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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Y'know, I've realized that I can't properly get hype/antihype for any show until I've seen at least the first animated PV for it. Sure, I can anticipate it if I'm familiar with the source material (for an adaptation) or the creators (for an original work), but for the real "hype" I need to see it in motion.

Kinda the same way that all-CG trailers for games don't mean as much to me, I guess.
peaceiscloser 	132

Aww yiss. Considering I only started posting I think towards the end of OT8 I think I can improve my high score in this thread.

Date A Live 09
So I guess Tohka knew what was going on with Shido doing all his date stuff after all. She seems pretty okay with Origami being a rival for Shido's affections.

Yoshino-less episode is a sad episode. Unless she appeared on the Ratatoskr in the background or something. Then episode redeemed.

Of course
has angel powers, she has unique crazy hair after all.

Smile Precure 06
Everyone's established, now laying down the framework for some worldbuildings, hell yes.

Still haven't beaten Yayoi at Ro Sham Bo. ):
Saya might possibly be the most oblivious heroine I've ever seen. For someone who proclaims the desire to protect everyone
she sure does let a lot of people die before she actually does anything.
How can she possibly state
I won't let anyone else die
unironically? Yes, the tension is building and I'm actually interested in what the fuck is going on, but I can't help but he hyper critical of everything she fucking does.
She let half her class fucking die before she thought to unsheathe her sword. Maybe if glasses guy was one of them she would have actually gave a shit
and activated her red eye, "I'm actually competent now," mode.

Whatever, onto episode 9.


Code Geass R2 15

Really? I mean, I guess I expected more. You use your one go at Geass on the guy with just a vanilla
? I can't think of anything more conclusive than that, that Lelouch has only ever wanted that. Here at last, presented with the chance of knowing what you want to know, you just
blow it on a death command. How characteristically sloppy, craven, and bloodthirsty of you.

And that was anticlimactic.

Really? Could
the comparison between Suzaku and Lelouch have been any more hamfisted? It isn't even an accurate comparison.

I swear to God if this show pulls a Gundam AGE and forcibly removes a character from their character for the sake of trying to save the villain protagonist's good name, I don't know what I'll do or say, but it won't be positive.

Well at least the anticlimax was undone, and I can't complain that someone
dying and coming back to life is par for the show
since they bothered to foreshadow for once.

the dialogue between Ogie and Valetta reads like something from a bad South American Novella, and to that end, I'm adding cheesy Spanish accents to what they say.
Still, it's a better love story than Lelouch x Shirley/Kallen/C2/Revenge/Himself/Nobody.

Seriously, King Charles is the awesomest guy ever. With one question he's basically torn Lelouch in half.
What has the mask of Zero gotten you? "EVERYTHING!" Uh, Lelouch, need I remind you you're now enemies with your friend and sister, murdered another sister and brother, and have also cost one of your friends their lives? What exactly HAS being Zero gotten YOU, Lelouch? You're no closer to knowing the truth about what happened, you're no closer to freeing the nation you care so little about, and the world has gotten demonstrably WORSE than when you began. What HAS it gotten you?

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Seriously, King Charles is the MAN, and in case you don't believe he's better than Lelouch in every way possible,
here's C2, who will certify it for you, that Big Daddy Britannia is the Best.




Fuck this show for even daring to compare Suzaku to Lelouch, and fuck its writers for having to fucking go out of their way to contrive a situation in which they can hope to get away with this shit.




If they kill
, I'ma flip a desk.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Saya might possibly be the most oblivious heroine I've ever seen. For someone who proclaims the desire to protect everyone
she sure does let a lot of people die before she actually does anything.
How can she possibly state
I won't let anyone else die
unironically? Yes, the tension is building and I'm actually interested in what the fuck is going on, but I can't help but he hyper critical of everything she fucking does.
She let half her class fucking die before she thought to unsheathe her sword. Maybe if glasses guy was one of them she would have actually gave a shit
and activated her red eye, "I'm actually competent now," mode.

Whatever, onto episode 9.
Good animation can't excuse a dumb story. Otherwise SAO would be tolerated in here for its production values at least.

Then again, what I was watching was porn, so the goal was titillation and not so much story-telling.

I was not aware that the animation in SAO was good. For an action series, there was a shitton of still-framing during fights. Nice art design though.
I was not aware that the animation in SAO was good. For an action series, there was a shitton of still-framing during fights. Nice art design though.

The fight sequences are the worst in SAO. They have so much going for them, but obviously animating those fights weren't much of a priority.

Siscon takes precedence.


