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Spring Anime 2013 l OT One l All roads lead to this

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Setec Astronomer
I don't know,
but for me a character who is just there, only know how to talk chibi chibi or repeat the last word some other character has said(we could call her echo) is bad, I think there would be better ways to give a new power up without using her, and time used to interact with her was just wasted.
Because story, and also cute.


Someone had to bite the bullet and marry Nowi.

I was gonna dump Gaius on her, but since he's a pie obsessed maniac, I think I'll dump him on Sumia instead.

Which means its up to either Libra or Ricken to do the job. Probably Libra, even though there are unfortunate implications for a priest and a little girl.


[Valvrave] - 10


This series is one of the finest anime I've had the pleasure of watching in recent times. It's a rollercoaster of ridiculousness and the creators are most certainly in on the joke. Everything is pushed to extremes whenever there's room to do so and the entire series exists in a heightened unreality that feels more like melodrama, just one taking place on a rather strange scale.

It exists in the same season as Aku no Hana and the two works couldn't really be any more different from each other. Aku no Hana revels in grey, rundown and mundane banality through the eyes of a three somewhat dramatic teenagers. There's a dedication to emulating reality - whether it be through the beautiful background art of studio Pablo or the rotoscoped animation which is designed to make the characters look more believably human or the dialogue which manages to resonate far too closely with the kinds of things teenagers actually see.


[Valvrave] - 10


This series is one of the finest anime I've had the pleasure of watching in recent times. It's a rollercoaster of ridiculousness and the creators are most certainly in on the joke. Everything is pushed to extremes whenever there's room to do so and the entire series exists in a heightened unreality that feels more like melodrama, just one taking place on a rather strange scale.

It exists in the same season as Aku no Hana and the two works couldn't really be any more different from each other. Aku no Hana revels in grey, rundown and mundane banality through the eyes of a three somewhat dramatic teenagers. There's a dedication to emulating reality - whether it be through the beautiful background art of studio Pablo or the rotoscoped animation which is designed to make the characters look more believably human or the dialogue which manages to resonate far too closely with the kinds of things teenagers actually see.
Bad Jex.. take the bottom page with pride.

I'm still gonna mention you lost your mind with the last VVV episode.


High School of the Dead 12

Stuff just got REEL. Also, figures that Pinstripe Shane would be the reason that Herschel's farm fell to the Walkers. YES! MURICAS ALL GAS CARS FINALLY TRIUMPH OVER JAPAN'S ELECTRO CARS. Cuz Murican gas cars'd work in the event of an EMP!



Man why the hell is the front gate of a rich person's house so easily breeched? Fuck, if this was Brazil EVERYONE would be fine because everyone's house is surrounded by a fucking ten foot wall with broken glass and shit on top.

Where did Mr. Takagi even GET dynamite?


Awwwww man, is that the end? I mean, I like open endings, don't get me wrong, but I don't really like open endings. Does the Manga continue on past this point? Or has there been talk of a second season? C'mon guys, clue me in here.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Fire Emblem is anime, didn't you hear?
Well the quality of the writing is about what I would expect from a harem anime. I beat it today too weirdly enough. It is mechanically completely unsound in spite of its simplicity, though the game seems to do its best to try and obfuscate as many systems as it possibly can. I have no idea why the series has garnered such a following. There are eroge SRPGs that are structurally more complex that also offer considerably more rewarding character progression paths.


Well the quality of the writing is about what I would expect from a harem anime. I beat it today too weirdly enough. It is mechanically completely unsound in spite of its simplicity, though the game seems to do its best to try and obfuscate as many systems as it possibly can. I have no idea why the series has garnered such a following. There are eroge SRPGs that are structurally more complex that also offer considerably more rewarding character progression paths.

Yes it is inexplicable how a long-running video game series published by Nintendo would have a bigger following than a porn game.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Yes it is inexplicable how a long-running video game series published by Nintendo would have a bigger following than a porn game.
The point I was making was that Fire Emblem cannot even jump over the lowest bar.



Since I assume that Highschool of the Dead is a fairly popular anime, who was everyone's final pick for Komuro's girl? Rei or Saeko? I mean, "WHY NOT BOTH" is the best answer, but if you can't, then I'm team Saeko all the way.

