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Ping Pong ep.5

It really is a shame that the show has the production problems it does, because visuals aside it's great.

Also, what's up with the awful new version of the ED song? Hope the normal one is back next week.


Yep, typical Media Blasters. By what I have read about their recent releases, things don't seem to be doing well. I mean these discs are practically screaming bootleg! http://www.fandompost.com/oldforums/showthread.php?9844-Otoboku-Maidens-Are-Falling-For-Me-Complete-Collection-%28AnimeWorks-Classics%29&p=237257&viewfull=1#post237257

My goodness... That is seriously messed up stuff. I could create better looking disks than that in an hour and I'm not even trained to do that.
All he needs is a new season of Gintama to be back to normal. Only Gintama can unite animegaf together.
Gintama is the final solution , when everything else have failed , not the real solution to this problem.
Hosanna was probably replaced by bodysnatchers or Ping Pong broke him, whichever is more plausible.
Another reason why i don't watch ping pong :p

think i might import TLR game... but then i feel like something is wrong if thats my first ever import game... hmmmm...
My first import from japan is a very obscure rpg most of you don't know about it , "tenerezza" , i don't know why but i feel in love with that game after i pirated it ..i just wanted to buy it for real ... and that started my crazy long road toward import of all sorts.

I think the biggest problem Captain Earth has and indeed what really sunk it for me was something Bennet the Sage once brought up, that this is a title that confused density and obtuseness for intrigue.
Sure feel complex , but i don't mind as long as everything's explained.
huh happiness charge precure 14

they kinda did a 3 person henshin sequence that isn't just cut together, well they still kinda is, but its a bit better.

and yellow has too much thighs, this is a kids show, how lewd.
I thought this was supposed to be like Heartcatch, not Fresh!
It's everything good in all season , in one simple package.
It's like everything (except sequels)

Oh dammit ...


Reading hosanna thread again, to me it's more like he have a beef with animegaf's certain individuals instead of anime but still he chose poorly. But still the posters recommending were no better lol. Attack on Titan and SAO? Jebus, that is not call good shows, that is call blind mass bandwagoning. If majority calls a piece of shit tasty to eat, eventually somebody would believe it.

I finally saw the thread. Wow. He made us sound like monsters :/
I support anime. All of it. I dont exclude genres and I dont fault people for enjoying something even if I hate it.

Man, not like that Hosanna. :/

Used to love reading his indepth posts in the past but I'm really disappointed and concerned with his behavior recently. Hope the guy gets some peace of mind while he's gone.

me too. I wish him the best.

dat SAO recommendation

funny thread tho.

Im not sure how long hes been on gaf, but for sure animeGAF is different now compared to back in the day. A lot of the stuff posted and talked about now used to be frowned upon back in the days and discussion of said shows was essentially ridiculed, but with the forum getting bigger and more posters getting involved, its normal/inevitable that all types of animu would eventually find their place here. No need to go out and insult people tho, just let people enjoy what they enjoy. shrug.

Its not that different. But yeah more open minded people post here now and they tend to like fanservicey stuff. Thats ok with me. People are attracted to different things and anime caters to it. We all have weird fetishes and interests. Dont pretend you dont.

Personally, I hate most moeshit and related product, but recently watched part of idolmaster and enjoyed it, and while I mostly hate the shit out of kyoani and key crap, I liked Clannad a lot.

I love moeshit and things that make me feel happy but it aint for everyone. However something has to pay the bills and moe stuff does that.

The hell happened to Hosanna? Did he really hate us that much 0_o?

So many mental breakdowns happen here :(

i dont understand why it happens so much. I guess with anime being a form of escapism some fans are just looking for sanctuary. If they cant find it here they may feel trapped.

If he had grudges against individual members, he should have at least had the decency to confront them here instead of taking a public shit on a community that, by and large, has never treated him with anything other than respect. I understand that he has psychological imbalances that are beyond his control, but I'm disappointed with the ugly manner in which he chose to end his time here.

I hope he finds the help that he needs, and, as others have said, learns not to emotionally invest himself so deeply in a thread on an internet forum. It's been the downfall of others here and it's not healthy.

I agree. I think he just needs some time away. I think theres more going on in his life than he lets on and it affects his mood and patience. Hopefully his situation gets better and he returns.


It certainly is something else. I'm glad the Classics Collection of Doujin Work wasn't that way, or at least my copy was not. I'm not sure what you mean by Sentai being lazy, unless you mean the Blu-ray video authoring at times.

