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Black Hat

Yeah, I'm fairly certain a few scenes in that episode needed a bit more clarity. One in particular.

I'm assuming that you mean the
restaurant Yukihime scene? I'm still not 100% sure what was meant to be going on there. Was the first person who walked in meant to be Shuu-san dressed up as Yukihime with fake tits? I was very confused.
I'm assuming that you mean the
restaurant Yukihime scene? I'm still not 100% sure what was meant to be going on there. Was the first person who walked in meant to be Shuu-san dressed up as Yukihime with fake tits? I was very confused.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was what was going on.

Shuu was dressed as Yukihime, but the real Yukihime was there and hits him, then transition. Was it really confusing for others?

Well, they didn't explain it at all. Or show half of that.

Link Man

Hidamari Sketch 12

Sae has a younger sister?!

Hmm, this episode looks a bit cheap, even by this show's standards.

Hiro's hair can be a bit creepy at times.

Kind of dull for a season finale. I know that I still have the 2 bonus episodes, but I think I'll leave them for later.
I'm assuming that you mean the
restaurant Yukihime scene? I'm still not 100% sure what was meant to be going on there. Was the first person who walked in meant to be Shuu-san dressed up as Yukihime with fake tits? I was very confused.
Shuu was dressed as Yukihime, but the real Yukihime was there and hits him, then transition. Was it really confusing for others?
Black Bullet 5

Satomi is building his harem so fast, he's got

Enju - Super powered loli
Kisane - Big boobed sword master/boss
Weapons girl - Rich girl who's not subtle about her thirst
President - Pale and frail and in a seat of power

Other then the typical harem shenanigans this is really enjoyable, had some funny moments and good action and continues to be one of the bigger surprises this season.

I need to get the full version of the OP on my phone it's awesome.


Black★Rock Shooter 05-08 + Final Thoughts


I wouldn't say my mind was destroyed, but it was certainly put through the ringer a few times. From the moment Mato merged with BRS, things went off the rails really quickly.
Yuu and Strength switched places years ago. That kinda came out of nowhere. Her motivations make sense, but the rules for the otherworld were always kind of ill-defined.
I don't even mind that the finale was
a giant rainbow friendship cannon
because when done right, those can actually be really effective. The message of the story ultimately seems a little muddled. I think the central conceit - a metaphor for dealing with pain - is a sound one, but everything around it kind of got jumbled up near the end.

That's why I ultimately came to view this as a pseudo-magical girl series. Many shows in that genre usually revolve around healing someone from their personal problems, be it by unknowing, literal death or just a good injection of magic mojo. I'm not sure if Kagari and Yomi getting back together is the best idea. Kagari spent years being unhinged, and while she's been magically cured (sort of?), Yomi's rather quick to accept her back. Not to mention Yuu's steady integration back into the real world. They do have a therapist there, which is more that can be said for many other anime. The show itself addressed Mato's plan to shoulder pain while avoiding any for everyone else as being a bit crazy - so if the show itself addresses it, on some level it was intentional - and while that epilogue makes it look like she may not have entirely changed, these sorts of things are a slow process.

The tone of the last episodes went all over the place, and while things worked on a metaphorical level, there were a few moments that conjured up a "huh?" response. The theatricality/melodrama was certainly there, but the thing of it all is that in the end, I don't find it bad. It has ambition and a message it wants to say, as many of Okada's works do, that message is simply surrounded by some quirky things that make searching for it require looking a little deeper. Ultimately, it's a show about a concept. And I feel it mostly hits the mark.

Taking on three series from The List in a row has exposed me to various kinds of mental instability, from the ones that make people kill people, make people want to kill other people, and make people kill themselves inside. It's a psychiatrist's buffet.

So for my next series, I want something simpler, something more whimsical. Fairy Musketeers it is.
Will you fucking please stop this? You're better than this.

If I can't get pleasure out of watching anime, at least I can try to get some twisted pleasure out of mocking those who do watch anime.

You don't really mean that.

