CardCaptor Sakura 12 - The time-loop episode. They don't do too much with it besides having Sakura get annoyed at having to take the same test three times, but having her forget once time stops so that the next day she prepares for that test again was kind of amusing...

Also, Sakura, Syaoran beat you this time? Don't lose again, can't let him get too many cards...
Clannad 03 - The main character girl is kind of dumb. She even admits it, but main character guy says he doesn't care (maybe because he's kind of dumb too). Also, his male friend is an idiot, but some of his beatings several of the girls in this show regularly give him weren't really deserved... I mean, beating him up for touching her dog, really? Classic anime thing to do, sure, in the Naru vein, but stupid. Overall though, generic harem stuff so far. Okay and watchable but not special.
Halcyon said:
She is already obedient, hard working, responsible, independant and outgoing. She's naive, but that's all that she lacks compared to her mother. Hell she's even well versed passive aggressive maneuvers like her cooking thing.
True, true, she's already well on the road to achieving that not-so-great goal, I agree... that's part of why I thought it, because she sort of seemed to be aiming in that direction in the first episode.
icarus-daedelus said:
Is it too much to ask for just one show in a season season to have female characters - especially under 18s - who are both interestingly written and not overtly sexualized in an off-putting, pandering, creepy manner? And does this one show for Spring 2011 have to be fucking Nichijou?
It's too much to ask for because the otaku demand otherwise.

And that Nichijou doesn't do that is something good about it, yeah. But I wouldn't put it that way because I actually like the series.
Halcyon said:
I don't think I've seen any overt sexualization in Nichijou?
Not sure if this was replied to, but no, the point was that Nichijou is the one that doesn't have that sexualization, not that it does.
firehawk12 said:
It's actually "Strange (Physiology) Seminar". For some reason the Z is there.
And maybe I'm the I9 of this situation, but the psychological perversion stuff is hilarious to me. I feel like this is sex for grownups, whereas bland fanservice shows feature sex for nerds. I still remember the curry/shit eating gag from the first OVA. :lol
The sex humor's sometimes funny, but the grossout stuff? Yeah, not so much... which is why the TV series isn't as good as the OVAs.
BluWacky said:
We've only just had Revolution/Evolution-R!
Yeah, and they were great, and more Slayers is always a good thing.