Going back to the previous comment, there are numerous series that I would love to see licensed for physical release in the States. My current imports include the first season of Minami-ke, GJ-bu/GJ-bu@, and Code Geass: Nunnally in Wonderland. I imported these sets solely because I do not see them being licensed anytime soon, which is saddening but at least I now have something to show for support to the series.

With Sentai I'm generally referring to the occasional authoring problems as well as their generally bare-bones packaging and menu design. Don't get me wrong though, I do like them; they tend to pick up more shows I'm interested in than companies like Funimation, anyway. Out of the six Sentai Blu-Rays I own, none have visual or audio problems too, so I'm lucky in that regard. Reminds me, I need to pick up their Grave of the Fireflies and Tsuritama Blu-Rays at some point.

Personally, I'd love to see stuff like Trapeze and The Tatami Galaxy get Blu-Ray releases over here, but it's pretty unlikely. Thankfully one of my all time favorites, Mononoke, was picked up by a company called Cinedigm and is getting a DVD release! I would have preferred Blu-Ray, but I'll take what I can get. Only $20 too.

As for Minami-ke, it seems like something NISA would pick-up. No idea if anyone will actually do it, but it would be great.


The Light of El Cantare
I swear if Yamibo ever actually comes out and the discs aren't designed to look like pancakes, no sale.
I swear if Yamibo ever actually comes out and the discs aren't designed to look like pancakes, no sale.

Yep, typical Media Blasters. By what I have read about their recent releases, things don't seem to be doing well. I mean these discs are practically screaming bootleg! http://www.fandompost.com/oldforums/showthread.php?9844-Otoboku-Maidens-Are-Falling-For-Me-Complete-Collection-%28AnimeWorks-Classics%29&p=237257&viewfull=1#post237257

Unnaceptable.!! Wtf is this ?

Ok ok , some changes and some answers , but now i have even more questions !

The fight was ok,not bad for a first try.... As for the rest of the episode , it's pretty standard , including the rest of the story EXCEPT this guy

WTF @ this dude ... STOP IT DUDE !!! STOP IT !!!!
Yeah this guy , the creepy guy ..
He is like ... Nobuyuki Sugō from SAO , touching her like that , getting jealous like he ows her ..i mean WTF with this dude i was so satisfied when he feel down
I mean seriously , what's with the creepy guys in black with a tie and glasses that feel like they own everything around them ? if i see another anime where this is the case i'm gonna have to ask questions !! Also the creepy guy was totally jealous ...

There is this CEO that feel like he has a master plan , but i'm pretty sure that when you entrust everything to an IA , it's gonna bit you back in the end.
Should I watch the fate series in broadcasted order with Fate/Stay Night first then Fate/Zero? Or should I watch it chronological order with Fate/Zero first and wait for the Fate/Stay Night Ufotable version? I just want to know the best way to enjoy the series.


Honestly how many shows in a season need to be enjoyable for people to have a good time? I'm only actively watching Jojo's and Ping Pong (I'm super behind on Mushishi and Captain Earth but I intend to catch up on them) and those two shows are GREAT. In general, anime or not, most of everything is shit. If I can find a few shows per season I enjoy, which I usually don't have a hard time doing, then the season is doing fine as far as I'm concerned. Even if a season had a hundred shows and only one was good but that good show was AWESOME, I'd consider that a success. I guess people need anime to fill in every moment of their free time?

On an unrelated note, despite everybody saying the Fate/Stay Night source material is awful I will continue to have hope that the show will be great #BELIEVE

only needs to ne a couple per season really. I can typically find about five.

My goodness... That is seriously messed up stuff. I could create better looking disks than that in an hour and I'm not even trained to do that.

Yeah. They could have at least attempted tp make it look real. Bootleggers used to try. Quality used to fool people. I got into arguments a lot in anime club when people brought bootlegs thinking they were legit.

I swear if Yamibo ever actually comes out and the discs aren't designed to look like pancakes, no sale.

Not a dealbreaker but I would be disappointed. Is that still coming out?

good god this is adorable.

Detroit Metal City

Cannot believe it took me this long to watch this show it's so good. Krauser is the best.

Yes. It is hilarious.


Should I watch the fate series in broadcasted order with Fate/Stay Night first then Fate/Zero? Or should I watch it chronological order with Fate/Zero first and wait for the Fate/Stay Night Ufotable version? I just want to know the best way to enjoy the series.

