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Rowdy Sumo Wrestler Matsutaro 5

OP wasn't just mostly episode clips this time. Wonder if it's finally done. Anyhow the long awaited ass beating finally arrived. Looks like Matsutaro might actually learn from it as his newfound trainer/rival awoke a competitive spirit in him he lacked previously. It's sort of misguided but a start since he finally met someone he can't push around.

How did the manga last 20 YEARS?


Subete no aware
Yeah but at least you know what to expect with a comic book movie whereas The Raid tries to have it's cake and eat it too.

Wait, they seriously put more emphasis on the story for the second movie? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18780843/emot/emot-barf.gif
I dunno, that's all Asian martial arts films set in the 21st century. It makes no sense why no one carries a gun but they're more than happy to carry machetes and knifes and bats, but that's just the convention. It's the magical rules of this universe.

And yes, the movie is a collection of cliches mashed together into a story that amounts to nothing. Undercover cop, political intrigue, revenge plot, blah blah.

I think the only Donnie Yen stuff I've seen has been those two Ip Man movies. I'll probably be drummed out of irc before long for this transgression.
Much like the Ip Man films, the only thing I vaguely remember about them are the action scenes. You'd might be better served just watching those fighting scenes on youtube.
Dragonar Academy 5
Well that started off with fanservice. Continues with the fanservice with a large bath scene. adds a bit of action and then ends off with a revenge-fueled loli


How did the manga last 20 YEARS?

HxH is 15 years now for reference so I don't think it's entirely unreasonable.. Going to guess a combination of hiatus and crises where he falls out of the sport, finds his away again, etc. If you watch the OP, it seemingly hints at him not fully sticking with sumo initially when his different forms flash on screen.


Much like the Ip Man films, the only thing I vaguely remember about them are the action scenes. You'd might be better served just watching those fighting scenes on youtube.

Dude was a boss just sitting around with his family. If anything, I'd like to forget the Rocky IV stuff from the second one.


Aikatsu! 58

First there was "Extremely Naughty Police Chief", then "Chocolate Detective". What's great is that I don't think either one was intentional. "Naughty Detectives" was already toeing the line, but these are just over the top.

Drama was shitty.
The Irregular at Magic High School Episode 5: Enrollment Arc V (mahouka)

Yotsuba Maya getting introduced here is kind of hype inducing
animate meteor stream please
, especially with last episode and that brief moment with the ten families or so. I wish we knew her voice actor, I didnt seem to see it anywhere?). Just the mention made it a bit more interesting than the action events which was good progress into the Blanche plot.

The magic processes explanation following Tatsuyas moment of showing his typical slow activation speed was most interesting, as the thought that the writer put into this series magic system often goes unnoticed. Typically other magic stories just have characters alter objects to start phenomena but at least here we see that it is much more complicated than previously thought to move an egg or a persona. I wouldnt mind if they do provide more commentary on this as well as more about the implications of having altered activation competency/bypassing processes even.

is highly 'technical' battles a series standard? im down for more of that.

Not sure where there was an hostage situation ? there was 3 people that barricaded themselves in a broadcast room ..
was it not? shows how much i pay attention lol. Was still trying to understand egg magic :X


I dunno, that's all Asian martial arts films set in the 21st century. It makes no sense why no one carries a gun but they're more than happy to carry machetes and knifes and bats, but that's just the convention. It's the magical rules of this universe.

See also: Sleepy Dags

And yes, the movie is a collection of cliches mashed together into a story that amounts to nothing. Undercover cop, political intrigue, revenge plot, blah blah.
Ugh, think I might just skip this.


Ugh, think I might just skip this.

You know how the first this mostly focused claustrophobic group of action set pieces? Imagine it partitioned out with a mob story inbetween and shounen-esque enemies like Hammer Girl and Bat Boy.
Mekakucity Actors 4

People may complain about Shafts animation, but I have to say I love the art style and it's just unique in my eyes. That continuous cycle was a bit confusing I hope they explain it and the ending just left me with questions. The insert music was great and can't wait till next week. Oh yeah I said this a bunch of times but that ending is so amazing, sooooo good.