Saya might possibly be the most oblivious heroine I've ever seen. For someone who proclaims the desire to protect everyone
she sure does let a lot of people die before she actually does anything.
How can she possibly state
I won't let anyone else die
unironically? Yes, the tension is building and I'm actually interested in what the fuck is going on, but I can't help but he hyper critical of everything she fucking does.
She let half her class fucking die before she thought to unsheathe her sword. Maybe if glasses guy was one of them she would have actually gave a shit
and activated her red eye, "I'm actually competent now," mode.

Whatever, onto episode 9.
Enjoy the ride.
Accel World 01 - English Dub
Wow, these voices sound like they were recorded in a room with awful acoustics.

Sword Art Online's dub is probably going to just grate on my ears as well.


Saya might possibly be the most oblivious heroine I've ever seen. For someone who proclaims the desire to protect everyone
she sure does let a lot of people die before she actually does anything.
How can she possibly state
I won't let anyone else die
unironically? Yes, the tension is building and I'm actually interested in what the fuck is going on, but I can't help but he hyper critical of everything she fucking does.
She let half her class fucking die before she thought to unsheathe her sword. Maybe if glasses guy was one of them she would have actually gave a shit
and activated her red eye, "I'm actually competent now," mode.

Whatever, onto episode 9.

The greatest troll show of all time.
absolute masterpiece.
Hi, I'm Saya Kisaragi, and I care so little about
actually protecting anyone's lives that I will not even profit off their demise and attack while the monster is fucking distracted and eating EVERYONE
because FUCK sensibility. I don't quite understand, was class rep-kun actually phased by
all the fucking death? Or the fact that his crush didn't call him by his name?
I'm gong with the latter, because no one in this fucking show truly has any sense of proportion except for maybe the fuckin' elder bairns.

Hey, maybe it's time to actually get serious now that
I've succeeded at protecting no one and everyone is dead.

Hi, I'm class rep-kun and I don't care about the fact that
I've just witnessed my whole class be brutally murdered,
I just wanted to take this opportunity to say sorry for the unwarranted intimacy. Because all I fucking care about, is your feelings.

I hope the disappearance of the guimave is a significant plot point because that cut made no fucking sense.

I am glad her dad is just as fucking oblivious as her.
What's wrong Saya? Idk everyone I care about is dead.
Everything is starting to seem more and more like a set.
The empty classrooms, the truly disposable supporting characters, the unnerving manner in which she described her life like she was restating a rehearsed script.
I need some resolution. Things are making less and less sense as they go on.


Code Geass R2 15

Seriously, King Charles is the awesomest guy ever. With one question he's basically torn Lelouch in half.
What has the mask of Zero gotten you? "EVERYTHING!" Uh, Lelouch, need I remind you you're now enemies with your friend and sister, murdered another sister and brother, and have also cost one of your friends their lives? What exactly HAS being Zero gotten YOU, Lelouch? You're no closer to knowing the truth about what happened, you're no closer to freeing the nation you care so little about, and the world has gotten demonstrably WORSE than when you began. What HAS it gotten you?

Charles did have a point there, though he's still a worse person than Lelouch in other ways. Man, the Britannian royal family is just so messed up.

Fuck this show for even daring to compare Suzaku to Lelouch, and fuck its writers for having to fucking go out of their way to contrive a situation in which they can hope to get away with this shit.

They certainly aren't the same overall, but there are points of comparison. His record isn't nearly as bad as what Lelouch did, but still nothing that could be sincerely called "good" from Suzaku's ideal way of thinking either. He has never liked manipulating others or lying to people, so I think it's not unlikely that Suzaku will be conflicted over it.

In other words...you can explain or even justify his questionable actions so far because Lelouch did much worse and you think it's fair game for Suzaku to use all the means necessary in return, but would Suzaku himself really feel satisfied with that deep down? Doubtful, especially given his own mindset is a bit masochistic.


It's one of the things I dislike the most about this part of the show, especially since I liked
more than you did. But I guess you've been warned about the twists getting crazier and the writing getting dumber. The result is a lot of pretty polarizing stuff, so much so that I'm not quite sure about what you'll like and what you'll hate, since our ways of thinking are somewhat different.


Early early rough sales numbers: Yama no Susume BD box sells about 3,700 copies, and the first of two Chihayafuru 2 sets (ep.1-12) sells about 2,600 on BD, 500 on DVD. (The other half of the series releases in September)

Hopefully the rest of the top 10 BD / full DVD lists should be coming soon.
Early early rough sales numbers: Yama no Susume BD box sells about 3,700 copies, and the first of two Chihayafuru 2 sets sells about 2,600 on BD, 500 on DVD.

