Boring giant mech fights and a second half that didn't need to happen.
I respect your opinion but "poor animation" doesn't even make sense to me. There are so many other shows out there with boring, cookie-cutter, lifeless animation by comparison. KLK, like TTGL, oozes style with dynamic camera moves, slick cross stitch shading, crazy squash-and-stretch, and emotive characters. The animation is one of its strongest traits. leon michelle galette des rois is awesome , as you probably saw.
Bring lots of money if you want to buy any anime ;P
KLK had nice style but the animation was stiff and terrible. Much of the background work had about as much animation as Inferno Cop, which isn't necessarily a bad thing and can add a lot of charm to normally static backgrounds but when the "big" fights near the end were basically the same couple frames being repeated and still images being moved across a frame to simulate a sword fight, it just looks cheap. If you compare that to TTGL's animation and vibrant style it doesn't look great. Of course, that's not really fair. Trigger is a new studio so they're not going to have the budget for a well animated 2-cour show. But after seeing what the could do animation-wise with LWA, it's hard not to be disappointed with what they did with KLK.
It's cheapness disguised as style
TTGL is (well can be) style that just happens to be cheap, but KLK seems way closer to 'we don't have any budget left, make do plz'
I realize they can't have everything look like LWA when LWA was just 26 minutes long and KLK was 9+ hours. However, I never got the feeling it looked cheep. Using fewer frames to animate something doesn't automatically equal poor animation imo if the shots are composed well.
Bring lots of money if you want to buy any anime ;P
TTGL wasn't cheap at all, IIRC someone here said that eps 15 have crazy amount of frame count or something like that, I doubt KLK ever pull something like that.
How much is a good amount?
I'm not big on blu rays, but figures and art/production books...... hoo boy.
TTGL wasn't cheap at all, IIRC someone here said that eps 15 have crazy amount of frame count or something like that, I doubt KLK ever pull something like that.
There's figures everywhere in Akihabara. I went to an electronics shop to buy an USB stick and even they had a small shelf with a couple of figures on it.
Anecdotal and not really on topic but I heard the studio allocated a large percent of its budget (something nearing 30%) to TTGL's finale and by golly, it shows. re-watched the last episode via blu ray on my friend's huge screen television a couple months ago and it was a fuckin experience.
Sounds like heaven to me. Do prices depreciate for figures at all? Thinking about older ones that aren't incredibly rare.
edit: also curious about the second-hand market for figures in Japan as well, if anyone knows.
Better to ask that here:
But, yeah. You can get lots of figures for less than RRP. As with anything it depends on how popular it is.
Once they're finished with Nanoha 3rd, I suppose.Ah, yes. Nothing like color-coded animal girls. Season 3 when?
Dusk Maiden 12 -END-
So that ending was kind of weird? Like, it sort of had this amazing bitter-sweet moment that nearly hit me full-scale and then immediately invalidated itself. In, well, kind of a suitable manner, but it still was weird.
Dang, somehow I forgot this thread existed. Joining!
edit: I have a feeling the figures thread is going to make me spend a lot more money than I otherwise would.
Why am I wasting my time actually reading through the whole thread...
Once they're finished with Nanoha 3rd, I suppose.
Yeah, if she hadn't come back it would have been a really depressing ending, so I can understand why they did it that way, but that entire farewell sequence was definitely executed nearly flawlessly.
So, uh, what debates did I miss today? KLK vs TTGL, clearly, and anything else?
Akuma no Riddle 9
A giant fuck-off hammer that smashes through anything and everything is not really what I'd call an assassination tool. Isn't assassination supposed to be, you know, subtle? Not to mention precise and deadly (when you're hitting everything except your intended target, I'm pretty sure you're doing something wrong). Despite these blatant flaws, it does make for some pretty cool scenes, though =p
Good episode.
It's easy to scrape up dreck from the bottom of the barrel to find a comparison that favors Kill la Kill, but Trigger's TV debut doesn't really stack up well against the more technically accomplished shows that ran in and around the same time period as Kill la Kill.I realize they can't have everything look like LWA when LWA was just 26 minutes long and KLK was 9+ hours. However, I never got the feeling it looked cheep. Using fewer frames to animate something doesn't automatically equal poor animation imo if the shots are composed well. Lots of stuff can be poor with more animation like this:
Look at all those frames of terrible motion and off-model characters. The only moment in KLK that looked cheap to me was when Satsuki walked up the building. That was bad. It was pretty much the only time.
I can see people complaining about the pacing and dumbness of the lead up to the finale but the actual last episode itself? smhMan, people complaining that the Hannibal 'finale' really dragged it's heals in terms of pacing really need to sit down with some Hunter x Hunter. Their minds would be blown.
Excellent Onsen episode . My yuri sense was tingling and it felt good.![]()
Coffee power !!!
The whole package was pretty good.![]()
Breaking the boundaries of what is possible and what isn't.
Hopefully this bodes well for the R1 release.Facebook said:Hi GKIDS! The UK Kickstarter prompted me to ask: any word on how Patema Inverted is coming along?
It's coming along nicely, and we're working with the UK team to make sure our release in the US is great too. We're working on bringing it to theaters later this summer. Keep an eye out for announcements on this page!
Ping Pong 8
Anime of the season, and it's so far past everything else that it's absurd.
Other shows, are you even trying?
^^^ALLLL OF MY YES^^^^![]()
Yes!!! Yes !!!!
Ping Pong 8
Anime of the season, and it's so far past everything else that it's absurd.
Other shows, are you even trying?
Stardust Crusaders and Mushishi answer the call and say yes.
Is this a remake of the original Gundam but with some extra backstory made into four films? That's what I'm getting from the Wikipedia page, and to be honest I wish they'd put more effort into something so seemingly significant.
Mushishi is also excellent, but I'm bitter that they've delayed things twice in three weeks.
Any anime-gaffers playing MK8?!?!
Atelier by Shaft:
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders 9
Do you understaaannnnd?
A somewhat bizarre episode, that will be made tame in comparison as we dig deeper into Jojo.