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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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There's the stuff that Branduil posted and then some details like in this thread here:http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=578810.

The bad part is the ones who say they don't care because it doesn't affect them personally. If Microsoft can get away with it then Sony and Nintendo may very well follow suit. If these companies then figure they can get away with this they will most certainly push the envelope even further to see what else they can get away with in the future.

Isn't there good reason to believe most of the posters saying it doesn't affect them personally are astroturfers? I think one of the mods said the last batch of juniors all had similar email/IPs or something
Jewelpet Kira Deco! - 4

Not even Retsu's narcissism can stop him from sleeping with crumpled paper!

Red obsessively follows a harsh physical training regimen; Blue is the one who seeks the lap of luxury.

I just realised I haven't seen wonzo in a while now... did Kingdom season 2 kill him?

The first episode isn't available to watch yet. Wonzo's probably asleep. (Plus it looks like season 2 is going to dramatically reduce the use of CG compared to the first season.)


Isn't there good reason to believe most of the posters saying it doesn't affect them personally are astroturfers? I think one of the mods said the last batch of juniors all had similar email/IPs or something

Not really because it doesnt affect me and MS can go suck a nut XD

Im barely hanging on to gaming because of Sega, Platinum, Nintendo, and Grasshopper/Suda51.
Not really because it doesnt affect me and MS can go suck a nut XD

Im barely hanging on to gaming because of Sega, Platinum, Nintendo, and Grasshopper/Suda51.

The last thing to hold me to console gaming at least. Really would love for Platinum to support PC more. I'd be pretty happy with that.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Chihayafuru 22
get rekt scrub

The Queen has always been one of the better characters in this show but this episode was kind of lame. The match itself didn't feel right, and it came down to a few different things for me. Many of the internal questions asked were simply redundant of what has been gone over repeatedly, or nonsensical (i.e. "Why is she trying?"). The story here is on repeat already, and the new fold we do get between Chihaya and the Queen is nice and all but it comes too late in the episode, coming and going too quickly to be very meaningful.

There was actually new music this episode as far as I could tell, and it was kind of pretty good and a welcome change. It brought an interesting energy to the match but the body language was so poor that the encounter didn't feel very intense. Chihaya's injury is poorly illustrated to the audience outside of heavy handed panting, and she commonly rests weight on her hurt finger.

A high level of attention to detail is something I really desire from a series like this that commonly focuses on the smaller things, but it just isn't here. It might be dumb to get thrown off by a character not taking their shoes off before entering the room where the games are being played but it really irks me in the context of this show.


Not really because it doesnt affect me and MS can go suck a nut XD

Im barely hanging on to gaming because of Sega, Platinum, Nintendo, and Grasshopper/Suda51.

Yeah, Video games kinda suck and are for nerds. Microsoft is an example of what happens when your entire company is run by nerds (hint: its not pretty)
I dont like the whole digital revolution thing to begin with. Call me old fashioned, but yall know I like my physical discs and actually being able to own things. The whole idea of digital distribution was fine for rentals, but for "ownership" of a game or program its a very gray area. You are basically paying full price for something you arent even guaranteed to be able to enjoy in the future. Fuck that with a bamboo stick.

Silly Cajun, Steam games aren't meant for playing you're supposed to let them collect digital dust because "OMG STEAM SALES!" and therefore no one really pays full price on PC. Now DD on consoles are a different story especially because backwards compatibility isn't nearly as guaranteed but regardless of how you feel everyone should play Journey at least once.

Isn't there good reason to believe most of the posters saying it doesn't affect them personally are astroturfers? I think one of the mods said the last batch of juniors all had similar email/IPs or something

Nothing really to say to your post other than congrats on finally getting an avatar! I approve of using the best girl in Azumanga!


The Light of El Cantare
Well when I watched Heartcatch I was sold on the idea that it was the "punchiest" of the precure series. I enjoyed it and everything but I'm kind of sad now that it may not hold the crown for best fight sequence in the series because nothing is coming to mind that looked THAT good.

