The characters in Free are underage? That's news to me I assumed they were like 18-22 based upon the images I saw
They are in high school.
The characters in Free are underage? That's news to me I assumed they were like 18-22 based upon the images I saw
We are all Free! fans here.
If I didn't like him better with Yuki, I'd probably be beside myself right now.
And thank you awful jealous girl.
Took 10 episodes but you finally became likable after taking out one of the most generic dressed villain ever.
I've been putting this show off for years, looks shoujo as hell
IS shoujo as hell
And I'm ok with that
Why is she wearing boxer briefs if she's supposed to be in a boy's uniform
Why Utena stairs.gif
I'd be less offended if they just showed a picture of the animators all in the drawing room huddled around the camera giving me the finger together
Why do I like this
Sword Art Online 20
Not gonna lie, this ep would have been pretty great if it wasn't tied down by SAO. Near completely embraces the fantasy aspect with a great fight. Felt nice to be engrossed in the world if for just a bit given the lack of real life events in this one.
I have mixed feelings on the latter. I actually quite enjoyed SAO until episode 15 came around and shit on everything. But Log Horizon took the same basic premise, while remaining thoroughly enjoyable throughout.
I'm quite looking forward to SAO II, but I have to admit that I'm basing this purely on the fact that Sinon looks awesome.
Im a bit rusty, takes me forever to read/listen to something these days. I somehow regressed.
Shampoo is the best. Its that simple.
I can't wait for this weekend so I can figure out how much money I'm going to be spending over the next yearish.
Really I just want a Bebop BD date and price. My blank check is ready.
Is it weird I feel guilty for loving Log Horizon's OP song Database? The adult in me finds the song corny, but the wise kid in me (who generally has better taste) loves it.
The CG is maybe the smallest problem of the new Sailor Moon anime series. But why is Toei trying to kill the Sailor Moon franchise?
Other studios and production commitees would kill for a series with such a national and international appeal.
I may watch with others and heckle it as we watch.
Who ignores fellow animeGAFers? I thought we were all friends?![]()
I pretty much hate every single 'geek culture' out there. Most of the people rarely know what they're talking about and are happy to live in filthy ignorance.
I dunno. When I think of associating myself with other anime fans outside the internet I sometimes feel like a snob because for sure they have not watched nearly as much anime as I have, haven't watched the breath of genres I have or I assume they watch nothing but entry-level stuff like Naruto, One Piece and SAO and think Cowboy Bebop is the pinnacle of animation.
I don't get this same feeling when it comes to video game fans though, even jrpgs.
The difference between us is that their sample group is potato chips and then all of a sudden BAM filet mignon. While we've had everything that ranges from diarrhea to bologna to chicken Alfredo and finally to filet mignon with scallops and on the side with white truffle all over that shit.
And Chef Ramsay says those scallops are fucking delicious. 10/10 would bebop again.
Obligatory.In what universe are those manly men? They don't have beards or are lumberjacks.
Yeah I'm seeing a bit of a double standard with lewd gaf not being able to post their sexy girl gifs but freeGaf having a field day with erotic high school kids.
My biggest complaint is that I'm on mobile so I can't post Bob's Burgers Tina gifs.
Nothing like that in this show.
Yay !Aldnoah.Zero timed for Crunchyroll on July 5 at 10:00am Pacific Time
ALDNOAH.ZERO will be available in the following territories: North America, Central and South America, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland, Europe excluding German-speaking territories.
Hit me with them.
She just pulled a Batman though. lolIt being a front doesn't really change the fact she just sliced a relative to pieces and went on about some unwarranted "I be evil!" nonsense.
Right Stuf uploaded their next clue to what's going to be announced at AX. The way the tweet is worded makes it appear that each daily clue is for a separate series.
no idea. Akagi ends with Ten which you can pretty much call a sequel, I have no idea if he wants to do more with him and continue with his story right after the Washizu arc, he could but I think that he probably won't. I didn't do any research or stuff like that so maybe some people here are more informed.How can you do a sequel to an ongoing series like Akagi.
I am conflicted. I like Tensai from the stuff I see from her. But will she get happy? I am sure Nanananana get all the attention from the protagonist and Tensai get to be parf of the sad recjected harem. Please tell me that my assumption is wrong.
Do you want to risk angering the duckperor TUSR?
I am conflicted. I like Tensai from the stuff I see from her. But will she get happy? I am sure Nanananana get all the attention from the protagonist and Tensai get to be parf of the sad recjected harem. Please tell me that my assumption is wrong.
Everybody deserves to have their pandering, whether it's Free or Date a Live. All fanservice is created equal.
I think Socrates said that.
Not sure what this one could be at all. There's a paw print, so something that involves animals?
Yeah I'm seeing a bit of a double standard with lewd gaf not being able to post their sexy girl gifs but freeGaf having a field day with erotic high school kids.
My biggest complaint is that I'm on mobile so I can't post Bob's Burgers Tina gifs.
Video cuts off right asYukari's new espionage movie begins to play.