Hopefully the rest of the top 10 BD / full DVD lists should be coming soon.


Honestly, I just wanted an excuse to post this.


Charles did have a point there, though he's still a worse person than Lelouch in other ways. Man, the Britannian royal family is just so messed up.

They certainly aren't the same overall, but there are points of comparison. His record isn't nearly as bad as what Lelouch did, but still nothing that could be sincerely called "good" from Suzaku's ideal way of thinking either. He has never liked manipulating others or lying to people, so I think it's not unlikely that Suzaku will be conflicted over it.

In other words...you can explain or even justify his questionable actions so far because Lelouch did much worse and you think it's fair game for Suzaku to use all the means necessary in return, but would Suzaku himself really feel satisfied with that deep down? Doubtful, especially given his own mindset is a bit masochistic.

It's one of the things I dislike the most about this part of the show, especially since I liked
more than you did. But I guess you've been warned about the twists getting crazier and the writing getting dumber. The result is a lot of pretty polarizing stuff, so much so that I'm not quite sure about what you'll like and what you'll hate.

The bullshit part for me is that they have to take Suzaku wildly out of character and put him in contrived as fuck situations for them to even be able to make any sort of comparison between him and Lelouch.

Why in the Hell would Suzaku suddenly start ranting about how Kallen would have no will and be entirely in his power and blah blah blah? No reason, except the writers are fucking shit hacks.

Why would Suzaku pull his hand away from Nunally's magical lie sensing hand? Why would he suddenly choose not to tell her?

No fucking idea. Because the writing since ShirleyGate has been absurd.

Full Metal Panic! Sigma 12 (Ch. 21)

I'm posting this here, too, because people actually talk about FMP here.

So this chapter is pretty awesome because of the harsh way it goes about its business. That is to say,
no matter how heroic and valorous, the heroes are NOT going to save Merida Island. Mythril WILL lose today.
and, as a personal favorite,
Sousuke, in spite of his bright eyed, heroic talk, anguished declaration of almost-love, and down right anime confidence that two teenagers can beat the odds if they work together, will NOT persuade Kaname to choose him over Leonard, and he will save the school at only the greatest cost and only after he has lost what he held dear.

This arc sort of starts out similar to The Second Raid. Where TSR broke down Sousuke's character and put it back together again, Sigma begins by pulling Kaname down. Angel, as it turns out,
has quite the superiority complex, however temporarily. Kaname gives in to Leonard's taunts a lot more quickly than Sousuke does Gauron's, but the flip side is that Kaname is just a regular person, and Leonard has already been spitting some fierce game at her.

In a more generalized sense, though, everything that happens from here on out will tear Kaname further from the girl we met at the opening of the series, and test just how far Sousuke and Kaname are willing to go to be OTP. There's also the fun of seeing a, shall we say, darker side to Sousuke? He's hurt a civilian, cheered as a helicopter gunned a man in twain, and now has
tased Kaname, while saying with not just a little foreshadowing, that he'd let the world be destroyed if it meant saving her.
Early early rough sales numbers: Yama no Susume BD box sells about 3,700 copies, and the first of two Chihayafuru 2 sets (ep.1-12) sells about 2,600 on BD, 500 on DVD. (The other half of the series releases in September)

Hopefully the rest of the top 10 BD / full DVD lists should be coming soon.

3.7k for a short anime is pretty good.

Teekyuu sold 2,6k copies and it gets a second season in summer, so I hope there will be also a second season of Yama no Susume.


The bullshit part for me is that they have to take Suzaku wildly out of character and put him in contrived as fuck situations for them to even be able to make any sort of comparison between him and Lelouch.

Why in the Hell would Suzaku suddenly start ranting about how Kallen would have no will and be entirely in his power and blah blah blah? No reason, except the writers are fucking shit hacks.

Why would Suzaku pull his hand away from Nunally's magical lie sensing hand? Why would he suddenly choose not to tell her?

No fucking idea. Because the writing since ShirleyGate has been absurd.

Well, that's the thing. I can completely agree with you about the use of contrived situations, since that's clear as daylight and something of an obvious constant at this point in the show...but not so much about Suzaku being truly out of character, even if the writing is getting weaker.

It is a mind alteration drug after all. The cheesy dialogue wasn't really necessary, other than to spoon feed the point to the audience, but I have no issues with Suzaku making the comparison in his own mind and realizing he should back off.

Suzaku might hate Lelouch for what he has done but doesn't want Nunnally to suffer either. If he told her the truth about Lelouch, that'd open a whole other can of worms for everyone. He's lying to her to avoid or at least delay such a mess.

And yes, the writing can definitely be called absurd. Not pointless, in my opinion, but absurd is right.


