Well, AnoHana had subtler fanservice, I'm not talking about the opening scene.Geneijin said:And before we know it, we'll be comparing which series had the least distracting/appealing fanservice between AnoHana and HanaIro.
Well, AnoHana had subtler fanservice, I'm not talking about the opening scene.Geneijin said:And before we know it, we'll be comparing which series had the least distracting/appealing fanservice between AnoHana and HanaIro.
Clearly Dawg Dayz is the winner here!Geneijin said:And before we know it, we'll be comparing which series had the least distracting/appealing fanservice between AnoHana and HanaIro.
Never seen it.firehawk12 said:You always have Aria!
Actually, up until the very end where the green haired girl's clothes just exploded(?what?) it did handle fanservice better, the chick was just like, "eh, I can go on but it'd be too much fanservice for ya'll, I surrender," I like that better than a lot of the shit we get but then 10 seconds later the other girl's clothes exploded. Oh well, it's a kids' show in a country with declining birthrates so it's probably some kind of not so subtle mental training by government mandate, I hope, although they'll need to take it a bit further to have a real effect.firehawk12 said:Clearly Dawg Dayz is the winner here!
Unless Amazon accounts for all the sales it gets and it still ends up doing sub 1000 numbers. I don't expect much from your Japanese counterparts.Dresden said:You know, AnoHana might be the first noitaminA show in a while to actually sell decently. At least if the preorder numbers don't suddenly drop.
Boo-urns.mAcOdIn said:Never seen it.
Clearly the wolf girls in Strike Witches are better than the one in Spice and Wolf?Oh and we know now of Funimation's releases up until July and STILL no Spice and Wolf 2? But Strike Witches is getting a Bluray/DVD combo release? Fuck you Funimation.
I bet it has too many moements for me anyways.firehawk12 said:Boo-urns.
Now that's slanderous! Careful with your questions Mr. Beck or I'll do more than cut you down!firehawk12 said:Clearly the wolf girls in Strike Witches are better than the one in Spice and Wolf?
Lol, what? Not Hitler but them not caring in the 80s or 90s but caring now, only real difference now is copyright law, poor Spiderman and Batman in Shinobi 2, but I doubt they really care what we think over there their American arms just care what they bring over for money's sake. A lot of the shit we got in the 80s and 90s and still get to this day didn't directly get released from them, hence Strike Witches from Funimation! Fucking Funimation. If the Japanese gave two shits about what we thought they'd refuse to license it on the grounds it'd make them look bad but so long as an American company will peddle their smut for them it's all good.firehawk12 said:Random edit: The Persona 2 Hitler thing is hilarious. It makes me wish that the Japanese weren't self-aware and pretended that the sensibilities of the rest of the world didn't matter like they did back in the 80s and 90s.
Is this after sheJexhius said:Aoi Hana 8
More girls crying. Delicious. Well, not too many episodes left now.
It's not moe at all... unless you count cat moe. :lolmAcOdIn said:I bet it has too many moements for me anyways.
Why get rid of Hitler then? Surely the Japanese don't give a shit.Lol, what? Not Hitler but them not caring in the 80s or 90s but caring now, only real difference now is copyright law, poor Spiderman and Batman in Shinobi 2, but I doubt they really care what we think over there their American arms just care what they bring over for money's sake. A lot of the shit we got in the 80s and 90s and still get to this day didn't directly get released from them, hence Strike Witches from Funimation! Fucking Funimation. If the Japanese gave two shits about what we thought they'd refuse to license it on the grounds it'd make them look bad but so long as an American company will peddle their smut for them it's all good.
firehawk12 said:Random edit: The Persona 2 Hitler thing is hilarious. It makes me wish that the Japanese weren't self-aware and pretended that the sensibilities of the rest of the world didn't matter like they did back in the 80s and 90s.
Lafiel said:You know i wonder if someone has already attached the deal with it macro to that image..
I count all moe!firehawk12 said:It's not moe at all... unless you count cat moe. :lol
Well what's the context here as I'm not familiar with this Hitler thing. Is this from the PSP remake or from the original Persona 2? Is this from the part of Persona 2 that wasn't originally released in the US or is this something cut from the version we got in the US? I dunno about this. Oh wait, they changed his name to Fuhrer and put some glasses on him in the remake, yawn.firehawk12 said:Why get rid of Hitler then? Surely the Japanese don't give a shit.
Is that someone's avatar here? It's the perfect size.firehawk12 said:Random edit: The Persona 2 Hitler thing is hilarious. It makes me wish that the Japanese weren't self-aware and pretended that the sensibilities of the rest of the world didn't matter like they did back in the 80s and 90s.