Man, it seems like 90% of people in this thread are either creepy pervs or people who compulsively watch what they hate and loudly complain about. At least I'm skipping the wasting my time on the watching part and am going straight to the hatred.
Blade and soul - 06
Is everyone is this show STUPID ?

Is everyone in this freaking show STUPID.??

And Sdburton , can you stop invading Blade and soul too ? Even yuri can't help this show from being crap.

Everyone in this show....

After 6 episodes i know the pattern.
Blade and soul Rules
#1 -Everyone is stupid.
#2 -Stupid people die.
#3 - Everyone who think is more intelligent than the other is stupid , so they die.
The main character and her antagonist are emotionless , that is most likely so that they don't become stupid..that's why they are still there , otherwise they would be dead already.
In this episode we even had this big dude that didn't talk, he was humpiing sounds instead !! Again that must be why he is still alive..if nobody can know that you're stupid, your chances of survival are higher.
#4 - Every character that try to change their current situation WILL FAIL , HARD ..they will either die , or cry because they have lost everyone else.
#5 - Being stupid off-screen is ok,however the more off-screen you are the more you'll be killed by something.
#6 - Any attempt to have a decent fight won't last long ( maximum so far is 18 seconds )
#7 - If you're not stupid , you're an hypocrite
#8 - Being sliced in half , will make you gush black blood ! The blood will then become red afterwards [censor time]

Anyway , finally we're introduced to yuu , the only character that wasn't stupid during this episode, tourmented by the feeligns off hate and sorrow from the villagers he hold dears , he resolve himself to be a figurehead so that people could fight only to find out that
Palam people organised a rebellion on their own soil so that palam people could kill Palam people
... wait what ?
Ahem So what does he do ? He confront his friend responsible for SUCH STUPIDITY but it doesn't work , so he try to go see his ennemies in order to stop the incoming fight, unfortunatly When you talk to an emotionless doll ...


Why are you doing this ? what's the point ? and the answer speak for itself.
You can't get results !!!

So the death body count increased this week too.
What about alka ? Well she was climbing a mountain like tom cruise in mission impossible 2 ... no i'm not kidding.

WTF Blade and soul
If I can't get pleasure out of watching anime, at least I can try to get some twisted pleasure out of mocking those who do watch anime.

Man, it seems like 90% of people in this thread are either creepy pervs or people who compulsively watch what they hate and loudly complain about. At least I'm skipping the wasting my time on the watching part and am going straight to the hatred.

Then leave or account-suicide, don't waste everyone's time with this self-loathing nonsense.


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 6

Why yes, Jotaro did just
punch a shark

The smoking censorship was kind of bizarre seeing as how it was incredibly blatant and yet didn't hide a damn thing, but ah well, it's not like it actually did any harm. That aside, this was a pretty fun episode. I've never felt like Stardust Crusaders is a particularly strong arc in these early stages, but I'm still enjoying every episode a lot, so this adaptation must be doing something right.

And of course, next week we encounter what I consider the first truly memorable enemy Stand of the series, so I look forward to that.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 6

Why yes, Jotaro did just
punch a shark

The smoking censorship was kind of bizarre seeing as how it was incredibly blatant and yet didn't hide a damn thing, but ah well, it's not like it actually did any harm. That aside, this was a pretty fun episode. I've never felt like Stardust Crusaders is a particularly strong arc in these early stages, but I'm still enjoying every episode a lot, so this adaptation must be doing something right.

And of course, next week we encounter what I consider the first truly memorable enemy Stand of the series, so I look forward to that.

I'll drink to that.
And yeah the smoking censorship baffles me. It just made it stand out more.
Cardfight!! Vanguard: Link Joker Episode 129 (Engdub)

Smiling Яeverse Toshiki Kai is one of the best advances for his character in the three seasons so far. Definitely makes up for his absence as of late.
wonder who else will fall to Яeverse!

Crusher Kyou was a good inclusion too, best side gimmicky character, my favorite.


