HYOUKA--SERIES IMPRESSIONSIt rather surprises me, in fact, that there has not yet been one.
100pp is insanely easier to read GAF with.Thoraxes: 50ppp is the intended design spec. 100ppp was to throw crazy people a bone!
That's like saying the sun is "quite" hot or Haibane Renmei is "quite" good. And yes, all hail Tsunako etc.She is quite well designed. Tsunako is a character design god.
There's nothing more left to adapt and the author is dragging his feet. Unless they start doing anime original stories(and nobody should want that), it's done.
100pp is insanely easier to read GAF with.
Ah, I was not aware that it was based on an LN. I mean, I guess I was, but I guess that slipped my mind? On the one hand it's sort of obvious, since it has the trappings of one, on the other hand, I suppose I simply forgot that.
So it's kinda like HOTD in the sense that the author just kinda moved on to other stuff, then?
I prefer it because i'm a quick reader/skimmer, and always search for replies to myself by name (wish that feature would come back). Instead of having to click to a next page so frequently, it saves time have greater consolidation. Plus, I can skip over all of those people who save their posts for the top of a new, 50 ppp, page.Thoraxes: 50ppp is the intended design spec. 100ppp was to throw crazy people a bone!
100pp is insanely easier to read GAF with.
Fair enough. I'll concede that the animation wasn't great. I just mistook the overall look of the show as the "animation" where you guys are specifically referencing the actual motion and frames.
Regardless, I still think the show looks great and far more pleasing to the eye than the majority of shows out there, that to me, look cookie-cutter.
Steel Ball Run
Sugar Mountain was some cool shit.
Fucking Balloon Dog Stand, what? There's a stand for everything I bet
Holy fuck, Lucy Steel is so bold. fucking :SDBURTON IN THIS SHIT
You can certainly argue that the art style is both unique and appealing, I wouldn't disagree, although I think the show looked far, far better when that style was coupled with good animation/detail e.g. like in episode 5.
No, it's not a remake of Gundam. It's a 4 episode theatrical project (like Unicorn and Akito, so basically OVAs) covering a specific segment of the Gundam Origin manga - the origin of Char and Sayla from the point they were children until they grow up and the One Year War begins.
It's a pretty significant project for Sunrise, but it's only the first step. How they plan on eventually animating the rest of Gundam Origin (which is a remake and expansion of the original series in manga form) is not known. They might do it in more parts like this, maybe they could make a TV series, or they could do actual films, no one knows. If this is not successful maybe they won't even do the rest at all.
You're getting pretty close to the final battle. And what a glorious final battle it is.
Thanks for taking the time to write that out. I'm glad you found a way to watch the series that made you happier, and while your criticisms weren't things that personally bothered me all that much, I can understand where you're coming from.
On an unrelated note, your impressions have made me interested in trying out VOTOMS at some point.
it's 45 ish chapters long or something? Because I only got to chapter 50
If there hadn't been 2 other DAL girls in this period's final then Kurumi would've won. Definitely.
Not that I care about IntSaimoe, of course.
That's like saying the sun is "quite" hot or Haibane Renmei is "quite" good. And yes, all hail Tsunako etc.
I recognise one character in that image.
I prefer it because i'm a quick reader/skimmer, and always search for replies to myself by name (wish that feature would come back). Instead of having to click to a next page so frequently, it saves time have greater consolidation. Plus, I can skip over all of those people who save their posts for the top of a new, 50 ppp, page.
(Also i'm crazy)
I'm with you on this.
it's 45 ish chapters long or something? Because I only got to chapter 50
I'm glad you were able to finish Hyouka without wanting to break things, Corvo.
Maybe I'll be able to feel the same way about Clannad once I get past the Mentally Challenged Ghost Adventure.
There's like at least three shows this could be....once I get past the Mentally Challenged Ghost Adventure.
The final battle is about 25 chapters long.
Two years for a battle? That'd be a brief skirmish in Berserk.
That's like over 2 fucking years of content right there....
And yet it's still faster than whatever the fuck Naruto is doing
Now realise that you're actually going to go through that 2 year JoJo dripfeed with Jojolion. The most recent fight took over half a year to finish. Half...a...year...and it was only a minor villain.
This is the part that I'm dreading the absolute most when I catch up.
How do people feel about Jojo being monthly anyway?
I recognise one character in that image.
I recognize all of them. Is that terrible?
Nah. I recognize 4, but have only seen 2 of the anime series (Date a Live is not one of them). Not sure if that's good...
I'm glad I did, too! Just goes to show I should trust Cajun's advice more often, haha.
As for Clannad, if you mean the Mentally Challenged Ghost girl is Starfish girl, I'm afraid after that comes Mentally Challenged Genius Girl.
I haven't really found any girls in the show to be intelligent yet, and there's only 3 male characters, so I dunno. I'm only half way into it, though, so maybe things will change on me.
One Week Friends 1-3
Shogo is too good to be a main character.
As a Gundam fan, do you think this looks exciting? I'm guessing the story is the attraction here - or am I being too harsh on the production values?
One Week Friends 4
That was some... convenient drama.What're the odds?She just happens to get bumped and drop her bag, and just happens to forget to pick up her diary, and when she comes home she just happens to pass out against the door and just happens to knock her diary reminder poster off the wall which just happens to fall somewhere she can't see it and put it back up for the next two days.
Also, Hase's pretty pathetic.
I might've mentioned it when I watched this show the first time, but I like that there's a strong emphasis on the lighting and color choices in each scene to highlight the mood. I guess it makes everything kind of obvious, but it feels like the art directors are paying close attention to what's going on, instead of just going through the motions. That's nice to see.
Plot convenience is nothing new though.
The entire premise of the show is a convenience.
Do we know if there will be a second season for Hakuoki Reimeiroku?
And I do apologize for the off-topic but any other gaming news sites like Adriasang? I mean English-language Japanese game news site that often translate Japan's Famitsu games industry magazine into English.
you did good this time, CorvoHYOUKA--SERIES IMPRESSIONS
The trailer for the Tales of zestria Tv anime isn't that bad , even if it does raise some question toward the world .
Too bad about the Iron knights Cgs , but it can't be helped since it's ufotable + tales of ( they did the same thing for xilia 2 opening )
Now i'm excited.
I didnt think there would be since for the characters involved it led and ended right at the start of hakuoki season 1 since it was a prequel.
There are hakuoki movies being made.
Are you sure that's for the TV Special? I don't think they've announced any details on that yet, only that Ufotable is making it. That video looks like it might be the prologue movie for the game itself...
Oh, there are still people here? I thought everyone had migrated to the Love Live thread.