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today was pickup day lol.

Hidamari pickup day!

I got this:

Well... It arrived while I was in Japan though.
I loved the Tatami Galaxy.


Looking past the art, I like sports anime in general but I disliked both protagonists in this show. I like the Chinese dude though.

I don't know. I just never got into anime where sports were the main focus. Yeah I know they usually center around someone who is weak and wants to become better and stronger and it's that evolution that makes it "worth it". That's not my thing though. The closest I came to liking a sports-like anime was Chihiyafuru.
good luck. All I can say is that the Nine Schools Competition chapter is a pain in the arse

I'm curious why you say that since the manga never got that far. And the anime will have probably caught up in 3-4 weeks.

edit: all this speaking of sports manga/anime. Man no need to discuss what makes a good sports anime. Just look at the baseball episode in Samurai Champloo or the dodgeball episode in The Boondocks (in which the former was a huge inspiration)
The K-On manga has really bad art too. No one put a gun to Yuasa's head and told him all his characters needed to looks like they were from Xenu and not Earth.

It would be pointless to do an anime adaptation of Matsumoto's work and not at least try to respect his style. His art is half the reason his work is so well revered. There aren't many mangaka who can incorporate so much emotion into each panel they draw.


Madoka Movie 3

Hot damn, that was quite the ride.

Place me firmly in the "that was a damn good movie" faction. Up until the final big twist, it was pretty much the perfect standalone follow-up to the franchise in my opinion. Since the TV series tied itself up pretty damn effectively and its plot and major themes didn't need revisiting or expanding on, a follow-up needed to come up with its own new angle to explore using the same world and characters, and I think this movie pulled that off beautifully.

Setting the movie almost entirely inside a Witch's labyrinth was a really good move, since it allowed for even more of the cool surreal visuals that are one of the biggest hallmarks of the series, and at the same time allowed for a lot of freedom in setting up a new mystery, new dynamics and new conflicts with the same characters - including characters who were "gone for good" at the end of the TV series but clearly couldn't be omitted from the movie because that would be awful.

And I really appreciated that the movie didn't stop there and make those characters "just a part of the dream", which would seem the easiest way to bring them back, but instead went the extra mile and created excellent plot justifications for them to really be the same characters. The way Madoka in particular was brought back felt absolutely perfect. Sayaka and Charlotte/Bebe were a bit more of a stretch, since the original series left the impression that the magical girls purified by Madoka were simply "gone", but then again, judging from the scene at the end of the original series where Goddess Madoka speaks to the dead Sayaka about why she didn't save her, I think it seems reasonable enough to imagine that they could live on in the same "higher plane" as Madoka.

Then there was the final part of the movie, and I suspect this is where most of the controversy and split opinions are coming from. I daresay a lot of people might have taken issue with
Homura ultimately turning into a villain, since it runs pretty counter to her role in the original series
, but I didn't have a problem with that. If the rest of the movie was the perfect standalone follow-up to the franchise, the last part felt like an excellent setup for a potential second season.
It felt like a great way of following up on the "sequel hook" at the end of the original series, which hinted at an inner turmoil within Homura that could cause further problems, and it also felt like a natural progression of the original show's themes, with perfect happiness being unachievable, positive emotions and good intentions inevitably giving rise to negative ones, and the strength of these emotions being a source of unfathomable power the limits of which even the Incubators can't fully comprehend. Homura's obsession with saving Madoka to the exclusion of all else has always been both her defining positive trait and greatest character flaw, so it makes perfect sense that when her Soul Gem did finally blacken, it would be the negative side of that obsessive love that defined her nature as a witch. Or a devil, as the case may be.

Oh, and I liked
the Incubators' role in the movie. Just goes to show that even in a world specifically designed to give them no reason to screw anyone over, you can't trust those little bastards any further than you can throw them.

So yeah, the only actual issue I have with the ending is the fact that we don't know for sure that there will actually be a second season to follow it up yet. It was clearly designed as a sequel hook, and
Homura turning into a devil and trapping Madoka and the whole world within her spell
is certainly a great setup for a new story and a new conflict, but it would be rather awkward if a sequel never actually happened and that was the last thing we saw in the franchise. So I hope a second season materialises sooner rather than later.