It's best to already know Fate/Stay Night's story before starting Zero, I think. I heard the first FSN anime was pretty bad, though.


Should I watch the fate series in broadcasted order with Fate/Stay Night first then Fate/Zero? Or should I watch it chronological order with Fate/Zero first and wait for the Fate/Stay Night Ufotable version? I just want to know the best way to enjoy the series.

Watch Fate/Zero first and wait for the new Fate/Stay Night. No need to watch the older version.


Should I watch the fate series in broadcasted order with Fate/Stay Night first then Fate/Zero? Or should I watch it chronological order with Fate/Zero first and wait for the Fate/Stay Night Ufotable version? I just want to know the best way to enjoy the series.

I recommend Fate/Zero first then wait for the Ufotable version of night.


Should I watch the fate series in broadcasted order with Fate/Stay Night first then Fate/Zero? Or should I watch it chronological order with Fate/Zero first and wait for the Fate/Stay Night Ufotable version? I just want to know the best way to enjoy the series.

You dont need to watch FSN. Seriously. It doesnt offer anything that FZ doesnt and better.

Andrew J.

For me, I enjoy every season - it's not a contest.

Second. There's always a few shows on I like. Probably has something to do with my low standards; I considered myself the most easy-to-please thread regular before you showed up. Maybe I should un-drop Dai-Shogun and try to take my title back.


Not a whole lot honestly.

It explains stuff like Gilgamesh's presence though; when I first played FSN, having a new character I didn't recognize suddenly appear and slaughter Caster was a huge surprise. I'm sure seeing him and recognizing him would be a huge surprise anyway, but there wouldn't be the same sense of confusion, I think. Maybe I'm just being too picky about the details?
Precure ep.14

God damn, that was like a dozen different attacks in a single battle. Don't waste all your creativity now, girls.

There are a lot of cards left to unlock ! And we've barely started to see , the dual attacks , the triple attack and the quadruple attacks !


Captain earth - 03
New girl appears ! and she asks the right questions !


Answer : why don't you try both at once !

Can we just kill this dude ? he is creepy , a magnificent moron and an asshole . I won't be satisfied if the show doesn't kill him in one way or another. That's the most stupid way for a spy to communicate i've seen. GET RID OF HIM !


Speaking of Fate/Zero, it seems that Gen Urobuchi and Kalafina will be together again:


Kalafina confirmed to be performing the OP for Aldnoah Zero, while Hiroyuki Sawano, who's already doing the music for the series, is composing the ED as well.

That's great, I love Kalafina! I hope Aldnoah turns out to be good. Isn't Ei Aoki directing it? I loved the two shows I've seen by him.

Link Man

Milky Holmes 2

Wow, did she just eat a baked potato in one bite?

Oh, so it's like Mahouka but played for laughs.

:DTL image, more than likely NSFW.

Huh, Cordelia has a habit of things getting stuck in her mouth. And she fantasizes about a flower field. Huh.

So much Engrish.

So yeah, cute girls and a bit too much manservice, but otherwise it's actually...enjoyable.


I mean from what I heard watching Fate / Zero first will spoil some things about Fate/Stay Night.

It will spoil some things about the true identities of certain characters. The question is, how much does that matter to you?

From my perspective, and from the perspective of some in this thread, Fate/Stay Night's anime adaptations are mediocre at best, and not really worth your time. In the interest of not wasting one's time with mediocre stuff, you can just go straight into Fate/Zero, and it's entirely comprehensible without any prior series knowledge. ufotable's upcoming Fate/Stay Night adaptation will probably made with people who saw Zero in mind, so I'm sure it'll be enjoyable either way.

If you care more about Fate/Stay Night's story, I'd recommend the visual novel over the anime, since that includes all the routes.


So yeah, cute girls and a bit too much manservice, but otherwise it's actually...enjoyable.
One of my absolute favorite series. Their decision to ignore the games (mostly. That's what the Alternative OVAs are for) and just go straight into crazytown was the best decision the producers could've made.
A bit late on this I know, but I took a look at hosanna's thread.

The guy probably just needs some time off. I'm sure he'll come around again eventually.

But man....the things that were said in that thread...not cool :(

It's been about a year since I became a regular here. I had learned of truly unique shows because of AnimeGAF during that year. Shows like Kino's Journey for instance. I would probably have never watched this amazing unpopular show if it wasn't for this community. In fact, this community made my appreciation for anime even greater.