My guess is Dog Days.Wasn't there some form of contract for the champions that were summoned?
Amount of little girl gifs has decreased exponentially which is a victory regardless of the situation.I completely missed duckroll message about lewd stuff until someone mentioned it now, though honestly my post was more sarcastic and making fun of Kyoani use of the camera more than anything.
I've seen people posting pics about Neptunia, Strike Witches and LN little girls all the times, so I'm surprise Free! boys could create a reaction.
I'm not sure; I've never watched it. If true though, that's a good guess!
Amount of little girl gifs has decreased exponentially which is a victory regardless of the situation.
I completely missed duckroll message about lewd stuff until someone mentioned it now, though honestly my post was more sarcastic and making fun of Kyoani use of the camera more than anything.
I've seen people posting pics about Neptunia, Strike Witches and LN little girls all the times, so I'm surprise Free! boys could create a reaction.
Inukami.Not sure what this one could be at all. There's a paw print, so something that involves animals?
That was pre-duckroll declaration. Times have changed.
Uh oh.
This is like the beginning to every death game ever. "Wanta play a game?!"
Link was trolling us. Didn't expect him to go silent. Oh nvm.was this the fallout of the NGNL shit?
has anyone got a pm yet?
how long until we get a mod in here boys?
Yes, but will she find happyness?She gets more attention then the other girls who's names I can't recall, so that's something.
Link was trolling us. Didn't expect him to go silent. Oh nvm.
As to that yes. NGNL and beautiful things did this. Imho it's a positive thing. I could browse this in public places. Well before today.
When someone actually posts a lewd gif/WebM/image.
I was starting to wonder where you were. I've posted 2 Clannad impressions with nary a peep from you.
Oh, and guys, if you receive a PM, it will most likely not be from me.
Just checked top posters. I give up. Always #2 never #1. Cajun I officially hate you.
most people just ask me for the source lol
Thank heavens, well kinda thought so but the fact that of all the insults she chose that had me a bit worried. :lol
Yay !
Just your regular, popular picks that simply ended up doing much more for me. ¯\_(ツ_/¯ F/Z, FLCL, Gurren, FMA's, Lost Canvas or even Champloo.
Just checked top posters. I give up. Always #2 never #1. Cajun I officially hate you.
Step up your game woof woof.Just checked top posters. I give up. Always #2 never #1. Cajun I officially hate you.
so you'd open the last page at work?
You must suck the soul out of 1000 cute loli to have the power to match Cajun
so you'd open the last page at work?
Yeah it makes me feel bad that I act like this sometimes because I know I totally could get called out on the stuff I watch sometimes and who the heck am I to act so high and mighty?
Hell I could probably make some friends too if I was a bit more open, who knows though.
That attitude reminds me of my friend when we were going to that ps4 live e3 conference in our local theater. Some other gaf folks were going to meet with us and he was scared they were all going to be these really awkward nerds. But I told him that we'd probably meet people like us. And sure thing the guy we made friendly with was a really cool down to earth guy who also loved playstation.
9/11 conspiracy theories are better written than this.
You're Under Arrest Mini-Specials gotten today:
Got all the US releases now. Finally time to watch it soon.
So Shiro and Sora are not blood relatives?
No shame at all, embrace it and savor it as the great present of the gods it is:
Hehe. Too bad about the shows where there's no good figures :\
The actual scene being gif'd is :cajun as fuck haha
It's significantly easier to do 3D movement in CG then 2D, which I'm sure is part of the reason. However, it's not like they don't know how to make stylish sequences in 2D:
Guys, keep an eye on your PMs. I'm starting a game of sorts.
Excel Saga 25-26 + Final(ish?) Thoughts
The finale was about as anime-finale-feeling as one could ask for, but with the gag gag order no longer bound, there were a few recurring jokes. My overall opinions on the show are that, beyond the first volume, the insanity only compounds. It's much more story-driven than I expected from a series like this, and a lot of the parodies are still recognizable today. (And my toku nerdiness comes into play in the final episode when I recognized Barom-1, but more on that later.) It's slightly dated, but I think it's a good precedent, and in some ways an exploration, of the nature of adaptations themselves. The show's just as much, if not more, Nabeshin's as it is Rikudo's. Getting that much auteur over a favorite property, I'm not sure how much that would fly in today's world where people scrutinize adaptations for accuracy, sometimes in place of quality, but then I remember there are examples like Gatchaman Crowds that also used only the basic concepts of something and spun a story all its own.
Episode 26 felt almost Western-like, mostly in the sense of thumbing its nose at the censors. There was barely a minute in the episode that wasn't violating something of decency. This can be seen as immature, but the protective layer of being meta about it does help. So much blood. And the jokes aboutandthe Sarin gas on the subwaygo beyond the normal nature of "fanservice bonus episode". I mean, it was a fanservice bonus episode, but it's really more about pushing buttons.that moment with Cosette
Speaking of that, Poemy.
My guess is Dog Days.Wasn't there some form of contract for the champions that were summoned?
was this the fallout of the NGNL shit?
has anyone got a pm yet?