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What happens when you pc power supply dies in the middle of holidays and no shop is open ? Well you need to wait
It happenned while i was watching daimadler ....guess i was laughing too much.

I think my biggest issue with the fan service, and the one grossing me out the most is the fact they seem to always go for low angle shots on the sister and lingering there for a while. And since the sister acts like an 8 year old it's especially worst.
She is 11.
Details Details i know.

The Summer of SAO is looking even brighter.
Sad thing is, I'll probably buy it.

Digital only ?
i'm still tempted by the asia version ( retail + english subs )


What happens when you pc power supply dies in the middle of holidays and no shop is open ? Well you need to wait
It happenned while i was watching daimadler ....guess i was laughing too much.

She is 11.
Details Details i know.

Digital only ?
i'm still tempted by the asia version ( retail + english subs )

Im trying to adjust to the art style in NGNL. Its really weird. Like as if another layer of color should be there or a ray went out in a CRT.


I'm really enjoying this spring anime. My best anime for this year or could be my one of the best.


I really hope the adaptation stays faithful to the novel :)


Magica Wars 03

So the Naruko episodes are over. It was a nice introduction, got a cool fight scene and finisher in there. I don't have much magical girl stuff this season (that's what next season's for), and this is filling in the gap nicely enough. Stories are still being told, even if they're not very long.

Said every pedo before the police broke their door down.
I'm not guilty i swear !!!


SAO is really popular in the US? Never thought they would bring that game over.
I think it's pretty popular worldwide.

Make sense for namco to bring the game when :
-it's already translated in english
-It's the perfect place to market it since another anime season is coming
-Awareness on the franchise is good, market-wise.

I'd say that they made a damn good decision.
Im trying to adjust to the art style in NGNL. Its really weird. Like as if another layer of color should be there or a ray went out in a CRT.

Yeah they went all fantasy on the colors , hopefully it will be less colorfull in the next -arcs.


Setec Astronomer
Done. Used some amazon points to bring it down to $20.

Still a little worried as it's something of a blind purchase.
It's an impressive although imperfect action romp. Basically anime recreating the magic of 80's blockbusters.

I personally love it and consider it one of my top anime. One of the few shows I own in blu-ray. If you're able to, get the Roberta's Blood Trail OVA which is the direct continuation of the story.
I honestly didn't like the OVA much. It felt like everyone was secretly competing in a hardass speech contest.


Setec Astronomer
So I'm guessing dub is the way to go, then.
No way, the last arc delves into the conceit that they were actually speaking English the whole time in a place where the Japanese language is actually spoken. Prepare to be amused.

Also, Mami Koyama in one of her better roles.
I honestly didn't like the OVA much. It felt like everyone was secretly competing in a hardass speech contest.

your face was competing in shutting up contest!

All jokes aside I agree it wasn't as good as the regular season stuff, but we get to see Rock's new transformation in this. Also it's canon so it's worth a watch for that alone*, especially since the manga doesn't ever update or if it does (recently) it's not enough.

*he says as he refuses to watch madoka rebellion

So I'm guessing dub is the way to go, then.

Dub is fantastic. But like Hito said, last arc in season is amazing engrish. If you're a fan of engrish, watch at the very least the last arc in sub.



Setec Astronomer
They say "fuck" in the Japanese version too.

your face was competing in shutting up contest!

All jokes aside I agree it wasn't as good as the regular season stuff, but we get to see Rock's new transformation in this. Also it's canon so it's worth a watch for that alone*, especially since the manga doesn't ever update or if it does (recently) it's not enough.

*he says as he refuses to watch madoka rebellion
Eh, the transformation was a little overplayed and simply being canon doesn't mean it's worth watching. It's only when something comes later that actually is good that you might consider this a stepping stone to getting there, but otherwise you lose nothing cutting off the story at the end of the TV show.


Patlabor 2 The Movie

Now with 100% more Oshii!


Basset hound!

The distant future: winter 2002. Though SV2 is still anchored by Nagumo and Gotoh, many of its members have scattered to various other police or Labor-related pursuits. Project Babylon is finished. All seems peaceful... until a bomb detonates in the middle of the Tokyo Bay Bridge. Who is responsible? What are they planning? As elements of the military begin to come under suspicion, tensions are rapidly rising. Can Gotoh get to the bottom of this conspiracy before the worst-case scenario comes to pass?


Oshii makes a lot more use of these sorts of distorted shots. They tend to represent intense focus on something. It kind of makes sense, because it exaggerates the proportions of their heads. For the first two shots, people are looking at screens, but in the last one, Gotoh is in the middle of some very deep introspection.