If I can't get pleasure out of watching anime, at least I can try to get some twisted pleasure out of mocking those who do watch anime.

Man, it seems like 90% of people in this thread are either creepy pervs or people who compulsively watch what they hate and loudly complain about. At least I'm skipping the wasting my time on the watching part and am going straight to the hatred.

I REALLY dont understand this mode of thinking.
Gundam 00 S2: 21 -22

Man, this show is all over the place. That was a terrible final showdown between Setsuna and
. They kept building it up throughout the entire second season and it finished in like, five minutes. Talk about anti-climatic.

This show is having a lot of trouble keeping most of its side characters in check now that it's in the final stretch, so what better way to clean up the mess by
killing off Nena and the enigmatic duo of Wang and Hong Long whom I could never understand fully. Speaking of side characters though, WHERE THE HELL IS ALI-AL SAACHEZ? The last time he showed up was in what? Episode 14? Good lord, for all things considered, HE should be the main villain!

But anyways, the rest of episode 22 I'd say was pretty awesome I guess. It's nice seeing the different factions finally teaming-up against the A-LAWS. Would have been better if it happened sooner though.


Honestly, this season for me has been pretty shit. Almost all of the shows are duds other than Ping Pong and Haikyuu(and I'm fully aware that the reason I like Haikyuu is because I'm not familiar with the tropes). The shows that are bad are really fucking bad, and the rest aren't picking up the slack. These things happen.

Luckily, Western TV is doing wonders for me as I'm watching POI, Boondocks, and American Dad.


Honestly, this season for me has been pretty shit. Almost all of the shows are duds other than Ping Pong and Haikyuu(and I'm fully aware that the reason I like Haikyuu is because I'm not familiar with the tropes). The shows that are bad are really fucking bad, and the rest aren't picking up the slack. These things happen.

I'm pretty happy. Whilst there isn't the high points, theres lots of enjoyable stuff for me and it lacks the low points like ghost rapist.

First , people watching the anime ..just know that you've lost over 40 pages of DATE A LIVE stuff that the anime decided to not adapt ? why ? no reason..well i can guess why they did it ( not enough episode and they wanted to get into the meat of the story ) but damn this episode felt so weird when at 4min (including the opening song ) shido was already in front of miku..

The pacing of this episode was very fast , so fast so even lost plenty of shido "training" to become shiori and plenty of silly stuff concerning the festival itself.... It's a real shame and i urge people to read book 6 & 7 when the anime ends so you can get a lot of fun scene and a nice bit of backstory concerning the DATE A LIVE main city.

Second , Sdburton arrived , she is a nice addition to the show even if i'm not a fan of her voice...i want to comment on this episode but things are happening in such a disjuncted order that i'm unsure whenever i liked this episode or not...
And where were my scenes with the yamai sisters ? WHY DID YOU CUT SO MUCH STUFF from the damn books ?


Personally Ping Pong and Mushishi are enough to make this season great for me. For silly stuff, I have Jojo's (having not read the manga, I enjoyed Battle Tendency a lot more than Stardust Crusaders so far, though) and Nanana has been alright fun too. Wixoss is finally starting to get interesting, and for pure cuteness Gochuumon is there.

To me at least, the season is pretty good. A lot better than last season, anyway.
Honestly, this season for me has been pretty shit. Almost all of the shows are duds other than Ping Pong and Haikyuu(and I'm fully aware that the reason I like Haikyuu is because I'm not familiar with the tropes). The shows that are bad are really fucking bad, and the rest aren't picking up the slack. These things happen.

Luckily, Western TV is doing wonders for me as I'm watching POI, Boondocks, and American Dad.

Boondocks is great I love it, but I have to say American Dad is pretty much shit. It's really not funny and average at best and that's being generous.


Boondocks is great I love it, but I have to say American Dad is pretty much shit. It's really not funny and average at best and that's being generous.

