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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Hentai Ouji 8


Another great episode that somehow keeps bringing back a cat statue. Also there was lots of adorable Tsukiko expressionless yelling plus all the other good stuff, this show is still best of the season.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Oreimo S2 ep.9

I'll be honest: even if I don't give a damn where the plot is heading anymore, I thought that episode was actually really well done, comparatively to the rest of the series so far at least.

I'll also agree with Zel that it had a real "grand finale" sort of feel to it, which worked fine but is a tad awkward when they've still got seven episodes to go.

I just think it would have felt more like a finale if Episode 8 had been spread out across two episodes and a few more scenes showing the progression and time had taken place. ^^;

This arc is definitely over, and with only 7 more episodes I'm not sure how they're going to squeeze another arc out of this, esp. since the last 3 aren't airing right away.
But there are subtitles in it.

You've watched plenty of shows subbed and enjoyed them so why is it a problem here? Stop depriving yourself, you deserve better Kirby.

Prepare yourselves.

More HERE.

Why do brides need attack and defense stats? Hilariously bridal designs were supposedly a regular thing in that card game. Shame you didn't post the best one.


Seriously, when did Madoka get so stylish? If I was a girl I probably wouldn't mind wearing that.

Shame there isn't a Blue, Rooster Teeth could've had a field day with the RvB references there.


So! I'm about to begin watching Golden Boy, but an important, perhaps controversial, question arises:
dubs or subs?


I just think it would have felt more like a finale if Episode 8 had been spread out across two episodes and a few more scenes showing the progression and time had taken place. ^^;

This arc is definitely over, and with only 7 more episodes I'm not sure how they're going to squeeze another arc out of this, esp. since the last 3 aren't airing right away.
Yeah, IIRC, according to those familiar with the novel, the pacing has been something akin to atrocious so far this season, but what can you do. It's why I like to get more excited over original shows in general, because at least that way you know it won't be a failed adaptation.


Seriously, when did Madoka get so stylish? If I was a girl I probably wouldn't mind wearing that.

Seeing characters in alternate designs (especially urban styles for me) is always so fun. I'd post some examples from iM@S or K-ON but my hard drive isn't connected right now and yande.re seems to be down. :(
Fun fact: In the movies they gave her more outfits because she didn't have enough costume variation in the TV series.

Not surprising in the least, more designs means more merch! Also I take back what I said about best design, I didn't see the glorious mecha versions!

Had to hunt for a bigger version because the one in the article is WAY too tiny. I'd love to see the full size versions of these though.
You've watched plenty of shows subbed and enjoyed them so why is it a problem here? Stop depriving yourself, you deserve better Kirby.

I thought we established that I'm a masochist as of the last OT, and I tend to watch dubs over subs if available (but I do make exceptions like the Jojo OVAs).


Not surprising in the least, more designs means more merch! Also I take back what I said about best design, I didn't see the glorious mecha versions!

Had to hunt for a bigger version because the one in the article is WAY too tiny. I'd love to see the full size versions of these though.
There's only one true mecha magica out there, and it's Madoka Titus:


Tokyo Godfathers

Really enjoyable film overall. There was some absolutely lovely animation throughout the movie and brilliant attention to detail in some of the scenes such as the cardboard homes. Shots like this were lovely and I particularly liked this shot. The two characters talking amidst a confusing scenery of gravestones reflecting perhaps their own arguments while in the centre, down a pure white avenue are Miyuki and Kiyoko.

I also particularly liked the sequence of scenes with Gin and the other homeless man. Something about it was reminiscent of A Christmas Carol in a way; He's acknowledged as a terrible person destined to die alone, meets an older homeless man who appears to be almost an older version of himself with the same regrets and outlook on life and ends up in a situation wallowing in self pity, wishing for the second chance which is followed by his "redemption" and reuniting with the rest of the cast.

Few things I didn't like/had qualms with though: there were some instances where the CG was particularly jarring. This scene here was fairly noticeable for it's crowds sliding down escalators with no distinction between people or when they approach the end. There was another scene where Miyuki is taken down an alleyway shown from her POV and it's a particularly awkward sequence of shifting perspectives.