I like anime, and I'll always support it.


A bit late on this I know, but I took a look at hosanna's thread.

The guy probably just needs some time off. I'm sure he'll come around again eventually.

But man....the things that were said in that thread...not cool :(

It's been about a year since I became a regular here. I had learned of truly unique shows because of AnimeGAF during that year. Shows like Kino's Journey for instance. I would probably have never watched this amazing unpopular show if it wasn't for this community. In fact, this community made my appreciation for anime even greater.

I like anime, and I'll always support it.

I push a lot of moeshit but I like to recommend legitimately Great things sometimes. Kinos Journey really is great.


I push a lot of moeshit but I like to recommend legitimately Great things sometimes. Kinos Journey really is great.

Kino's Journey is fantastic. If only the director was still alive, maybe we could have gotten another season; with Mushishi recently getting a second season, it would have been great if Kino did as well.


Looks like I miss the DRAMA, man this is stupid... and from someone that respected a lot in this thread too, these poster transformation make you think this could happen by anyone else.. Jeez.

Andrew J.

Samurai Flamenco 01

Even Kick-Ass started with something more serious than a jaywalker, right? Although Masayoshi seems closer to Batman, wealth-wise.

There's not really any tradition of anti-crime vigilante superheroes in Japanese media, is there? Kamen Rider or the Super Sentai teams never really bother with ordinary criminals or gangs. Western superheroes, even when focused on supervillains or global threats, usually take some time to deal with a mugger every now and again. At this point, you can't even really say that Masayoshi is imitating his childhood heroes.

The idea of a superhero who accomplishes more through moral lecturing than fighting is actually kind of interesting. I don't know that it could sustain a whole show, but I hope this series at least tries to explore the concept with some depth in this section.

This was pretty good, as far as slow-paced character dramas go. The giant robot fight in the OP whet my appetite for some action later on, although I've heard this show has budget problems, so I probably shouldn't expect much sakuga on that level.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
A bit late on this I know, but I took a look at hosanna's thread.

The guy probably just needs some time off. I'm sure he'll come around again eventually.

But man....the things that were said in that thread...not cool :(

It's been about a year since I became a regular here. I had learned of truly unique shows because of AnimeGAF during that year. Shows like Kino's Journey for instance. I would probably have never watched this amazing unpopular show if it wasn't for this community. In fact, this community made my appreciation for anime even greater.

I like anime, and I'll always support it.

Holy shit, I just went and looked at the thread (and the posts he made in here just before that)...goddamn. I wonder if something happened in his personal life that made him flip out or if it was all GAF-related. I mean hell, that shit he said about dimb and Jarmel and especially cnet and Theonik? Not cool man, not cool at all. I sure hope he can get his head together in his time away from GAF.


Looks like I miss the DRAMA, man this is stupid... and from someone that respected a lot in this thread too, these poster transformation make you think this could happen by anyone else.. Jeez.

People have bad days. It happens. I just hope things improve for him.
Right now Im at work and things arent going smoothly at all. Im also dealing with having four canker sores in my mouth from stress and bad sleep and in a lot of pain and yet Im still my usual bouncy self. Its all about perspective!


People have bad days. It happens. I just hope things improve for him.
Right now Im at work and things arent going smoothly at all. Im also dealing with having four canker sores in my mouth from stress and bad sleep and in a lot of pain and yet Im still my usual bouncy self. Its all about perspective!
I seriously don't know how you manage it. My working theory is that you've already used up all the despair in your life previously so all you've got left is positivity.
Samurai Flamenco 01

Even Kick-Ass started with something more serious than a jaywalker, right? Although Masayoshi seems closer to Batman, wealth-wise.

There's not really any tradition of anti-crime vigilante superheroes in Japanese media, is there? Kamen Rider or the Super Sentai teams never really bother with ordinary criminals or gangs. Western superheroes, even when focused on supervillains or global threats, usually take some time to deal with a mugger every now and again. At this point, you can't even really say that Masayoshi is imitating his childhood heroes.

The idea of a superhero who accomplishes more through moral lecturing than fighting is actually kind of interesting. I don't know that it could sustain a whole show, but I hope this series at least tries to explore the concept with some depth in this section.

This was pretty good, as far as slow-paced character dramas go. The giant robot fight in the OP whet my appetite for some action later on, although I've heard this show has budget problems, so I probably shouldn't expect much sakuga on that level.