Other random thoughts:
- Delicious
KyokoxSayaka shipping
is delicious! =D
- The new character is cute.
Even if she's not strictly new. I always knew Charlotte was moe! =p I was a little disappointed that she got so little to actually do, though. Hopefully she'll be more prominent in a second season if and when one comes to pass.
- Yes, the
cake song sequence
was pretty adorable. Hnnnnnng at literally all the animations.


I'm in that funk now where I want to watch something...but there's nothing in particular I feel like watching right now.


Subete no aware
Madoka Movie 3

So yeah, the only actual issue I have with the ending is the fact that we don't know for sure that there will actually be a second season to follow it up yet. It was clearly designed as a sequel hook, and
Homura turning into a devil and trapping Madoka and the whole world within her spell
is certainly a great setup for a new story and a new conflict, but it would be rather awkward if a sequel never actually happened and that was the last thing we saw in the franchise. So I hope a second season materialises sooner rather than later.

The reason why I like the last act is because it justifies the existence of the film and makes it something worth watching. I still think that the film doesn't really need a sequel though, even though I'm sure there will be one of some kind. lol


Fate/Zero is a great show with a GREAT dub and if you think otherwise you are a silly goose. I will agree though that even though the conversations and dialogue all end up paying off in the end, there are a few too many instances of 10+ minute conversations that can be pacing killers.

Since we are on the topic of Ping Pong

Ping-Pong 1-2

I felt the first episode got off to a bit of a lukewarm start. I was afraid the show wasn't going to be for me but things turned around for the better and pretty quickly. Smile can be a difficult individual to be around - his complete ennui can drain the energy out of a lot of scenes. I can understand if he's more interested in playing for fun but if you're going to join a team, then his complete lackadaisical attitude is pretty unacceptable. I've played varsity sports before and if there ever was someone like that on my team there was no way I would have been able to stand them. Peco can be a bit of a jerk but I really didn't have a problem with him until he essentially said he'd quit after being manhandled by Keng. I understand being bummed as fuck but one loss and your first instinct is to give up? A pretty shitty attitude to be frank.

However, when writing characters who you plan to develop, it often makes sense to write them as far from your intended goal as possible. This can unfortunately result in some characters who initially have some unappealing aspects. I do stress and recognize though that both Smile and Peco are both pretty realistically written - what they do and how they act can be annoying as fuck but I think we all have known people like them or have acted like them before we did some growing up.

The potential for character growth and the character writing (for both the protagonists and other major characters) are what sells the show for me even if I find their actions annoying sometimes. Once the Chinese dude arrived on the scene in Episode 1 I felt things REALLY took off and they did such a good job developing that character in such a short period of time. The match between Keng and Peco was straight up awesome and king of exhilarating. A similar energy can be felt in the match between Smile and the Coach (the latter of which spent most of of the second episode being kind of awesome). The visual metaphors used in both fights were quite cool and on point I felt. Through their interactions with the rest of the cast and the new obstacles that have been put in front of them you can see the gears turning in the heads of Smile and Peco. They are getting the wake-up calls they need and I hope/expect them to overcome their dumbassery through the course of the series.

I guess I should also briefly comment on Yuasa's stye and what not. It's certainly not the first of Yuasa's work I've watched and while it took me a bit of time to readjust from "normal" cartoon/anime land, I think it works well here even if it feels a bit extra rough from time to time. Heavily stylized but not so far out there that you have no idea what's going on :p The OP animation sequence is mad cheap though since they pretty much play/loop cuts from the episode. Ah well, best save the budget for elsewhere :p


The reason why I like the last act is because it justifies the existence of the film and makes it something worth watching. I still think that the film doesn't really need a sequel though, even though I'm sure there will be one of some kind. lol

Madoka is firmly into cash cow territory now, there's gonna be a sequel and more to follow


The reason why I like the last act is because it justifies the existence of the film and makes it something worth watching. I still think that the film doesn't really need a sequel though, even though I'm sure there will be one of some kind. lol

Well, I think the movie would have been perfectly worthwhile even without the whole
Homura turning into a devil
thing. If it had ended with
them escaping from the labyrinth and then Goddess Madoka successfully purifying Homura's Soul Gem (and I guess Homura joining her heavenly pantheon, lol)
, it would have provided closure to Homura's story and tied up the franchise as a whole pretty neatly.