Shirleygate I like that.
great name about a terrible character.

Technically I could call it Shirleygate II, since it's the same event happening a second time, but hey, why not just label the WHOLE THING Shirleygate, since its the shining example of awful writing for the show.

The Count of Monte Cristo 8

I mean hot damn, the man's face turns black and his eyes glow red, but everyone is still like "Yeah okay this Count guy seems legit." Hell, Madam Villefort is barely able to keep her panties on, while Madam Danglar is about to pass out for unrelated reasons.

It's gonna be a shame seeing Messieur Danglar go down, though, as he's a fairly entertaining guy.

Well, that's the thing. I can completely agree with you about the use of contrived situations, since that's clear as daylight and something of an obvious constant at this point in the show...but not so much about Suzaku being truly out of character, even if the writing is getting weaker.

It is a mind alteration drug after all. The cheesy dialogue wasn't really necessary, other than to spoon feed the point to the audience, but I have no issues with Suzaku making the comparison in his own mind and realizing he should back off.

Suzaku might hate Lelouch for what he has done but doesn't want Nunnally to suffer either. If he told her the truth about Lelouch, that'd open a whole other can of worms for everyone. He's lying to her to avoid or at least delay such a mess.

And yes, the writing can definitely be called absurd. Not pointless, in my opinion, but absurd is right.

Suzaku's dialogue is what I'd say is out of character. It makes no sense for him to say that. Suzaku's never been the sort to rant, least of all about having someone under his power. As I said yesterday, administering the drug or threatening to use it I don't consider bad or out of character, since he's taken every pain to get Kallen to talk. And lying to Nunally seems off to me, but its the random knowledge that Nunally has a magic lie detecting hand that bugged me. Suzaku shouldn't have known.

Worse though was having Suzaku say "You're the one person in the world I'd never lie to." I mean where does that even COME from? Yeah he likes Nunally but suddenly she has his undying trust? More bizarre still was Nunally going "You're just like Lelouch!" I mean, what? Nunally doesn't for all intents and purposes, know anything negative about Lelouch at all. So why is she suddenly equating Suzaku with Lelouch?

The entire scenario reeks of characters behaving in ways they should not, for reasons they don't have, to make a point that falls flat the minute you look at both characters prior to this episode. As in, before episode 15 here, this wasn't even a thing. It's like the writers finally woke up, realized Lelouch was an irredeemable sociopathic douchebag, and decided the best way to make him seem less evil was to drag Suzaku down too.

It REEKS of what happened with Ezelcant in Gundam AGE.
Am I supposed to actually care about anyone? All I'm feeling is a profound mixture of confusion and catharsis. I literally cheered when
bad boy-kun (I'm absolutely horrible with names) got fuckin eaten.
No Saya, you who deigns to stare at swords that are tossed your way with a hate inducing mixture of both wonder and confusion rather than attacking your enemies, you deserve no happiness, and neither does anyone you know, talked to, or merely passed by while singing your fucking varying tune. Everyone in your town is an idiot. Fuck everything.

Truly the
The Truman show, starring a decidedly more Asian, female, and oblivious Jim Carrey except you possess no redeeming traits, and I'm rooting for your captors.

I'm finishing this tonight. I don't want to give this anime any more thought, ever again, after today.


Setec Astronomer
Truly the
The Truman show, starring a decidedly more Asian, female, and oblivious Jim Carrey except you possess no redeeming traits, and I'm rooting for your captors.
The paranoia element, sure, but it doesn't capture the escape from a fundamentalist/cultlike existence like The Truman Show does.


Am I supposed to actually care about anyone? All I'm feeling is a profound mixture of confusion and catharsis. I literally cheered when
bad boy-kun (I'm absolutely horrible with names) got fuckin eaten.
No Saya, you who deigns to stare at swords that are tossed your way with a hate inducing mixture of both wonder and confusion rather than attacking your enemies, you deserve no happiness, and neither does anyone you know, talked to, or merely passed by while singing your fucking varying tune. Everyone in your town is an idiot. Fuck everything.

Truly the
The Truman show, starring a decidedly more Asian, female, and oblivious Jim Carrey except you possess no redeeming traits, and I'm rooting for your captors.

I'm finishing this tonight. I don't want to give this anime any more thought, ever again, after today.

So good.
so, so good!


oops, I spoiling you then if that's the case.. I thought its just after the drug thing.

In the episode I just watched I remember her struggling, then Suzaku sits her damn ass in the chair, readies the syringe and then Character Derailment and Hamfisted Aesops for the sake of saving precious Lelouch ensue.
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