Oh sh-Infinite Justice said:The pic alone already gives off the message imo, no need for text
Yeah, I think it did as well. We're talking about whenJexhius said:Well, AnoHana had subtler fanservice, I'm not talking about the opening scene.
Yeah, that's the one.Geneijin said:Yeah, I think it did as well. We're talking about when(not sure why I feel that's spoiler worthy :lol)Naruko was in her room, right?
Shows sure do love switching to an awful second OP (I'm looking at you Death Note).Salazar said:Not happy with Durarara switching its OP.
The original one was fantastic.
Jexhius said:Shows sure do love switching to an awful second OP (I'm looking at you Death Note).
It's hilarious, I think it worked well enough.KuwabaraTheMan said:Death Note is the poster child for that. What were they thinking with that song?
Awful song and trash, CSI:Miami inspired visuals.KuwabaraTheMan said:Death Note is the poster child for that. What were they thinking with that song?
Bah, it's terrible, the poster-child of stupid second OP's.Lafiel said:The second death note OP is hilariously bad ass and awesome.
Exactly and it fit well with the direction the show was going in at the time!What are you guys talking about, the second Death Note OP was hilarious in its stupidity and over-the-top nature.
Sounds like Jexhius is being overruled!Lafiel said:Exactly and it fit well with the direction the show was going in at the time!
I dunno, the first OP was ridiculous as well but it did a great job capturing the themes and spirit of the show without looking like someone just vomited all over their editing software.Lafiel said:Exactly and it fit well with the direction the show was going in at the time!
firehawk12 said:I'm curious, other than wackiness with changing OPs and EDs, do people watch them after the first episode?
I'll watch the OP if it's good.firehawk12 said:I'm curious, other than wackiness with changing OPs and EDs, do people watch them after the first episode?
City Hunter 3, obviously - said:It's hard to think of shows with a good first OP where subsequent ones lived up to it. I guess FMA would be one. Higurashi and Spice and Wolf's second OPs are fine, but it's hard to say they're better than the first ones.
Most of the time if the opening is good, as a few of them even set the mood.firehawk12 said:I'm curious, other than wackiness with changing OPs and EDs, do people watch them after the first episode?
firehawk12 said:I'm curious, other than wackiness with changing OPs and EDs, do people watch them after the first episode?
I saw a City Hunter live-action film with Jackie Chan with some friends a while back. It was so, so bad.Jexhius said:City Hunter 3, obviously -
I going to presume that's so so bad bad, not so so bad good.Branduil said:I saw a City Hunter live-action film with Jackie Chan with some friends a while back. It was so, so bad.
Nonoriri said:I always watch the OP (unless it's absolutely terrible and since animu music is never very good it helps if the OP is nice looking but that ultimately doesn't matter) it puts me in the mood for watching a show, plus nothing is ever really important or interesting enough to warrant skipping it in the first place. ED's I usually leave on in the background while I do something else.
If I skip that minute twenty times then I've made time for one more episode!Nonoriri said:I always watch the OP (unless it's absolutely terrible and since animu music is never very good it helps if the OP is nice looking but that ultimately doesn't matter) it puts me in the mood for watching a show, plus nothing is ever really important or interesting enough to warrant skipping it in the first place. ED's I usually leave on in the background while I do something else.
You had me till 00's OP2.I don't want naked floating girls.Jexhius said:Although DtB is another good example. Or the Gundam 00 S2 OP2.
I was using it as example of a bad OP, obviously.Defuser said:You had me till 00's OP2.I don't want naked floating girls.
Lol, there's more detail and work put into that ending than most of this season's shows' main features combined.Jexhius said:City Hunter 3, obviously -
Well that's always going to be a YMMV thing. I'll just say that every aspect of the movie except the martial arts was unbelievably amateurish. The writing and acting was painful. And even the martial arts scenes went on way too long.Jexhius said:I going to presume that's so so bad bad, not so so bad good.
Only here do I have to ask for such clarifications.
Which is the Jackie Chan movie where he cross dresses as Chun-Li?Branduil said:Well that's always going to be a YMMV thing. I'll just say that every aspect of the movie except the martial arts was unbelievably amateurish. The writing and acting was painful. And even the martial arts scenes went on way too long.
And then there's this scene.
I'm with you on this. I never understood the appeal of that horrible song. Yeah, it was over the top, but that wasn't enough to make me like the ears scratching sound.Jexhius said:Bah, it's terrible, the poster-child of stupid second OP's.
Nope, not really.Lucentto said:So what's the DL on Dog Days? Good?