If it makes you feel less misled, the other 23 minutes of the episode from which my gif came generally look like ass. Yes 5 definitely isn't a more "physical" series; it just so happens that whoever was in charge of this cut had the funding to go absolutely wild with it. If the series had no budget constraints, every fight could and probably would look like this.

I dont like the whole digital revolution thing to begin with. Call me old fashioned, but yall know I like my physical discs and actually being able to own things. The whole idea of digital distribution was fine for rentals, but for "ownership" of a game or program its a very gray area. You are basically paying full price for something you arent even guaranteed to be able to enjoy in the future. Fuck that with a bamboo stick.

That's just called being aware of your own consumer rights.


The Light of El Cantare
Reddit and Thinkgeek seems to be run by nerds and they seem to do alright.

The difference is that these are nerds catering to nerds. Microsoft is desperate to be seen as hip and fashionable and their current product philosophy reflects this singleminded obsession.


Isn't there good reason to believe most of the posters saying it doesn't affect them personally are astroturfers? I think one of the mods said the last batch of juniors all had similar email/IPs or something

It's quite possible but there were enough who commented that they didn't rent or really borrow anymore and it's not like they buy every new release or each one at launch. There's been some topics where people have asked "Why do people buy games right away", or something like that, when just a few months later many games are a bit cheaper (or sometimes a lot cheaper.)

They just came across that it was maybe still annoying and they didn't like everything about the system but they didn't think it was bad enough not to buy it outright. They could have been astroturfers like you mentioned though.

I haven't read the follow up yet but if it's true that Microsoft are really paying off developers/publishers to only show the XBox versions of their games at E3 and not PS4 or WiiU versions then Microsoft just seems to be sinking lower and lower. Ugh.
Karneval 10


I do like the whole explanation behind their magical hat powers. Definitely see that this series will probably end of having not shota finding his place and becoming a decent fighter. Or not.


Poet Centuriate
So now that I'm awake...

Clannad 17

Aww, poor Nagisa. She's the best girl in this show, but her absence is so striking on Tomoya, it's pretty enduring.

It's fun seeing this three-(four?)-way tug-o-war-o-love go on.

oh god this storage room scene #dead. Kyou just locked herself into #2 quite well.

Man they lost a lot of time in the other facility when the meat of the fight was right in front of us!!

Anyway ...hyped for next week . RAILGUN vs MELTDOWNER.

Hopefully it will be animated like this fight should.


I just do not believe that an always on requirement brings any value what so ever to the consumer. You don't even need an always on requirement to do game sharing, gifting. It's purely a rights grab from the consumer.

I do not bemoan the loss of physical media or boxes, I like physical media but I like not having it as well, the one thing really missing from digital media that'd make me like it as much as physical media are well defined equal consumer rights as their physical counterpart. If there was an explicit right of the consumer to be able to lend, borrow or sale a digital game, an explicit right that it can't just be de-activated at some end of service, revoked for some other reason(like a forum post, chargeback or something else) and that if the company was going bye-bye that they had to have a way to ensure the software would remain valid either by unlocking it or requiring some other entity to oversee and authorize devices to play that content then I would have no problem with all digital. Unfortunately that's not the way the law works, if MS decided the xbox one is done in 2018 and pulls the plug they can pull the plug on everything. Forever. Legally.

Basically Divx 2.0. Those of you not familiar with Divx, basically it was a DVD, but not, that you put into a Divx player and could watch something and if you wanted to keep it you could buy it, on line. Yes, it was essentially like renting with the option of owning in the end but the concept is similar to the xbox one in that the divx player was also connected to the internet, of course over a landline, this was 90s afterall, and if you wanted to own the disc you were watching you'd basically buy the software license. Of course this information was kept elsewhere and as we all know watching our DVD and Blurays Divx clearly didn't last, it was discontinued and the service went down, rendering all those purchases null. That means even if you had your Divx player, your discs and a working internet connection you still could no longer watch your purchased movies because the authentication servers no longer existed. You just had a rack full of shit.