Not needing a sequel after that ending is just crazy talk, though >.>
The whole world being trapped inside a devil's curse
is hardly any state to leave the Madokaverse in ~.~
Question for you AnimeGAFfers who have happened to read the Teppu manga -- if it ever saw an anime adaptation, what talent would you like to see behind it?

The reason why I like the last act is because it justifies the existence of the film and makes it something worth watching. I still think that the film doesn't really need a sequel though, even though I'm sure there will be one of some kind. lol

I hadn't considered this, but I like this position. I don't think movie specials of existing franchise work are inherently worthless if the conflict they introduce ends up being self-contained, but I would say it is a huge plus if what is done in the movie is intended to persist.


Subete no aware
Madoka is firmly into cash cow territory now, there's gonna be a sequel and more to follow
Yet the Kizu movie is still nowhere to be seen!

Well, I think the movie would have been perfectly worthwhile even without the whole
Homura turning into a devil
thing. If it had ended with
them escaping from the labyrinth and then Goddess Madoka successfully purifying Homura's Soul Gem (and I guess Homura joining her heavenly pantheon, lol)
, it would have provided closure to Homura's story and tied up the franchise as a whole pretty neatly.

Not needing a sequel after that ending is just crazy talk, though >.>
The whole world being trapped inside a devil's curse
is hardly any state to leave the Madokaverse in ~.~
Having that kind of ending wouldn't have been satisfying for me personally, for what it's worth, because it would have added very little to the existing mythology. The fact that the third movie is also a bit of an
"Endless Eight" story
also would have bugged me more if it had ended that way.

And I just think it's thematically more interesting to just end the series that way. Much like the TV series, there are
no easy answers or happy endings when it comes to personal and selfish desires

Question for you AnimeGAFfers who have happened to read the Teppu manga -- if it ever saw an anime adaptation, what talent would you like to see behind it?
Kobayashi as Teppu, ofc.

I hadn't considered this, but I like this position. I don't think movie specials of existing franchise work are inherently worthless if the conflict they introduce ends up being self-contained, but I would say it is a huge plus if what is done in the movie is intended to persist.
It certainly would have made the first two movies much more pointless at the very least.
Puchimas!! 19

That wideface of joy.

Nobunaga ZA FOOL 15

Yawn, I don't care about the French side. Just give me more loosely based off the Sengoku era drama.

Yowamushi Pedal 28

That SHOUNEN HATOO determination.

Mahouka 03

Woo, Sugita.

Baby Steps 03

Why is everyone here so ugly looking. I still like our main character's determination to get this down to a science.

Youkai Watch 08

Toilet humor episode.

Pocket Monsters X/Y 23

Well made the Rock/Ice fossil Pokemon pretty adorable.

Isshuukan Friends 03

Still can't help say I seen this somewhere else. At this point it's basically a blush face version of Seishun For-Get!


Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu 4

I stopped watching this for some reason, and it seemed like a good show for what I was in the mood for.

Sousuke was hilarious ruining Yakuza fools in the Boota costume and evading park security. Was funny and kinda sweet when Chidori looked out the Ferris Wheel and saw him take down that guard and realize it was him. Well she had probably already figured it out, but still.

Chidori was also good leading the charge against Sousuke to apprehend him and have him be the art model. That was some rambling nonsense that the teacher put in his head.


And I just think it's thematically more interesting to just end the series that way. Much like the TV series, there are
no easy answers or happy endings when it comes to personal and selfish desires
I feel like there's a big difference between the TV ending and Rebellion here.
They both are open endings, but for the TV ending the primary conflict of the magical girls versus Kyubey and the witches was resolved, though it did require Madoka's sacrifice, but at the same time it didn't really open any major new conflicts, so it still presents a sense of closure even though technically it matches your criteria of "no easy answers or happy endings". Rebellion also has an open ending, but in doing so it also begins a huge new conflict between Akuma Homura and everyone else. Leaving something like this unresolved permanently, for me, would be the massive slap in the face of the series' fans that a lot of people complained about. If Urobuchi really does intend to continue things on then I hope they formally announce something soon.