The Jeff in space episode is one of the best comedic episodes I've seen in a long time. It's a vaulted improvement over McFarlane's other shows mainly as Stan is an actual fun lead to watch, even when he's in asshole mode. The show is actually structured around stories instead of just stupid reference gags all the time.
I like this season
Gochumon for the cute , hapiness charge for the magical girls, kanojo oraretara for the nonsense ,daimidaler for the stupid nonsense, blade and soul for the WTF stupidity, no game no life for the justice and soul eater not! for the yuri.

No this season is fine for me


In my estimation this season has actually been pretty dire; overstuffed with generic prevy shows that honestly all kind of blend together unless they show glimpses of goodness (Nanana) or are especially terrible (Daimidaler) toppled with crushing disappointments (Captain Earth and Sidonia). Yes, there are shows of greatness,(Mushishi, Ping Pong, Jojo) but it isn't enough for me to say that this season was an improvement over last Fall. I already desire to see what the Summer shall bring to us.
The Jeff in space episode is one of the best comedic episodes I've seen in a long time. It's a vaulted improvement over McFarlane's other shows mainly as Stan is an actual fun lead to watch, even when he's in asshole mode.

Since you like American Dad what would you rate Family Guy.
It's a weak season, but there's still entertaining stuff to watch. I actually think GochiUsa and Ace of the Diamond are the two shows I'm enjoying the most this season.


If I can't get pleasure out of watching anime, at least I can try to get some twisted pleasure out of mocking those who do watch anime.

Man, it seems like 90% of people in this thread are either creepy pervs or people who compulsively watch what they hate and loudly complain about. At least I'm skipping the wasting my time on the watching part and am going straight to the hatred.

Look I'm not going to judge someone for saying something dumb on a message board but I don't believe for a second that you actually enjoy the way you're posting right now.
I thought the season is going great, the card game anime are going strong (Cardfight!! Vanguard, Future Card Buddyfight, Yugioh ARC V(five)), the adaptations of stuff I already read are pretty good anime (Mahouka, No Game No Life, Haikyuu, Mekakucity Actors), and the mech inspired title I was looking forward to is fun (M3). Fun season.
In my estimation this season has actually been pretty dire; overstuffed with generic prevy shows that honestly all kind of blend together unless they show glimpses of goodness (Nanana) or are especially terrible (Daimidaler) toppled with crushing disappointments (Captain Earth and Sidonia). Yes, there are shows of greatness,(Mushishi, Ping Pong, Jojo) but it isn't enough for me to say that this season was an improvement over last Fall. I already desire to see what the Summer shall bring to us.

Hey it's a improvement to last fall season especially considering the overhyped Kill La Kill disappointment as the savior of anime. Though I'll admit the best shows for me was Log horizon and D-Frag.


Mushishi Zoku Shou ep.6

Hmm, I can see why some people were disappointed with this episode.
The fact that the mushi itself plays an extremely minor role in the story is probably a factor, as well as the fact that the man doesn't really seem to learn any sort of lesson.
Still pretty to look at and listen to, though.


On discussion topic, I'm still enjoying this season fairly well. Got enough shows that I'm actively looking forward to each week that I'm happy.


Look I'm not going to judge someone for saying something dumb on a message board but I don't believe for a second that you actually enjoy the way you're posting right now.

I would happily hug him and watch Haibane renmei with him if I lived nearby. I dont like seeing people like that.


Hey it's a improvement to last fall season especially considering the overhyped Kill La Kill disappointment as the savior of anime. Though I'll admit the best shows for me was Log horizon and D-Frag.

I was one of the people who liked Kill la Kill and here is the thing about that title, that one was interesting to talk about and indeed we are really missing a title of that divisiveness and I miss it. I miss it because that was actually interesting to talk about, there really isn't an overhyped maybe deserving of this mantle anime to make things interesting the season and it has made the actual conversation of things a bit dull.

Link Man

Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 1

Well, this looks like it might be interes...

Oh, a magical girl show. Where they lose their magical powers before the story begins.

Okay, this teacher is a bit over-the-top.

This seems like a :cajun overload. Hopefully they'll learn to excel without their "Toys", as that would make the show interesting.


