Jexhius said:That was the tone and finale the anime was going for, as it's a work separate from the manga there's nothing wrong with choosing such an ending. In other words, the anime isn't Muira's Berserk.
Once again this bringing the original author and the manga into consideration, when a lot of the wider cosmology and other considerations were removed from the anime because it was done by different people making a different property. That's why it stands on it's own.
How the manga will go forward and what it's objectives are is a completely separate, although equally valid, question.
I can agree with that, but I have my opinion on which version is more 'definitive' (and not in a 'canonical' sense or as a property of authorship, but individual merit), my posts were just an attempt to convey that. You presented the contrary opinion and while I can respect it, I admit to not really understanding it. The anime has always been something of an advertisement for the manga to me.