You're in for a treat.
EDIT: Whoa, top of the page again?

Samurai Flamenco 01

Even Kick-Ass started with something more serious than a jaywalker, right? Although Masayoshi seems closer to Batman, wealth-wise.

There's not really any tradition of anti-crime vigilante superheroes in Japanese media, is there? Kamen Rider or the Super Sentai teams never really bother with ordinary criminals or gangs. Western superheroes, even when focused on supervillains or global threats, usually take some time to deal with a mugger every now and again. At this point, you can't even really say that Masayoshi is imitating his childhood heroes.

The idea of a superhero who accomplishes more through moral lecturing than fighting is actually kind of interesting. I don't know that it could sustain a whole show, but I hope this series at least tries to explore the concept with some depth in this section.

This was pretty good, as far as slow-paced character dramas go. The giant robot fight in the OP whet my appetite for some action later on, although I've heard this show has budget problems, so I probably shouldn't expect much sakuga on that level.

Hell yes. Another one will now experience Flamenco.

It's been a while since we've had SamFlam impressions. Dis gon be good.

EDIT: Just read that he spoiled himself. Well...that makes things slightly dissapointing. Still a great show though.

People have bad days. It happens. I just hope things improve for him.
Right now Im at work and things arent going smoothly at all. Im also dealing with having four canker sores in my mouth from stress and bad sleep and in a lot of pain and yet Im still my usual bouncy self. Its all about perspective!

Believe it or not, reading AnimeGAF actually relaxes me a bit. I'm always taking a look at this thread when I have the chance. Seeing people's impressions, and just what the haps is going on with anime at the moment. I always enjoy reading this thread despite my current mood.
Mushishi 2 2
Interesting story and I'm surprised no one died from the disaster and everyone lived happily ever after. I guess it's a bit too early for it to get dark

I suppose I should mention that I have thoroughly spoiled myself about Samurai Flamenco, so no one should be expecting Corvo-style shocked reactions or anything.
But that's one of the best parts of Samurai Flamenco. You should have stopped before you got too far


I seriously don't know how you manage it. My working theory is that you've already used up all the despair in your life previously so all you've got left is positivity.

I also got screamed at by a customer earlier lol. Wasnt my fault but they needed to yell at someone I answered the phone.

EDIT: Whoa, top of the page again?

Hell yes. Another one will now experience Flamenco.

It's been a while since we've had SamFlam impressions. Dis gon be good.

Believe it or not, reading AnimeGAF actually relaxes me a bit. I'm always taking a look at this thread when I have the chance. Seeing people's impressions, and just what the haps is going on with anime at the moment. I always enjoy reading this thread despite my current mood.

Yes. Its fun!! I love this thread!! I love all of you even if some of yall are so negative and frustrating. But people are different y'know?
With Sentai I'm generally referring to the occasional authoring problems as well as their generally bare-bones packaging and menu design. Don't get me wrong though, I do like them; they tend to pick up more shows I'm interested in than companies like Funimation, anyway. Out of the six Sentai Blu-Rays I own, none have visual or audio problems too, so I'm lucky in that regard. Reminds me, I need to pick up their Grave of the Fireflies and Tsuritama Blu-Rays at some point.

Personally, I'd love to see stuff like Trapeze and The Tatami Galaxy get Blu-Ray releases over here, but it's pretty unlikely. Thankfully one of my all time favorites, Mononoke, was picked up by a company called Cinedigm and is getting a DVD release! I would have preferred Blu-Ray, but I'll take what I can get. Only $20 too.

As for Minami-ke, it seems like something NISA would pick-up. No idea if anyone will actually do it, but it would be great.

I understand the video authoring issues and this is why I do not usually pre-order most Blu-rays anymore, but I can deal with barebones packaging so long as the discs arrive unscratched. Wish Sentai would do more releases like Dusk Maiden of Amnesia which included the OVA, all 13 audio commentaries, and two CD soundtracks. Waiting to see what Sentai has planned for the Chuu2 Premium Edition.

I think I read about Mononoke and heard nothing but great reviews. I am getting vibes similar to Requiem from the Darkness, at least in art style that is. Definitely will look into purchasing this later in the year.

Yeah I can see NISA or possibly Nozomi licensing Minami-ke, but I may get around to importing the other three season BDs by then. Still will be lacking the three manga-bundled OVAs, but those were all Region 2 DVDs which I wouldn't be able to play anyway.
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