Uchip said:
just keep playing LoL
every game is better than anime
This is one of the reason I stopped watching anime.. not enough time after playing LoL. =/
Till last night 2 games with lots of random retards break me, now I want to watch anime.
Steroyd said:
There's a heated war debate between Team Hana Iro and its detractors although that's more to do with what people expected the show to be (i.e the difference between slice of life and drama) it's worth a shot, Ano Hana however has been fed to the wolves, team Ano Hana has disbandoned to give a hint of what happened, lets just say the ghost rules got stupid and then the stupidness gets amplified further to popcorn worthy, although that's not the only reason.
Okay, most be really really bad then, not even team Infinite Stratos disband.
Zalasta said:
Watch it and form your own opinions? You will never get a consensus here, that's why there is a big debate going on.
How many anime actually started strong and finished well? I've learned long ago that most series can and will never fully realize their potential, yet it seems that people continue to hype their expectation only to set themselves up for disappointment.
It is kind of easy to get a review of an anime here, whenever you asked for opinion in this thread, eventually someone will trash the anime, and the defense force will inevitably arrive to defend the anime. If the people in the defense force have similar anime taste as I do, then most likely I will enjoy the anime.
A lot of anime ended great, like Scrape Princess, Madoka, Shiki, etc....