A Morton.
I'd like to hear the explanation for that Corvy-kun.
Found this looking for something else. Might be of interest to the Brocures, might not!
They all look rather similar. Good consistency I guess.
A Morton.
Found this looking for something else. Might be of interest to the Brocures, might not!
If there's meltdowns maybe.
This will probably be the worst E3 to come.
Eh, probably not. What we know about what Nintendo is doing, they couldn't possibly be worse than last year. Sony could do some cool stuff for PS4 too.
And watching Microsoft continue to embarrass itself could also prove entertaining.
Man, me and games are weird now. Only game from this year that I've played is BioShock Infinite (unless you count the 20 minutes or so I played of Atelier Totori Plus), and not much at all looks appealing in the coming months. I may play The Last of Us, but other than that...I should probably just keep working on my handheld backlog and '90s PC games I've bought.
Really? I don't think it can get any less entertaining than the last couple years have been.
Okuyama's are the most outlandish of those. Very consistent otherwise.Found this looking for something else. Might be of interest to the Brocures, might not!
There's no "if" to it. Jimmies are gonna get rustled.
I'd like to hear the explanation for that Corvy-kun.
They all look rather similar. Good consistency I guess.
A happy couple on their way to their honeymoon.What am I looking at here?
Found this looking for something else. Might be of interest to the Brocures, might not!
I'm thinking more in terms of futuristic events more than anything is why I'm dreading this so much. I will like what Nintendo will show me at least, but I'm not sure if it'll necessarily save it for more than just a short burst of increase of sales, because it needs more of a breakthrough title more than anything.
MS could show a "compelling" (not to me) line up to make things work out (to fuck us over), and PS4 can go either way basically. I look forward to meltdowns, but not our future.
Found this looking for something else. Might be of interest to the Brocures, might not!
The Xboxone always online thing doesnt personally affect me because I have a rock solid fiber connection, but Im not okay with it either. It seems like a bad business decision.
I just signed up to that twitter tweet thing too.
Add me yall! @Jeffrey_Jue
Yes thats my real name.
I'm not too optimistic as to how many Wii U's Nintendo is going to sell, but ultimately while I like seeing companies I like succeeding, I'm not going to lose sleep over Nintendo's sales struggles with it, especially considering that a good chunk of their struggles are nobody's fault but there's. I'm concerned about Sony attempting the same bullshit Microsoft is pulling, but we'll just have to wait and see on that. And Microsoft...well...there really isn't any one thing or several things they could show me to make me want to buy an Xbone. I've pretty much written them off my purchasing plans for the forseeable future.
Speaking of Majestic Prince, could someone fill me in on something? I've been laboring under the impression thatIzuru ran into Teoria at the pool. As in saw her, tried to talk to her, and got thrown on his back by Daneel afterward. Except several episodes have now talked about how Izuru shouldn't remember her, so I assumed that the pool got wiped from their memories, until Tamaki recognized Daneel. Am I crazy? Did Izuru not see Teoria at the pool?
Nobody names their kids Morton anymore. If not for the fact that there is a town near my home called Morton, I would not ever hear this word. Also, fun fact: in addition to living near Morton, I also live near Roy, and both Roy and Morton are names of Bowser's Children.
Hey, I'm a Jeffrey too!
No one can spell it right ;_;
my work id says Jeffery. teacher think its Jefferey. Graduation speaker called me John.
Yeah the It people at work set my user login as "Jeffery" so I have to misspell it to login to my email. Its bullshit I tell you. Bullshit!
:ToeiFound this looking for something else. Might be of interest to the Brocures, might not!
I feel like I should go downtown and just change it to 'Jeff' someday :*
Yeah the It people at work set my user login as "Jeffery" so I have to misspell it to login to my email. Its bullshit I tell you. Bullshit!
I feel like I should go downtown and just change it to 'Jeff' someday :*
Some people at the cinema I used to work at called me Jujubee. they thought it was adorable. I would have to agree. currently people call me "chinaman", "alien", "unabomber" (because of my hoodie that I like to wear), or Jueboy. I actually like all of those names lol.
Some people at the cinema I used to work at called me Jujubee. they thought it was adorable. I would have to agree. currently people call me "chinaman", "alien", "unabomber" (because of my hoodie that I like to wear), or Jueboy. I actually like all of those names lol.
now i'm curious what kind of hoodie would lead to you being called racist names from the western times.
Some people at the cinema I used to work at called me Jujubee. they thought it was adorable. I would have to agree. currently people call me "chinaman", "alien", "unabomber" (because of my hoodie that I like to wear), or Jueboy. I actually like all of those names lol.
Jeffrey is the ONLY way to spell it. Jeffrey's represent!
I go by Jeff
now i'm curious what kind of hoodie would lead to you being called racist names from the western times.
"alien" lol. You liked being called alien? Is there some story to this nickname?
But eating crickets is more a human thing than an alien thing, unless they were moon crickets.Plus I ate a box of crickets once in there. So they nicknamed me alien.
Plus I ate a box of crickets once in there. So they nicknamed me alien.
You can buy boxes of crickets?
Since my last speed check, we are now averaging 951 posts per day (39.6 posts per hour), only a 2% decrease in posting rates. So yes, Jexhius and trejo, we have kept the pace up.
Pet shops, man. Sell 'em live as feed for lizards/snakes/rodents.
On the contrary, they're all pretty consistent except for Okuyama and Ito.
Man, and I get mad if someone so much as shortens my name.
If I ever actually land employment (lol as if), I really hope that I don't get stuck with a bunch of alpha dawg co-workers who give people demeaning nicknames as a way to exert dominance.
But eating crickets is more a human thing than an alien thing, unless they were moon crickets.
I'm not sure cajunator could open a box of live crickets in his workplace without being chewed out.
That's why you microwave them before taking them out of their container.
I would eat that.
So anyway ummm...anime yes...
So when does Date a Live 11 come out? I need it in my veins.
My favorite bugs (well, the only bugs) to eat are roasted silkworm pupae:
So good.
I made and ate brownies with mealworms in them. They were okay.