While the first movie's philosophizing painted a gloss of poignancy across a police techno-thriller, it feels like things are the other way around here. Patlabor 2 is about the line between war and peace, security and chaos. It's about how, in a world of surveillance, the paranoia of potential threats creates its own enemies. When the movie is building on this mood and elaborating on its thesis in the first hour or so, it's at its strongest. Unfortunately, after spending so long at such a meditative pace, the climax of the final fifteen minutes feels hasty, somewhat meaningless, and unsatisfying.


The mechanical animation during the opening credits is incredibly sexy.

With a few exceptions, the montages feel more closely woven into the "action" of the movie, quick bites from a wider perspective between scenes. Birds are a frequent symbol, and I never quite unpacked their meaning. Perhaps the way they rest normally, but take flight at the first sign of trouble, could be connected to the twin states of war and peace. Just a thought.

What was the point of connecting Nagumo to Tsuge? I feel like it just weakened her character, and it didn't lend the movie much more drama. I dunno.


As with its predecessor, Patlabor 2 opens with a military sequence containing surprising relevance to the main plot. Everything is really washed out there, and I was surprised when that same kind of oppressively bright lighting showed up on occasion elsewhere in the film.

Once again, there are tons of scenes you could closely unpack (I think someone in this thread once went deep on the martial law montage), but I don't want to make a gigantic sprawling post.

Patlabor 2 is really interesting. Its picture of the future feels really prescient for something made in 1993, with its pervasive cell phones, computer satellite images, and a kind of paranoia that'd feel right at home in anything post-9/11. I like it, and I'm glad I saw it, but Patlabor 1 has better pacing, and it's certainly easier to enjoy than the endlessly dour winter setting of its sequel.

Still, highly recommended.
Hmmmm apparently I need to watch the Patlabor movies. And no jokes aside the dog wasn't the reason, but I didn't realize it looked that good/interesting. The premise of "gundam police" seemed a little silly to me.


Hmmmm apparently I need to watch the Patlabor movies. And no jokes aside the dog wasn't the reason, but I didn't realize it looked that good/interesting. The premise of "gundam police" seemed a little silly to me.

In universe, Labors are primarily used for construction. They're large and powerful, kind of like construction equipment, but none of them have weapons built in. The weapons the police Labors use are all external gear: specially sized guns and batons. And those robots are only really used if someone is using a Labor to commit crime.

It's a credit to the writing that the setting feels as grounded as it does. We spend a lot of time with the people in SV2 going about their business, doing maintenance, and dealing with all kinds of stupid red tape or interference from above. Their department feels mired in enough reality that what they do never comes across as silly.

Link Man

My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU 9

Lol at little sis trying to hook up Yui and Hachiman.

Oh god, someone's going to get hurt, aren't they?


Patlabor 2 should be viewed as the prototype of GITS. With that comes some additional positives and negatives that weren't there in the Patlabor series beforehand.
Detective Conan 304:
A two hour special that has just about everything you could ask for. This has always been one of my favorite cases of the series, especially because of the Takagi/Conan scene in the elevator, which I personally hold up as one of the most iconic moments ever.

Really, this has so much going on, between delving further into Satou's past and dealing with the cases from 3 and 7 years ago and the deaths of Hagiwara and Matsuda, to everything with all of the police officers and more. Shiratori gets a chance to be really cool and sets the stage for Satou's arc in the rest of the story, and Takagi really gets to stand up for himself and be pretty badass towards the end. Haibara also has a lot of really nice moments, and her dialogue is as cutting as always. I also love how the climax gets to go back to Satou and brings everything with her feelings from the past back to the forefront, even if it is completely preposterous that she could make that jump and then chase the culprit down wearing those shoes.

TMS does a really great job translating this story to the screen, with the special really reaching 'event status'. From the usage of Theme of Old Castle at the start, I knew this was going to be an episode which really hit all of the perfect beats music wise, and it didn't disappoint on that front. This is really one of those Conan stories that I could watch over and over again.


They say "fuck" in the Japanese version too.

Eh, the transformation was a little overplayed and simply being canon doesn't mean it's worth watching. It's only when something comes later that actually is good that you might consider this a stepping stone to getting there, but otherwise you lose nothing cutting off the story at the end of the TV show.

I simpy found the dub to be a lot of fun.


I looked at Patlabor 2's plot themes from my current world perspective, and it intersected in unexpected ways with some of the themes that Captain America: Winter Soldier attacked with less subtlety. But reading through the movie's production history in the Limited Edition Archives book (this set was such a steal!), the movie's events actually tie very closely to tensions happening in Japan at the time.

With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989, the JSDF's role became somewhat confusing. Japan had been built up as a bulwark against the Soviet threat for decades. With that threat gone, the public began asking questions. What was the JSDF supposed to be defending against? How were they supposed to fit in the new world order? This was around when they started to help out on UN peacekeeping missions, and it's no coincidence that the movie opens with one such mission. Nor is it a coincidence that the JSDF is put at odds with the police, paralleling conflicts playing out at the time in the media.

Interesting stuff.
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