Since I assume that Highschool of the Dead is a fairly popular anime, who was everyone's final pick for Komuro's girl? Rei or Saeko? I mean, "WHY NOT BOTH" is the best answer, but if you can't, then I'm team Saeko all the way.

I dropped the show when it first aired, but there's no way Saeko wasn't the best girl.



Since I assume that Highschool of the Dead is a fairly popular anime, who was everyone's final pick for Komuro's girl? Rei or Saeko? I mean, "WHY NOT BOTH" is the best answer, but if you can't, then I'm team Saeko all the way.

There's an option other than Saeko?
What's wrong with Guilty Crown? I put it on my to watch list because of the OP alone but beyond that I haven't seen anything else of it.

It's the epitome of style over substance. The soundtrack is amazing, animation is great, but everything else is awful. It tries too hard to be like other hit anime(Code Geass, Darker than Black, Eva), and all they manage to do is make bland characters, with bland interactions, and a nonsensical story.

Also, it panders so hard. Every archetype, trope, cliche, and stereotype is ham fisted into it. Trying to be so many things ultimately made it poorly written.

Soundtrack is amazing though. Stop at episode 4, you've seen the best it has to offer after that episode.


Well the quality of the writing is about what I would expect from a harem anime. I beat it today too weirdly enough. It is mechanically completely unsound in spite of its simplicity, though the game seems to do its best to try and obfuscate as many systems as it possibly can. I have no idea why the series has garnered such a following. There are eroge SRPGs that are structurally more complex that also offer considerably more rewarding character progression paths.

To be fair, Awakening is particularly flawed mechanics-wise. It's not exactly the epitome or representative of the series as a whole.


I dropped the show when it first aired, but there's no way Saeko wasn't the best girl.

I really liked the show. I mean, I'm a sucker for popular things, like zombies, but still.

Saeko best.

Kincaido has best taste in best girls.

There's an option other than Saeko?

Well, I mean, people tend to think there's an option other than Misato or Asuka in Evangelion, but I can't think of one. Ritsuko, maybe?


[Valvrave 10]

Speculation and spoilers:
Prediction: what was implied certainly didn't happen at all. Saki defended herself quite easily and then set up the evidence so that when Haruko awoke he'd be left to believe that something occurred which didn't. This is all part of Saki's plan.


Not sure if this has been posted yet (Articalys really did take his ball and went home?)


There is a special trailer of Kaze Tachinu showing in all Toho Cinemas since the 8th. Its pretty long (4 mins) and spans the length of the full theme song.

There has been some controversy because Toho decided to show this trailer AFTER the end of the movie. While that might sound weird, I don't know how it goes in America or the rest of the world but in Japan its common courtesy to wait for the credits to finish before you get up to go home (they also don't turn the lights on so its hard to leave). Anyways, the complaints come in the form of basically being forced to watch this trailer and not getting to leave :lol

Toho has responded by moving the trailer to before the start of the movie.
While that might sound weird, I don't know how it goes in America or the rest of the world but in Japan its common courtesy to wait for the credits to finish before you get up to go home (they also don't turn the lights on so its hard to leave).

The U.S. doesn't have that much courtesy.

Putting a trailer at the end of a film is a puzzling decision though. When I finish a film, I want space to absorb what I just saw, not be immediately asked to think about some different film.


Poet Centuriate
Clannad: After Story 17

I don't why I'm still watching this. *sigh*

So Tomoya is basically becoming who is dad was. Sounds about right, I guess. I would too.

I hope he get's his head on better and doesn't let that kid grow up without parents.

Man how long has it been exactly?
5 years? Damn son. Talk about a time skip.

smh, Tomoya
I take it back, you're a shitty dad. Well, at least you're getting slowly better, I guess.

That was a cool way to transition in the ED


Putting a trailer at the end of a film is a puzzling decision though. When I finish a film, I want space to absorb what I just saw, not be immediately asked to think about some different film.

This is exactly the complaint :lol

The people complaining said they didn't get time to internalize what they saw and got shoved with what is basically an ad for another movie.
[Valvrave 10]

Speculation and spoilers:
Prediction: what was implied certainly didn't happen at all. Saki defended herself quite easily and then set up the evidence so that when Haruko awoke he'd be left to believe that something occurred which didn't. This is all part of Saki's plan.