That ladies and gentlemen is the xbox one, the next generation of divx as Circuit City would have brought it to you if Circuit City also hadn't gone down the drain. Of course it doesn't have to be that way, countries could force some end game solution onto companies dealing in the digital era if they chose, something like a way to remove DRM in the event a service goes down but we're not there yet. We may never get there.

And I should mention, I have seen Microsoft pull the plug on a lot, A LOT, of services in my time. Up until the Xbox 360 I don't think they have ever stayed with one of their weird consumer projects long enough to make it to a proper second generation. I guess you can kind of count their phone business which they kill, suspend and rebuild from time to time as long running but that's a stretch.

I don't want to go all digital, always on, until such measures are put in place and consumer rights are codified. And again, this is of no benefit to me in the first place even if it passed. I mean, all digital does have some benefits but some weird physical/digital mechanism like divx and xbox one? That has like none of the benefits of either method and all the drawbacks of both for the consumer. Even Steam's in a better place than Microsoft's because if Valve did sell out or go bankrupt, someone would buy Steam, so long as it continues to work on PCs Steam would always have a suitor, its problem is one of compatibility as it lives longer and longer, but the xbox one, one day it will be a legacy system and if Microsoft decided to pull out there very well may be no value in someone else taking over to run servers for an outdated and dead system.

Also, Cajunator, where's my devil Chiho pic already?
So now that I'm awake...

Clannad 17

Aww, poor Nagisa. She's the best girl in this show, but her absence is so striking on Tomoya, it's pretty enduring.

It's fun seeing this three-(four?)-way tug-o-war-o-love go on.

oh god this storage room scene #dead. Kyou just locked herself into #2 quite well.
Lies, Tomoyo and Kyou are totally the best girls.


If there's meltdowns maybe.

This will probably be the worst E3 to come.

Eh, probably not. What we know about what Nintendo is doing, they couldn't possibly be worse than last year. Sony could do some cool stuff for PS4 too.

And watching Microsoft continue to embarrass itself could also prove entertaining.

Man, me and games are weird now. Only game from this year that I've played is BioShock Infinite (unless you count the 20 minutes or so I played of Atelier Totori Plus), and not much at all looks appealing in the coming months. I may play The Last of Us, but other than that...I should probably just keep working on my handheld backlog and '90s PC games I've bought.


Poet Centuriate
Lies, Tomoyo and Kyou are totally the best girls.

Don't be hatin

All the variations of the storage room scene in the VN are pretty fun.

Is the VN any good?

If there's meltdowns maybe.

This will probably be the worst E3 to come.

I just want to watch MS implode live, on the world stage, in their last ditch recovery effort. It would be glorious.

Don "Mad Dog" Mattrick: A new generation of gaming, a newer generation of gamers, and a next generation of technology. That's why today we're happy to announce...Battelfield 4 is coming to the Xbone One [holds for applause]

will BF4 have dogs?


A Good Citizen
Eh, probably not. What we know about what Nintendo is doing, they couldn't possibly be worse than last year. Sony could do some cool stuff for PS4 too.

And watching Microsoft continue to embarrass itself could also prove entertaining.

Man, me and games are weird now. Only game from this year that I've played is BioShock Infinite (unless you count the 20 minutes or so I played of Atelier Totori Plus), and not much at all looks appealing in the coming months. I may play The Last of Us, but other than that...I should probably just keep working on my handheld backlog and '90s PC games I've bought.
I'm buying a J360 and it'll probably be my last console unless P5 comes out on PS4. That's the only thing at E3 I'm looking forward to, a 360 pricedrop. Just gonna play Cave ports for the rest of my life.


I just do not believe that an always on requirement brings any value what so ever to the consumer. You don't even need an always on requirement to do game sharing, gifting. It's purely a rights grab from the consumer.

I do not bemoan the loss of physical media or boxes, I like physical media but I like not having it as well, the one thing really missing from digital media that'd make me like it as much as physical media are well defined equal consumer rights as their physical counterpart. If there was an explicit right of the consumer to be able to lend, borrow or sale a digital game, an explicit right that it can't just be de-activated at some end of service, revoked for some other reason(like a forum post, chargeback or something else) and that if the company was going bye-bye that they had to have a way to ensure the software would remain valid either by unlocking it or requiring some other entity to oversee and authorize devices to play that content then I would have no problem with all digital. Unfortunately that's not the way the law works, if MS decided the xbox one is done in 2018 and pulls the plug they can pull the plug on everything. Forever. Legally.