Aside from those points about the ending, though, I'm in complete agreement with anyone who says that Rebellion is really well directed and a real audiovisual treat through and through.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
The Boondocks (Season 4) - 01

Episode was decent, though I couldn't enjoy it fully as I was paranoid that
Tom was gonna get NTR'd at some point
. Glad to see that wasn't the case.
It wasn't even a win of anything it was like the mangaka wanted to shut people up ans rolled a dice lol.

Read the first few chapters of mahouka. These LNs are always so weird. One page it's kinda interesting lore stuff and class commentary, next is THIS IS NOT INCEST jokes. Then the next is about my sisters shapely legs out of her short skirt.

So confusing. I'll just fap to everything jeez.


Subete no aware
Shaft knows the world isn't ready for Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade on the big screen.
Too loli for 4k.

tWGOK ended.

Wrong girl won. Bah
RIP Dokuro.

I feel like there's a big difference between the TV ending and Rebellion here.
They both are open endings, but for the TV ending the primary conflict of the magical girls versus Kyubey and the witches was resolved, though it did require Madoka's sacrifice, but at the same time it didn't really open any major new conflicts, so it still presents a sense of closure even though technically it matches your criteria of "no easy answers or happy endings". Rebellion also has an open ending, but in doing so it also begins a huge new conflict between Akuma Homura and everyone else. Leaving something like this unresolved permanently, for me, would be the massive slap in the face of the series' fans that a lot of people complained about. If Urobuchi really does intend to continue things on then I hope they formally announce something soon.

Aside from those points about the ending, though, I'm in complete agreement with anyone who says that Rebellion is really well directed and a real audiovisual treat through and through.

If you look at it as someone who has essentially done the
Endless Eight thing herself for countless number of times, the idea that she would take the extra step to change the "end" once more time to suit her needs perfectly is consistent with someone who is trying to find an escape for themselves. It's destructive, but that's what makes it exciting.
I think any denouement from that point is just going to be disappointing, because unless they go further down the rabbit hole, all they'll do is just satisfy people who want everything to be wrapped up neatly... and in the process, probably sacrifice Homura and her :homuhomu tendencies in order to get there.

Link Man

Hanamaru Kindergarten 9

Seems the Yamamoto sisters have something in common. This was a cute episode (of course), especially the scenes exploring the children's future and the panda-cat dance. Although it kind of ended in a strange place (
though it's better that they see him as one of the girls rather than go into harem hijinks, I suppose

And I now only have 3 episodes left.


(But I do know what I'm gonna watch next to fill my cuteness quota, and I'm quite excited about it.)


I think any denouement from that point is just going to be disappointing, because unless they go further down the rabbit hole, all they'll do is just satisfy people who want everything to be wrapped up neatly... and in the process, probably sacrifice Homura and her :homuhomu tendencies in order to get there.
They can send it as far down the rabbit hole as they want if it means things continue. To clarify,
my major sticking point isn't that Homura turned evil and took control of the universe, it's that she didn't go far enough. If she had completely taken over everything and it was 100% clear there was no way she could ever be overthrown, that's a straight up downer ending (sorry for using TVTropes terms) and it would suck but it would at least be closure and it would still fill your criteria that Homura and her goals had been changed by her time in the barrier. But what they did with Sayaka's statement that she'd still be able to remember Homura as a devil ever after getting hit with the amnesia stick (and that stick is still the part of the finale I'm most enraged about over everything else, btw, since she had accumulated so many badass points in this movie... but I digress), and that scene with Madoka almost activating her goddess powers, are just vicious cockteases without any indication they plan to eventually follow up on them, regardless if the future conclusion would be a happy or sad ending.


So in the wake of the Yamato 2199 movie announcement I'm wondering just what XEBECs track record with feature film animation is like?
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