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Spring 2011 Anime Thread of ZAWA ZAWA, Money, emo Cyclops, and fun^10xint^40=Ir2

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Articalys said:
So stuff like Sketchbook Full Colors, then?
Yes. Though it runs into the same high school problem that I mentioned earlier. While it'd be hard to avoid with the kind of subject matter that it deals with, I would still like more non-high school settings.


Oh snap. Been missing some srs bsns arguments here. Put me in the Holo camp, for ours is the true and righteous way.

Also, I don't have much interest in the Fate series but Urobuchi and Kajiura involvement means I'm there.


Erigu said:
1) What?
2) Who said anything about English anyway?

Joke post, perhaps?

they just cock up anything latin based
its like how westerners often pronounce karate as "karahtee"

why cant they get it right for music at least? the engrish is horrible!
while Korean music seems to have far cleaner english


Infinite Justice said:
best part of GunXSword imo.

Every time that Eldora V appeared on screen things just got fucking awesome. I want a spin off stars them and their wacky adventures when they were younger.


Uchip said:
why cant they get it right for music at least? the engrish is horrible!
while Korean music seems to have far cleaner english
The Japanese can find a way to pervert or bastardize anything, from inanimate objects to language.


Izayoi said:
The Japanese can find a way to pervert or bastardize anything, from inanimate objects to language.

watching TV while in Japan was fascinating
every channel was either some insanely bright talk show
or singing and dancing chairs and sofas... wish i recorded that


Uchip said:
watching TV while in Japan was fascinating
every channel was either some insanely bright talk show
or singing and dancing chairs and sofas... wish i recorded that
Yup. I'm still a pretty big fan of that fridge doujin (lol) and the Soda/OS-tans.

The one about the piano was actually very pretty, I thought.


Uchip said:
they just cock up anything latin based
its like how westerners often pronounce karate as "karahtee"
Except "karate" is an existing word, and we were talking about an imaginary name, here... How do you "cock up" an imaginary name you created?
Also, how does "Holo" sound like "Engrish"? Why assume the name should "sound English"? And why would "Horo" better fit the bill anyway?
The mind boggles...


Erigu said:
Except "karate" is an existing word, and we were talking about an imaginary name, here... How do you "cock up" an imaginary name you created?
Also, how does "Holo" sound like "Engrish"? Why assume the name should "sound English"? And why would "Horo" better fit the bill anyway?
The mind boggles...

im obviously not talking about horo/holo anymore
and also she is a pagan god in a western setting
obviously its not meant to be pronounced in japanese
Uchip said:
im obviously not talking about horo/holo anymore
and also she is a pagan god in a western setting
obviously its not meant to be pronounced in japanese

But it is pronounced in Japanese because the story is written in Japanese. I'm not exactly sure what you're suggesting here; do you think a story set outside Japan shouldn't use Japanese? Should Baccano have been written in English?


hosannainexcelsis said:
But it is pronounced in Japanese because the story is written in Japanese. I'm not exactly sure what you're suggesting here; do you think a story set outside Japan shouldn't use Japanese? Should Baccano have been written in English?

im saying if the names are english
im going to pronounce them however i want
Izayoi said:
That's true enough, I suppose.

Another thing we need is more of is stupidly happy, but mellow, shows. Nichijou is stupidly happy but it's very fast-paced. Aria was perfect in that regard. Slow-paced, always happy and warm. Melancholic stuff is great from time to time but I'm easily influenced emotionally and too much just makes me feel like shit.

Have you seen Hanasaku Iroha? I haven't seen Aria, but people who have say it's similar.

Izayoi said:

I wasn't specifically referring to the stupid Holo/Horo debate. I don't see any reason to believe that the publisher was going against the author's wishes though.
Ezalc said:
Every time that Eldora V appeared on screen things just got fucking awesome. I want a spin off stars them and their wacky adventures when they were younger.

I just loved that initial episode and
the part where the MC throws the final mech of thier friend to allow the suit to run at full power was great.

This is still going in here? Yikes


hosannainexcelsis said:
Have you seen Hanasaku Iroha? I haven't seen Aria, but people who have say it's similar.
I have, and I think those people are stupid.

Iroha is nothing like Aria. It's a slice of life starring three young girls, that's the only similarity. Iroha is perverted and has real conflict, things which are not present in Aria.

zeroshiki said:
There is that Korbo pic which is CANON
Did the keyframers consult the author before they drew that scene?


Izayoi said:
I have, and I think those people are stupid.

Iroha is nothing like Aria. It's a slice of life starring three young girls, that's the only similarity. Iroha is perverted and has real conflict, things which are not present in Aria.

WTF? Its not perverted. How is it perverted?

Did the keyframers consult the author before they drew that scene?


Fine. So do you think Horo and Roorensu will ever get together?
zeroshiki said:
WTF? Its not perverted. How is it perverted?


