna smash my head open
Cwarrior said:People like railgun? Never seen it, but seen index s1 which made me wanna smash my head open.
Whats the difference between the two?
fixed.Steroyd said:Railgun = 100% lesbian filler wank.
Index = 70% Church shite 20% Science/Touma lameness 10% ACCELERATOR BEING ACCELERATOR OMG YES.
Dresden said:fixed.
Halycon said:I hope it's like Trust/Betrayal and not the second OVA or the anime.
Kyoto arc wasn't bad, and it ended the anime on a high note too.flawfuls said:Is that supposed to be an unpopular opinion? Because it really shouldn't be.
Wait what there's going to be a new RK anime?Infinite Justice said:New RK
Jinchu arc or bust.
Dresden said:
I'm going to assume you're talking about the TV show, but even that had a handful of good BGM.Regulus Tera said:More than anything, I want a proper soundtrack for the new Kenshin animu. The original BGM was grating as fuck, ops and eds excluded natch.
Yeah it's Shaft and of course it's Shinbo.flawfuls said:Oh I didn't know there were making a Katteni Kaizo anime. Is shaft doing it?
I dunno, some people seem to like the anime. I watched Trust/Betrayal first and cannot understand them at all. I gave up after one episode of the series because if I shook my head any harder it would fall off.flawfuls said:Is that supposed to be an unpopular opinion? Because it really shouldn't be.
Halycon said:I hope it's like Trust/Betrayal and not the second OVA or the anime.
I always follow Jason and I'm apparently part of the monocle brigade, what does that make me?Halycon said:Jason's Thin Slicing Post (do not read (haha dats sum reverse psychology oh wait crap) if you are part of the monocle brigade): I'm surprised he reviewed the yaoi show. I'm also surprised he put Deadman Wonderland so high when it's received nothing but flak on here (except for cosmic). Still, he was a fan of the manga so that's probably it. I would be surprised at Nichijou at #1 if anyone here reviewed all the first episodes in one go, but this being Jason I am not surprised at all.