I'd love to see another Slayers anime!
The Twelve Kingdoms 19 - Nearing the end of this somewhat tedious story I hope? Sure, some thing happen, but Taiki's story just isn't as interesting as Youko's. It's just not. Still, seeing him tame that giant monster was kind of cool, he is impressively strong when he actually uses his power.
mAcOdIn said:
I don't disagree, I was just saying why I think they did it. I think that kind of world expounding works in books but not so much in TV. One thing that I think is important to remember is that most of the side stories in the Twelve Kingdoms are set in the past, before Youko arrived in the other world, so having them play out simultaneously along with hers would have been equally a bad choice. So essentially while I agree they're the weakest part of the show I also don't really see a better way they could have been handled outside of just not including them which I think would have been a loss over all as they're not bad just not as good and interesting as Youko's story.
Maybe, and it is somewhat interesting, but it's not as good as Youko's parts, and that there is so much of it all at once does have to bring the series down some... Escaflowne doesn't have anything like this.
Jexhius said:
Shows I felt were better than your top 2:
House of Five Leaves - Good, but I stopped watching after a few episodes (I should go back and watch more!)
K-On!! - Didn't watch, I didn't like the first season.
Katanagatari - Quite good, as I said, my #3 for the year.
Kuragehime - Didn't watch
Gundam Unicorn - Didn't watch, Gundam rarely interests me.
Otome Yokai Zakuro - Watched some of. It's alright, I should continue.
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - One of the better shows of the year, yeah.
Rainbow - Didn't watch, reading about it made me have no interest in ever watching it.
Shiki - Haven't watched, not sure if I'm interested.
Soredemo - Didn't watch, lack of interest.
Star Driver - Watched some of. Horrible show, mind-numbingly boring.
The Tatami Galaxy - Haven't watched
Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail - Didn't watch, but I quite dislike the franchise (it's bad.) so I have zero interest in watching it.
Yozakura Quartet ~Hoshi no Umi~ - Haven't watched
mAcOdIn said:
Stop watching Clannad and finish Twelve Kingdoms!
No, I think I'll watch both.
Hey now, I'm not him, I wouldn't rank Star Driver over Sora no Woto, they're equally crap, not that any of this matters as star driver and Sora no Woto, in my world, are fighting for who gets to be ranked a low 5 and a high 5 on a scale from 1 to 10.
I wouldn't rank Star Driver over much of anything I watched that year... and no, I really disagree with the rest of that too, about SnW. It was good. Not perfect, but good and well above average. I really liked it, great setting, great art (just incredible backgrouns sometimes...), pretty good story, good characters. It just needed to be longer so that the plot could maybe progress more. And ditch that one stupidly themed episode with something better.
Sure, in some years it wouldn't be show of the year, but that it is isn't an indictment. I don't know if on average anime is getting worse or not, I haven't been watching lots of shows from each season for THAT long, if you only watch the better ones you get a skewed perspective...
Err, not really, more like only one show I absolutely know I will hate at a time, some shows start bad and yet I continue because I see a glimmer of hope in them and think there's a chance it'll be good, like Sora no Woto, I kept waiting for them to "get real" and it just never happened, but a show that's already finished doesn't get that luxury.
But when you seem to hate almost everything, like you do, but watch stuff anyway, it must make sticking to that difficult sometimes...
What do you mean by "get real" though? I don't know.
Can you separate the work from the work done on it? Technically Last Exile is mediocre in everything except the audio and animation, every technical aspect about it is poor, because it's a unique enough story that it survives being delivered so poorly is a testament to one thing, there was nothing else like it to make it apparent how bad it actually sucked. It's true, Last Exile only seems strong because there's little if anything else to compare it to, I have to give Gonzo props for trying and daring, but objectively it's not really that good.
I can't find much to say to these statements because in my opinion they're so completely wrong that it's hard to respond... also I haven't seen it in a couple of years so I don't remember all the details (while you watched it recently), but I definitely liked the story and characters as well as the setting and audio. Sure, there are a few flaws with it here and there, but that doesn't weaken it much when I compare that to all of the ways it was so good.
That is, I have no opinion about the sequel right now, apart from that I'll wait and see... I'm not going to say "just because it's Last Exile it'll definitely be good" or something, because who knows.
There's nothing wrong with you liking it, or recommending it but recognize it's because you have no choice not that it's really that great. Like, I'd love for there to be something akin to Shadowrun as an anime. Some may say Ghost in the Shell's close but I don't think it really is, now if someone made a mediocre Shadowrun anime I'd probably like it, because it's all there is of that genre, hell I'd recommend it to people looking for that genre because, again, it'd be all there was but I like to think somewhere in the recesses of my brain I'd know it was still mediocre.
That would depend on whether it was good or not, I imagine.

You are right that a good setting doesn't always make something good, sure, though.
See, I think it was more entertaining than some of the shows Jexhius will list that I think are better than Sora no Woto but part of that is my bias. I'm always aware of my bias, there's things I just like more and from the start Sora no Woto's world was more interesting than any of the other "real" good shows that season, sadly the work never lived up to that world, that's partly my fault because I went in with fixed expectations but be that as it may I'm still biased and more inclined to watch Sora no Woto than the Tatami Galaxy. Yet the Tatami Galaxy was still better than Sora no Woto, that make any sense?
Everyone has bias. The problem is trying to figure out how to rate things without including bias... what's the best way? Trying to think truly objectively is nearly impossible really, people always think of their bias at least somewhat. What's better, ratings from a bunch of people? Trying to find people who really are able to rate things with no bias? Say "everything's good if you think it is"?
But on the other hand, that latter statement obviously isn't true. Despite the above I do think it's somewhat possible for people to think about things objectively, if they try... the problem is even then people still greatly disagree. Opinions are hard things to reconcile. There has to be some kind of standard for things, even if not everyone's ever going to agree to it. It's just difficult to a) find that standard (sometimes easy, sometimes hard) and b) get people to agree to it (usually very hard).
In this case, you claim to have a bias towards SnW, but on the other hand you seem to think it's awful for other reasons, so I'd say that you have at least as much of a bias against it as you do towards it, for sure! My argument would be that your bias against it is not entirely justified.