The show itself isn't that perverted though, I agree.


Iroha had a good number of fanservice scenes in the early episodes, probably to draw in viewers; doesn't mean the whole thing will be perverted.


zeroshiki said:
WTF? Its not perverted. How is it perverted?
Are you kidding me? Did you not notice the amount of skin creepy writer guy was showing during that one episode? It was sickening.


Izayoi said:
...Are you joking?

Not really, no. Are you talking about the bondage scene? If that's perverted then I suggest you don't start watching Lotte or Softenni this season. Oh wait, you did. So how is Iroha perverted, again?

trejo said:
Are you kidding me? Did you not notice the amount of skin creepy writer guy was showing during that one episode? It was sickening.

Gotta get those fangirls, man.


Articalys said:
Iroha had a good number of fanservice scenes in the early episodes, probably to draw in viewers; doesn't mean the whole thing will be perverted.
I would hope so.

It definitely got off on the wrong foot, I think.

Plenty of time for it to correct itself.


zeroshiki said:
Not really, no. Are you talking about the bondage scene? If that's perverted then I suggest you don't start watching Lotte or Softenni this season. Oh wait, you did. So how is Iroha perverted, again?
Woah, calm down. Anime is not as serious business as you might think. Did I ever say I disliked perverted shows? Did I say to what degree? Don't jump to conclusions.

Iroha has more perversion in a single episode than Aria did in over 50.

Just because it isn't very perverted in comparison to other shows currently airing doesn't mean it isn't more perverted than Aria, which is completely devoid of said perversion.

trejo said:
Izayoi wants to wait for the uncensored BD versions of Softenni but considers Iroha to be too perverted.
Stop jumping to conclusions, the lot of you.

I love Iroha, I'm not hating on your show.

I love perverted shows too, and I will definitely be enjoying Softenni Blu-rays.

I was merely stating that Iroha and Aria are nothing alike sans them starring three young girls. Nowhere did I say Iroha was "too perverted".

Let's all take a deep breath.


Uchip said:
im obviously not talking about horo/holo anymore
So that had nothing to do with the matter at hand? Well, thanks for that... I guess?

and also she is a pagan god in a western setting
obviously its not meant to be pronounced in japanese
So it has to be English. Obviously.
And that means "Horo" rather than "Holo". Obviously.

Izayoi said:
Yeah, I suspect a conspiracy: it's entirely possible some shady characters have something to gain by telling the English publisher to use "Holo" without asking for the author's opinion.


Erigu said:
Yeah, I suspect a conspiracy: it's entirely possible some shady characters have something to gain by telling the English publisher to use "Holo" without asking for the author's opinion.
We must find these fiends and make them pay for this atrocity.


Erigu said:
Yeah, I suspect a conspiracy: it's entirely possible some shady characters have something to gain by telling the English publisher to use "Holo" without asking for the author's opinion.
Holy shit you guys love to overreact. "Presumably" implies that there is room for some doubt, nothing more or nothing less. Stop blowing what I say out of proportion. Nowhere did I imply there was some sort of grand conspiracy, I was merely stating that there was room for error and it wasn't a guarantee. Damn, guys.


Izayoi said:
"Presumably" implies that there is room for some doubt, nothing more or nothing less.
I'd say that word is there because that sounds like the most plausible explanation by far... They'd just have to ask the author. I mean, that's not exactly...


I'm still trying to figure out what happened. Did I really indirectly cause Izayoi to get a new tag by posting the results of an anime character popularity poll? Sorry about that...


Erigu said:
I'd say that word is there because that sounds like the most plausible explanation by far...
Right, it's the most plausible explanation, what's your point? The use of "presumably" means there is room for doubt; it's not known for certain. Are you going to dispute that?


Articalys said:
I'm still trying to figure out what happened. Did I really indirectly cause Izayoi to get a new tag by posting the results of an anime character popularity poll? Sorry about that...
Not really, but you did throw a twig (at best) into the fire.

You got nothing to feel sorry about. Look at how the conversation developed. :lol


Articalys said:
I'm still trying to figure out what happened. Did I really indirectly cause Izayoi to get a new tag by posting the results of an anime character popularity poll? Sorry about that...
All according to keikaku~



Articalys said:
I'm still trying to figure out what happened. Did I really indirectly cause Izayoi to get a new tag by posting the results of an anime character popularity poll? Sorry about that...
And there I was thinking that I'd actually be required to work for a tag.

If anything, you did me a favor.


Because of this discussion, I've decided I'm gonna refer to the wolf goddess as Whole from now on.
I still have to start on S2 of Spice and Wolf. I can't wait to see how Whole will troll in it.


Izayoi said:
And there I was thinking that I'd actually be required to work for a tag.

If anything, you did me a favor.
But you did work for it.