Seki-kun OP in Taiwanese.

Korean tomorrow then that's the end of it.

Same girl who sang the Chinese version. She sucks at singing and needs to stop. So bad. I thought the Taiwanese one would have been okay since it kinda sounds like Japanese at times and flows a bit better, but this girl just can't sing.


Date A Live II 5

I'm not sure how I feel about Miku, but Shiori is a wonderful addition to the cast XD

The pacing of this episode was very fast , so fast so even lost plenty of shido "training" to become shiori and plenty of silly stuff concerning the festival itself....

And where were my scenes with the yamai sisters ?

It makes me sad to hear that we are missing out on such entertaining-sounding material...

WHY DID YOU CUT SO MUCH STUFF from the damn books ?

...but I think I can answer this question.



World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Blade and soul - 06
Is everyone is this show STUPID ?

Is everyone in this freaking show STUPID.??

Everyone in this show....

After 6 episodes i know the pattern.
Blade and soul Rules
#1 -Everyone is stupid.
#2 -Stupid people die.
#3 - Everyone who think is more intelligent than the other is stupid , so they die.
The main character and her antagonist are emotionless , that is most likely so that they don't become stupid..that's why they are still there , otherwise they would be dead already.
In this episode we even had this big dude that didn't talk, he was humpiing sounds instead !! Again that must be why he is still alive..if nobody can know that you're stupid, your chances of survival are higher.
#4 - Every character that try to change their current situation WILL FAIL , HARD ..they will either die , or cry because they have lost everyone else.
#5 - Being stupid off-screen is ok,however the more off-screen you are the more you'll be killed by something.
#6 - Any attempt to have a decent fight won't last long ( maximum so far is 18 seconds )
#7 - If you're not stupid , you're an hypocrite
#8 - Being sliced in half , will make you gush black blood ! The blood will then become red afterwards [censor time]

Anyway , finally we're introduced to yuu , the only character that wasn't stupid during this episode, tourmented by the feeligns off hate and sorrow from the villagers he hold dears , he resolve himself to be a figurehead so that people could fight only to find out that
Palam people organised a rebellion on their own soil so that palam people could kill Palam people
... wait what ?
Ahem So what does he do ? He confront his friend responsible for SUCH STUPIDITY but it doesn't work , so he try to go see his ennemies in order to stop the incoming fight, unfortunatly When you talk to an emotionless doll ...

You can't get results !!!

So the death body count increased this week too.
What about alka ? Well she was climbing a mountain like tom cruise in mission impossible 2 ... no i'm not kidding.

WTF Blade and soul

Going from the 3rd and final day of the JP CBT to this terribly produced show.... I don't even know how I'll be able to manage watching 5 minutes. :lol
No Game No Life 5

This was a entertaining episode considering it had a lot of segments of Steph getting bullied. It was funny the way Sora interpreted the animal kingdom as a paradise of waifus. The ending cracked me up especially the way the angel spoke which I loved her voice. Can't wait till next week and I have a feeling that I'm gonna love the angel character that was introduced.


Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 1

Well, this looks like it might be interes...

Oh, a magical girl show. Where they lose their magical powers before the story begins.

Okay, this teacher is a bit over-the-top.

This seems like a :cajun overload. Hopefully they'll learn to excel without their "Toys", as that would make the show interesting.


Good luck with those expectations.


Honestly how many shows in a season need to be enjoyable for people to have a good time? I'm only actively watching Jojo's and Ping Pong (I'm super behind on Mushishi and Captain Earth but I intend to catch up on them) and those two shows are GREAT. In general, anime or not, most of everything is shit. If I can find a few shows per season I enjoy, which I usually don't have a hard time doing, then the season is doing fine as far as I'm concerned. Even if a season had a hundred shows and only one was good but that good show was AWESOME, I'd consider that a success. I guess people need anime to fill in every moment of their free time?

On an unrelated note, despite everybody saying the Fate/Stay Night source material is awful I will continue to have hope that the show will be great #BELIEVE
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