It also seemed to go on for just the wrong side of long; every time it seemed to be wrapping up to a close it either got sidetracked or did a double bluff and kept going. I will freely admit this may be down to my notoriously short attention span when it comes to movies.

Finally, I didn't like the ending! This is more of a personal matter but I'm not particularly fond of
endings where the future of the cast is left unexplained. Miyuki encounters her father, Gin appears to have the winning lottery ticket which may never amount to anything but then what happens to himself and Hana? Do they return to being homeless as before? What are their motivations now?
Things like that bug me and while I understand that it's perhaps done for a reason so people can come up with their own interpretation, I really don't like that.

So yeah, great movie, thank you for the recommendation! Most of my complaints about it (CG aside which can be forgiven since it was done a number of years ago) are mainly personal things which are down to me being a horrible person.


I was thinking... in Spanish we have the words 'cortometraje' to call short films and 'largometraje' to do the same for feature films, but we also have another that falls in-between for films with a duration of 30-60 minutes approximately, which is 'mediometraje'. So, what would you call it exactly, medium-length film or something like that? Is there any specific denomination for such a product?
photokano 9

Fun loveylovey eps. Her weird elf ears still confuse me though.

It was actually kinda boring until this marvelous scene happened.


Art in motion.

Even got a little lewd at times.

What are the games even about? just photography? Any dating?
Railgun S - 08

Ah AH that fight ... i expected that fight i wanted to see that fight and so far the first part was great ..


After this episode i cannot get more hyped for Part 2...this is going to be freaking great.

Glory to the ITEM team can't wait to see them more afterwards.
There's only one true mecha magica out there, and it's Madoka Titus:

Oh man that expression is priceless.

"How did this happen Kyubey?"

"It's to help you fight the witches Madoka, otherwise you'd die in an instant!"

I can't believe I'm just discovering this now, a whole new world has opened up to me. So this is what it feels like to be years late to a meme.


Subete no aware
Garden of Words

I think it's more that I liked the way the relationship in 5cm
was broken up and the eventual "reunion" hit me harder than say only meeting on rainy days and the crying scene at the end of Garden of Words.

I honestly thought you knew what he was saying at the end because your review pretty much was on point on what will happen after the end of the movie. Basically the translations were:
I now think that I was learning how to walk then, as well. One day, once I'm able to walk a far, far greater distance, I'll come for you.

The rain technology (these aren't spoilers, but linking them in case you want to see the stuff fresh when you watch it) in the movie was very impressive.
Yeah, I just thought being able to use time skips was a bit of a cheat. Especially when we have the "Sunset" trilogy do that exact same thing but over (somewhat) real time.

And I figured that was what he said, because that was the safe bet, but it's also possible that he'd be like
life sucks, I'm out!
or something. lol

Speaking of Oregairu, is it true that they seriously axed a huge amount of content from the last arc for the anime adaptation?
Well, they are trying to cram 6 books into a season.


Golden Boy - 1

I love how the first episode immediately sets out the parameter for his character: overexcitable, quick learner, total perv but with a sense of morals.

At first I thought the dub mumbled a bit too much, but I gotta love the overenunciation:
"a B-lack B-ra!"
"I hear the sound OF A WOMAN SCREAMING!" and his face turning all Cromartie
The iDOLm@ster 5

We're only 5 episodes in, but we have some delicious cheesecake being displayed here.

Chihaya continues to be a stop having fun character though ._. I still don't get why scary stories are told in the Summer time though, it was never explored for me and I would like that explained.

Ritsuko, have a dri--- wait Ritsuko is a minor!? What the fuck is this shit!? My reality was shattered once again.


Subete no aware
I think that there may be an unannounced spinoff manga coming, by the artist who did Achiga-hen (now that it's done)...
I don't know what's left, unless it turns out Saki needs to go on to the mahjong olympics or something. lol

Garden of Words:

Shinkai's best looking film yet. Too bad my client crashes when I try to seek or else I'd post some screencaps.

Story was okay, typical Shinkai although I wish it had a "happy ending" instead of this bittersweet shit.
It has a happy ending! What are you talking about?!
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