Lain said:
Because of this discussion, I've decided I'm gonna refer to the wolf goddess as Whole from now on.
I still have to start on S2 of Spice and Wolf. I can't wait to see how Whole will troll in it.
Call her Choro.


Izayoi said:
Holy shit you guys love to overreact. "Presumably" implies that there is room for some doubt, nothing more or nothing less. Stop blowing what I say out of proportion. Nowhere did I imply there was some sort of grand conspiracy, I was merely stating that there was room for error and it wasn't a guarantee. Damn, guys.

first thing i noticed too


Izayoi said:
The use of "presumably" means there is room for doubt; it's not known for certain.
I'm not sure that's even the issue, at this point... It looks like the author coming out and saying "it's "Holo" with an "L"!" wouldn't satisfy you anyway, as that would still sound stupid (because) and Engrish-y (somehow). Also, the author is Japanese and that obviously means he can't be trusted when it comes to spelling imaginary names he created. Japanese people suck at Imaginary. Or should I say "Imaginaly", har har.
Ah, well.


Uchip said:
first thing i noticed too
Let's get this straight guys, there is very little anime that I really and truly dislike. I do not dislike Iroha, on the contrary, I think it's fantastic. I'm sorry if you're one of the people who I inadvertently called stupid. I just don't think that Aria and Iroha are anything alike. In fact, let me list the shows that I dropped and why I dropped them.

Dog Days:

A good, if terribly generic, shonen. I had fun with it but there are too many other shows this season to justify me following it right now. I will most likely watch it later when I've got nothing else to catch up on.


Monster of the week format. Very easy to pick up later and watch in short bursts, and doesn't lose its luster when not being watched while airing.

Hidan no Aria:

Terrible story, idiotic male MC, no thanks. Aria is cute but that shit is not worth it just for her.


Amusing, but the humor doesn't resonate with me as well as, say, Nichijou's does. Just not worth my time at the moment.


Legitimately terrible. Bad PLOT, bad plot. No redeeming qualities. Will not bother with Blu-rays.


An amusing premise and good action, however, like Dog Days, it's a show for another time. I will also most likely finish this later.


As previously stated, will be picking back up after the Blu-rays are out. What I did see was funny and I look forward to it.

As you can see, only two shows dropped because I genuinely disliked them. I'm generally extremely lenient with what I watch, and hate almost nothing. If you interpret something I say as hating on a particular anime, nine times out of ten you're going to be dead wrong.



Izayoi said:
I did?

I've been tricked! ;_;
Yeah, you did. Look at your last statement before you got the tag =P

Izayoi said:
Let's get this straight guys, there is very little anime that I really and truly dislike. I do not dislike Iroha, on the contrary, I think it's fantastic. I'm sorry if you're one of the people who I inadvertently called stupid. I just don't think that Aria and Iroha are anything alike.
There's something I have to clarify about your statement in regards to HanaIro.

Iroha is nothing like Aria. It's a slice of life starring three young girls, that's the only similarity. Iroha is perverted and has real conflict, things which are not present in Aria.
That statement could be read that you thought HanaIro as a whole was a perverted show. It wasn't until you stated what you actually meant later that you were only trying to say Aria as a series doesn't have any of the amount of pervertedness existent in one of HanaIro's episode, hence, the misunderstanding I'm assuming.

Edit: To clarify, you don't think HanaIro as a whole is a perverted show, right? Yeah, there's some fanservice but not enough to label HanaIro as one considering the work as a whole so far.


Erigu said:
I'm not sure that's even the issue, at this point... It looks like the author coming out and saying "it's "Holo" with an "L"!" wouldn't satisfy you anyway, as that would still sound stupid (because) and Engrish-y (somehow).
I would be satisfied if we got a real word of god from the author. It would, at least, silence the debate once and for all.

Erigu said:
Also, the author is Japanese and that obviously means he can't be trusted when it comes to spelling imaginary names he created. Japanese people suck at Imaginary. Or should I say "Imaginaly", har har.
Are you being facetious here or are your implying this is what I think? If it's the latter, I did not say nor imply anything of the sort and you need to stop putting words in my mouth. If it's the former, carry on.

Geneijin said:
Yeah, you did. Look at your last statement before you got the tag =P
Pfft. Claiming that I would post it once in every new anime season thread? If that's work I want a job in that.

Geneijin said:
There's something I have to clarify about your statement in regards to HanaIro.

That statement could be read that you thought HanaIro as a whole was a perverted show. It wasn't until you stated what you actually meant later that you were only trying to say Aria as a series doesn't have any of the amount of pervertedness existent in one of HanaIro's episode, hence, the misunderstanding I'm assuming.
I thought it was a given that Iroha was not a perverted show on the whole, though. You'd have to be crazy to think so.

Am I going to need to spell everything out from now on?
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