Linked to the flash forward into the future from a couple episodes back? Or was that just a dream? Girl is not right in the head, and I don't give the writers enough credit for that Jex


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
This is exactly the complaint :lol

The people complaining said they didn't get time to internalize what they saw and got shoved with what is basically an ad for another movie.

Shinkai solves this by ruining your immersion with a pop song, priming you for the post-movie trailers.


Sword Art Online 8

So as of this point (judging series based on 8 episodes is a tradition now), I can honestly say I'm not getting the hate. It's dumb, and it isn't my thing, but I could definitely see a 10-14 year old me thinking that the Beater was pretty cool. On the one hand, that the action is so terrible in this show is kind of rank to me, but on the other, I put up with (although begrudgingly) Dragon Ball Z's ultra long charge time marathons.

Still, the action in this show is so terribly disappointing.

Holy fuck, two years? And I'm only 8 episodes in? And no one has cracked the game or beaten it yet, even though they were HALFWAY THROUGH A YEAR AND A HALF AGO? And Kirito is getting to literally sleep through puberty? Lucky bastard, I spent the years of 13-16 being awkward and going through Junior High. Kirito spends them fighting fucking goblins and waifuing whoever.

Also, in two years the world's intelligence agencies have failed to capture a single programmer.

The worst part, though, is I can imagine designing a character like Kirito when I was a kid. Black long coat, loner with a guilty past. I'd have eaten this show up when I was young.

AHAHAHHA, the only reason this guy is better than me is because he's a BEATER. HAAAA. Also, Kirito and Asuna have basically been dating for 2 years now.

That steak is literally twice the size of the animal it came from. Man, I WISH making stew took so little time.

Asuna is what, 14? And she gets marriage proposals frequently? Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.

Music in this scene is pretty much a remix of a song from Chrono Trigger.

Jeez, Kirito, girl is practically your girlfriend. Just party with her. I know you haven't seen them in two years, but your balls are asking you this favor, brah. Remember that virginity you bet?

Okay, so, serious question: What CAN you feel in SAO? Because apparently both Kirito and Asuna can feel Asuna's breasts, and when Asuna hurled Kirito against the statue, he apparently felt that, and the game apparently can simulate sex, but getting kneed in the groin doesn't hurt at all?

This dueling song is my JAM.

hehehehe. Beater.

So uh, when's the show go bad?

Kirito wants to date Asuna's Avatar.


Linked to the flash forward into the future from a couple episodes back? Or was that just a dream? Girl is not right in the head, and I don't give the writers enough credit for that Jex

I don't think so:
I have no reason to doubt the glimpse of the future because that future is not the kind of fantasy that current Saki would create for herself. Current Saki seems the adulation of the crowd, she wants to be famous and adored as a substitute for the fact that she didn't receive any love as a child (at least, using Valvrave's simplistic psychology). Of course, in reality, she just wants to be actually cared about by Haurto. Regardless, in the future she seems to be a lone figure, fighting for something important to her - a promise. That lone warrior stuff isn't something current Saki would fantasise about. Why would she want to be alone 200 years in the future still fighting some war? It wouldn't make sense.


The Light of El Cantare
Well, apparently this was going to be the last ever FE game or something until the waifus saved the game. Yay otaku!

If future installments of the franchise retain Awakening's degradation of traditional FE mechanics, I'd rather that it had died.
I don't think so:
I have no reason to doubt the glimpse of the future because that future is not the kind of fantasy that current Saki would create for herself. Current Saki seems the adulation of the crowd, she wants to be famous and adored as a substitute for the fact that she didn't receive any love as a child (at least, using Valvrave's simplistic psychology). Of course, in reality, she just wants to be actually cared about by Haurto. Regardless, in the future she seems to be a lone figure, fighting for something important to her - a promise. That lone warrior stuff isn't something current Saki would fantasise about. Why would she want to be alone 200 years in the future still fighting some war? It wouldn't make sense.

Because anime. She also spoke in past tense, implying Haruto dies. I could see him have a mean streak as whatever the curse is eats away at him. I could see her going off and being the one man army for Haruto.
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