Well first of all, I never said anything about that. What I want less of are people arguing over redundant things, and having less filler on the thread. I really don't want the thread to become an image depository, especially for stuff which is borderline NSFW and where some people constantly try to push the envelope to test where the line is. Ideally none of that should be a concern at all. This should be a place where people can watch anime and talk about it, discuss news, and keep it clean. Making distasteful comments or acting like the otaku stereotype people have of sick fanboys is not something we should encourage.
You understand right? "Waifu wars" is just another way of saying I think we could all do less with people spamming low content stuff of that nature. It's not that people can't make jokes, it's just that the culture needs to improve bit because I feel it's been slipping. From time to time it's good for a community to reflect and adept.
I'm kind of wary cause, like, I completely understand the idea behind setting up a standard of decency that is understood by all participants and minimizes content that is considered obscene and/or offensive in order to maintain that standard of decency. I'm not as receptive to the idea of enforcing a particular "culture" among a large group of people for no good reason, not that I'm saying that's your aim.