How in the world do you get a premier pass? Ive been going for three straight years and have yet to get one. Always sold out.
You have to register for next year at the con on day 2 or something.
How in the world do you get a premier pass? Ive been going for three straight years and have yet to get one. Always sold out.
Shuuji is cool as heck and is voice by Hiyama Nobuyuki.![]()
This is how I like my baseball anime.
No joke, one of the major things that has gone straight down the shitter in recent years in anime is the dialogue.
I love it
Thanks.Happy birthday Hattori!
I love it
Are there any new anime that aired today?
To be fair, you and a lot of others in this thread sure do love watching anime even you yourselves consider shitty
I am curious, what are some animes that stand out in your mind as having especially strong dialogue?
I quite liked those episodes! Mainly because it was kind of a mystery episode: you knew he killed someone but not how he did it!
Lest this be misquoted: context
New Thread tomorrow? NiceThe earliest Summer stuff (Free and Bakumatsu Rock) start tomorrow.
So Spring is officially over tomorrow.
Glad I'm not alone.Sousuke looks like trouble, and I guess he'll be the one brewing drama this season. Hosoya's voicing him though, so there's that. Hoping for more Rin/Haru, Makoto/Haru, Mikoshiba/Gou moments.
Yeah, yeah, Tumblr's that way...
New Thread tomorrow? Nice![]()
I have no clue.
Apparently madp has one ready.
I'd have kept watching this had I known about that Cait Sith leader.
I dread the summer season. SAO2 and constant Free! gifs. I don't think I'm ready.
I dread the summer season. SAO2 and constant Free! gifs. I don't think I'm ready.
I dread the summer season. SAO2 and constant Free! gifs. I don't think I'm ready.
And Mahouka. Triple threat.
Gary stus everywhere. Can't wait for the newtype rankings to come out. Who will win? Kirito or Tatsuya.
You should take some notes on posting .gifs that are actually relevant.I dread the summer season. SAO2 and constant Free! gifs. I don't think I'm ready.
Please no
I dread the summer season. SAO2 and constant Free! gifs. I don't think I'm ready.
I dread the summer season. SAO2 and constant Free! gifs. I don't think I'm ready.
You should take some notes on posting .gifs that are actually relevant.
You will be getting some quality WebMs if I have anything to say about it.
I'd rather webm's. As NeoGAF doesn't embed them.
I like genius protagonists. I think part of the appeal is watching them succeed at everything or most things until the one person comes along who can rival them (in terms of genius). Light vs L would be one example.
I'd rather webm's. As NeoGAF doesn't embed them.
Andrex made a .webm NeoGAF embedding extension for chrome. It's pretty neat-o.
I dread the summer season. SAO2 and constant Free! gifs. I don't think I'm ready.
I dread the summer season. SAO2 and constant Free! gifs. I don't think I'm ready.
Sword Art Online 20
Not gonna lie, this ep would have been pretty great if it wasn't tied down by SAO. Near completely embraces the fantasy aspect with a great fight. Felt nice to be engrossed in the world if for just a bit given the lack of real life events in this one.
I welcome it.
Mostly because it gets us closer to Fall.
World Trigger shall be the highlight of fall, that Yuma. (beyond the continuation of Aldnoah.Zero. And then one season closer to FAFNER EXODUS!.
That said I know I'll be posting about SAO here. In part because I expect its own thread to be concentrated hate, but mostly because this is the only anime thread I acknowledge even existing.
I'm 2 episodes into Log Horizon. I'm confused where the tension comes from if you can't die in real life in this show. Simple question: will something introduce legitimate tension into this show?
Finished Mushishi and loved the Hell out of it. Boring? Crazy talk. Great character, and one of the few plot-a-week shows I now adore.
I'm 2 episodes into Log Horizon. I'm confused where the tension comes from if you can't die in real life in this show. Simple question: will something introduce legitimate tension into this show?
I'm 2 episodes into Log Horizon. I'm confused where the tension comes from if you can't die in real life in this show. Simple question: will something introduce legitimate tension into this show?
Finished Mushishi and loved the Hell out of it. Boring? Crazy talk. Great character, and one of the few plot-a-week shows I now adore.
I'm 2 episodes into Log Horizon. I'm confused where the tension comes from if you can't die in real life in this show. Simple question: will something introduce legitimate tension into this show?
Does any piece of media really have tension about the protagonist dying? Even Game of Thrones has characters with plot protection.
There can be stakes in a story without the threat of death being poorly used.
so i just finished watching no game no life, there's going to be a season 2 right???
I would say it's because snipers are viewed in shows as being the dispensable ones on a team and their fight styles aren't 'interesting'. I can't think of a single show where the sniper was the main character. There was that one real life movie though, something about being framed for assassinating the President or some other nonsense.
No joke I don't think I've been as laughably uncomfortable with an avatar since that christmass one by Theonik. And TUSR's isn't even that bad, just hilariously out of context.
I didn't even have the energy to complain over how close Kirito copy dude was so close in confessing his love to the loli.
I am just drained of energy and complaints and laughter. This show did that to me.
I dont recall a loli in Mahouka but maybe I missed it.
Ranma 1/2 6
Dr. Tofu all head-over-heels for Kasumi was pretty hilarious. Best part was how the old lady bailed the fuck out when she came in and was talking to that other guy outside all like "Oh no, you don't wanna see him right now; Kasumi's in there" and he knew exactly what that meant.
Damn those two can really chow down their burgers. There's more romantic tension building between Ranma and Akane, but Ranma's struggling with it, saying dumb things he shouldn't say. Lol at the story his dad told him though. At least Ranma hasn't screwed up quite that badly. Yet.
I've watched five episodes today. I don't really know why. I'm enjoying it, but I really don't do five of the same series in a day often. I think it might be the OP. Catchy as fuck.
no Jibril avatar is even remotely uncomfortable.