HxH is 15 years now for reference so I don't think it's entirely unreasonable.. Going to guess a combination of hiatus and crises where he falls out of the sport, finds his away again, etc. If you watch the OP, it seemingly hints at him not fully sticking with sumo initially when his different forms flash on screen.

Yeah manga had periods of 6 years and another one of 4 years with no volumes released so it definitely had long hiatuses. So combine it with the idea of endless sports series and it's reasonable to take 20 years.


Sleepy Dawgs had a pretty good justification as I recall: no-one gives a shit of a bunch of thugs knife each other in an alley, but if guns are involved the public pressure makes the police crack down hard on everyone.

As I recall it has some basis in reality.


Sleepy Dawgs had a pretty good justification as I recall: no-one gives a shit of a bunch of thugs knife each other in an alley, but if guns are involved the public pressure makes the police crack down hard on everyone.

As I recall it has some basis in reality.

It's instigated by the authorities, so it's within their interest to let it play out.


For good live-action fights, watch the Crows films. Both Crows and Crows Zero are just brawling: the film(s), and they're damn good.

Much like the Ip Man films, the only thing I vaguely remember about them are the action scenes. You'd might be better served just watching those fighting scenes on youtube.

the Ip man films are so much better than just their fights. I think I remember more scenes outside the films than not. I get to play the contrarian there.


Neo Member
From my (fairly anecdotal) experience of childhood in Hong Kong, guns had a strong association with open street violence between triads, so the police decided to put their foot down and stamp all that shit out fast.

And it worked, for the most part!

Also, beating the shit out of people with instruments probably tickles that primal bit in the brain a little more than plain' ol shooting things in the face.
is highly 'technical' battles a series standard? im down for more of that.
Yeah, especially in the next arc.
was it not? shows how much i pay attention lol. Was still trying to understand egg magic :X
Unlike regular magic show , magic in mahouka work in term of processes.
If you want to move an egg from a table to another , you need 4 processes :
1-Levitate the egg
2-Move the egg in a direction
3-Stop the egg movement
4-Stop levitation.

All complex magic that everyone uses are actually various set of process, done at high speed , and that is the requirement of being able to make all this process in a row that is widely wanted in the world of magic.
In the "egg" example , The mc would not be able to activate process 3 & 4 because he is slow.
Tatsuya compensates this situation by being able to read magical activation in advance, meaning that he can anticipate and counter a magic before it's activated and the fact that he can change the parameters of 1 activation on the fly.
But both of those skills aren't part of the regular evaluation of the students , Another reason why he is a course 2 student or a "weed"

in a regular battle this is not a problem for him because he has other advantages and one effective process is better than a multiple of simple ones


You know how the first this mostly focused claustrophobic group of action set pieces? Imagine it partitioned out with a mob story inbetween and shounen-esque enemies like Hammer Girl and Bat Boy.
jesus christ

Sleepy Dawgs had a pretty good justification as I recall: no-one gives a shit of a bunch of thugs knife each other in an alley, but if guns are involved the public pressure makes the police crack down hard on everyone.

As I recall it has some basis in reality.
That doesn't really stand on its own merits when the last third of the games thrusts all the (crappy) gun combat onto the player.


Subete no aware
See also: Sleepy Dags

Ugh, think I might just skip this.
Nappy Dawgs is a direct homage to HK films though. Although at least it sort of combines guns and fighting, because it wants to evoke both types of HK action. lol

Just start from the car chase, if you watch it. lol

You know how the first this mostly focused claustrophobic group of action set pieces? Imagine it partitioned out with a mob story inbetween and shounen-esque enemies like Hammer Girl and Bat Boy.
Three mini bosses that the player has to fight before the final boss!

For good live-action fights, watch the Crows films. Both Crows and Crows Zero are just brawling: the film(s), and they're damn good.

the Ip man films are so much better than just their fights. I think I remember more scenes outside the films than not. I get to play the contrarian there.
After the WKW film, it's hard to take any of the other Ip Man films seriously. That first film is hilariously nationalistic and anti-Japanese, evocative of the Michael Bay Pearl Harbor film, is a bit silly too.
One Week Friends 4:
Don't be such a jerk, Hase.

