a is going to happen much, much sooner than b.duckroll said:We should actually take this to the Madoka thread, and maybe do something like 5 pages per week, and keep going until a) it becomes completely incomprehensible, or b) they actually air ep11 and 12.
I think the two are around the same level. Lots of generic shit with some gems here and there. GAF does read a lot of dumb shit though. /monoclefirehawk12 said:Much worse than fantasy anyway!
Write 5 pages a week? Because it will take waaaaaaaaaaay longer than a week to animate 5 minutes of something, especially if we're not paying people.duckroll said:We should actually take this to the Madoka thread, and maybe do something like 5 pages per week, and keep going until a) it becomes completely incomprehensible, or b) they actually air ep11 and 12.
Oh, it's tomorrow? Finally, some news to brighten my week.firehawk12 said:Also, watching the last episode of Kampfer (I hate myself) again in preparation for the OVA/TV whatever thing tomorrow made me realize that a gimmick for a lot of comedy adaptations seems to be to have a fucked up, completely unrelated finale episode.
trejo said:a is going to happen much, much sooner than b.
Branduil said:Write 5 pages a week? Because it will take waaaaaaaaaaay longer than a week to animate 5 minutes of something, especially if we're not paying people.
And torment the other Madoka with each bump? You guys have gone insane waiting.duckroll said:We should actually take this to the Madoka thread, and maybe do something like 5 pages per week, and keep going until a) it becomes completely incomprehensible, or b) they actually air ep11 and 12.
Whatever happened with the Planetarian anime rumors anyway?hosannainexcelsis said:All this Key hate makes me want to rewatch Kanon 2006 and read Planetarian. The only proper response to hate is love!
Geneijin said:And torment the other Madoka with each bump? You guys have gone insane waiting.
That's theInstro said:Madoka ending...Im fine with just assumingthat Homura will continue in her infinite time loop and never save Madoka.
Dont even need the extra 2 episodes for that. As an added bonus my ending trolls everyone.
That would have been pretty cool~! Planetarian is nice and doesn't have any routes so it'd transition nicely.Geneijin said:Whatever happened with the Planetarian anime rumors anyway?
Oh, so we'd be going with the Cake Planet route?duckroll said:I definitely agree. But that's part of the fun. I don't really like "real" fan fiction as much as ridiculous fan fiction honestly. True to the spirit of the source material, but just wacky enough that it would never actually be in the source material.
Cake Planet is actually a trap.trejo said:Oh, so we'd be going with the Cake Planet route?
Perfect, meduka-gaf can just become a doujin circle.duckroll said:Damn, I was just thinking of how ep11 could start, and I realized that ep9 actually ended with Madoka unconscious, and lying in Homura's apartment. Homura is now completely alone with Madoka, who is unable to resist her desperate advances. :/
So rape time?duckroll said:Damn, I was just thinking of how ep11 could start, and I realized that ep9 actually ended with Madoka unconscious, and lying in Homura's apartment. Homura is now completely alone with Madoka, who is unable to resist her desperate advances. :/
Let's try to keep this PG-13. And something that couldn't potentially get us thrown in jail.duckroll said:Damn, I was just thinking of how ep11 could start, and I realized that ep9 actually ended with Madoka unconscious, and lying in Homura's apartment. Homura is now completely alone with Madoka, who is unable to resist her desperate advances. :/
I like where this is going already!duckroll said:Damn, I was just thinking of how ep11 could start, and I realized that ep9 actually ended with Madoka unconscious, and lying in Homura's apartment. Homura is now completely alone with Madoka, who is unable to resist her desperate advances. :/
Lafiel said:What if you were tied down while being forced to watch them?
Childhood friends always lose. It's the law of anime.Sebulon3k said:at least it wasn't a predictable ending. Surprised they broke the formula with this girl, she would've had the most believable transition to romance out of the entire female cast.The best girl doesn't get the guy.