Basically Divx 2.0. Those of you not familiar with Divx, basically it was a DVD, but not, that you put into a Divx player and could watch something and if you wanted to keep it you could buy it, on line. Yes, it was essentially like renting with the option of owning in the end but the concept is similar to the xbox one in that the divx player was also connected to the internet, of course over a landline, this was 90s afterall, and if you wanted to own the disc you were watching you'd basically buy the software license. Of course this information was kept elsewhere and as we all know watching our DVD and Blurays Divx clearly didn't last, it was discontinued and the service went down, rendering all those purchases null. That means even if you had your Divx player, your discs and a working internet connection you still could no longer watch your purchased movies because the authentication servers no longer existed. You just had a rack full of shit.

That ladies and gentlemen is the xbox one, the next generation of divx as Circuit City would have brought it to you if Circuit City also hadn't gone down the drain. Of course it doesn't have to be that way, countries could force some end game solution onto companies dealing in the digital era if they chose, something like a way to remove DRM in the event a service goes down but we're not there yet. We may never get there.

And I should mention, I have seen Microsoft pull the plug on a lot, A LOT, of services in my time. Up until the Xbox 360 I don't think they have ever stayed with one of their weird consumer projects long enough to make it to a proper second generation. I guess you can kind of count their phone business which they kill, suspend and rebuild from time to time as long running but that's a stretch.

I don't want to go all digital, always on, until such measures are put in place and consumer rights are codified. And again, this is of no benefit to me in the first place even if it passed. I mean, all digital does have some benefits but some weird physical/digital mechanism like divx and xbox one? That has like none of the benefits of either method and all the drawbacks of both for the consumer. Even Steam's in a better place than Microsoft's because if Valve did sell out or go bankrupt, someone would buy Steam, so long as it continues to work on PCs Steam would always have a suitor, its problem is one of compatibility as it lives longer and longer, but the xbox one, one day it will be a legacy system and if Microsoft decided to pull out there very well may be no value in someone else taking over to run servers for an outdated and dead system.

Also, Cajunator, where's my devil Chiho pic already?
Lies, Tomoyo and Kyou are totally the best girls.

This is precisely why I dont like it. they cant guarantee that these things will occur. There is no way to ensure that something will be around for a duration like physical media. Companies cannot realistically make that happen. Its a pipe dream.
Its nice to be able to download something right away and play or enjoy it. I get that. but what if a year from now you are at your house with friends and suddenly have the urge to watch, oh I dont know, Bubblegum Crisis. There might be a service now that offers it and its a popular franchise, but what if it wasnt? It would be gone and you would be shit out of luck. Except you can buy the physical copy and not have this situation at all, because you just pull it off the shelf at a moments notice.
I like being able to boot up my NES and play Megaman 3. I like playing Jurassic Park on my Genesis. Im an old cranky bastard when it comes to physical media. GEt the fuck off of my lawn.

And have a penguin!


The Light of El Cantare
I'm not even a huge Nintendo fan and I'm still more excited for the E3 Nintendo Direct than any of the conferences. dat feel when you start having irreconcilable differences with your hobby :(


Muromi 10

That Malaysian girl, who for purposes of this discussion I will dub "Choi", was pretty calm when dealing with two hungover mermaids. And she was also speaking Japanese. Muromi's had eons to learn languages, but I wonder how she picked up on it. I like that shellphones are offered in several varieties, as Sumida showed, and we find out a bit about THE kraken. Namely that he's a mean, pervy drunk. The rest of the time he's probably waiting to be summoned by Disco Zeus. And the final segment was pretty heartwarming - Yeti may not have the easiest life, but he/she can get through it with friendship. Muromi's got a heart of gold underneath all that party girling.
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