Uchip said:
first thing i noticed too
Let's get this straight guys, there is very little anime that I really and truly dislike. I do not dislike Iroha, on the contrary, I think it's fantastic. I'm sorry if you're one of the people who I inadvertently called stupid. I just don't think that Aria and Iroha are anything alike. In fact, let me list the shows that I dropped and why I dropped them.
Dog Days:
A good, if terribly generic, shonen. I had fun with it but there are too many other shows this season to justify me following it right now. I will most likely watch it later when I've got nothing else to catch up on.
Monster of the week format. Very easy to pick up later and watch in short bursts, and doesn't lose its luster when not being watched while airing.
Hidan no Aria:
Terrible story, idiotic male MC, no thanks. Aria is cute but that shit is not worth it just for her.
Amusing, but the humor doesn't resonate with me as well as, say, Nichijou's does. Just not worth my time at the moment.
Legitimately terrible. Bad PLOT, bad plot. No redeeming qualities. Will not bother with Blu-rays.
An amusing premise and good action, however, like Dog Days, it's a show for another time. I will also most likely finish this later.
As previously stated, will be picking back up after the Blu-rays are out. What I did see was funny and I look forward to it.
As you can see, only two shows dropped because I genuinely disliked them. I'm generally extremely lenient with what I watch, and hate almost nothing. If you interpret something I say as hating on a particular anime, nine times out of ten you're going to be dead wrong.