the only interesting character is Hiruko Kagetane and his daughter
Yep, that's why he only had 20 seconds of screen time this episode.
Nozomi/Lucky Penny clue to what their Anime Expo announcement is
Their first clue was this
im not sure if you are arguing or agreeing
im not sure if you are arguing or agreeing
I was agreeing, and pointing out how the show fails to play up to its strengths.
Black Bullet 13
So I assume if this does well enough we'll get a season 2 as there is still plenty of material to adapt from the LN from what I can tell plus that very longer stinger withjust makes this feel like a stop and not a real ending.Kisara murdering her brother and announcing she's evil that is needed to defeat true evil
All in all a very solid first season that felt a bit condensed at times. sometimes I wish this had been 26 episodes with the same amount of story spread out better. Elements like Kisara's revenge and family plot line didn't feel as well developed as they should have and the first arc alone could have easily been 13 episodes and was condensed into 4 which is crazy.
Still I very much enjoyed Black Bullet despite it's problems. The action was good, the characters were fairly well developed even in their anime/moe tropes, and it kept me coming back for more each week.
Jesus Christ. My friends wanna go to the SAO2 Premier event at Anime Expo. -.- I'm going to be miserable.
Jesus Christ. My friends wanna go to the SAO2 Premier event at Anime Expo. -.- I'm going to be miserable.
I would say it's because snipers are viewed in shows as being the dispensable ones on a team and their fight styles aren't 'interesting'. I can't think of a single show where the sniper was the main character. There was that one real life movie though, something about being framed for assassinating the President or some other nonsense.
I'll be there. Really looking forward to it.
Nozomi/Lucky Penny clue to what their Anime Expo announcement is
Their first clue was this
I wish I could join you. If you get extra SAO swag, mind sending it to me? I'll pay.
That would be Shooter, staring Mark Wahlberg.
Send me a PM with your real name attached(or whatever you might want an autograph addressed to), I might be able to get something autographed on Sunday. Definitely no promises though as I'm dead busy throughout the con. There's also something where if you buy a SAO blu-ray or whatever Aniplex is hustling, you can possibly get an autograph but that's to your discretion whether you want me to try (which again, no guarantees).
I'm going to be literally sick as fuck next week.![]()
I'll send you a PM. I don't really want anything huge lol. Just some nice trinkets! Maybe like an awesome poster hahaha.
EDIT: I'm wondering how many episodes they need to cover GGO.... Mother's Rosario isn't really that long so...
crunchy roll guest pass
I just don't know how they'll do it. Mother's Rosario would be a really weird end for season 2.
Way back I was expecting 1 cour for GGO and an OVA for Mother's Rosario.
Guys, I'm just a bit excited for Free! Eternal Summer. Anyone else watching?
I'll go to the AX SAO stuff, but I dunno about the premiere. Unless something else is being handed out during then, I can afford to wait a day.
You don't wanna enjoy waiting in line for about 2-3 hours to watch a 25 minute video?! Priorities.
I think they might actually have filler content. Or they already planned season 3. Meaning we might see the beginning of Alicization.
You don't wanna enjoy waiting in line for about 2-3 hours to watch a 25 minute video?! Priorities.
Jesus Christ. My friends wanna go to the SAO2 Premier event at Anime Expo. -.- I'm going to be miserable.
Guys, I'm just a bit excited for Free! Eternal Summer. Anyone else watching?
Gonna make my Premiere Pass get that work.
Ranma 1/2 5
Ranma was really being a jerk to Akane there. He was clearly trying to provoke her. Can't blame her for making a mess out of him like that.
So Akane loves the doctor, and he's in love with Kasumi. Kuno is in love with both Akane and female Ranma. And Ranma and Akane are engaged even though they don't wanna. We've got quite the web going here already.
no youre going to love it, SAO2 is going to save anime like KLK did.
After waiting 4 hours to play Smash 4 during the Best Buy event, I dunno if I can do something like that again lol
Thankfully I think my friends would rather have dinner during that time.
dude wait until I get my BR copies of ranma so we can have meaningful discussions about it
I was kinda under the assumption that I was pretty much the only person here who has never seen the show. lol
Guys, I'm just a bit excited for Free! Eternal Summer. Anyone else watching?
I was kinda under the assumption that I was pretty much the only person here who has never seen the show. lol
Looks Sentai's releasing the dubs for Gatchman Crowds this Friday and Watamote next Friday. Can't wait to see who does the twos leads in those shows since they are...uhhhh...unique.
Guys, I'm just a bit excited for Free! Eternal Summer. Anyone else watching?
I don't know if you know Tenumi, but I added you on the Wii U
Black Bullet 13 END
It then ends with Rentaro sobbing into Enju's lap. Their relationship is still a puzzle to me. Does he actually love her or see her more as family?
Its going to be amazing.
We are all Free! fans here.
Watching for Gou and Ama-chan.