It's funny, because some of the events in this episode headed towards the melodramatic, especially with just how conveniently everything seemed to go wrong (
seriously, she just doesn't notice dropping the diary and then also happens to hit her door and make her poster fall down?
), but instead of going in a dumb direction and causing pointless suffering, the show used this as an opportunity to give each of its main cast some new material in terms of their perspective and to highlight their strengths. So it hit some of those emotional pulls where you might want to just shout out 'oh come on!', but it had the sense to pull back and turn down a different lane instead. It made the end result a pretty satisfying episode of television, and the execution of everything left me from feeling too upset by some contrivances.
Mahouka 5

It's really funny when you see Tatsuya troll considering he did that to Mibu. Good to see Mizuki get some screen time as she was pretty funny with her excitement about goals. It's also interesting finding out that Tatsuya feels his life is a curse, must have to do with that lady shown in that purple outfit. It's also nice seeing explanations for magic and magic shown by other characters. Too bad they left it on a cliff hanger when the action was starting, but at least next week is gonna have some action. I really can't wait for next weeks episode.
Bellybutton the Animation 05

Does this GIANT ASS SPACE STATION have only three members on it's crew?

I don't even know what's going on. Atleast the Zero-G stuff was pretty neat.
La Corda d'oro - Blue Sky- Episode 5

Kyoya just looks like doesnt want to be there at all, then again he never looks like he wants to be anywhere. Alright swimming episode but they didnt really do the typical choice scenes so it was a bit saddening, at least music was decent.
Saint Seiya Omega 12-24

You know, I'm enjoying this show, but I have to ask: why didn't it ever occur to the kids to try and convince Aria to use her authority as "Athena" to make the Saints back off? She technically supercedes Mars on the chain of command as far as they are concerned.

Also: very convenient most of the old cast is incapacitated with Darkness Cancer. I really need to watch the older show after this. Maybe after season 1.
Saint Seiya Omega 12-24

You know, I'm enjoying this show, but I have to ask: why didn't it ever occur to the kids to try and convince Aria to use her authority as "Athena" to make the Saints back off? She technically supercedes Mars on the chain of command as far as they are concerned.

Also: very convenient most of the old cast is incapacitated with Darkness Cancer. I really need to watch the older show after this. Maybe after season 1.

Well she is a figurehead, even if she has power, the real athena is somewhere.Hard to do something when your organisation was inflirated by people that are more loyal to Mars than athena.

Funny this is like Hydra in the "winter soldier" captain america movie. There is no point of acting in a chain of command , when you don't know who to trust within that chain..
Mars = Hydra
Sanctuary = Shield
Athena = Nick fury
Mars God = Alexander pierce

Eden = winter soldier
Koga = Captain america
Yuna = romanov

It all make sense !!!


Garden of Sinners 5: Paradox Spiral

Well, that was certainly a visually and chronologically dense film which exploited the symbolic language of film and nonlinear editing to its maximum effect. It's actually impressive just how much director Takayuki Hirao and Ufotable were able to elevate what is still, at its core, a Nasu story featuring flat characters and magical gobbledygook. There was also some impressive sakuga at times, especially in that first fight
with the zombies.

If you only watch one Garden of Sinners movie(and you should), watch this one.


Branduil, NOW IS THE TIME TO STOP! Unless you want fun light yurisms, then you can watch one more... maybe... but please stop before you seriously hurt yourself like I did.


Branduil, NOW IS THE TIME TO STOP! Unless you want fun light yurisms, then you can watch one more... maybe... but please stop before you seriously hurt yourself like I did.

Yeah, six wasn't that bad (it was actually pretty fun in some places) but movie seven though... yikes.
The world is still beautifull - 05

5 episodes and I'm sick of "tender rain" already.. Please stop with this ASAP

You never know what you happen in the future
The characters were likable and the chemistry between the sun king and the rain princess very good.They aren't in love , but they have learned to depend on the other more. And that's quite good in my book .
I really enjoy their blatter because they mostly don't pull any punches , if they have something to say , they say it. and it's much effective that the useless drama you might find in another series.