Yeah, like that Martin fellow!Dresden said:I think the two are around the same level. Lots of generic shit with some gems here and there. GAF does read a lot of dumb shit though. /monocle
Kampfer > Infinite Stratos!tiff said:Oh, it's tomorrow? Finally, some news to brighten my week.
It's like Genshiken come to life!Dresden said:Perfect, meduka-gaf can just become a doujin circle.
Branduil said:Let's try to keep this PG-13. And something that couldn't potentially get us thrown in jail.
Yes... but I still prefer this prison to an American one.duckroll said:But we're all already imprisoned... in the prison of our own desires.![]()
duckroll said:Damn, I was just thinking of how ep11 could start, and I realized that ep9 actually ended with Madoka unconscious, and lying in Homura's apartment. Homura is now completely alone with Madoka, who is unable to resist her desperate advances. :/
He is one of the gems here and there, yes.firehawk12 said:Yeah, like that Martin fellow!
duckroll said:Someone just kill me before this idea gets any further. Please.
firehawk12 said:Yeah, like that Martin fellow!
(Although, I went to fucking WorldCon just to hear him kvetch about how modern science fiction is shit because it's too dark and grimey... which is funny considering his own fantasy books.)
Lolicon isn't illegal in the US! Otherwise I wouldn't have ordered some of the doujin and manga I own.Branduil said:Yes... but I still prefer this prison to an American one.
Instro said:I say you ban yourself, its the only way to be sure. If not I'm fully prepared to go down this ModokaxHomura road.
I hope someone announces a Little Busters adaptation just to see your reaction.icarus-daedelus said:Oh god, don't say that. Don't say there might be more. Spare me further pain!
I forgot that happened. It was annoying when I got banned for that bullshit a couple of months ago.duckroll said:I totally would, except that would also delete all my Subscriptions, and that's not worth it!
That would be awesome~!trejo said:I hope someone announces a Little Busters adaptation just to see your reaction.
Some of us aren't prepared and/or don't desire to take the legal risks you are!InfiniteNine said:Lolicon isn't illegal in the US! Otherwise I wouldn't have ordered some of the doujin and manga I own.
Would you watch Angel Beats 2 if they announced it?icarus-daedelus said:Oh god, don't say that. Don't say there might be more. Spare me further pain!
That's because all the underage lesbian sex and incest in his books is le art, unlike those sci-fi scrubs.firehawk12 said:Yeah, like that Martin fellow!
(Although, I went to fucking WorldCon just to hear him kvetch about how modern science fiction is shit because it's too dark and grimey... which is funny considering his own fantasy books.)
It's too late. The seed is planted. You can't kill an idea.duckroll said:Someone just kill me before this idea gets any further. Please.
Ichika would probably be so much cooler if he could turn into a girl.firehawk12 said:Kampfer > Infinite Stratos!
Ban someone alse as a proxy for you. Problem solved.duckroll said:I totally would, except that would also delete all my Subscriptions, and that's not worth it!
But the man can be slain, right?tiff said:It's too late. The seed is planted. You can't kill an idea.
The tradition of hiring whipping boys was discontinued for a reason, man.trejo said:Ban someone alse as a proxy for you.
That only works if he's the only one capable of writing it.Jexhius said:But the man can be slain, right?
trejo said:Ban someone alse as a proxy for you. Problem solved.
trejo said:Ban someone alse as a proxy for you. Problem solved.
The dastards.jman2050 said:Paging duckroll/Mandoric/whoever
Apparently the Madoka delay is indeed the broadcaster's fault.
duckroll said:I don't see why people get offended when shit they hate get adaptations. I mean isn't the solution quite simple? Just don't watch it!
zeroshiki said:In icarus-daedalus' case, it needs to be watched because of the suicide blood compact.
Go on...Dresden said:"Oh Madoka," murmured Homura, as she leaned in for a kiss. Their lips connected even as their bodies entwined together like a Challah bun. In the bathtub, they rustled together in that tightly confined space, the heat of their bodies turning the water into a soup of filth and bubbles.
You reap what you sow.duckroll said:That poor bastard.