But that slip of the tongue was stupid , sure he was baited to do that but that's just pure stupidity.

Overall like liked it

Ps: lol @ those 3 sages reputation, the contrast is so good.

ROFL @ that preview.
Mahouka 5

There seem to be some really arbitrary reasons to prevent Tatsuya from being a full Gary Stu. The magic system doesn't seem to be very well explained or even fully realized. We're just kind of meant to take everyone's word for it when they say the guy is bad at magic, despite proving himself more than capable in pretty much every category.

But hey, conflict!
I've really been digging the new season of Mushishi. I've never seen the first season, which I assume is worth it? I hope so, because I ordered it from Amazon earlier for $18.
Mahouka 5

There seem to be some really arbitrary reasons to prevent Tatsuya from being a full Gary Stu. The magic system doesn't seem to be very well explained or even fully realized. We're just kind of meant to take everyone's word for it when they say the guy is bad at magic, despite proving himself more than capable in pretty much every category.

But hey, conflict!

he can kick your ass, but that doesn't mean he can levitate eggs, and the society is built on who can levitate eggs the best.


Mahouka 5

There seem to be some really arbitrary reasons to prevent Tatsuya from being a full Gary Stu. The magic system doesn't seem to be very well explained or even fully realized. We're just kind of meant to take everyone's word for it when they say the guy is bad at magic, despite proving himself more than capable in pretty much every category.

But hey, conflict!

He's like a magical idiot savant, inept at the basics, god tier at the hard shit.


He's like a magical idiot savant, inept at the basics, god tier at the hard shit.

This is like commentary for my country education system, you failing at one exam category and you repeating the class.

AFAIK Japan don't have anything like that fuckery though.


Haven't been able to keep up with this thread because of Dark Souls II, but good lord this last Nisekoi episode.



Branduil, NOW IS THE TIME TO STOP! Unless you want fun light yurisms, then you can watch one more... maybe... but please stop before you seriously hurt yourself like I did.

Wrong, he has to go on for magical weed.

Mekaku ep 4: Shinbou is a terrible director, news at 11.


Mass catch up post, go!

Is The Order a Rabbit? 04

Still one of my favorite shows of the season. Cocoa's skill in fortune telling, just like her skill in math, goes unnoticed even by her. Her future as the town's international barrista lawyer looks pretty bright, though. Plus, I saw the PV for the OP later in the week, and it looks super adorable.

Nanana's Buried Treasure 04

So our hero is actually a thief? It took a bit of time to figure out what was going on, but it's good to know what the Wizard's Cane does have some limitations on it. Curious where things are going to go from here, but I look forward to more antics with Tensai moving in. She's the best.

selector infected WIXOSS 05

So those are the rules of the game. This show really continues to give off the Ryuki vibes. So it's not death, but rather, a fate worse than death. And much like Shinji Kido, Ruko's found her motivation in fighting for someone else. I'm curious how long that's going to last. And what does this mean for Yuzu? She may very well be risking a family member's life.

This Week in Puchimas

I'm liking where this island scavenger hunt arc is going.

Inugami & Nekoyama 04

Glasses for everyone! Instead of lewd, this one was more cute.

Escha & Logy 04

Her Majesty Leonmichelle has returned! Cute little one off, as well as providing an explanation for what exactly that thing Escha was wearing was. The atmosphere of the show is still charming, and on a Thursday full of pleasant shows (compared to last season and the season before that), it's one of the most pleasant.

Date a Live II 04

That was pretty cool. Loved the aerial battle, and of course neither of the twins are going to sacrifice each other. Which only opens up the possibilities for more harem hijinks with them around. I wonder what exactly Shido is. Like with Kotori, it probably has something to do with spirits, but this is definitely the start of something big.

Riddle Story of Devil 05

Never was there a story of more woe than this of Juliet and the other Juliet. Not all the assassins are bad guys - starting with the serial killer may have been misdirection - so maybe, just maybe, there's a slim chance Haru's wish can come true. Maybe not everyone in the class, but they can get through to some.

Fairy Tail 180

So he isn't actually dead. In a show where very few characters have died, that sounds about right. The Wolf Knights felt a bit out of nowhere, and Lucy and Yukino can't do anything. It'd be more fair if they could. Cosmos and Kamika are alright, though.

Daimidaler 05

Even when the show suddenly takes a turn for the serious, it's still doing so with its love of boobs on its... er, face. I highly doubt that Koichi has died in the metaphorical magma, but I love what the show is doing in terms of robot storytelling conventions. The way it casually parodied the "heroes stole their tech from the villains" bit in the beginning landed perfectly.

Dragonar Academy 05

I wish this show had less telling and more showing, but it remains alright, at least. Sylvia's getting humanized (her sister's not the friendliest person), and there's as much fanservice as there ever was. Getting Eco hopped up on dragon catnip doesn't seem like the wisest idea. Also, Dragon Quidditch.

Nisekoi 17

Cute festival episode. I think that charm did work its magic after all. The Marika segment was my favorite bit from that, but the whole thing worked pretty smoothly. In a few ways, the show reminds me of a less fantasy oriented version of Seto no Hanayome, and that's pretty high praise.

Mekaku City Actors 04

Not sure what was going on with that time loop(?) near the end, but Shaft's animation gave it the kind of surreal feel that it needs. It's becoming clear this is a series of parallel stories playing out, and I like that sort of pseudo-anthology. Anything that works with the "everyone is the hero of their own story" element usually catches my attention in some way.

Mahouka 05

Gah, walls of text. I'm starting to see the traces of the main storyline underneath it, but the characters are drowning in all these technical explanations that it leaves me still unsure what exactly it is I'm watching. Having a well thought out magical system is neat, but without some grounding in the characters, how much I can hold on will vary. And so far, outside of Tatsuya, I can't think of many personality traits for the others yet. Hopefully that will change.

Happiness Charge Precure! 14

Happy 500th episode! A usual kid of the week/"beach" episode, but it gave Megumi a chance to play up being a hero for someone who can appreciate it, and she used Samurai Flamenco mode outside of CGI! I think Toei can animate the form changes with more variety than their one attack, but they're not going to do it all the time. Fun episode, plus it featured Oresky, who's always a joy to watch. Can't wait for Yuyu to use Coconut Samba.

Kawaisou 05

I haven't seen a Round Robin story like that since Haganai. Any episode that talks about books and the joys of reading is bound to be one of my favorites. Plus Mayumi and Sayaka are providing plenty of entertainment on their own. Really enjoyable little series. It's doing pretty good for a romcom.

Shuffle! 13-15

That wrapped up quicker than I expected. So the whole story with Nerine's
cloned self and her memories and singing voice
was a bit surprising, but I've played enough visual novels to know that things like that can and will happen. It was touching, and everyone got to play a role in the events. The storyline wasn't dragged out, and it raised a few flags for the Nerine route. So far, I'm not seeing anything too divergent from what happened so far. But I've also seen the summaries on Funi's site, so I have some idea of what's going to happen.

I think that's everything.
Baby Steps 4:
Things are moving a little faster than expected right now. I didn't think that Ei-chan was going to be ready for playing in a match quite yet, although he still seems pretty raw, so I'm not sure how that will work out. He made some good progress in this episode, although they kept things fairly believable with
him still not managing to get a clean return on Takuma's serve.

The interactions between Ei-chan and Takasaki are remaining pretty hilarious. I'm enjoying some of those scenes even if they feel a bit standard. It looks like the cast size is going to start to increase, so that's a good sign. Generally I think one of the most important things in a traditional sports series is to have a strong supporting cast, so hopefully they can manage that here.
Seikoku no dragonar - 01

Alright start, i was expecting something else from that race but this turn of events i can get behind.
It's weird that can FEEEL the clichés characters from the tiny introduction i got in this episode ?

Anyway i guess i should watch the rest.
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